New Zealand coronavirus whistleblower -17% of people who took Moderna or Pfizer vaccine are dead already.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
People can claim this is fake all they want but I was told this by my friend and he gave me a few links related to the story you can see below.

Hopefully everyone can agree that we should never have lockdowns again or printing trillions of dollars in stimulus money for something that is the flu. The amount of sheer sadness and pain that this lockdown caused to people like me and affected my rehabilitation from a terrible injury to countless other millions of people around the world. Whose lives were turned upside down by Republicans and Democrats printing trillions of dollars in stimulus money

The PBD podcast told us that most of the people who died during the coronavirus, died from the vaccines.

One of the greatest examples of history of Republicans and Democrats just going along with whatever they’re being told to do would be the adherence to the lockdown, and no proper American response to the printing of trillions of dollars in “stimulus checks”.

And that is why if this thing happens again, I don’t think that there will be any kind of a resistance to it. I mean we already had it in 2020 every American practically did what they were told put on the mask and do nothing about the printing of trillions of dollars.

I’m not a member of TikTok, but my friend sent me this video above.
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A disgraceful job by Republicans and Democrats to lock us down, and print trillions of dollars utterly wrecking the economy, and the futures of so many Americans. This right here, because of the lockdowns the printing of trillions of dollars that’s why we had inflation. Of course everybody understands this. The only question is how many Americans are gonna be good little slaves, and say “it was all necessary”. Must be something to live in this country where so many people cannot afford a house or an automobile because of the inflation.
still gotta lot of friends in the medical field, even though i've retired

they didn't speak out, for fear of retribution then

but watch as it all unravels now

One of my doctors did tell me about how 30,000 New York State healthcare workers were fired because they refused to get the vaccine. They were fired and they lost their health insurance. Totalitarianism that’s what that is.

Hopefully we can all learn from this thing. We can’t let it happen again. There has to be a better job done by our government.

Countless number of American military personnel were dismissed because of refusing to get the vaccine. There ain’t nothing right about that. Thanks for your post and information. Hopefully your friends can be strong and do whatever they can to bring the truth out.
And that is why if this thing happens again, I don’t think that there will be any kind of a resistance to it. I mean we already had it in 2020 every American practically did what they were told put on the mask and do nothing about the printing of trillions of dollars.
Americans who work for what they own will certainly resist. Never again will they just step back and cower in fear because of government proclamations of doom. In fact, if the feds try locking communities down, they may find they need troops to do so.
People can claim this is fake all they want but I was told this by my friend and he gave me a few links related to the story you can see below.

Hopefully everyone can agree that we should never have lockdowns again or printing trillions of dollars in stimulus money for something that is the flu. The amount of sheer sadness and pain that this lockdown caused to people like me and affected my rehabilitation from a terrible injury to countless other millions of people around the world. Whose lives were turned upside down by Republicans and Democrats printing trillions of dollars in stimulus money

The PBD podcast told us that most of the people who died during the coronavirus, died from the vaccines.

One of the greatest examples of history of Republicans and Democrats just going along with whatever they’re being told to do would be the adherence to the lockdown, and no proper American response to the printing of trillions of dollars in “stimulus checks”.

And that is why if this thing happens again, I don’t think that there will be any kind of a resistance to it. I mean we already had it in 2020 every American practically did what they were told put on the mask and do nothing about the printing of trillions of dollars.

I’m not a member of TikTok, but my friend sent me this video above.

17%? i need a link on that. i also intend to visit the va hospital vaccine ward to see if there is anything we can do to alleviate this suffering,
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Americans who work for what they own will certainly resist. Never again will they just step back and cower in fear because of government proclamations of doom. In fact, if the feds try locking communities down, they may find they need troops to do so.

lololol covid was a test. we failed. miserably. never again will we be able to survive an epidemic as a nation.
I work exclusively with dozens, if not hundreds, of coworkers who all had to get vaccinated for their jobs

Have not heard a single story about one of them having a reaction to it, beyond a day or two of flu like symptoms. And I’m pretty sure much of that was people taking advantage of the opportunity to call off work

The only place I have ever heard about it is from online sources like this forum or Facebook link “news” stories
People can claim this is fake all they want but I was told this by my friend and he gave me a few links related to the story you can see below.

