Nixon resigned but no one died... Obama responsible for 4 Deaths..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.
Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the break-in.
After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998. Two other impeachment articles, a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power, failed in the House.

Nixon tried to cover up the break-in... Clinton lied under other and OBSTRUCTED justice..

AGAIN no one died though!


Did Obama obstruct Americans the real cause of the 4 deaths for political gain and indirectly his re-election so he could personally enrich his Presidential pension?
Or was Obama actions one of incompetency?

Either way, there will be further developments as people will do as the Nixon staff did start covering their butts and one if not more will reveal that under the direct orders of
Obama, a false story that was presented on 5 networks by an Obama appointee to Ambassador to the UN.

Like Watergate and Clinton... this will only get worse for Obama administration because the truth as to why the murdered Americans were knowingly in harms way by the administration that did NOT provide protection and then when confronted with legitimate terrorists attack that had been predicted covered up with the video excuse!
4 Americans are dead because Obama's re-election could have been jeopardized if voters KNEW Terrorism was very much active in spite of Obama's bragging about Osama's death!
it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.
Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the break-in.
After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998. Two other impeachment articles, a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power, failed in the House.

Nixon tried to cover up the break-in... Clinton lied under other and OBSTRUCTED justice..

AGAIN no one died though!


Did Obama obstruct Americans the real cause of the 4 deaths for political gain and indirectly his re-election so he could personally enrich his Presidential pension?
Or was Obama actions one of incompetency?

Either way, there will be further developments as people will do as the Nixon staff did start covering their butts and one if not more will reveal that under the direct orders of
Obama, a false story that was presented on 5 networks by an Obama appointee to Ambassador to the UN.

Like Watergate and Clinton... this will only get worse for Obama administration because the truth as to why the murdered Americans were knowingly in harms way by the administration that did NOT provide protection and then when confronted with legitimate terrorists attack that had been predicted covered up with the video excuse!
4 Americans are dead because Obama's re-election could have been jeopardized if voters KNEW Terrorism was very much active in spite of Obama's bragging about Osama's death!

4 ?

George W Bush was responsible for over 3000 just in his first year of office.
it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.
Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the break-in.
After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998. Two other impeachment articles, a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power, failed in the House.

Nixon tried to cover up the break-in... Clinton lied under other and OBSTRUCTED justice..

AGAIN no one died though!


Did Obama obstruct Americans the real cause of the 4 deaths for political gain and indirectly his re-election so he could personally enrich his Presidential pension?
Or was Obama actions one of incompetency?

Either way, there will be further developments as people will do as the Nixon staff did start covering their butts and one if not more will reveal that under the direct orders of
Obama, a false story that was presented on 5 networks by an Obama appointee to Ambassador to the UN.

Like Watergate and Clinton... this will only get worse for Obama administration because the truth as to why the murdered Americans were knowingly in harms way by the administration that did NOT provide protection and then when confronted with legitimate terrorists attack that had been predicted covered up with the video excuse!
4 Americans are dead because Obama's re-election could have been jeopardized if voters KNEW Terrorism was very much active in spite of Obama's bragging about Osama's death!

4 ?

George W Bush was responsible for over 3000 just in his first year of office.

A) NOT all the people that died in WTC were Americans idiot!
B) Ever hear of the Gorelick Memo??? Of course NOT HERE PROOF you dumb f...k!

the Gorelick Memo would not have been needed and "C.I.A. officials of deliberately withholding crucial documents and photographs of Qaeda operatives from the F.B.I."

Known as the Gorelick Memo...
"As Deputy Attorney General under Bill Clinton from 1994 to 1997 Jamie Gorelick wrote the memo that created the now infamous “Gorelick Wall.” A 1995 memo she wrote, stated explicitly that they would “go beyond what is legally required, [to] prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.”

These rules were, shortly after their creation, expanded to regulate such communications in future counter-terrorism investigations.
It set a procedure where various intelligence operations could not share information with each other.

Jamie Gorelick’s wall barred anti-terror investigators from accessing the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, already in custody on an immigration violation shortly before 9/11.
At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall
‘Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.
Breitbart News: Big Government

Here is what Richard A. Clark, former counter-terrorism advisor for both the Clinton and Bush Administrations, testified to in prepared remarks before the Sept. 11 Commission on March 24, 2004:
“In retrospect, we know that there was information available to some in the FBI and CIA that al Qida [sic] operatives had entered the United States. That information was not shared with the senior FBI counter-terrorism official (Dale Watson) or with me, despite the heightened state of concern in the Counter-terrorism Security Group.”

NOW WHY did the Gorelick Memo and subsequent WALL come into being???

