NK targets Tokyo

Because Koreans north and south of the 38 parallel were well on the way to reunification elections in 1945 when US forces outlawed the short-lived Korean People's Republic.

Go try and sell your revision of history somewhere else.
Try to revise this:

"The program of the PRK was presented in its September 14 twenty-seven point program.

"The program included: 'the confiscation without compensation of lands held by the Japanese and collaborators; free distribution of that land to the peasants..."

Then explain why Koreans who collaborated with the Japanese were being hunted down and murdered in the north while collaborators south of the 38 parallel were given jobs in police and military units?

You need to read a lot more before pretending you know what you're talking about. Better yet, go talk to a few hundred older South Koreans and listen to what they have to say.
The Chinese Military Leaders do not share the views of their people concerning America. They despise us, they despise our christianity, our bibles ( bibles are banned in China ) and our freedom.

Bibles are not banned in China. There are Bibles actually printed in China. If you visit China with your personal Bible in your luggage you will not be turned away. If you show up with 20 copies, well...

Ok, show me some direct quotes from Chinese military (not political) leaders demonstrating that they "despise us."

In fact, even as CCP big-wigs make the de rigueur political statements against US policies, they eagerly send their children to live and study here.

Still waiting on those quotes...
Go try and sell your revision of history somewhere else.
Try to revise this:

"The program of the PRK was presented in its September 14 twenty-seven point program.

"The program included: 'the confiscation without compensation of lands held by the Japanese and collaborators; free distribution of that land to the peasants..."

Then explain why Koreans who collaborated with the Japanese were being hunted down and murdered in the north while collaborators south of the 38 parallel were given jobs in police and military units?

You need to read a lot more before pretending you know what you're talking about. Better yet, go talk to a few hundred older South Koreans and listen to what they have to say.
Not one of the older Koreans I know would argue with this:

"The program of the PRK was presented in its September 14 twenty-seven point program. The program included: 'the confiscation without compensation of lands held by the Japanese and collaborators; free distribution of that land to the peasants; rent limits on the nonredistributed land; nationalization of such major industries as mining, transportation, banking, and communication; state supervision of small and mid-sized companies; …

"guaranteed basic human rights and freedoms, including those of speech, press, assembly, and faith; universal suffrage to adults over the age of eighteen; equality for women; labor law reforms including an eight-hour day, a minimum wage, and prohibition of child labor; and 'establishment of close relations with the United States, USSR, England, and China, and positive opposition to any foreign influences interfering with the domestic affairs of the state.'[2][3]"

Are you more knowledgeable?
I am laughing out loud at the hysteria. What a bunch of cattle Americans have turned into. Some fat assed kid running a shit for brains nation basically blackmails civilization for food,




When China and the US agree on anything politically, you know the situation must be dire.

It's easy for you and me to sit here and think anyone would be insane to try and nuke a city like Tokyo and provoke a full-on attack by the US but it seems we aren't dealing with someone who is all that sane.

I'm beginning to think the mentality of Kim Jong-Un is like that of every other fucknut who storms into a business or a school and just starts slaughtering people, knowing full well they will never get out alive. How do we know Kim won't try to obliterate as many people as he can before he is taken down himself? If he doesn't live long on this earth, at least he'll live in infamy as the "leader" who destroyed Tokyo.

Will he or won't he? One thing is certain: it's irresponsible to laugh and shrug off his threats. All precautions must be taken at this point.
Because Koreans north and south of the 38 parallel were well on the way to reunification elections in 1945 when US forces outlawed the short-lived Korean People's Republic.

Go try and sell your revision of history somewhere else.
Try to revise this:

"The program of the PRK was presented in its September 14 twenty-seven point program.

"The program included: 'the confiscation without compensation of lands held by the Japanese and collaborators; free distribution of that land to the peasants..."

Then explain why Koreans who collaborated with the Japanese were being hunted down and murdered in the north while collaborators south of the 38 parallel were given jobs in police and military units?

People's Republic of Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These people don't want facts gp, they want to cling to emotional fantasies and pseudo intellectual delusions.

How laugh out loud funny is the suggestion to "ask" a couple hundred street level old timers what the end was supposed to look like? Infantry and AO civilians live - and bleed and die - history, they don't write policy.
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Go try and sell your revision of history somewhere else.
Try to revise this:

"The program of the PRK was presented in its September 14 twenty-seven point program.

