New Twoofer On-board


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.

Its not funny but it is true; birds of the feather really do flock together. So it should come a surprise to nobody that acclaimed tyrant, whackjob, supporter, of Hezzbolah, and holocaust denier Iranian President Amadenejehaad has pulled up a chair at the table and--of course--will be welcomed with open arms by Creative schemes, Eots, Terral, 9/11rimjob and curvelight:

Iran's Ahmadinejad: Sept. 11 attacks a 'big lie'
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press Writer
Sat Mar 6, 1:50 pm ET

TEHRAN, Iran – Iran's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturday called the official version of the Sept. 11 attacks a "big lie" used by the U.S. as an excuse for the war on terror, state media reported.

Ahmadinejad's comments, made during an address to Intelligence Ministry staff, come amid escalating tensions between the West and Tehran over its disputed nuclear program. They show that Iran has no intention of toning itself down even with tighter sanctions looming because of its refusal to halt uranium enrichment.

"September 11 was a big lie and a pretext for the war on terror and a prelude to invading Afghanistan," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by state TV. He called the attacks a "complicated intelligence scenario and act."

The Iranian president has questioned the official U.S. version of the Sept. 11 attacks before, but this is the first time he ventured to label it a "big lie."

In 2007, New York officials rejected Ahmadinejad's request to visit the World Trade Center site while he was in the city for a U.N. meeting. The president also sparked an uproar when he said during a lecture in New York that the causes and conditions that led to the attacks, as well as who orchestrated them, still need to be examined.

At the time, he also told Iranian state TV the attacks were "a result of mismanaging and inhumane managing of the world by the U.S," and that Washington was using Sept. 11 as an excuse to attack others.

He has also questioned the Sept. 11 death toll of around 3,000, claiming the Americans never published the victims' names.

On the 2007 anniversary of the attacks, the names of 2,750 victims killed in New York were read aloud at a memorial ceremony.

Iran's Ahmadinejad: Sept. 11 attacks a 'big lie' - Yahoo! News

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
And another shovel full of dirt is cast onto the carcas of the "movement".

Its only 10:00 AM here in the West but I can tell you that when I see EOTS and others having to suffer from having their fellow turd publicly embrace them, its going to be a good day. Well, off to do some shopping.

I brought this subject up yesterday. I was gifted with a new signature line by 911nutjob as he welcomed him to the truther movement as well as openly denounced the United States government.

I don't think it will ever top his quote that people shouldn't worry about little things, like "their children," when Bush and the other 9/11 murderers were roaming free...
I brought this subject up yesterday. I was gifted with a new signature line by 911nutjob as he welcomed him to the truther movement as well as openly denounced the United States government.

only an idiot like you Bush dupes would be fans of this corrupt government the united states has.:cuckoo:sorry but I support the constitution our forefathers created,this government we have now DOESNT Slackass idiot..according to the logic of you and cornboy troll,I am a traitor for supporting the constitution of the united states our forefathers created that we know longer have anymore.great logic there slackass.
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I brought this subject up yesterday. I was gifted with a new signature line by 911nutjob as he welcomed him to the truther movement as well as openly denounced the United States government.

only an idiot like you Bush dupes would be fans of this corrupt government the united states has.:cuckoo:sorry but I support the constitution our forefathers created,this government we have now DOESNT Slackass idiot..according to the logic of you and cornboy troll,I am a traitor for supporting the constitution of the united states our forefathers created that we know longer have anymore.great logic there slackass.

Sure, you backpeddle now, but read my signature line and see in your own words why you are treasonous.

there is precedent for my conclusion:

Tokyo Rose Trial: 1949 - Toguri Tried For Treason, Suggestions For Further Reading

"Defendant: Iva Ikuko Toguri ("Tokyo Rose")
Crime Charged: Treason
Chief Defense Lawyers: Wayne M. Collins, George Oishausen, and Theodore Tamba
Chief Prosecutors: Thomas DeWolfe, Frank J. Hennessy, John Hogan, and James Knapp
Judge: Michael J. Roche
Place: San Francisco, California
Dates of Trial: July 5-September 29, 1949
Verdict: Guilty
Sentence: 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine

SIGNIFICANCE: The Tokyo Rose trial was one of only seven American treason trials following World War II.

Iva Ikuko Toguri, the woman who would be labeled "Tokyo Rose" and a traitor to the United States, ironically was born on Independence Day, 1916 in Los Angeles, California. Her parents had migrated from Japan to California, and Toguri grew up as an American. In July 1941, now 25 years old, Toguri went to Japan for the first time to visit a sick aunt. Toguri stayed with relatives for several months, attending to her sick aunt, and she was left stranded in Japan when war broke out December 7, 1941, with the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Toguri was hard-pressed to earn a living in wartime Japan, where food and shelter were both expensive and scarce, and her only skill was her mastery of English. She worked as a typist for several news agencies and foreign legations before getting a job with Radio Tokyo. In November 1943, Toguri was forced to become one of the several female radio announcers for Radio Tokyo. Although Radio Tokyo broadcasts were made from many different locations throughout the Japanese Empire, which at its height covered much of eastern Asia, the female broadcasters were collectively termed "Tokyo Rose" by American GIs. Toguri never used that name, and her broadcasts were limited to playing popular American music, with a smattering of pro-Japanese propaganda written for her by her supervisors."

Read more: Tokyo Rose Trial: 1949 - Toguri Tried For Treason, Suggestions For Further Reading Tokyo Rose Trial: 1949 - Toguri Tried For Treason, Suggestions For Further Reading
your the only one have yet to refute ANY evidence and facts that people such as myself,eots or terral shows you that proves it was an inside job in the fact you always run away with your tail between your legs and wont even attempt to address them cause as we both know,you trolls cant stand toe to toe with the evidence.
your the only one have yet to refute ANY evidence and facts that people such as myself,eots or terral shows you that proves it was an inside job in the fact you always run away with your tail between your legs and wont even attempt to address them cause as we both know,you trolls cant stand toe to toe with the evidence.

As you know, you lying treasonous shit-stains only resort to name calling and insults when cont=fronted with any evidence at all. I find it evidence of your mental illness that you would claim otherwise, not that I needed any more evidence, I am convinced.

Still, US case law does not allow the insanity defense in cases of treason.
for the last and 100 time slackass idiot,you three trolls,you cornboy and fizz agent who defend the official version of 9/11 and the warren commission that oswald did it are traitors to the united states and the constitution,and should be jailed for treason along with the neocons in the Bush administration.bye fuckhead.
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for the last and 100 time slackass idiot,you three trolls,you cornboy and fizz agent who defend the official version of 9/11 and the warren commission that oswald did it are traitors to the united states and the constitution,and should be jailed for treason along with the neocons in the Bush administration.bye fuckhead.

So I have a statement made in a public forum from you denouncing the USA and I am the treasonous one?
That's funny little guy, see ya later.
have a good time.

all i'm reading is vitirol

and the thing that really strikes me is, no matter what political stripe we're talking , they'll all admit our governance is lousy with corruption and collusion

but somebody seeks to sort it all out, and they're on 'em like ugly on an ape

I see Candy Corn is looking to join his cousin Ahmajackoff to stir the pot of shit against American citizens who have asked for a reinvestigation of 9/11 in which certain Saudi citizens joined in on an act of war against the United States. Makes perfect sense to me.

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