New Republicans are C.I.N.O's

Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
--------------------------------- 'repubs' aren't and never were 'conservative' going by my understanding of the word . I'm talking from the mid eighties with 'reagans amnesty' when i first really started really taking notice of the so called 'conservative republican party ' . I say , build the WALL , build USA Military and Militarize the USA Southern Border , Go TRUMP FrankT.
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".

It was supposed to be built after Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty. That's how overdue it is.
Hasn't been built because everyone knows how big of a waste of money it is. It is a symbol for government wasteful spending.

Uhh, excuse me, dumbass, the wall has already been funded 3x, Congress has already spent the money for it 3x.
1st post
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.

The damage done to the country by Democrats over the last thirty years or so and most recently by Obama and his batch of nutcases requires resources to be initially mitigated and ultimately remedied. That's just how it is.

It appears by way of NeverTrumpers like McCain, Flake and the Bush mob that it's the Old Guard establishment Republicans who strayed from the philosophy, or were simply Democrats to one degree or another to begin with. follow your "logic"......

Even though you're doing the opposite of what you claim to stand for....that's "just how it is"?!?!?! It's the 'Democrats fault' because you say it is?!?! There some lock-step logic for you?!

Might be the dumbest god****ed thing I've ever heard. Some people truly are too stupid to vote.
how much of things were obamas fault just because someone said it was?
trumps fault? same thing.

angry people do things to appease that anger. everything going wrong floats to the top unless it's your guy in charge then we must understand the situation.

people seldom think in as much react. reacting never really allows analysis just bases your actions on known or approved of things in our own mind. but it's hardly what we should be doing first when it comes to politics.
I agree on how people react without thinking....that doesn't make it correct, however.
it usually isn't. but asking people to think is usually insulting because they did long ago and that's how they arrived at their mindset. my mindset changes as the evidence and situations change. i guess not many people do that also.

but the reacting w/o thinking is a *human* trait, not left or right.
I wouldn't call it a trait....but, if it is, we need to become more analytical and look at actual facts and not innuendo.
Nope. I supported Bush because the alternatives offered, and his opponents while in office were totally unacceptable. His daddy right through Obama were all globalists, as were the alternatives. It was simply a matter of degree.

Now the masks are off, and look how chummy they all are.

The Freedom Caucus is a good defensive line.
Do you support spending hundreds of billions of dollars to build a wall along the southern border?

Hundreds? No. Why are you going all hyperbolic?

I would like to see a wall, yes, along with - this being an issue of national security - troops stationed at the southern border.

I would also like to see a biometric national ID system installed. Without either a citizen or guest ID you can do no business in the United States. No employment, no housing, no licenses of any kind, no government aid, no bank account, no nothing.
Okay....then how do we pay for a wall, the lawsuits that will result from it, the upkeep, national security, national ID system, enforcement agencies......AND GIVE BILLIONS away in tax cuts to Trump and the uber-wealthy? HOW do those things go together?

Maybe put an end to such "Progressive" nonsense as adding to your deficit to run an expensive flophouse to cover the failure of other nations to take care of their own people.
The cost of illegal immigration is a drop in the bucket when compared to the cost(s) of the tax cuts to the uber wealthy that will never make it back into the US economy.

Your admittance to failing to become one of the uber-wealthy is driving me to depths of depression heretofore unseen. Such a sad story. :auiqs.jpg:
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
--------------------------------- 'repubs' aren't and never were 'conservative' going by my understanding of the word . I'm talking from the mid eighties with 'reagans amnesty' when i first really started really taking notice of the so called 'conservative republican party ' . I say , build the WALL , build USA Military and Militarize the USA Southern Border , Go TRUMP FrankT.
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".

It was supposed to be built after Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty. That's how overdue it is.
Hasn't been built because everyone knows how big of a waste of money it is. It is a symbol for government wasteful spending.

Uhh, excuse me, dumbass, the wall has already been funded 3x, Congress has already spent the money for it 3x.
Complete lie.
--------------------------------- 'repubs' aren't and never were 'conservative' going by my understanding of the word . I'm talking from the mid eighties with 'reagans amnesty' when i first really started really taking notice of the so called 'conservative republican party ' . I say , build the WALL , build USA Military and Militarize the USA Southern Border , Go TRUMP FrankT.
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".

It was supposed to be built after Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty. That's how overdue it is.
Hasn't been built because everyone knows how big of a waste of money it is. It is a symbol for government wasteful spending.