"The program included: 'the confiscation without compensation of lands held by the Japanese and collaborators; free distribution of that land to the peasants..."

Then explain why Koreans who collaborated with the Japanese were being hunted down and murdered in the north while collaborators south of the 38 parallel were given jobs in police and military units?

People's Republic of Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These people don't want facts gp, they want to cling to emotional fantasies and pseudo intellectual delusions.

How laugh out loud funny is the suggestion to "ask" a couple hundred street level old timers what the end was supposed to look like? Infantry and AO civilians live - and bleed and die - history, they don't write policy.
I feel your pain, dj; however, I can't help suspecting some of those clinging to their emotional fantasies and delusions are actually smart enough to know better. I have vague memories of the Korean War (I turned six in '53) and what I recall was a sense of dread among adults in my home and community that we had to continue waging war anywhere or slip back into the Great Depression. I don't expect that will work much longer.
I am laughing out loud at the hysteria. What a bunch of cattle Americans have turned into. Some fat assed kid running a shit for brains nation basically blackmails civilization for food,




When China and the US agree on anything politically, you know the situation must be dire.

It's easy for you and me to sit here and think anyone would be insane to try and nuke a city like Tokyo and provoke a full-on attack by the US but it seems we aren't dealing with someone who is all that sane.

I'm beginning to think the mentality of Kim Jong-Un is like that of every other fucknut who storms into a business or a school and just starts slaughtering people, knowing full well they will never get out alive. How do we know Kim won't try to obliterate as many people as he can before he is taken down himself? If he doesn't live long on this earth, at least he'll live in infamy as the "leader" who destroyed Tokyo.

Will he or won't he? One thing is certain: it's irresponsible to laugh and shrug off his threats. All precautions must be taken at this point.

I agree. That is no doubt one who really objects to US bombs falling on people but has no objection whatsoever to NK bombs falling on people. Everyone I know who has been to Korea during their military careers tell me they believe this whack job WILL launch a missile. If they launch it at SK our soldiers who are near the sea will escape. Those who are near the border will not. So the US IS involved, whether one likes it or not.
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What a sad pass the United States has come to. No honest leadership and less competent leadership. Everywhere.

Still, one imagines Kerry and Obama feel that strange sense of confidence one feels when one's predecessors left the arena on the run and in total disgrace. In sum, unless Obama and Kerry get an Army wiped out in the field, they don't have a lot to be worried about in comparison to men who sat on their hands while Saudi Arabians attacked the United States, then followed that travesty with two others - invading two sovereign nations with no close connections to Saudi Arabia.

Further, one imagines Kerry and Obama have the emotional restraint to avoid being photographed under a kindergarten poster covered with premature ejaculations about victory. I am laughing out loud that nutball America has sudden concerns about war management after six years of silent devotion to war mongering borderline criminals butchering US troops; that would be six years of the most demonstrably failed creepshow ever to send Americans into harm's way.

Last but not least there is probably more benefit to having Korea united under one government than continuing to let these parasites fuck American labor while bleeding the US treasury for services they should pay 150% of cost to have.
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One imagines Kerry and Obama feel that strange sense of confidence one feels when one's predecessors left the arena on the run and in total disgrace. In sum, unless Obama and Kerry get an Army wiped out in the field, they don't have a lot to be worried about in comparison to men who sat on their hands while Saudi Arabians attacked the United States and followed that by invading two sovereign nations with no close connections to Saudi Arabia.

It should be noted - as a point of fact - that the US and South Korea share the costs associated with basing US troops there, with South Korea contributing about $700 million/year.

And of course - to state the obvious yet again - we are there in furtherance of our OWN national interests, not just because we are such cuddly, lovable folks.
Try to revise this:

"The program of the PRK was presented in its September 14 twenty-seven point program.

"The program included: 'the confiscation without compensation of lands held by the Japanese and collaborators; free distribution of that land to the peasants..."

Then explain why Koreans who collaborated with the Japanese were being hunted down and murdered in the north while collaborators south of the 38 parallel were given jobs in police and military units?

