No Global Climate change in 100 years


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
yep, thats right, we are in the midst of the coldest six month period in a 100 years. Or since the coldest six month period on record since 1912. One complete cycle, we have just experienced an equal amount of cold as we had in 1912, in other words, its the same today as it was in 1912.

That is NO GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE, we have the same climate today as we did in 1912.

US Having Its Coldest Six Month Period Since 1912 | Real Science

US Having Its Coldest Six Month Period Since 1912

(To date, October-March temperatures are the coldest since 1899 – but they will rise some before the end of the month – and may pass 1912.)

77% of the US has been below normal temperature since October 1
Oh Gawd......wait'll the fascist AGW crusaders get ahold of this. This kind of stuff causes near strokes in these people. I cant wait!!!

Of course, anybody with half a brain knows the whole CO2 argument is total BS.
Elektra, I'm going to assume you know the geographic difference between the US and the Earth (your title says "NO GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE"), but in case you didn't get ALL the ramifications...

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That is NO GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE, we have the same climate today as we did in 1912.

So you show a temp reading from the USA, 2% of the globe, and call it global?

Your average 3rd grader could spot the error in that logic. As an adult, you should be ashamed to have said something that stupid in public.

You should do some self-examination, concerning how you partisan blinders caused you to embrace such idiot logic. If the propaganda of your masters fooled you so easily there, what other scams of your political cult have you fallen for?
That is NO GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE, we have the same climate today as we did in 1912.

So you show a temp reading from the USA, 2% of the globe, and call it global?

Your average 3rd grader could spot the error in that logic. As an adult, you should be ashamed to have said something that stupid in public.

You should do some self-examination, concerning how you partisan blinders caused you to embrace such idiot logic. If the propaganda of your masters fooled you so easily there, what other scams of your political cult have you fallen for?

Climate Change Not a Top Worry in U.S.

That is NO GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE, we have the same climate today as we did in 1912.

So you show a temp reading from the USA, 2% of the globe, and call it global?

Your average 3rd grader could spot the error in that logic. As an adult, you should be ashamed to have said something that stupid in public.

You should do some self-examination, concerning how you partisan blinders caused you to embrace such idiot logic. If the propaganda of your masters fooled you so easily there, what other scams of your political cult have you fallen for?

Climate Change Not a Top Worry in U.S.


Come over to my side...We have cookies!:D
God knock the rightyloon crap off. You're as bad as the treehuggers. Of course the climate has changed. It's always changing.
That is NO GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE, we have the same climate today as we did in 1912.

So you show a temp reading from the USA, 2% of the globe, and call it global?

Your average 3rd grader could spot the error in that logic. As an adult, you should be ashamed to have said something that stupid in public.

You should do some self-examination, concerning how you partisan blinders caused you to embrace such idiot logic. If the propaganda of your masters fooled you so easily there, what other scams of your political cult have you fallen for?

I did not call the temp of the USA Global, you lack comprehension skills.

The USA is not 2% of the surface of the earth, its 1.9%, but I digress, accuracy is discounted while making the argument for Global Warming.

As far as the insults and name calling, that is the behavior of a Bigot. Seems like a lot of them on your side.
"I did not call the temp of the USA Global, you lack comprehension skills."

You started this thread with a claim there had been NO GLOBAL WARMING in 100 years and then showed us data for the US. We're not the ones here with a shortcoming in the pertinent skillset.
"I did not call the temp of the USA Global, you lack comprehension skills."

You started this thread with a claim there had been NO GLOBAL WARMING in 100 years and then showed us data for the US. We're not the ones here with a shortcoming in the pertinent skillset.

Yet Abraham kept posting that Ivanpah was an operational Solar Plant, Ivanpah was and is broken yet Abraham posted repeatedly that it was producing electricity.

Abraham posted that Ivanpah was producing 392 mwh (using an incorrect abbreviation), that was incorrect as well, Ivanpah never ever produced even 50 mwh.

Abraham said Ivanpah had an efficiency factor of 53%, there is no such thing as an efficiency factor, it called Capacity Factor, and its 31.7%. Resulting in, if Ivanpah worked it would produce in theory 105 mwh.

Abraham, what was your response to all of that? Well, your response is in this thread, the end of the other, no facts, no admitting your errors, nothing, just cheap shots like here.

I thank you AbraHAM for the opportunity you personally gave me to show the usmessageboard users how Ivanpah is not a Solar Plant but a Natural Gas Plant surrounded by Solar Mirrors that does not work as well as how the Green Energy Fanatics will unwittingly repeat and dis-information to further the Leftist/Liberal/Democrat Agenda.

Abraham, you have demonstrated you have a shortcoming in the pertinent skillset. After AbraHAM makes all these gross errors, exaggerations, or just bold face lies and gets called on it, we see AbraHAM really does not like to admit AbraHAM's error's.

Abraham; I note you didn't revisit 392 MWhours. You don't really like to admit your errors, do you.
Isn't kind of scarry, as well as funny at the same time, that we got all these kooks who step outside and feel it getting warm, and then they get all crazy afraid, "Oh, the climate is changing, oh its getting hot", "Please stop the Climate from changing, please all powerful government, please stop the change".

A bunch of cowering whimpering dogs afraid of the weather.

Very irrational. The climate is always changing, kind of like a cycle, sort of like spring to winter, or similar to the El-Nino conditions that hit California roughly every 7 years.

So in my life I have seen extreme cold winters, tons of snow, 40 years ago, and now that cycle has returned.

Could there be another even larger cycle we are not aware of or do the damned Liberal/Democrat Green Energy Kooks really know everything? If we ask them, they know everything, they are Superior in intellect and reason, just ask them, kind of like a new modern super human Aryan race of intellects.
Could there be another even larger cycle we are not aware of or do the damned Liberal/Democrat Green Energy Kooks really know everything? If we ask them, they know everything, they are Superior in intellect and reason, just ask them, kind of like a new modern super human Aryan race of intellects.

Denialists, this conspiracy loon is one of yours. Take pride in the caliber of the people you're attracting.
That is NO GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE, we have the same climate today as we did in 1912.

So you show a temp reading from the USA, 2% of the globe, and call it global?

Your average 3rd grader could spot the error in that logic. As an adult, you should be ashamed to have said something that stupid in public.

You should do some self-examination, concerning how you partisan blinders caused you to embrace such idiot logic. If the propaganda of your masters fooled you so easily there, what other scams of your political cult have you fallen for?

Could there be another even larger cycle we are not aware of or do the damned Liberal/Democrat Green Energy Kooks really know everything? If we ask them, they know everything, they are Superior in intellect and reason, just ask them, kind of like a new modern super human Aryan race of intellects.

Denialists, this conspiracy loon is one of yours. Take pride in the caliber of the people you're attracting.

Take pride, I take pride in your response and hypocrisy, Mamooth, I love the personal attacks of Mamooth, just more verification that facts can not be disputed, and thus the Liberal/Democrat/Global Warming nuts must resort to vile, disgusting, denigration of their enemies.

Seriously, this is too great and too cool, not one of my posts has yet to be refuted.

Sorry for using the big words but I really do not care that Mamooth does not understand what I post.
Elektra, you need to learn that I won't go easy on people just because they cry. When you cry like that, it just tells me I hit a sore spot, and that therefore I should keep hitting it.

Anyways, now that you've declared victory and bravely run away, care to turn about and explain why you were stupid enough to claim 2% of the earth represented the whole earth? That's the sore spot I'm going to keep hammering on, the way you stink so badly at logic.

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