Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line
Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman - ^ | 1/11/12 3:13 PM EST | By JONATHAN ALLEN and JAKE SHERMAN |

SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Newt Gingrich signaled Wednesday that he believes his criticism of Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital is a mistake — and that he’s created an impression that he was echoing Democratic rhetoric.

Gingrich conceded the problem when pressed by a Rick Santorum supporter at a book-signing here Wednesday.

Read more: Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman -
Democrats and Republicans sound the same these days because they are.

Either the GOP gets behind conservatism and repents its ways, or its time for conservatives from both sides of the isle to move on. Let the liberals decide if they want to be called democrats or republicans.
So, Ol Newt pulls the chicken switch in hopes of keeping the hopes of the 2nd spot alive?

How cynical.
All's fair after all the attack ads Romney ran against Gingrich in Iowa according to many.

Perry is even attacking Romney for "vulture capitalism". I'm trying to get a grip on it, but apparently Romney's Bain Capital did a lot of damage to the SC economy.

Hey these guys are in it to win it. Romney threw down first.

I for one am enjoying the battle. I'm sick to death of coronations.
Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line
Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman - ^ | 1/11/12 3:13 PM EST | By JONATHAN ALLEN and JAKE SHERMAN |

SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Newt Gingrich signaled Wednesday that he believes his criticism of Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital is a mistake — and that he’s created an impression that he was echoing Democratic rhetoric.

Gingrich conceded the problem when pressed by a Rick Santorum supporter at a book-signing here Wednesday.

Read more: Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman -

Yes he did cross the line. Gingrich should have immediately addressed the negative add campaigning that he got nailed with in Iowa--instead of letting it go for 3 solid weeks. He should have described his relationship with Freddie Mac in detail--and defended or at least explained all the other negative ads.

He didn't--and this is the result. If by some miracle he can pull this on out in S. Carolina remains to be seen.
God forbid some republican would think stuff like that is destructive and wrong.
Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line
Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman - ^ | 1/11/12 3:13 PM EST | By JONATHAN ALLEN and JAKE SHERMAN |

SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Newt Gingrich signaled Wednesday that he believes his criticism of Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital is a mistake — and that he’s created an impression that he was echoing Democratic rhetoric.

Gingrich conceded the problem when pressed by a Rick Santorum supporter at a book-signing here Wednesday.

Read more: Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman -

As per usual we get half a story and spin from POLITICO. *sigh*

Yes Newt did tell a Santorum supporter that he crossed the line, but let's put what he said in context.

He said that the verbage he used appeared to echo Obama's class warfare essentially. And that's how he felt he had crossed the line.

BUT this is what he told reporters at a large rally of his.

He also did not directly attack Romney's work for private equity fund Bain Capital, which critics say plundered companies and slashed jobs, including some in South Carolina

A political action committee that backs Gingrich plans to spend at least $3.4 million in the state raising that issue.

But Gingrich told reporters Romney's work at the company was fair game for criticism and rejected Republicans who have urged the candidates to back off the attacks.

"If you are going to run a presidential campaign based on a record, the record has to be open to review.

This is not anti-capitalism, that is the smokescreen of those who are afraid to be accountable," he said.

Now that's bang on the money. And for those that want to protect Romney from being attacked, well hell's bells the inside the beltway R's that are telling Newt and Perry to back off ain't seen nothing yet if he gets the nomination.

It will be out and out a scorched earth attack from the Dem side.

Gingrich warns in S.Carolina about moderate Romney | Reuters
All's fair after all the attack ads Romney ran against Gingrich in Iowa according to many.

Perry is even attacking Romney for "vulture capitalism". I'm trying to get a grip on it, but apparently Romney's Bain Capital did a lot of damage to the SC economy.

Hey these guys are in it to win it. Romney threw down first.

I for one am enjoying the battle. I'm sick to death of coronations.

2 companies out of hundreds went under. That's hardly damaging to a states economy. Not to mention those companies were on the verge of bankruptcy anyhow. It was their choice to let his company take over. Free market and all. Companies go under daily in this country yet somehow now, because Mitt was involved, its a negative on him. Those companies drove themselves into the ground long before Bain ever got involved. The blame lies 100% at the foot of the company execs not Bain.
Democrats and Republicans sound the same these days because they are.

Either the GOP gets behind conservatism and repents its ways, or its time for conservatives from both sides of the isle to move on. Let the liberals decide if they want to be called democrats or republicans.

The fact that Republicans are 90% white and mostly Christian and based in the Confederate South

as opposed to

Democrats who are white black Hispanic gay straight men women rich poor conservative liberal educated uneducated and everyone else makes all the difference in the world.
Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line
Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman - ^ | 1/11/12 3:13 PM EST | By JONATHAN ALLEN and JAKE SHERMAN |

SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Newt Gingrich signaled Wednesday that he believes his criticism of Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital is a mistake — and that he’s created an impression that he was echoing Democratic rhetoric.

Gingrich conceded the problem when pressed by a Rick Santorum supporter at a book-signing here Wednesday.

Read more: Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman -

Yeah! Newt's regretful now that the damage has been done. :eusa_whistle: He is toast!

I'm so happy that when I post an impression or opinion relative to a candidate for office, I put in quotes, "as of this post." I am mindful that depending upon how much they talk and how much more I read of them, I could change my mind. Newt's goose is cooked, in my mind now, and I am understanding why my fave intellectual, Charles Krauthammer, and others,have not been behind him. That mean and vindictive temper has not served him well. Unimaginable that he would take it as far as he has. A scary man, not to be trusted when things go awry....
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Go fuck yourself, Newt.

You've always been a left-wing sellout ever since you left Congress.....
You should be thrown in some rubber room for life that has a gun with one bullet.:cuckoo:

Democrats and Republicans sound the same these days because they are.

Either the GOP gets behind conservatism and repents its ways, or its time for conservatives from both sides of the isle to move on. Let the liberals decide if they want to be called democrats or republicans.

The fact that Republicans are 90% white and mostly Christian and based in the Confederate South

as opposed to

Democrats who are white black Hispanic gay straight men women rich poor conservative liberal educated uneducated and everyone else makes all the difference in the world.
Johnny Cash walked the line.

Dagnabit, I've gotta stop thinking of musical references when viewing headlines. :eusa_whistle:

One of my absolute faves..

[ame=]Johnny Cash - I Walk The Line (From "Live at Montreux" DVD) - YouTube[/ame]
Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line
Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman - ^ | 1/11/12 3:13 PM EST | By JONATHAN ALLEN and JAKE SHERMAN |

SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Newt Gingrich signaled Wednesday that he believes his criticism of Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital is a mistake — and that he’s created an impression that he was echoing Democratic rhetoric.

Gingrich conceded the problem when pressed by a Rick Santorum supporter at a book-signing here Wednesday.

Read more: Newt Gingrich: I crossed the line - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman -

Yes he did cross the line. Gingrich should have immediately addressed the negative add campaigning that he got nailed with in Iowa--instead of letting it go for 3 solid weeks. He should have described his relationship with Freddie Mac in detail--and defended or at least explained all the other negative ads.

He didn't--and this is the result. If by some miracle he can pull this on out in S. Carolina remains to be seen.

I think he was trying to make a clarification that he wasn't echoing OWS rhetoric that ALL Capitalism is bad, but that the conduct of ROmney and Bain were still unacceptable.

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