No, The Constitution Does Not Give You The Freedom To Travel

The state doesn't control your person if they claim they do then it is tyranny.

It really depends on what you mean by control your person.

If you want to drink a bottle of Clorox, the state can stop you. Or, at minimum, forcibly make you be evaluated by a mental health practitioner.

If you want to eat a KFC double down and a Big Gulp Mountain Dew at ever meal. The state is "mostly" powerless to stop you.

The state can prevent you from being in public with your genitalia exposed.

The state can't stop you from wearing an Ed Hardy shirt with Crocs.

It really depends on what you mean when you say they can't control your person.
It really depends on what you mean by control your person.

If you want to drink a bottle of Clorox, the state can stop you. Or, at minimum, forcibly make you be evaluated by a mental health practitioner.

If you want to eat a KFC double down and a Big Gulp Mountain Dew at ever meal. The state is "mostly" powerless to stop you.

The state can prevent you from being in public with your genitalia exposed.

The state can't stop you from wearing an Ed Hardy shirt with Crocs.

It really depends on what you mean when you say they can't control your person.
Try using the theme of the OP.

"The Freedom to Travel for Health Care Act of 2022, authored by a trio of Democratic female lawmakers -- New York's Kirsten Gillibrand, Nevada's Catherine Cortez Masto and Patty Murray of Washington -- made an argument rooted in the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause that, among other things, essentially allows citizens freedom of travel to states while enjoying equal protection under the law. Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked a bill that would have both legally shielded the people who travel across states lines to receive an abortion and the providers who care for those patients. The blocked bill would codify the ability of people to travel without repercussion from a state where abortion is restricted to another state where it is legal."

I looked at the 14th amendment, it says nothing about Americans being allowed to freely travel across state lines -- especially for the purposes of committing a murder....this is a victory for Republicans and the unborn.....yea, I know "conservatives" on this message board just a few weeks ago were telling us how ridiculous it is to believe Republicans would actually try to block a person's ability to travel across state lines for abortions...yea, I know "conservatives" on this message board were telling us "Relax bro, bitches can still go get abortions in other states" -- but as is usually the case with Republicans, they are full of shit....

Add this to the republican smear campaign over a 10 yr old rape victim and how they essentially said she was lying and the doctors who cared for her were lying....they smeared her because if they had their way, that 10 yr old would be sitting in juvenile detention for trying to abort a pregnancy caused by rape -- because, Murica!! Now Republicans, the so-called small government folks, are going to have to explain to us how exactly do they plan to enforce this?? Will they have check points at the state line demanding to see freedom papers for every car with a female occupant?? Will guns be drawn when they suspect a woman of driving to commit a murder like they normally do when they stop a dangerous suspect? These questions need answers...

Some States still have "Dry Counties" ... Bring your own booze ... :auiqs.jpg:
If it is illegal to gamble in your State or County ... You can still go to places like Las Vegas.

All that has been going on a hell of a lot longer than The Freedom to Travel for Healthcare Act of 2022.

I have a child that is a trans person and your lies about them being pedophiles is just ugly lies you spread.
Responsible for their actions if they do what??


and for abortions to be murder, Republicans need to come out and say it is murder and give mothers the same time they give any other murderer.....but, they don't ...which tells me that even Republicans know they are full of shit...
They can go to jail for committing an abortion, as can the doctor. :cuckoo:
They're not. This is all bullshit intended to distract from the deliberately-shitty state of the economy and fuel prices.

The November suicides will be record breaking.

Did you notice the report that inflation hit 9.1%?

Funny how the media is trying very hard to keep the out of the headline news.
It is interesting that when Bush was president, the Market dropped from 12000 to 8000 (4,000 points) and the media spent 90% of their coverage on that.

To date, from Jan 1st of this year to the present day, the market has dropped 8000 points and it barely gets a mention.

Edit: Sorry, it dropped from 13k to 7k. 6000 points.
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Let me know when you ever seen me make a post or a comment about Kyle crossing state lines
You are a hypocrite AND a liar. The reason you are those things is because its impossible to defend your stupid positions without lies and hypocrisy. You are a total buffoon, a terrible debater and your positions are always weak as fuck.

Here you are whining about Kyle crossing state lines....

"one of them was a 17 yr old coming across state lines with a semi-auto rifle and walking thru their neighborhood....."

"The defense claim is that Kyle was allowed to carry an AR-15 styled rifle across state lines to protect businesses there from rioters; because all he was really doing was just hunting"

Again, how many hours devoted to the Jan 6th and how many meager minutes are devoted to the state of our failing economy?
J6 is far more important than the price of gas. The whole world is paying a high price for gas but only one country had an insurrection incited by it`s president. That`s why you don`t care for these hearings, isn`t it?
J6 is far more important than the price of gas. The whole world is paying a high price for gas but only one country had an insurrection incited by it`s president. That`s why you don`t care for these hearings, isn`t it?
No insurrection has been proven, and it is laughably alleged.

The Jan 6th thing is a dog and pony show.
Nobody is against a ten year old rape victim getting an abortion. How could they be?

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