Uhh, excuse me, dumbass, the wall has already been funded 3x, Congress has already spent the money for it 3x.
Complete lie.

Not at all. I happen to know history, faggot. I've lived it.
Do you support spending hundreds of billions of dollars to build a wall along the southern border?

Hundreds? No. Why are you going all hyperbolic?

I would like to see a wall, yes, along with - this being an issue of national security - troops stationed at the southern border.

I would also like to see a biometric national ID system installed. Without either a citizen or guest ID you can do no business in the United States. No employment, no housing, no licenses of any kind, no government aid, no bank account, no nothing.
Okay....then how do we pay for a wall, the lawsuits that will result from it, the upkeep, national security, national ID system, enforcement agencies......AND GIVE BILLIONS away in tax cuts to Trump and the uber-wealthy? HOW do those things go together?

Maybe put an end to such "Progressive" nonsense as adding to your deficit to run an expensive flophouse to cover the failure of other nations to take care of their own people.
The cost of illegal immigration is a drop in the bucket when compared to the cost(s) of the tax cuts to the uber wealthy that will never make it back into the US economy.

Your admittance to failing to become one of the uber-wealthy is driving me to depths of depression heretofore unseen. Such a sad story. :auiqs.jpg:
Actually doing quite well for myself.....but, I can recognize really stupid macroeconomic policy when it is passed.
5th post
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
--------------------------------- 'repubs' aren't and never were 'conservative' going by my understanding of the word . I'm talking from the mid eighties with 'reagans amnesty' when i first really started really taking notice of the so called 'conservative republican party ' . I say , build the WALL , build USA Military and Militarize the USA Southern Border , Go TRUMP FrankT.
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".
----------------------------------------- course i don't like either legal or illegal immigration and i say that simply for the record . The only difference is a choice or words that government defines and then decides which word to use as the USA fills up with 'third world imports' FrankT .
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".

It was supposed to be built after Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty. That's how overdue it is.
Hasn't been built because everyone knows how big of a waste of money it is. It is a symbol for government wasteful spending.

Uhh, excuse me, dumbass, the wall has already been funded 3x, Congress has already spent the money for it 3x.
Complete lie.

Not at all. I happen to know history, faggot. I've lived it.
You know diddly......I've seen it.
The damage done to the country by Democrats over the last thirty years or so and most recently by Obama and his batch of nutcases requires resources to be initially mitigated and ultimately remedied. That's just how it is.

It appears by way of NeverTrumpers like McCain, Flake and the Bush mob that it's the Old Guard establishment Republicans who strayed from the philosophy, or were simply Democrats to one degree or another to begin with. follow your "logic"......

Even though you're doing the opposite of what you claim to stand for....that's "just how it is"?!?!?! It's the 'Democrats fault' because you say it is?!?! There some lock-step logic for you?!

Might be the dumbest god****ed thing I've ever heard. Some people truly are too stupid to vote.
how much of things were obamas fault just because someone said it was?
trumps fault? same thing.

angry people do things to appease that anger. everything going wrong floats to the top unless it's your guy in charge then we must understand the situation.

people seldom think in as much react. reacting never really allows analysis just bases your actions on known or approved of things in our own mind. but it's hardly what we should be doing first when it comes to politics.
I agree on how people react without thinking....that doesn't make it correct, however.
it usually isn't. but asking people to think is usually insulting because they did long ago and that's how they arrived at their mindset. my mindset changes as the evidence and situations change. i guess not many people do that also.

but the reacting w/o thinking is a *human* trait, not left or right.
I wouldn't call it a trait....but, if it is, we need to become more analytical and look at actual facts and not innuendo.
certainly. but i think reaction is common to us all and we have to stop ourselves and look at things again with an open mind. our tendency is to look at things and how it can fall to our perception. left/right/black/white/straight/gay - all do this. takes a major effort and reach to a "higher level" to dig deeper and put aside our comfort zone of thought.
Hundreds? No. Why are you going all hyperbolic?

I would like to see a wall, yes, along with - this being an issue of national security - troops stationed at the southern border.

I would also like to see a biometric national ID system installed. Without either a citizen or guest ID you can do no business in the United States. No employment, no housing, no licenses of any kind, no government aid, no bank account, no nothing.
Okay....then how do we pay for a wall, the lawsuits that will result from it, the upkeep, national security, national ID system, enforcement agencies......AND GIVE BILLIONS away in tax cuts to Trump and the uber-wealthy? HOW do those things go together?

