New States


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2018
Do you believe D.C. should be a state? And if it happens do you believe it could open the floodgates to current states being cut up into smaller ones politically? And would it be justifiable?
Do you believe D.C. should be a state? And if it happens do you believe it could open the floodgates to current states being cut up into smaller ones politically? And would it be justifiable?

Constitutionally, DC cannot be a state.
Easter Oregon has had it with the fuckers on the west coast.

Just a little to much human shit on the sidewalks for their liking.
The only way a blue state will be added is if a red state is also added, such as with Hawaii and Alaska. D.C. is as non-starter, but how about Puerto Rico and Jefferson?
I grew up in Jefferson, myself. Although d.c. should not be a state, if people in other areas wish to reorganize in different ways, that is fine by me.

The real breakdown is between urban and rural, and in state after state, the biggest metropolitan area controls the state.
I grew up in Jefferson, myself. Although d.c. should not be a state, if people in other areas wish to reorganize in different ways, that is fine by me.

The real breakdown is between urban and rural, and in state after state, the biggest metropolitan area controls the state.

I would be happy if the rest of red MN would break into a different state from the blue Twin Cities, which do not speak for me. This state is NOT nearly as liberal as everyone is led to believe. At a minimum I would like to see electoral votes reflect the 8 districts independently instead of a winner take all like Hillary only winning state by 70,000 votes and everyone assumes we are all liberal.
I Do Not feel represented.
Do you believe D.C. should be a state? And if it happens do you believe it could open the floodgates to current states being cut up into smaller ones politically? And would it be justifiable?

One of the worst decisions by the Supreme Court was the Reynolds vs. Sims decision of 1964, one of the worst things to affect California as well as other states.

In California we have a State Senate, which only duplicates the State Assembly (the only difference being the population size represented). Ever wonder why it doesn’t go by county, as the U.S. Senate does with the U.S. States?

The Reynolds vs. Sims ruling took the balance between the urban vs. rural counties and concentrated power toward the population centers of, in the case of California, Los Angeles and Metropolitan San Francisco Bay Area on the oft misapplied “equal protection” clause.

Therefore we have these large area masses that are dominated by these urban cores and have no recourse but to want to break off and create their own states to look after their own interests.

So you have the proposed State of Jefferson and other areas that have proposed new states. Those in power aren't apt to let go of those they control, so that plays a big part of why it hasn't happened since Reynolds vs. Sims.

And no for D.C. Statehood. It is by design a federal district.
Do you believe D.C. should be a state? And if it happens do you believe it could open the floodgates to current states being cut up into smaller ones politically? And would it be justifiable?

Constitutionally, DC cannot be a state.

Not sure how you get to that, but Constitutionally DC citizens cannot be denied representation.
Do you believe D.C. should be a state? And if it happens do you believe it could open the floodgates to current states being cut up into smaller ones politically? And would it be justifiable?

Constitutionally, DC cannot be a state.

Not sure how you get to that, but Constitutionally DC citizens cannot be denied representation.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 -
  • To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;

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