You need to read a lot more before pretending you know what you're talking about. Better yet, go talk to a few hundred older South Koreans and listen to what they have to say.
Not one of the older Koreans I know would argue with this:

"The program of the PRK was presented in its September 14 twenty-seven point program. The program included: 'the confiscation without compensation of lands held by the Japanese and collaborators; free distribution of that land to the peasants; rent limits on the nonredistributed land; nationalization of such major industries as mining, transportation, banking, and communication; state supervision of small and mid-sized companies; …

"guaranteed basic human rights and freedoms, including those of speech, press, assembly, and faith; universal suffrage to adults over the age of eighteen; equality for women; labor law reforms including an eight-hour day, a minimum wage, and prohibition of child labor; and 'establishment of close relations with the United States, USSR, England, and China, and positive opposition to any foreign influences interfering with the domestic affairs of the state.'[2][3]"

Are you more knowledgeable?

More honest.

You are:

- Lying
- Don't really know any older (or younger for that matter) Koreans
- Are such a shameless shill for far-left extremism, that you would condemn all of the peninsula (and perhaps far beyond) to the horror and privation that the victims (more in a long line of history's proof that your communist ideology is a murderous failure) of that insane regime must suffer under.

Compare South Korea - one of the most prosperous and free nations on earth - with North Korea - perhaps the worst nightmare of human folly in existence today - and then justify your communist cheerleading. Your pom-poms are soaked in blood, comrade.

CRS Report for Congress
Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress

U.S.-South Korea Relations

Cost Sharing
[ page 17 ]
Under a Special Measures Agreement (SMA) reached in 2009, South Korea offset the cost of stationing U.S. forces in Korea by providing the United States with 836 billion won ($765 million) during 2012. In combination with that sum, other compensation outside the SMA provide for about 40%-45% of the total non-personnel stationing costs for U.S. troop presence.During U.S.-R.O.K. military negotiations in recent years, Pentagon officials called for South Korea to increase its share to at least 50%. The current SMA runs through 2013.


US troop strength in SK is about 27,500 so SK might be covering straight salaries and nothing else with the $765kk. That "nothing else" includes another $500kk in
basic garrison costs like health care, meals, uniforms.

Add another $650kk-$1kkk in "non-personnel stationing costs" and US taxpayers still have a bill in the range $1kkk to $1.5kkk/a on total expenses including SK's share of a grand total around $2.2kkk to $2.7kkk/a. So one of the top economies on earth pays maybe maybe 50% of the total costs of keeping them open for business while their factories compete against US factories and their goods depress profit margins of US factories.

Something is wrong here. Hard to blame Koreans for taking free money for sixty years from patronizing American fat boys stinking of hubris, beef and cheap cologne.

Fault lies at the highest levels of US policy makers and crosses every party line in every era since the 1940s. Not only is there no benefit to pissing this money down the drain, keeping the Koreas separated is political alchemy at combat-ready costs means fifty-plus years of opportunity costs compounded; with only magical-thinking net benefits to US security, and in recent decades significant damages to US labor. At current rates alone, which are far better than pre-2008 rates, total costs to US taxpayers exceed $50kkk in hard costs plus compound interest plus opportunity costs.

Did I mention NONE OF THAT includes maintaining any number of tangential defense operations? Add another $200kk to $400kk/a (2012 dollars) for fifty years or so.

NO wonder most third world poobahs look at the map of the United States and see a big cherry sucker, while many - not all - of their subjects see facilitators for street level oppression.

Here is the punch line: American citizens now feel the leading edge of third world type labor oppression. It started with Reagan's embrace of open borders and hit full speed with Clinton's declarations of open season on street level American wallets (NAFTA, WTO giveaways, repeal of Glass Steagall, CFTMA). Neither party represents street level United States citizens any more; both parties represent bloodless entities called corporations.

Until the street level citizen can step back from emotional nonsense like abortion and group rights that corporations use to divide street level America against itself, and get back to defending the American labor pool that won two world wars before being betrayed by elected officials for cash, the United States is going to continue to drift toward third world labor standards which means a lower standard of living for about two-thirds of Americans than similarly employed Americans enjoyed from 1950 to the mid 1980s.
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I am laughing out loud at the hysteria. What a bunch of cattle Americans have turned into. Some fat assed kid running a shit for brains nation basically blackmails civilization for food,




When China and the US agree on anything politically, you know the situation must be dire.

It's easy for you and me to sit here and think anyone would be insane to try and nuke a city like Tokyo and provoke a full-on attack by the US but it seems we aren't dealing with someone who is all that sane.

