New York.. Time to Move Lady Liberty..

Yup, Lady Liberty should be replaced with a Donkeys Patoot.. New York has become a national embarrassment, a farce, a pathetic example of Freedom and Liberty..

The Statue of Liberty is really in NJ anyway

You would think Trump will get the chair if he loses with the way his followers are melting down. Never seen a more pathetic overreaction. At worst he will be given a slap on the wrist, some sort of fine you people will gladly pay for him and not feel the least bit used.
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You would think Trump will get the chair if he loses with the way his followers are melting down. Never seen a more pathetic overreaction. At worst he will be given a slap on the wrist, some sort of fine you people will gladly pay for him and not feel the last bit used.

This will go on his Permanent Record

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Nope, I’m laughing at the desperation of the corrupted Democrat Party losers and why wouldn’t I, why wouldn’t everyone worldwide.. and the case couldn’t be more silly headed..
Silly headed. You must be a lawyer?

What part of the case is silly headed?

Be specific please.
JackOfNoTrades crime is out of control in New York. Set aside your asinine tds long enough to get a breath of reality. Charging VICTIMS with crimes while letting perps off is a HUGE PROBLEM and the polar opposite of what the Statue of Liberty stands for
Except that's not what the OP was referring to.

The Savior has been wronged. :)
You would think Trump will get the chair if he loses with the way his followers are melting down. Never seen a more pathetic overreaction. At worst he will be given a slap on the wrist, some sort of fine you people will gladly pay for him and not feel the last bit used.
New York represents the pathetic failure of governance of the Democrat Party and morons that infect it.. All that’s melting down is the Democrat Party … maybe you should just wake up to thIs reality.
You would think Trump will get the chair if he loses with the way his followers are melting down. Never seen a more pathetic overreaction. At worst he will be given a slap on the wrist, some sort of fine you people will gladly pay for him and not feel the least bit used.
If there was a real Prog style way with Deplorables, the nation would be in crisis. The prisons housing the men and women of the Jan. 6 protest, would have been over run and they would be released. Do you see any of that? Just on principal, Manhattan would not exist. Nothing is happening. The movement left continues. Continues to world government.
Why? Just because your savior finally got his comeuppance today?

Comeuppance? For the "intent" of a ten year old clerical error? By a guy who already dots every i and crosses every t because he is audited every year?

Gee, I can't wait until we start digging into the comeuppance of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barry Obumma, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and about thirty others!

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