New York governor inching closer to legalizing prostitution

Educate yourself about legalization in Amsterdam and Nevada.

Legalization would create a human rights catastrophe in the US.
Legalization didn't work in Amsterdam. It doesn't really work in Nevada either. It's a novelty. There is no drinking or drugs allowed at any legal brothel. The men undergo a bright light inspection before the condom is applied. It's where men will bring a groom for Batchelor party.

The illicit trade goes on.
Illegal alcohol, pot, prostitution, etc., was or is taken over by organized crime.
Whenever it is legalized, then organized crime then totally gives up on it because they then can't threaten anyone and control anyone.
Your claim is totally backwards.

The illegal pot trade thrives for instance, and helps fund human trafficking.

In Nevada, illegal prostitution is MUCH bigger than legal despite legalization in many parts of the Silver State.
It’s 100% pure organized crime now, because it’s illegal.

If it was legal, yeah, there’d still be some organized crime involvement. So what? Making brothels legitimate businesses will decrease mob involvement, make it a safer environment for the girls and generate tax revenue.
Please read the links posted. TIA
When it is illegal, then hookers need pimps for protection, they have to deal with cash so have robbery problems, they have to bribe police, pay lawyers, etc.
Legalization always reduces all the problems.
It is legal or ignored on most of the world, and is much less of a problem than it is in the US.
Please read the links, Rigby.

Thanks! :)
Prostitution will continue whether it’s legal or not. It would be much LESS of a catastrophe if it was legal, with some degree of accountability and legal protections.
Not according to the links/studies posted to this very thread.

Please check them out.
The death penalty for anything is inherently illegal.
Nor would it work, as it would result in the evidence being killed.
We usually agree, and you make some good points above.

But I despise traffickers, as this thread will attest.
Historically prostitution has almost always been legal and we then have much more evidence that it has much less harmful effects when legal.
When it is illegal, it is only then we hide the harmful effects and have no data.
In fact, when it is illegal is only when organized crime takes over and reduces the income of those involved, as well as increasing, robbery, theft, murder, beatings, extortion, and all sort of other abuses.
Because you say so....

That is an actual study citing a dozen other studies. And on the other side we have you......

And you bring nothing but assertions because you have nothing.
hahaha…so more Little House On The Prairie hippy shit? Got it.
Remember…all that hippy shit you thought was cool in moral white America can no longer be cool in weird, abnormal, immoral, indecent, uncivilized, welfare funded dark America. I know that hurts your feelings, but that’s the truth.

We either have freedom and liberty or we do not. It cannot be based on if you are triggered by the color of other people's skin
When it is illegal, then hookers need pimps for protection, they have to deal with cash so have robbery problems, they have to bribe police, pay lawyers, etc.
Legalization always reduces all the problems.
It is legal or ignored on most of the world, and is much less of a problem than it is in the US.
There are people in societies that fall through the cracks. If our society can give 90% of the population a half decent life with issues, we try to get that last ten percent also. No matter how much it costs. Legalizing is wrong. Decriminalizing is negotiable. That means we do not destroy the hooker and the john. Anything criminal within that can be dealt with. And this will keep marriages together that are not too strong.
Bullshit! There's always a victim, dumbass! How about the betrayed spouse, the women who are trafficked,? Oh but I forgot, you are an off the rails far Left loon who can't wait to see paedophilia legalized, just like every other leftist in America.

Women are only being trafficked because it is illegal. Legalize it, license it, regulate it, you solve the problem.

As for wives whose husbands are stepping out on them, that's what divorce attorneys are for, and if you were keeping him satisfied, there wouldn't be an issue.

A lot of men have affairs with coworkers and other acquaintances. We don't make that illegal. We aren't the fucking Taliban.
And if you want to live your life appeasing an imaginary sky fairy, you are free to do so. Just don't try to impose it on the rest of us.
Then it comes into costs. That is imposed on the taxpayer.

Legal brothels are hellholes.

And legalization will increase trafficking exponentially.

Read the thread - it's all been discussed.

Okay, here's an article about legal brothels in Nevada. They don't seem that bad.

My side?

I'm an independent.

Legalization will exponentially increase all of the problems now occurring.

Please read the links and attempt to refute this claim rationally rather than engaging in ongoing irrational personal attacks.

I'm not plowing through 21 pages of posts to find a link. If you want to discuss a specific link, post it in the thread.

Would I want a woman I cared about working at a legal brothel? Absolutely not. Some women, though, that's a good career choice. It's what they do well.

Point is, everything bad associated with prostitution is a result of it's illegality. the exploitation of women, spread of diseases, etc.

If my employer abuses me, I have recourse to the law. I can always quit, I can always report them to the Department of Labor, OSHA, the EPA if I see stuff I don't like.

You make prostitution legal, prostitutes will have the same rights as other workers.

This isn't complicated.
Women are only being trafficked because it is illegal. Legalize it, license it, regulate it, you solve the problem.

As for wives whose husbands are stepping out on them, that's what divorce attorneys are for, and if you were keeping him satisfied, there wouldn't be an issue.

A lot of men have affairs with coworkers and other acquaintances. We don't make that illegal. We aren't the fucking Taliban.
Then let's just go total frootloops and legalize all murder, theft, arson, assault, etc. This is exactly what you immoral Far Left Shitbags want. And you want to arrest Christians for proclaiming the Truth.
Yeah, yeah….we should be able to drive 100mph and slam heroin while doing it, we should expect welfare and free healthcare…..Because LIBERTY!

You cannot drive 100 MPH as that harms other people. Two adults freely choosing to trade money for sex does not.

This is really not all that complicated if you have more than half a brain

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