It should be noted that when Gorelick penned the aforementioned memo, President Clinton was extremely worried about ongoing FBI and CIA investigations into illegal Chinese contributions that had been made to his presidential campaign. Both the FBI and the CIA were churning up evidence damaging to the Democratic Party, its fundraisers, the Chinese, and ultimately the Clinton administration itself.
The Wall of Separation between Law-Enforcement and Intelligence - Discover the Networks

9/11 would not have occurred!

YOU WERE ignorantly bleating about what????
A) NOT all the people that died in WTC were Americans idiot!

Didn't day they were.

I said 4 Americans died directly because Obama wanted to be re-elected!

There fore the ONLY people that died NOT at the hands of Bush as the Gorelick Memo points out were NOT just Americans so you premise was Americans died and the other false premise was Bush's fault! Gorelick Memo was under Clinton dumb f...k!
it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.
Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the break-in.
After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998. Two other impeachment articles, a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power, failed in the House.

Nixon tried to cover up the break-in... Clinton lied under other and OBSTRUCTED justice..

AGAIN no one died though!


Did Obama obstruct Americans the real cause of the 4 deaths for political gain and indirectly his re-election so he could personally enrich his Presidential pension?
Or was Obama actions one of incompetency?

Either way, there will be further developments as people will do as the Nixon staff did start covering their butts and one if not more will reveal that under the direct orders of
Obama, a false story that was presented on 5 networks by an Obama appointee to Ambassador to the UN.

Like Watergate and Clinton... this will only get worse for Obama administration because the truth as to why the murdered Americans were knowingly in harms way by the administration that did NOT provide protection and then when confronted with legitimate terrorists attack that had been predicted covered up with the video excuse!
4 Americans are dead because Obama's re-election could have been jeopardized if voters KNEW Terrorism was very much active in spite of Obama's bragging about Osama's death!

Now, can you tell the difference between Watergate/the Clinton impeachment and what you’re accusing Obama of?

That’s correct: evidence – in that you have none.

And there’s another difference: Nixon and Clinton were afforded due process, whereas you’re affording Obama none.

In the insane universe of the right, Obama is presumed guilty and must prove he’s innocent.
it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.
Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the break-in.
After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998. Two other impeachment articles, a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power, failed in the House.

Nixon tried to cover up the break-in... Clinton lied under other and OBSTRUCTED justice..

AGAIN no one died though!


Did Obama obstruct Americans the real cause of the 4 deaths for political gain and indirectly his re-election so he could personally enrich his Presidential pension?
Or was Obama actions one of incompetency?

Either way, there will be further developments as people will do as the Nixon staff did start covering their butts and one if not more will reveal that under the direct orders of
Obama, a false story that was presented on 5 networks by an Obama appointee to Ambassador to the UN.

Like Watergate and Clinton... this will only get worse for Obama administration because the truth as to why the murdered Americans were knowingly in harms way by the administration that did NOT provide protection and then when confronted with legitimate terrorists attack that had been predicted covered up with the video excuse!
4 Americans are dead because Obama's re-election could have been jeopardized if voters KNEW Terrorism was very much active in spite of Obama's bragging about Osama's death!

You don't know squat about Nixon.

[ame=]Nixon Treason, Reagan Treason: LBJ Speaks - YouTube[/ame]

If Johnson's information is true Nixon caused thousands of unneccesary American deaths in Viet Nam.
awwww, I leave for 2 days and come back to health posting 6 new threads all stupid, nothing but weak arguments, sigh
it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.
Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the break-in.
After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998. Two other impeachment articles, a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power, failed in the House.

Nixon tried to cover up the break-in... Clinton lied under other and OBSTRUCTED justice..

AGAIN no one died though!


Did Obama obstruct Americans the real cause of the 4 deaths for political gain and indirectly his re-election so he could personally enrich his Presidential pension?
Or was Obama actions one of incompetency?

Either way, there will be further developments as people will do as the Nixon staff did start covering their butts and one if not more will reveal that under the direct orders of
Obama, a false story that was presented on 5 networks by an Obama appointee to Ambassador to the UN.

Like Watergate and Clinton... this will only get worse for Obama administration because the truth as to why the murdered Americans were knowingly in harms way by the administration that did NOT provide protection and then when confronted with legitimate terrorists attack that had been predicted covered up with the video excuse!
4 Americans are dead because Obama's re-election could have been jeopardized if voters KNEW Terrorism was very much active in spite of Obama's bragging about Osama's death!

Pity you guys haven't figured out what America already knows. Republicans are using those tragic deaths for what they perceive as "political gain". Bunch of creeps.
it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.
Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the break-in.
After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998. Two other impeachment articles, a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power, failed in the House.

Nixon tried to cover up the break-in... Clinton lied under other and OBSTRUCTED justice..

AGAIN no one died though!


Did Obama obstruct Americans the real cause of the 4 deaths for political gain and indirectly his re-election so he could personally enrich his Presidential pension?
Or was Obama actions one of incompetency?

