Newt: Nancy passed me the torch.......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
According to Newt, he said that Nancy Reagan passed the torch to him...........

Newt Gingrich, speaking with reporters after his impassioned performance in Mount Dora, Fla., defended his Reagan-praising credentials by noting that Nancy Reagan said her husband's "torch has been passed to Newt."

“You want to understand why I finally decided to just go and be this blunt? In 1995, Nancy Reagan at the Goldwater Institute says, 'Ronnie’s torch has been passed to Newt. OK?" he said, via POLITICO's Ginger Gibson. "Now to have somebody who is an independent in the 80s, who gave money to the Democrats in ’92 and voted in the Democratic Party for Tsongas, to have his campaign take on a lifetime of work and lie about it, frankly I do find it infuriating."

"I think it is one of the most dishonest things I’ve seen in politics," he continued. "It is so fundamentally abusive for someone who voted for Paul Tsongas and gave money to Democrats as late as 1992 who in 1994 said, while running against Teddy Kennedy, ‘oh, I don’t want to go back to the Reagan-Bush years, I was an independent then.’ I mean at some level, there ought to be a sense of shame that a person would be this fundamentally dishonest.”

He also suggested that Romney's campaign would "melt down" as voters get to know him better.

Newt: Nancy said Ronnie said 'torch passed' to me -

What Mrs. Reagan actually said was that the torch was passed to Newt and the NEW GOP. He's trying to take all the credit when it's only partially his.

How much longer do you think he has?

I'm wondering why the GOP hasn't kicked him out yet.

Because a billionaire keeps funding Newt, Newt can't get donations for shit when you consider how "popular" he is. As far as I know Newt still can't keep up with Paul’s fund raising.

Newt IS irrelevant. The only way Newt can stay in to the convention is if that billionaire keeps dropping influxes of 5 million onto Newt Pacs.

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