New supercomputer technology to improve speed exponentially

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego, will provide expertise to a multi-year technology investment program to develop the next generation of extreme scale supercomputers. The project is part of the Ubiquitous High Performance Computing (UHPC) program, run by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), part of the U.S. Department of Defense. Intel Corporation leads one of the winning teams in the program, and is working closely with SDSC researchers on applications.
The first two phases of the project extend into 2014, and a full system design and simulation is expected at the completion of those phases in 2014. Phases 3 and 4 of the project, which have not yet been awarded, are expected to result in a full prototype system sometime in 2018. Items/PR110410_extreme.html

Another generation is on the horizon.
wait I thought the Chinese had the fastest hence they will beat the shit out of us in this field? oh and the gop made it possible?

I think that you are all missing the point. The Chinese intend to compete with every advanced nation in every field. And they are training far more engineers and scientists than about anybody else.
I think that you are all missing the point. The Chinese intend to compete with every advanced nation in every field. And they are training far more engineers and scientists than about anybody else.

they can train 4-1, its been tried...they lack several key ingredients, when it comes to 'supremacy' as all totalitarian nations have discovered.....
You read what the Chinese are trying to do in the realms of engineering and education, it makes you weep.

US School math, computing, engineering and related schools are mostly turning out foreign students. US students can't be bothered. The halls and cafeteria of the school I go to are full of varios shades reading texts on calculus, trigonometry, electrical engineering etc. All the palefaces are playing farm ville or Mafia wars.
You read what the Chinese are trying to do in the realms of engineering and education, it makes you weep.

US School math, computing, engineering and related schools are mostly turning out foreign students. US students can't be bothered. The halls and cafeteria of the school I go to are full of varios shades reading texts on calculus, trigonometry, electrical engineering etc. All the palefaces are playing farm ville or Mafia wars.

all is not lost, I can assure you we still have plenty too, its not as bad as made to out me on this.
I think that you are all missing the point. The Chinese intend to compete with every advanced nation in every field. And they are training far more engineers and scientists than about anybody else.

You do understand basic math, don't you? Even if we got together with every advanced nation and trained everyone as an engineer China would still be able to train more engineers than we do. They have a natural resource we cannot match, more people than we have.
I think that you are all missing the point. The Chinese intend to compete with every advanced nation in every field. And they are training far more engineers and scientists than about anybody else.

You do understand basic math, don't you? Even if we got together with every advanced nation and trained everyone as an engineer China would still be able to train more engineers than we do. They have a natural resource we cannot match, more people than we have.

Actually, there are a lot of "if's" there.

First, their population is rapidly growing older due to their one child per family policy.

Second, the way their educational system is set up, it's very competitive. Slots are opened up and are available by intelligence and test scores. The most intelligent are NOT going into engineering, but into business.

I was reading in one of my engineering magazines about how an entire class of chemical engineers, after graduating, actually went into other fields because they didn't like the stink and dangers of chemical engineering in China. After all, they don't have the same safety standards that we do, in spite of Republicans working hard to deregulate.

The dangers are because Republicans in this country don't support education, and don't tell me they do. They don't.

Third, inventions and new technologies are moved to China because they have no safety regulations and their people, under a communist regime, work 60 to 70 hours a week for 51 cents an hour. Can anyone guess why the Republican leadership wants to get rid of the minimum wage?

If you want a good example of the Republican Party, read what right wingers on this thread say. They add nothing of any substance and have no clue. The reason they are able to make fun of those that have at least a small understanding of technology, is because they have none. I suspect several believe magic is involved in the way their computers work.
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Whereas Rdean knows it is the blue smoke inside the box that makes them work. When all the blue smoke comes out of the box, then it is time to get a new one. </sarcasm>
:lol: The Chinese give me a break they can’t even make drywall or toys without them being toxic. Some of you people give the Chinese too much credit. They are sooo far behind in the high tech fields they couldn't even launch a rocket till that idiot Bill Clinton ok’d the technology transfer to them. :cuckoo:

United States The World's Number One Innovator?
BY Saabira ChaudhuriWed Jan 7, 2009

The Global Innovation Index, a ranking of 130 countries released yesterday, calls the US the world's number one innovator. The index was created by Soumitra Dutta, a professor at French business school INSEAD, along with New Delhi based non-profit organization The Confederation of Indian Industry.