Maybe put an end to such "Progressive" nonsense as adding to your deficit to run an expensive flophouse to cover the failure of other nations to take care of their own people.
The cost of illegal immigration is a drop in the bucket when compared to the cost(s) of the tax cuts to the uber wealthy that will never make it back into the US economy.

Your admittance to failing to become one of the uber-wealthy is driving me to depths of depression heretofore unseen. Such a sad story. :auiqs.jpg:
Actually doing quite well for myself.....but, I can recognize really stupid macroeconomic policy when it is passed.

Like planting sorghum for biofuel experiments and then just abandoning the project because it was really just a funneling of taxpayer money to your buddies? Yeah, Obama did that. That was one of the "stimulus" things. Look out, bitchboi, I've had coffee now.
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
--------------------------------- 'repubs' aren't and never were 'conservative' going by my understanding of the word . I'm talking from the mid eighties with 'reagans amnesty' when i first really started really taking notice of the so called 'conservative republican party ' . I say , build the WALL , build USA Military and Militarize the USA Southern Border , Go TRUMP FrankT.
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".
----------------------------------------- course i don't like either legal or illegal immigration and i say that simply for the record . The only difference is a choice or words that government defines and then decides which word to use as the USA fills up with 'third world imports' FrankT .
Not sure why you're against legal immigration? After all, that is how the country was built in the first place.

'Third world imports'?!?!??! Where do you get this?
10th post
Okay....then how do we pay for a wall, the lawsuits that will result from it, the upkeep, national security, national ID system, enforcement agencies......AND GIVE BILLIONS away in tax cuts to Trump and the uber-wealthy? HOW do those things go together?

Maybe put an end to such "Progressive" nonsense as adding to your deficit to run an expensive flophouse to cover the failure of other nations to take care of their own people.
The cost of illegal immigration is a drop in the bucket when compared to the cost(s) of the tax cuts to the uber wealthy that will never make it back into the US economy.

Your admittance to failing to become one of the uber-wealthy is driving me to depths of depression heretofore unseen. Such a sad story. :auiqs.jpg:
Actually doing quite well for myself.....but, I can recognize really stupid macroeconomic policy when it is passed.

Like planting sorghum for biofuel experiments and then just abandoning the project because it was really just a funneling of taxpayer money to your buddies? Yeah, Obama did that.
Again, complete lie. At least you're consistent. Let me guess.......Alex Jones listener! HA!

Great way to NOT defend Trump, however. Nice dodge.....
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.

The damage done to the country by Democrats over the last thirty years or so and most recently by Obama and his batch of nutcases requires resources to be initially mitigated and ultimately remedied. That's just how it is.

It appears by way of NeverTrumpers like McCain, Flake and the Bush mob that it's the Old Guard establishment Republicans who strayed from the philosophy, or were simply Democrats to one degree or another to begin with.
Now billy! You supported Bush to your very quick, and now include him in the Republicans that disappoint you, and because of the ascendance of Trump you now see those you name as being 1 degree from being Democrats? Am I reading you wrong? Or have you not noticed the slip-slide into a more strident intolerance. Have you fallen into the Freedom Caucus fringe camp?

Nope. I supported Bush because the alternatives offered, and his opponents while in office were totally unacceptable. His daddy right through Obama were all globalists, as were the alternatives. It was simply a matter of degree.

Now the masks are off, and look how chummy they all are.

The Freedom Caucus is a good defensive line.
Do you support spending hundreds of billions of dollars to build a wall along the southern border?

Hundreds of billions?

You can't even come close to the correct figure! You are a joke!
My disdain for Democrats and their leftist organ-grinder monkeys arises from their idiot philosophies and totalitarian behavior.

My politic is issue-driven. I am not, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be a member of any political party. I am liberal by classical definition.

You are wrong because you accept what you have been told, which is wrong.

We've been running a deficit since Alexander Hamilton. Grow up.
So just what do you stand for? Do you support the current President and what he has done with tax policy and the deficit?

I support that which produces desired results.
What the **** is that supposed to mean? A great non-answer for someone who doesn't stand for a god****ed thing.

Therefore, according to this support legislation that makes it more difficult for Americans to vote, because that was its intent...correct?