Hopefully everyone can agree that we should never have lockdowns again or printing trillions of dollars in stimulus money for something that is the flu. The amount of sheer sadness and pain that this lockdown caused to people like me and affected my rehabilitation from a terrible injury to countless other millions of people around the world. Whose lives were turned upside down by Republicans and Democrats printing trillions of dollars in stimulus money

The PBD podcast told us that most of the people who died during the coronavirus, died from the vaccines.

One of the greatest examples of history of Republicans and Democrats just going along with whatever they’re being told to do would be the adherence to the lockdown, and no proper American response to the printing of trillions of dollars in “stimulus checks”.

And that is why if this thing happens again, I don’t think that there will be any kind of a resistance to it. I mean we already had it in 2020 every American practically did what they were told put on the mask and do nothing about the printing of trillions of dollars.

I’m not a member of TikTok, but my friend sent me this video above.

Here's what I've got.

Pfizer was one of three vaccines approved, the others are the Oxford-AstraZeneca and Janssen.

Moderna isn't even available as far as I can tell.

"Find out how COVID-19 vaccines have been assessed and approved in New Zealand. This includes Pfizer, Pfizer paediatric, AstraZeneca, Novavax, and Jcovden (previously Janssen)."

Pfizer made more than half of the vaccines, according to this, 10 million out of about 17 million (for a population of about 5 million).

So, you're looking at maybe 2.5 million people taking this vaccine, perhaps a little less.

73.2% of people got boosted, 21.4% only got two lots of the vaccine, 1.1% one dose only. 4.3% didn't get the vaccine.

So, 3 million people got boosted, say half of these got the Pfizer, that means 17% of the 3 million is 510,000 people. Half of this took the Pfizer. That's 255,000 people who supposedly DIED OF THEIR VACCINE.

Yes, 255,000 people.

Here's New Zealand's births and deaths per year.

38,574 people died in New Zealand in 2022.
34,932 died in 2021
32,613 died in 2020

So, since the pandemic we've seen maybe 130,000 people die in New Zealand, and you're saying 255,000 people ALONE (nearly DOUBLE the death rate) died of the Pfizer vaccine and another vaccine that WASN'T EVEN USED IN THE COUNTRY.

Who smells bullshit?
Who knows what is true or not but you will know better of what is true or not if governments or health agenecies are NOT interested in funding long term studies of the effects of each vaccine.
Who knows what is true or not but you will know better of what is true or not if governments or health agenecies are NOT interested in funding long term studies of the effects of each vaccine.
jesus, canadian. governments MUST research vaccines, and these rna vaccines are very flexible and effective.

we might argue whether coronavirus is a biological weapon, but the truth is that there are biological weapons that we can vaccinate for, or die.
17%? i need a link on that. i also intend to visit the va hospital vaccine ward to see if there is anything we can do to alleviate this suffering,
Very little .
The Big Die Off is only just beginning .
The next three years will see matters become so clear that even the Cognitively Rigid will be shaken and Normie Deniers will steadily "see the light" .
Sit back and watch .
Keep your eyes on "Vacancies" .-- a simple way of getting a reading .
Very little .
The Big Die Off is only just beginning .
The next three years will see matters become so clear that even the Cognitively Rigid will be shaken and Normie Deniers will steadily "see the light" .
Sit back and watch .
Keep your eyes on "Vacancies" .-- a simple way of getting a reading .

lolololol reflecting on your post to me in another thread about common sense and such. isn't the "great die off" a phenomenon effecting the unvaccinated?
still gotta lot of friends in the medical field, even though i've retired

they didn't speak out, for fear of retribution then

but watch as it all unravels now

please tell tour friends that any doctor who did not act on the truth "from fear of retribution" is a coward and undeserving of the respect and salary resulting from the title "doctor."

"first do no harm." hippocrates

Clearly there was an increase in deaths, but 3,203% is ridiculous, it rose 6,000 in two years, which is high, it's an 18% increase in deaths. (doesn't take into account any potential rise in population). Maybe this is what they're talking about when they're using 17% and simply didn't understand what it meant.

But this 17% isn't going all be an increase from the vaccines either. I might simply be complications from the coronvirus on people's bodies
Who knows what is true or not but you will know better of what is true or not if governments or health agenecies are NOT interested in funding long term studies of the effects of each vaccine.

Well, we can see what is clearly false, this OP is clearly false.
Clearly there was an increase in deaths, but 3,203% is ridiculous, it rose 6,000 in two years, which is high, it's an 18% increase in deaths. (doesn't take into account any potential rise in population).



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