No one is fooled.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The media in the US has probably distorted the public perception of reality to a degree where about half the population is so ideologically contaminated and informationally confused that making sense of the world is a rare event. The fourth estate in America is deteriorating into a creepy multitude of useful idiots on television that masquerade as journalists. They collect paychecks from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC to deliver what is basically partisan, lockstep, bedridden propaganda. No creativity, no originality, no proper fact checking and no redeeming social purpose other than to push a failed philosophy and chase ratings in a losing cause.

The press in America has largely been absorbed by the same dark hand that dealt us the War on Poverty and the Great society which has bestowed on our culture the notion that government reigns supreme in the affairs of citizens. The resulting balkanization of the society we live in is proof that news organizations have supplanted truth and accuracy with a blind allegiance to central planning because most of them have no journalistic skills and without a meddling, manipulating government would have no jobs.

Television journalism is unrecognizable today compared to the days of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite who were genuine journalists that rose through the ranks with hard work and developed skills. Television journalism today is infested with cardboard-cutout journalists like Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, George Stephanopoulos, Chuck Todd and others who are there not to report truthfully but to swindle us of the truth by acting as entertainment operatives of government central planning.

The arrow of time advances into the future and technology follows with emerging new paradigms. We finally have a president who recognizes that American journalism has become toxic to the future of the country. He fights fire with fire by going to the Twitterverse in an end-run on the offense of the press. They protest like Luddites who see their time coming to an end. The poisoned, politically correct American press no longer fits the contemporary technological landscape. They are the broken toys of the information age soon to be discarded because the people have had enough as we saw in our last election.

Like the Soviets they try to label the ideological threat of the president as mental illness. The people have seen this movie before. No one is fooled.
Conservatives around here have been labeling liberalism as a mental disease for years.

I guess by your reasoning, in the process, they've labeled themselves as Soviet style Communists.
The media in the US has probably distorted the public perception of reality to a degree where about half the population is so ideologically contaminated and informationally confused that making sense of the world is a rare event. The fourth estate in America is deteriorating into a creepy multitude of useful idiots on television that masquerade as journalists. They collect paychecks from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC to deliver what is basically partisan, lockstep, bedridden propaganda. No creativity, no originality, no proper fact checking and no redeeming social purpose other than to push a failed philosophy and chase ratings in a losing cause.

The press in America has largely been absorbed by the same dark hand that dealt us the War on Poverty and the Great society which has bestowed on our culture the notion that government reigns supreme in the affairs of citizens. The resulting balkanization of the society we live in is proof that news organizations have supplanted truth and accuracy with a blind allegiance to central planning because most of them have no journalistic skills and without a meddling, manipulating government would have no jobs.

Television journalism is unrecognizable today compared to the days of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite who were genuine journalists that rose through the ranks with hard work and developed skills. Television journalism today is infested with cardboard-cutout journalists like Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, George Stephanopoulos, Chuck Todd and others who are there not to report truthfully but to swindle us of the truth by acting as entertainment operatives of government central planning.

The arrow of time advances into the future and technology follows with emerging new paradigms. We finally have a president who recognizes that American journalism has become toxic to the future of the country. He fights fire with fire by going to the Twitterverse in an end-run on the offense of the press. They protest like Luddites who see their time coming to an end. The poisoned, politically correct American press no longer fits the contemporary technological landscape. They are the broken toys of the information age soon to be discarded because the people have had enough as we saw in our last election.

Like the Soviets they try to label the ideological threat of the president as mental illness. The people have seen this movie before. No one is fooled.

I scrolled down real quick to see how many more paragraphs, it was only 2, so I went ahead. Good read and spot on, thanks!

If it was any longer, it was TL;DR material.
Conservatives around here have been labeling liberalism as a mental disease for years.

I guess by your reasoning, in the process, they've labeled themselves as Soviet style Communists.

What you people have today is not liberalism, but truly a mental deficiency.

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