What legislation makes it more difficult to vote?
Republican legislation across the country has been doing just that. Seriously......this is the first you've heard of this?

Cite examples, dumbass!

You can't because there are none.
Explain how the Stimulus was budget neutral when he boosted the deficit from $500 billion to over $1,300,000,000,000.00 his first year????
The debt went from $10 trillion to almost $20 trillion under Obama.
Obama spent more in less time than all of the presidents before him combined.
Obama gave billions to Iran.
He sent billions to foreign banks.
He stole billions from the treasury to pay terrorist groups and protesters.
The only reason he didn't spend more was because the GOP won back Congress and prevented much of his planned spending.

WTF is wrong with you????
Uhhhhhh, gee......might have to do with the entire financial sector crashing and the US losing nearly 1 million jobs a month?!?! The initial stimulus was NOT budget neutral, I'll grant you that. However, it was the only way to stop the downward spiral of the economy....ESPECIALLY when the Fed already had interest rates at all time lows.

The rest of your nonsense is laughable right wing nonsense that has been disproven a few hundred times. Foreign banks......terrorists groups?!?!? Give me a friggin' break.

Grow up for Christ sake.

All that STILL doesn't explain why you support Trump and his increase to the deficit just to write himself a tax cut.
The financial sector crashed because Democrats took back congress and refused to do anything to prevent the housing bubble from a matter of fact they made it worse.....just to get a Democrat in the White House.

And you forget.....Trump simply went along with a Congressional Budget. You act like the establishment had nothing to do with the mess we're in.

I think you need to crack a book and read up on civics, and maybe read up on the Constitution. Find out who does what in Washington.
Please tell me what time frame you're talking about?! If I remember correctly, the Republicans were in charge of Congress when they passed the Gramm/Leach/Bliley legistation that allowed banks to lend 80 times on one asset (that created the bubble in the first place).

You're awfully selective on when you blame Congress and when you blame the sitting POTUS?!

Your last comment about the Constitution is bizarre.....and definitely doesn't explain why you (occasionally) absolve the Executive Branch in some cases.....but, blame them in others.

In other words're full of ****.
You're full of shit.
I guess you still aren't aware of the Deep State.
You think that Republicans only acted on their own when they pass legislation.
I guess you're unaware of the filibuster rule and so-on.
Before Harry Reid became Senate majority leader those rules applied.
Now the establishment is firmly in control of Congress and Trump is the only one in Washington willing to fight it. are delusional. You need to stop reading comic books to get your news.....
Comic books contain more facts.
'i think the description of 'imported third worlder' is accurate . See the imported third worlder that was imported from the third world and then climbed that 'statue' in New York . See the third worlder from 'congo' that climbed that statue in New York on the 4th of July as just one example . Legal immigration , illegal immigration , it is the same thing because as i said , USA Government makes the decision of what is legal or illegal FrankT .
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.

The damage done to the country by Democrats over the last thirty years or so and most recently by Obama and his batch of nutcases requires resources to be initially mitigated and ultimately remedied. That's just how it is.

It appears by way of NeverTrumpers like McCain, Flake and the Bush mob that it's the Old Guard establishment Republicans who strayed from the philosophy, or were simply Democrats to one degree or another to begin with.
Now billy! You supported Bush to your very quick, and now include him in the Republicans that disappoint you, and because of the ascendance of Trump you now see those you name as being 1 degree from being Democrats? Am I reading you wrong? Or have you not noticed the slip-slide into a more strident intolerance. Have you fallen into the Freedom Caucus fringe camp?

Nope. I supported Bush because the alternatives offered, and his opponents while in office were totally unacceptable. His daddy right through Obama were all globalists, as were the alternatives. It was simply a matter of degree.

Now the masks are off, and look how chummy they all are.

The Freedom Caucus is a good defensive line.
Do you support spending hundreds of billions of dollars to build a wall along the southern border?

Hundreds of billions?

You can't even come close to the correct figure! You are a joke!
Actually, when you take the amount it would take to build, add the amount it would take to maintain, the amount we would have to borrow, over the next 20 years.......yes, it winds up adding approaching $200 billion to the long term debt. Not to mention, it is a REALLY STUPID and ineffective way to stop border crossings that have been on the decrease for the last 18 years.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

Not to mention.....Trump himself claims that crossings are at "all time lows", so why the **** would we need a border wall?!?! It is a really dumb way to waste money.
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.