Either way, there will be further developments as people will do as the Nixon staff did start covering their butts and one if not more will reveal that under the direct orders of
Obama, a false story that was presented on 5 networks by an Obama appointee to Ambassador to the UN.

Like Watergate and Clinton... this will only get worse for Obama administration because the truth as to why the murdered Americans were knowingly in harms way by the administration that did NOT provide protection and then when confronted with legitimate terrorists attack that had been predicted covered up with the video excuse!
4 Americans are dead because Obama's re-election could have been jeopardized if voters KNEW Terrorism was very much active in spite of Obama's bragging about Osama's death!

What about the hundreds of AMERICAN CONTRACTORS that died in Iraq because of Jr's unjust war?

Don't they count as Americans too?
There was nothing politically for the President to gain by lying about the attack.

This is a point that has gotten buried somewhere along the way. The rightwing propaganda machine has managed to manufacture a false premise, i.e.,

that the president stood to gain politically if the attack was falsely portrayed as something other than a terrorist attack.

Unfortunately, the RWPM has pretty much gotten away with it.
After Nixon announced his secret plan to end the war in Vietnam, he was elected, and it seems that the war continued for some years after that and Nixon lost another 21,000 more Americans.
it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.
Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the break-in.
After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998. Two other impeachment articles, a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power, failed in the House.

Nixon tried to cover up the break-in... Clinton lied under other and OBSTRUCTED justice..

AGAIN no one died though!


Did Obama obstruct Americans the real cause of the 4 deaths for political gain and indirectly his re-election so he could personally enrich his Presidential pension?
Or was Obama actions one of incompetency?

Either way, there will be further developments as people will do as the Nixon staff did start covering their butts and one if not more will reveal that under the direct orders of
Obama, a false story that was presented on 5 networks by an Obama appointee to Ambassador to the UN.

Like Watergate and Clinton... this will only get worse for Obama administration because the truth as to why the murdered Americans were knowingly in harms way by the administration that did NOT provide protection and then when confronted with legitimate terrorists attack that had been predicted covered up with the video excuse!
4 Americans are dead because Obama's re-election could have been jeopardized if voters KNEW Terrorism was very much active in spite of Obama's bragging about Osama's death!

Now, can you tell the difference between Watergate/the Clinton impeachment and what you’re accusing Obama of?

That’s correct: evidence – in that you have none.

And there’s another difference: Nixon and Clinton were afforded due process, whereas you’re affording Obama none.

In the insane universe of the right, Obama is presumed guilty and must prove he’s innocent.

DUMB F...K!! The "due process" started when the PRESS said there was a problem with Nixon/clinton... BUT
The same can't be said for Benghazi though cause the PRESS is so far up Obama's backside THEY Can't see the world of pain Obama is causing including 4 americans' DEATHS!
Nixon resigned but no one died... Obama responsible for 4 Deaths..

it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.
Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the break-in.
After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

March 15, 2013

BIG DICK'S Body-Count

"The idea that Johnson might have been the candidate, and not Hubert Humphrey, is just one of the many secrets contained on the White House tapes.

They also shed light on a scandal that, if it had been known at the time, would have sunk the candidacy of Republican presidential nominee, Richard Nixon.

By the time of the election in November 1968, LBJ had evidence Nixon had sabotaged the Vietnam War peace talks - or, as he put it, that Nixon was guilty of treason and had "blood on his hands".

The BBC's former Washington correspondent Charles Wheeler learned of this in 1994 and conducted a series of interviews with key Johnson staff, such as defence secretary Clark Clifford, and national security adviser Walt Rostow.

But by the time the tapes were declassified in 2008 all the main protagonists had died, including Wheeler.

Now, for the first time, the whole story can be told.

It begins in the summer of 1968. Nixon feared a breakthrough at the Paris Peace talks designed to find a negotiated settlement to the Vietnam war, and he knew this would derail his campaign.

He therefore set up a clandestine back-channel involving Anna Chennault, a senior campaign adviser.

In late October 1968 there were major concessions from Hanoi which promised to allow meaningful talks to get underway in Paris - concessions that would justify Johnson calling for a complete bombing halt of North Vietnam. This was exactly what Nixon feared.

Chennault was despatched to the South Vietnamese embassy with a clear message: the South Vietnamese government should withdraw from the talks, refuse to deal with Johnson, and if Nixon was elected, they would get a much better deal.

So on the eve of his planned announcement of a halt to the bombing, Johnson learned the South Vietnamese were pulling out.

He was also told why. The FBI had bugged the ambassador's phone and a transcripts of Anna Chennault's calls were sent to the White House. In one conversation she tells the ambassador to "just hang on through election".

Johnson was told by Defence Secretary Clifford that the interference was illegal and threatened the chance for peace."


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