New Republicans are C.I.N.O's

So just what do you stand for? Do you support the current President and what he has done with tax policy and the deficit?

I support that which produces desired results.
What the **** is that supposed to mean? A great non-answer for someone who doesn't stand for a god****ed thing.

Therefore, according to this support legislation that makes it more difficult for Americans to vote, because that was its intent...correct?

What legislation makes it more difficult to vote?
Republican legislation across the country has been doing just that. Seriously......this is the first you've heard of this?

Cite examples, dumbass!

You can't because there are none.
Some Republicans Acknowledge Leveraging Voter ID Laws for Political Gain

Use the google helps!
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
--------------------------------- 'repubs' aren't and never were 'conservative' going by my understanding of the word . I'm talking from the mid eighties with 'reagans amnesty' when i first really started really taking notice of the so called 'conservative republican party ' . I say , build the WALL , build USA Military and Militarize the USA Southern Border , Go TRUMP FrankT.
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".

Pick up a telephone and call a random household Las Vegas, NV. If you don't hear the word, "Bueno" when you call, you misdialed and called a business and then it is even money. The telephone voicemails are even in Spanish because it seems no one over the age of 30 speaks English. I have called homes and after talking to both parents and getting nowhere, they put what sounds like an elementary-age little girl on the phone who tells me in perfect English that the older brother or sister is not home and are at work.

You think all of the people came on guest visas? No, they didn't!
So you're basing your belief on a made up analogy of a few phone calls?!?! WTF?

Congrats....this IS the dumbest thing I've read today. Not to mention it says absolutely nothing about immigration policy.
Uhhhhhh, gee......might have to do with the entire financial sector crashing and the US losing nearly 1 million jobs a month?!?! The initial stimulus was NOT budget neutral, I'll grant you that. However, it was the only way to stop the downward spiral of the economy....ESPECIALLY when the Fed already had interest rates at all time lows.

The rest of your nonsense is laughable right wing nonsense that has been disproven a few hundred times. Foreign banks......terrorists groups?!?!? Give me a friggin' break.

Grow up for Christ sake.

All that STILL doesn't explain why you support Trump and his increase to the deficit just to write himself a tax cut.
The financial sector crashed because Democrats took back congress and refused to do anything to prevent the housing bubble from a matter of fact they made it worse.....just to get a Democrat in the White House.

And you forget.....Trump simply went along with a Congressional Budget. You act like the establishment had nothing to do with the mess we're in.

I think you need to crack a book and read up on civics, and maybe read up on the Constitution. Find out who does what in Washington.
Please tell me what time frame you're talking about?! If I remember correctly, the Republicans were in charge of Congress when they passed the Gramm/Leach/Bliley legistation that allowed banks to lend 80 times on one asset (that created the bubble in the first place).

You're awfully selective on when you blame Congress and when you blame the sitting POTUS?!

Your last comment about the Constitution is bizarre.....and definitely doesn't explain why you (occasionally) absolve the Executive Branch in some cases.....but, blame them in others.

In other words're full of ****.
You're full of shit.
I guess you still aren't aware of the Deep State.
You think that Republicans only acted on their own when they pass legislation.
I guess you're unaware of the filibuster rule and so-on.
Before Harry Reid became Senate majority leader those rules applied.
Now the establishment is firmly in control of Congress and Trump is the only one in Washington willing to fight it. are delusional. You need to stop reading comic books to get your news.....
I stopped reading comics in the 60s.

Lying isn't the winner you think it is.
You should try being honest instead.
See how it suits you.
HA! HONEST?!?!? While you support Trump?! The "honest" guy who hides his tax returns?!?!

That is a laugher......
The damage done to the country by Democrats over the last thirty years or so and most recently by Obama and his batch of nutcases requires resources to be initially mitigated and ultimately remedied. That's just how it is.

It appears by way of NeverTrumpers like McCain, Flake and the Bush mob that it's the Old Guard establishment Republicans who strayed from the philosophy, or were simply Democrats to one degree or another to begin with.
Now billy! You supported Bush to your very quick, and now include him in the Republicans that disappoint you, and because of the ascendance of Trump you now see those you name as being 1 degree from being Democrats? Am I reading you wrong? Or have you not noticed the slip-slide into a more strident intolerance. Have you fallen into the Freedom Caucus fringe camp?

Nope. I supported Bush because the alternatives offered, and his opponents while in office were totally unacceptable. His daddy right through Obama were all globalists, as were the alternatives. It was simply a matter of degree.

Now the masks are off, and look how chummy they all are.

The Freedom Caucus is a good defensive line.
Do you support spending hundreds of billions of dollars to build a wall along the southern border?

Hundreds of billions?

You can't even come close to the correct figure! You are a joke!
Actually, when you take the amount it would take to build, add the amount it would take to maintain, the amount we would have to borrow, over the next 20 years.......yes, it winds up adding approaching $200 billion to the long term debt. Not to mention, it is a REALLY STUPID and ineffective way to stop border crossings that have been on the decrease for the last 18 years.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

Not to mention.....Trump himself claims that crossings are at "all time lows", so why the **** would we need a border wall?!?! It is a really dumb way to waste money.

Illegals cost this country how many billions per year in fraud?

Your figures are a laughable as your reasoning.
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
--------------------------------- 'repubs' aren't and never were 'conservative' going by my understanding of the word . I'm talking from the mid eighties with 'reagans amnesty' when i first really started really taking notice of the so called 'conservative republican party ' . I say , build the WALL , build USA Military and Militarize the USA Southern Border , Go TRUMP FrankT.
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".

