Newt Gingrich: If Mitt Romney Wins South Carolina, It's Over


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Jon Ward

COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Newt Gingrich came clean Tuesday afternoon, admitting that if he can't win this state's primary on Saturday, he probably can't win the Republican nomination at all.

"If I don't win the primary Saturday, we will probably nominate a moderate," the former House speaker said, referring to Mitt Romney. "And the odds are fairly high he will lose to Obama."

Newt Gingrich: If Mitt Romney Wins South Carolina, It's Over
I dont see how him winning SC prevents us from nominating a moderate...

It doesn't. But it will drag it out.

If a good old boy from the Deep South can't even win SC, it is over for him.

So...who do you think Mitt is going to pick as his running mate?
Since Mitt is from New England, his running mate will have to be from the South or West. Preferably a swing state.

Jeb Bush?

By Jon Ward

COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Newt Gingrich came clean Tuesday afternoon, admitting that if he can't win this state's primary on Saturday, he probably can't win the Republican nomination at all.

"If I don't win the primary Saturday, we will probably nominate a moderate," the former House speaker said, referring to Mitt Romney. "And the odds are fairly high he will lose to Obama."

Newt Gingrich: If Mitt Romney Wins South Carolina, It's Over

Yes--Newt Gingrich MUST win South Carolina--to gain momentum in Florida. Gingrich brought down the house in the S. Carolina debate last night.

And that is why Newt Gingrich stated that voting for Ron Paul--Rick Perry or Rick Santorum is just another vote for Mitt Romney. None of these guys have a shot at winning the nomination--and if those voters come together and cast a vote for Newt Gingrich--this race changes overnight--and Romney may be in trouble. We'll see if S. Carolina stands up and casts a vote for a flip-flopping Mass. moderate or a Reagan conservative--this coming Saturday.
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By Jon Ward

COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Newt Gingrich came clean Tuesday afternoon, admitting that if he can't win this state's primary on Saturday, he probably can't win the Republican nomination at all.

"If I don't win the primary Saturday, we will probably nominate a moderate," the former House speaker said, referring to Mitt Romney. "And the odds are fairly high he will lose to Obama."

Newt Gingrich: If Mitt Romney Wins South Carolina, It's Over

Yes--Newt Gingrich MUST win South Carolina--to gain momentum in Florida. Gingrich brought down the house in the S. Carolina debate last night.

And that is why Newt Gingrich stated that voting for Ron Paul--Rick Perry or Rick Santorum is just another vote for Mitt Romney. None of these guys have a shot at winning the nomination--and if those voters come together and cast a vote for Newt Gingrich--this race changes overnight--and Romney may be in trouble. We'll see if S. Carolina stands up and casts a vote for a flip-flopping Mass. moderate or a Reagan conservative--this coming Saturday.

You realize that neither Newt nor Romney are Reagan Conservatives right?

Yes--Newt Gingrich MUST win South Carolina--to gain momentum in Florida. Gingrich brought down the house in the S. Carolina debate last night.

And that is why Newt Gingrich stated that voting for Ron Paul--Rick Perry or Rick Santorum is just another vote for Mitt Romney. None of these guys have a shot at winning the nomination--and if those voters come together and cast a vote for Newt Gingrich--this race changes overnight--and Romney may be in trouble. We'll see if S. Carolina stands up and casts a vote for a flip-flopping Mass. moderate or a Reagan conservative--this coming Saturday.

You realize that neither Newt nor Romney are Reagan Conservatives right?

If Newt isn't a Reagan conservative, wtf is it? Newt is the only republican to balance a budget and to push through real conserative idea's. Reagan was a big spender and pro amnesty president! I hope Newt can do better!

Sarah Palin just basically endorsed Newt Gingrich--stating if I were a voter in S. Carolina I would be voting for Newt Gingrich.

Sarah Palin speaks up. Concerned that with all these non-Romney candidates- Gingrich--Perry--Santorum--and Ron Paul--that they need to back one single conservative candidate-as they are splitting the conservative vote leading to a Mitt Romney nomination--whom she wants challenged.

Palin states on Hannity--Fox News tonight January 17, 2012--that if she were a S. Carolina primary voter--she would be voting for Newt Gingrich. She wants a strong challenge to Mitt Romney--and feels that candidate is Newt Gingrich.

the former Alaska governor is once again weighing in on behalf of an underdog, telling Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity Tuesday night that she believes Newt Gingrich is the best choice for South Carolina primary voters.

“If I had to vote in South Carolina, in order to keep this thing going, I’d vote for Newt,” Palin told Hannity Tuesday night. “And I would want this to continue — more debates, more vetting of candidates, because we know the mistake made in our country four years ago was having a candidate that was not vetted to the degree that he should have been, so that we know who his associations and his pals represented and what went into his thinking.”

Sarah Palin: I’d vote for Newt Gingrich in South Carolina - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

This may not be over yet--they love Sarah Palin in S. Carolina.
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I dont see how him winning SC prevents us from nominating a moderate...

Mitt Romney is a Moderate. He' playing up the Conservative Right's priority issues - abortion and gay marriage. Playing to a bunch of voters who appear to be more concerned with gay marriage and the function of Planned Parenthood than about whether or not Romney has what it take as President to keep this country from going broke.
Conservatives do not care about abortion or gay marriage this cycle. They are silly distractions. The election will come down the economy, the massive debt, and undoing Obamacare. PERIOD.
I dont see how him winning SC prevents us from nominating a moderate...

Mitt Romney is a Moderate. He' playing up the Conservative Right's priority issues - abortion and gay marriage. Playing to a bunch of voters who appear to be more concerned with gay marriage and the function of Planned Parenthood than about whether or not Romney has what it take as President to keep this country from going broke.

How the hell is he playing up abortion and gay marriage? The man hardly mentions them!
Conservatives do not care about abortion or gay marriage this cycle. They are silly distractions. The election will come down the economy, the massive debt, and undoing Obamacare. PERIOD.

Well you could have fooled me. Republicans (including those in Congress) have spent more time ruminating over gays and abortion than in trying to solve the gigantic issues facing everyone in this nation. Guess it never occurred to those whose every waking moment is dedicated to what you call "silly distractions" just how silly their distractions makes them look? Probably not.

As for Obamacare - is that another silly distraction too.

It would be nice to think there actually are some real Republicans left. Republicans whose political philosophy follows that of the GOP. One thing for sure the Republicans I grew up around would consider attempting to control another's personal life way out of their purview. By the way, in case you did not notice the U.S. Government expanded radically under both Reagan and George W. Bush Presidencies. Was that Obama's fault?

I'm certainly no fan of Obama. But then I'm not wearing a Republican jersey either. Neither Party has done Jack Shit except blame one another for its own inadequacies.
By Jon Ward

COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Newt Gingrich came clean Tuesday afternoon, admitting that if he can't win this state's primary on Saturday, he probably can't win the Republican nomination at all.

"If I don't win the primary Saturday, we will probably nominate a moderate," the former House speaker said, referring to Mitt Romney. "And the odds are fairly high he will lose to Obama."

Newt Gingrich: If Mitt Romney Wins South Carolina, It's Over

Well that would be best for the party anyway. Newt is unelectible. Get rid of Perry too.
Good. The whole primaries thing is making the GOP look like a bunch of idiots

Oh wait.

Yea, I see where I went wrong there.

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