I'm beginning to think the mentality of Kim Jong-Un is like that of every other fucknut who storms into a business or a school and just starts slaughtering people, knowing full well they will never get out alive. How do we know Kim won't try to obliterate as many people as he can before he is taken down himself? If he doesn't live long on this earth, at least he'll live in infamy as the "leader" who destroyed Tokyo.

Will he or won't he? One thing is certain: it's irresponsible to laugh and shrug off his threats. All precautions must be taken at this point.

Ding ding ding.:clap2:
It should be noted - as a point of fact - that the US and South Korea share the costs associated with basing US troops there, with South Korea contributing about $700 million/year.

And of course - to state the obvious yet again - we are there in furtherance of our OWN national interests, not just because we are such cuddly, lovable folks.
Whose national interest, Goldman Sachs or Boeing?

Millions of Koreans from one end of the peninsula to the other were ready for independence in 1945.
The Soviets were in agreement.

Only the US stood in the way of a united Korea at that time, and there was no national interest involved unless you count the profits that poured into US defense contractors and Wall Street banks during the mass murder of millions of Korean civilians.

Your flag drips blood wherever it flaps, Fascist.
What the hell are you talking about?

Right now we're down to me baiting you and you hitting the bait harder than a carp.

Even people like me are capable of mercy, so let's take a break. Go play with the kid for a while, he's more your speed.

He will never take a break. The goal is to bait YOU into this sort of tit for tat back and forth waste of bandwidth. He's done this same thing to me, Moonglow, Buford, Oohpoopahdoo, Skydancer, GHook93, Dante, Jake Starkey, Huggy, Catzmeow, Big Fitz, Bobgnote, Blimpo, 52ndStreet, Rightwinger, Hatinring, There4eyem, Jack131, SW2Silver, Bloodline, Lilollady, Saigon, Joe B, A BikerSailor, JPTR, Joe B, Shoot Speeders, Mister Beale, William Joyce, Varelse, 4horsemen. Lonestar Logic, Friends, Matthew, Bleipriester, mememe, and now you.

You are just the latest to fall for the attention getting.

While it won't make much of a difference to you, the ridicule of fools and the antipathy of scum are low dues to pay for moving one person to think about the United States instead of their political religion, and further, to think in terms of numbers instead of corporate-propaganda fueled emotion.

A note: your list seems a little bit optimistic, but thank you for the compliment.
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(Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday stressed the United States is willing to engage with North Korea as long as it takes steps to give up nuclear weapons.

..."We are prepared to reach out but we need (the) appropriate moment, appropriate circumstance," Kerry said, adding that North Korea had to take steps towards giving up its nuclear programmes.

"They have to take some actions. Now how many and how much I want to have a discussion with folks back in Washington (about)... but they have to take action," Kerry told a small group of reporters.

...Kerry said the United States would "do what was necessary" to defend its allies Japan and South Korea, but added: "Our choice is to negotiate, our choice is to move to the table and find a way for the region to have peace."

Kerry also sought to clarify his comments made in Beijing on Saturday, which some took to suggest he might be offering to remove recently boosted missile defence capabilities in Asia if China persuaded North Korea to abandon its atomic programmes.

The Pentagon in recent weeks has announced plans to position two Aegis guided-missile destroyers in the western Pacific and a Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) missile defence system to Guam.

"The president of the United States deployed some additional missile defence capacity precisely because of the threat of North Korea. And it is logical that if the threat of North Korea disappears because the peninsula denuclearises, then obviously that threat no longer mandates that kind of posture. But there have been no agreements, no discussions, there is nothing actually on the table with respect to that," Kerry said.
sounds like he is trying to cover up his goofs, or trying to play both sides of the table.
And he appears to suggest we are willing to pay NK again if they are good.

Personally I get so sick of this. They will continue with this 'game' as long as they know it continues to work. It's like he is saying "Be a good boy and we will reward you."

(Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday stressed the United States is willing to engage with North Korea as long as it takes steps to give up nuclear weapons.

..."We are prepared to reach out but we need (the) appropriate moment, appropriate circumstance," Kerry said, adding that North Korea had to take steps towards giving up its nuclear programmes.

"They have to take some actions. Now how many and how much I want to have a discussion with folks back in Washington (about)... but they have to take action," Kerry told a small group of reporters.

...Kerry said the United States would "do what was necessary" to defend its allies Japan and South Korea, but added: "Our choice is to negotiate, our choice is to move to the table and find a way for the region to have peace."

