No real supporter of Trump likes David Duke


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
This guy on our board

White MAGA Man

posts this under his posts

David Duke-Patriotic American Of White European Heritage

and it is yet another DEMOCRAT attempt to paint Trump as "racist..."

Rather, David Duke is not a "patriotic European American," he is a pompous fool, a bigot, and a VERB....

First, the verb....

"Duke" - verb: pronounced "Duekkk" - to frame someone for being racist. Every time David Duke ran for Federal Office, all you needed was a name, address, and $200 in cash, and ya got 'em....

You're a racist!!!
No I'm not
You support David Duke
No I don't
You gave money to his campaign
No I didn't


Here's the FEC record to prove it!!!

and, to quote Tom Jackson of ESPN....


David Duke isn't anyone who should be admired. He lost an easy election to crook Edwin Edwards. Then he ran for President in 1992, and failed to win a single delegate. Then his campaign got sued by 300+ who did get "Duked," and the ruling was that those folks got their names off the FEC donor list, but the Duke campaign was not liable, because.... drumroll....

The Duke Campaign was DUPED!!!!

Say that 10 times fast....

So Sheety pops out of the courtroom, declares himself innocent, and plans to run again.... not so fast...

Sheety had sold the KKK mailing list to... an undercover FBI... and then did not pay taxes (patriotic???)...
Into the CAN went the man from the Klan... to be joined later by that same Edwin Edwards....

Then Sheety got out, but not for long... Sheety was in trouble again... so he fled to RUSSIA (patriotic???)... where Vlad grabbed him by the sheet, and had him look at what happened on 911... so that Sheety now has one actual reason why he isn't completely worthless - he is a 911 TRUTHER....

So how did Sheety come back to the US with Federal warrants on him???

Sheety cut a deal with his biggest supporters... who brought him back for the sole purpose of race baiting off him....

Who cut the deal with Sheety to waive the charges and allow him back in the US without penalty???

Those who were obsessed with RACE BAITING.....


and the worst bigot of a US Attorney General in US history

So Sheety got back, and in 2016 ran for US Senate in LA.... and got MORE MEDIA COVERAGE than any other Congressional candidate in 2016.... nevermind he finished in 7th place with 3% of the vote....

and the "debate" he attended had to FUDGE a POLL to allow him in....

David Duke is a joke.

His only supporters are black homosexuals, bigots, and transsexuals.....
Umm I support free speech. I might not agree with duke but he says some interesting things
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Everyone who likes duke, likes trump


Cocksucker Obama and Bigot Holder don't like Trump

CNN doesn't like Trump

The local New Orleans TV station that fudged their poll to get Duke in the debate they were televising, they did so 100% for make the GOP look racist....

David Duke is a HATE HOAX.

Democrats LOVE HIM.
David Duke = went to prison for tax evasion

Donald Trump = had his taxes audited 8 straight years by Cocksucker Obama and was never prosecuted

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