The global index ranks Germany second, Sweden third, the UK fourth and Singapore fifth. Contrary to what some might expect, China comes in relatively low at number 37, while India stands at number 41.


The ranking is based on indices such as the number of internet users in a nation, the ease of doing business and the stability of banks (that score alone makes surprising that the U.S. tops the list). Every factor is then categorized as either an input or an output, with inputs indicating how conducive countries are to stimulating innovation (these include institutions and policies, human capacity, infrastructure, technological sophistication, business markets and capital). The outputs indicate how effectively countries translate innovation into benefits - like knowledge, competitiveness and wealth.

Everyone agrees that innovation is crucial for the US to dig itself out of the current economic hole. However, innovation is a largely subjective concept. And lately the US is coming under internal criticism for its lack of emphasis on innovation. Last year, Silicon Valley entrepreneur and former CTO of Cisco, Judy Estrin, stated that the US is suffering from "a national innovation deficit." And Vinton Cerf, the chief Internet evangelist at Google said, "There is a remarkable telescoping in of vision and an unwillingness to make long-term bets." In 2005, the National Academies published a report showing that the US government's financing of research in the physical sciences was 45 percent less in 2004 than in 1976.

Do rankings such as the Global Innovation Index influence corporate investment decisions? Not much, says Jacob Koshy of Livemint. In India for instance, over the last few years, several large multinationals have made significant investments in research centers
The US also has the biggest rewards for innovation. As long as that is the case, we can continue to do well.
Actually, there are a lot of "if's" there.

There are?

You do understand basic math, don't you? Even if we got together with every advanced nation and trained everyone as an engineer China would still be able to train more engineers than we do. They have a natural resource we cannot match, more people than we have.

You have proven that you do not understand basic math. One is not a lot, and 63 is not a few.

First, their population is rapidly growing older due to their one child per family policy.

Does that in any way change the fact they there are more China is the most populous nation on Earth? Or that China has more manpower than the US and Europe combined?

Second, the way their educational system is set up, it's very competitive. Slots are opened up and are available by intelligence and test scores. The most intelligent are NOT going into engineering, but into business.

I do not care. I did not claim that their people were going into engineering, Old Rocks did. All I pointed out was that they can always beat us, because they have more raw material than we do.

I was reading in one of my engineering magazines about how an entire class of chemical engineers, after graduating, actually went into other fields because they didn't like the stink and dangers of chemical engineering in China. After all, they don't have the same safety standards that we do, in spite of Republicans working hard to deregulate.

How many engineers in the US actually work in their field?

The dangers are because Republicans in this country don't support education, and don't tell me they do. They don't.

You are entirely correct, which is why Bush never raised the budget of the DOE by 70% between 2002 and 2004.

Third, inventions and new technologies are moved to China because they have no safety regulations and their people, under a communist regime, work 60 to 70 hours a week for 51 cents an hour. Can anyone guess why the Republican leadership wants to get rid of the minimum wage?

What does any of this have to do with them having more people? Are you saying the Chinese government is involved in a conspiracy to kill off its own population? If so, perhaps you should start a thread about it.

If you want a good example of the Republican Party, read what right wingers on this thread say. They add nothing of any substance and have no clue. The reason they are able to make fun of those that have at least a small understanding of technology, is because they have none. I suspect several believe magic is involved in the way their computers work.

I do not care about politicians in either party, because they are all, repeat all, liars. It is a part of being a politician.

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