Kerry also sought to clarify his comments made in Beijing on Saturday, which some took to suggest he might be offering to remove recently boosted missile defence capabilities in Asia if China persuaded North Korea to abandon its atomic programmes.

The Pentagon in recent weeks has announced plans to position two Aegis guided-missile destroyers in the western Pacific and a Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) missile defence system to Guam.

"The president of the United States deployed some additional missile defence capacity precisely because of the threat of North Korea. And it is logical that if the threat of North Korea disappears because the peninsula denuclearises, then obviously that threat no longer mandates that kind of posture. But there have been no agreements, no discussions, there is nothing actually on the table with respect to that," Kerry said.
sounds like he is trying to cover up his goofs, or trying to play both sides of the table.
And he appears to suggest we are willing to pay NK again if they are good.

Personally I get so sick of this. They will continue with this 'game' as long as they know it continues to work. It's like he is saying "Be a good boy and we will reward you."

Kerry says U.S. ready to 'reach out' to North Korea | Reuters
Just think how sick you would be over US missile launches from Vandenberg that splash down somewhere in the south pacific if you lived in North Korea. Korea is divided today because the US invaded and occupied "South" Korea primarily because Kim Il Sung would likely have won the planned nation wide election. That lead directly to the Korean War which has made US defense contractors and Wall Street bankers sick at the prospect of any Korean reunification that didn't include corporate/capitalist rule.
(Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday stressed the United States is willing to engage with North Korea as long as it takes steps to give up nuclear weapons.

..."We are prepared to reach out but we need (the) appropriate moment, appropriate circumstance," Kerry said, adding that North Korea had to take steps towards giving up its nuclear programmes.

"They have to take some actions. Now how many and how much I want to have a discussion with folks back in Washington (about)... but they have to take action," Kerry told a small group of reporters.

...Kerry said the United States would "do what was necessary" to defend its allies Japan and South Korea, but added: "Our choice is to negotiate, our choice is to move to the table and find a way for the region to have peace."

Kerry also sought to clarify his comments made in Beijing on Saturday, which some took to suggest he might be offering to remove recently boosted missile defence capabilities in Asia if China persuaded North Korea to abandon its atomic programmes.

The Pentagon in recent weeks has announced plans to position two Aegis guided-missile destroyers in the western Pacific and a Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) missile defence system to Guam.

"The president of the United States deployed some additional missile defence capacity precisely because of the threat of North Korea. And it is logical that if the threat of North Korea disappears because the peninsula denuclearises, then obviously that threat no longer mandates that kind of posture. But there have been no agreements, no discussions, there is nothing actually on the table with respect to that," Kerry said.
sounds like he is trying to cover up his goofs, or trying to play both sides of the table.
And he appears to suggest we are willing to pay NK again if they are good.

Personally I get so sick of this. They will continue with this 'game' as long as they know it continues to work. It's like he is saying "Be a good boy and we will reward you."

Kerry says U.S. ready to 'reach out' to North Korea | Reuters
Just think how sick you would be over US missile launches from Vandenberg that splash down somewhere in the south pacific if you lived in North Korea. Korea is divided today because the US invaded and occupied "South" Korea primarily because Kim Il Sung would likely have won the planned nation wide election. That lead directly to the Korean War which has made US defense contractors and Wall Street bankers sick at the prospect of any Korean reunification that didn't include corporate/capitalist rule.

oh please, george. We know you think America is evil. Curious, where do you live and what is your nationality, if you don't mind my asking?
sounds like he is trying to cover up his goofs, or trying to play both sides of the table.
And he appears to suggest we are willing to pay NK again if they are good.

Personally I get so sick of this. They will continue with this 'game' as long as they know it continues to work. It's like he is saying "Be a good boy and we will reward you."

Kerry says U.S. ready to 'reach out' to North Korea | Reuters
Just think how sick you would be over US missile launches from Vandenberg that splash down somewhere in the south pacific if you lived in North Korea. Korea is divided today because the US invaded and occupied "South" Korea primarily because Kim Il Sung would likely have won the planned nation wide election. That lead directly to the Korean War which has made US defense contractors and Wall Street bankers sick at the prospect of any Korean reunification that didn't include corporate/capitalist rule.

oh please, george. We know you think America is evil. Curious, where do you live and what is your nationality, if you don't mind my asking?

Oh please my ass you patronizing lamo.

Do you have something to add, or are you here to help white trash jingos wash America down the drain?
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