The damage done to the country by Democrats over the last thirty years or so and most recently by Obama and his batch of nutcases requires resources to be initially mitigated and ultimately remedied. That's just how it is.

It appears by way of NeverTrumpers like McCain, Flake and the Bush mob that it's the Old Guard establishment Republicans who strayed from the philosophy, or were simply Democrats to one degree or another to begin with.
Now billy! You supported Bush to your very quick, and now include him in the Republicans that disappoint you, and because of the ascendance of Trump you now see those you name as being 1 degree from being Democrats? Am I reading you wrong? Or have you not noticed the slip-slide into a more strident intolerance. Have you fallen into the Freedom Caucus fringe camp?

Nope. I supported Bush because the alternatives offered, and his opponents while in office were totally unacceptable. His daddy right through Obama were all globalists, as were the alternatives. It was simply a matter of degree.

Now the masks are off, and look how chummy they all are.

The Freedom Caucus is a good defensive line.
Do you support spending hundreds of billions of dollars to build a wall along the southern border?

Hundreds of billions?

You can't even come close to the correct figure! You are a joke!

70 billion to build and close to 200 million a year to maintain.
Explain how the Stimulus was budget neutral when he boosted the deficit from $500 billion to over $1,300,000,000,000.00 his first year????
The debt went from $10 trillion to almost $20 trillion under Obama.
Obama spent more in less time than all of the presidents before him combined.
Obama gave billions to Iran.
He sent billions to foreign banks.
He stole billions from the treasury to pay terrorist groups and protesters.
The only reason he didn't spend more was because the GOP won back Congress and prevented much of his planned spending.

WTF is wrong with you????
Uhhhhhh, gee......might have to do with the entire financial sector crashing and the US losing nearly 1 million jobs a month?!?! The initial stimulus was NOT budget neutral, I'll grant you that. However, it was the only way to stop the downward spiral of the economy....ESPECIALLY when the Fed already had interest rates at all time lows.

The rest of your nonsense is laughable right wing nonsense that has been disproven a few hundred times. Foreign banks......terrorists groups?!?!? Give me a friggin' break.

Grow up for Christ sake.

All that STILL doesn't explain why you support Trump and his increase to the deficit just to write himself a tax cut.
The financial sector crashed because Democrats took back congress and refused to do anything to prevent the housing bubble from a matter of fact they made it worse.....just to get a Democrat in the White House.

And you forget.....Trump simply went along with a Congressional Budget. You act like the establishment had nothing to do with the mess we're in.

I think you need to crack a book and read up on civics, and maybe read up on the Constitution. Find out who does what in Washington.
Please tell me what time frame you're talking about?! If I remember correctly, the Republicans were in charge of Congress when they passed the Gramm/Leach/Bliley legistation that allowed banks to lend 80 times on one asset (that created the bubble in the first place).

You're awfully selective on when you blame Congress and when you blame the sitting POTUS?!

Your last comment about the Constitution is bizarre.....and definitely doesn't explain why you (occasionally) absolve the Executive Branch in some cases.....but, blame them in others.

In other words're full of ****.
You're full of shit.
I guess you still aren't aware of the Deep State.
You think that Republicans only acted on their own when they pass legislation.
I guess you're unaware of the filibuster rule and so-on.
Before Harry Reid became Senate majority leader those rules applied.
Now the establishment is firmly in control of Congress and Trump is the only one in Washington willing to fight it. are delusional. You need to stop reading comic books to get your news.....
I stopped reading comics in the 60s.

Lying isn't the winner you think it is.
You should try being honest instead.
See how it suits you.
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
--------------------------------- 'repubs' aren't and never were 'conservative' going by my understanding of the word . I'm talking from the mid eighties with 'reagans amnesty' when i first really started really taking notice of the so called 'conservative republican party ' . I say , build the WALL , build USA Military and Militarize the USA Southern Border , Go TRUMP FrankT.
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".

Pick up a telephone and call a random household Las Vegas, NV. If you don't hear the word, "Bueno" when you call, you misdialed and called a business and then it is even money. The telephone voicemails are even in Spanish because it seems no one over the age of 30 speaks English. I have called homes and after talking to both parents and getting nowhere, they put what sounds like an elementary-age little girl on the phone who tells me in perfect English that the older brother or sister is not home and are at work.

You think all of the people came on guest visas? No, they didn't!

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