New Scott Brown Ad Hits Obama and Warren On ‘You Didn’t Build That’

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This is one of the best political ads I've seen in a long time. It really shows you just how out of touch President Obama is with traditional America and how far out of touch his party has become. Almost wish I was still back in Boston so I could vote for Brown in November.

How did we go from (Que up the Kenendy speech and on....) to slicing and dicing a politicans speech where he was praising the "unbelievable American system" we built and taking a single sentance out of context to attack. The really sad part is that it doesn't matter if it's true or not. The people who brought you the hate Obama campaign in 2008 are bringing you this shit.
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How did we go from (Que up the Kenendy speech and on....) to slicing and dicing a politicans speech where he was praising the "unbelievable American system" we built and taking a single sentance out of context to attack.

Nothing Obama said was taken out of context.
I really do not see how Obama survives this.

He looks like such a small little partisan chop of a man when juxtaposed against our past leaders - even other Democrats.
How did we go from (Que up the Kenendy speech and on....) to slicing and dicing a politicans speech where he was praising the "unbelievable American system" we built and taking a single sentance out of context to attack. The really sad part is that it doesn't matter if it's true or not. The people who brought you the hate Obama campaign in 2008 are bringing you this shit.

There are other threads devoted to the stupidity of spinning what 0bama actually said into something altogether different...

You should join the other libs who are failing at it there...

Sorry, but Barry had his Dukakis In a Tank Moment with "You didn't build that - someone else made that happen."
How did we go from (Que up the Kenendy speech and on....) to slicing and dicing a politicans speech where he was praising the "unbelievable American system" we built and taking a single sentance out of context to attack. The really sad part is that it doesn't matter if it's true or not. The people who brought you the hate Obama campaign in 2008 are bringing you this shit.

There are other threads devoted to the stupidity of spinning what 0bama actually said into something altogether different...

You should join the other libs who are failing at it there...

Sorry, but Barry had his Dukakis In a Tank Moment with "You didn't build that - someone else made that happen."

Yessiree right up there with the "Attack on Stay at Home moms", "You Didn't bulld that" will go down as one of the biggest political lies of this campaign season. The only people who truly believe it simply have an unnatural hatred for the President.
This is one of the best political ads I've seen in a long time. It really shows you just how out of touch President Obama is with traditional America and how far out of touch his party has become. Almost wish I was still back in Boston so I could vote for Brown in November.

Wow look the Koch brothers put out another add telling you what to think and how to feel.
How did we go from (Que up the Kenendy speech and on....) to slicing and dicing a politicans speech where he was praising the "unbelievable American system" we built and taking a single sentance out of context to attack. The really sad part is that it doesn't matter if it's true or not. The people who brought you the hate Obama campaign in 2008 are bringing you this shit.

There are other threads devoted to the stupidity of spinning what 0bama actually said into something altogether different...

You should join the other libs who are failing at it there...

Sorry, but Barry had his Dukakis In a Tank Moment with "You didn't build that - someone else made that happen."

Yessiree right up there with the "Attack on Stay at Home moms", "You Didn't bulld that" will go down as one of the biggest political lies of this campaign season. The only people who truly believe it simply have an unnatural hatred for the President.

You should call attack watch and report this. We can't have facts about the prez getting out. that's damaging. The correct view of what the prez said is to believe he meant something he didn't say.
Excellent ad!!!

I saw a yahoo headline claiming that Obama isn't worried about the "You didn't build that" attacks. I find it interesting that repeating what Obama said is now considered an attack. Unreal.

He revealed his true ideology and he was pandering to those who live off those who supposedly "didn't build that." We all have the same opportunity to use what is available in this country. If some don't, it's on them and they can't lay blame elsewhere.
How did we go from (Que up the Kenendy speech and on....) to slicing and dicing a politicans speech where he was praising the "unbelievable American system" we built and taking a single sentance out of context to attack. The really sad part is that it doesn't matter if it's true or not. The people who brought you the hate Obama campaign in 2008 are bringing you this shit.

There are other threads devoted to the stupidity of spinning what 0bama actually said into something altogether different...

You should join the other libs who are failing at it there...

Sorry, but Barry had his Dukakis In a Tank Moment with "You didn't build that - someone else made that happen."

Yessiree right up there with the "Attack on Stay at Home moms", "You Didn't bulld that" will go down as one of the biggest political lies of this campaign season.
I don't know... The "War on Women" lie from y'all was up there pretty high...

The only people who truly believe it simply have an unnatural hatred for the President.
Ahhh... Absolutes... The "go to" reply of the desperate...:thup:
This is one of the best political ads I've seen in a long time. It really shows you just how out of touch President Obama is with traditional America and how far out of touch his party has become. Almost wish I was still back in Boston so I could vote for Brown in November.

Great video...and truthful to boot....Lemonade went from 3 cents to 25 cents in the course of 2.5 minutes!
This is one of the best political ads I've seen in a long time. It really shows you just how out of touch President Obama is with traditional America and how far out of touch his party has become. Almost wish I was still back in Boston so I could vote for Brown in November.

Wow look the Koch brothers put out another add telling you what to think and how to feel.

Sorta like Barack Hussein telling people not to watch Fox News...not to listen to talk radio (cause there is no successful liberal talk radio)

What a fucking joke Obama is!
How did we go from (Que up the Kenendy speech and on....) to slicing and dicing a politicans speech where he was praising the "unbelievable American system" we built and taking a single sentance out of context to attack. The really sad part is that it doesn't matter if it's true or not. The people who brought you the hate Obama campaign in 2008 are bringing you this shit.

Listen to or read the whole speech. Obama said exactly what he said. He thinks that the government makes businesses great. He is full of himself and his fucked up Marxist mentality.
Is this Obamma's Willie Howard moment??

I really do think this could turn the tide,the uproar is not receding its growing.

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