No Bragging Rights for Dems.

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well after almost 4 years controlling the Congress and the substandard results by Obama over the passed 18 months.. It's rather safe to say Democrats are in desperation mode for the 2010 election.

So .. what can we expect..

1) Blame Bush.. how pathetic is that.. I'm guessing the American people voted for results not whining and pussing out. Sheez, 18 months and Obama still can't step up to the plate.

2)The Race Card..I would expect that card to get substantial use.

3)Personal Attacks.. is there any doubt Democrat moles are working double time desperately digging up dirt for the government controlled media to blow out of proportion.

Well.. I'm sure there's plenty more desperate Democrats are willing to do to hide there dismal failures in properly representing the American people..

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