Pick up a telephone and call a random household Las Vegas, NV. If you don't hear the word, "Bueno" when you call, you misdialed and called a business and then it is even money. The telephone voicemails are even in Spanish because it seems no one over the age of 30 speaks English. I have called homes and after talking to both parents and getting nowhere, they put what sounds like an elementary-age little girl on the phone who tells me in perfect English that the older brother or sister is not home and are at work.

You think all of the people came on guest visas? No, they didn't!
So you're basing your belief on a made up analogy of a few phone calls?!?! WTF?

Congrats....this IS the dumbest thing I've read today. Not to mention it says absolutely nothing about immigration policy.

Apparently you don't read what you type. :aargh:

A wall will pay for itself in 3 years.
The financial sector crashed because Democrats took back congress and refused to do anything to prevent the housing bubble from a matter of fact they made it worse.....just to get a Democrat in the White House.

And you forget.....Trump simply went along with a Congressional Budget. You act like the establishment had nothing to do with the mess we're in.

I think you need to crack a book and read up on civics, and maybe read up on the Constitution. Find out who does what in Washington.
Please tell me what time frame you're talking about?! If I remember correctly, the Republicans were in charge of Congress when they passed the Gramm/Leach/Bliley legistation that allowed banks to lend 80 times on one asset (that created the bubble in the first place).

You're awfully selective on when you blame Congress and when you blame the sitting POTUS?!

Your last comment about the Constitution is bizarre.....and definitely doesn't explain why you (occasionally) absolve the Executive Branch in some cases.....but, blame them in others.

In other words're full of ****.
You're full of shit.
I guess you still aren't aware of the Deep State.
You think that Republicans only acted on their own when they pass legislation.
I guess you're unaware of the filibuster rule and so-on.
Before Harry Reid became Senate majority leader those rules applied.
Now the establishment is firmly in control of Congress and Trump is the only one in Washington willing to fight it. are delusional. You need to stop reading comic books to get your news.....
I stopped reading comics in the 60s.

Lying isn't the winner you think it is.
You should try being honest instead.
See how it suits you.
HA! HONEST?!?!? While you support Trump?! The "honest" guy who hides his tax returns?!?!

That is a laugher......

Let's see you post your tax returns. on second thought, we have no right to see them, nust as you have o right to see Trump's tax returns.

If there was anything wrong with Trump's taxes, don't you think Ohbummer's IRS would have been roasting Trump's ass over a pit of hot coals the moment he announced he was running?
Please tell me what time frame you're talking about?! If I remember correctly, the Republicans were in charge of Congress when they passed the Gramm/Leach/Bliley legistation that allowed banks to lend 80 times on one asset (that created the bubble in the first place).

You're awfully selective on when you blame Congress and when you blame the sitting POTUS?!

Your last comment about the Constitution is bizarre.....and definitely doesn't explain why you (occasionally) absolve the Executive Branch in some cases.....but, blame them in others.

In other words're full of ****.
You're full of shit.
I guess you still aren't aware of the Deep State.
You think that Republicans only acted on their own when they pass legislation.
I guess you're unaware of the filibuster rule and so-on.
Before Harry Reid became Senate majority leader those rules applied.
Now the establishment is firmly in control of Congress and Trump is the only one in Washington willing to fight it. are delusional. You need to stop reading comic books to get your news.....
I stopped reading comics in the 60s.

Lying isn't the winner you think it is.
You should try being honest instead.
See how it suits you.
HA! HONEST?!?!? While you support Trump?! The "honest" guy who hides his tax returns?!?!

That is a laugher......

Let's see you post your tax returns. on second thought, we have no right to see them, nust as you have o right to see Trump's tax returns.

If there was anything wrong with Trump's taxes, don't you think Ohbummer's IRS would have been roasting Trump's ass over a pit of hot coals the moment he announced he was running?

If they could've nailed Trump on anything, it would have been used to tank his campaign.
I support that which produces desired results.
What the **** is that supposed to mean? A great non-answer for someone who doesn't stand for a god****ed thing.

Therefore, according to this support legislation that makes it more difficult for Americans to vote, because that was its intent...correct?

What legislation makes it more difficult to vote?
Republican legislation across the country has been doing just that. Seriously......this is the first you've heard of this?

Cite examples, dumbass!

You can't because there are none.
Some Republicans Acknowledge Leveraging Voter ID Laws for Political Gain

Use the google helps!

Look at your link! The New York Slime is about as reliable to report facts as a three-year old is to tell you who ate all of the cookies. You need to look at your sources. The Slime works for the DNC as a mouthpiece.
Now billy! You supported Bush to your very quick, and now include him in the Republicans that disappoint you, and because of the ascendance of Trump you now see those you name as being 1 degree from being Democrats? Am I reading you wrong? Or have you not noticed the slip-slide into a more strident intolerance. Have you fallen into the Freedom Caucus fringe camp?

Nope. I supported Bush because the alternatives offered, and his opponents while in office were totally unacceptable. His daddy right through Obama were all globalists, as were the alternatives. It was simply a matter of degree.

Now the masks are off, and look how chummy they all are.

The Freedom Caucus is a good defensive line.
Do you support spending hundreds of billions of dollars to build a wall along the southern border?

Hundreds of billions?

You can't even come close to the correct figure! You are a joke!
Actually, when you take the amount it would take to build, add the amount it would take to maintain, the amount we would have to borrow, over the next 20 years.......yes, it winds up adding approaching $200 billion to the long term debt. Not to mention, it is a REALLY STUPID and ineffective way to stop border crossings that have been on the decrease for the last 18 years.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

Not to mention.....Trump himself claims that crossings are at "all time lows", so why the **** would we need a border wall?!?! It is a really dumb way to waste money.

Illegals cost this country how many billions per year in fraud?

Your figures are a laughable as your reasoning.
I know....math is hard. Illegal immigrants cost FAR LESS in fraud than what you're claiming. You believe in a fantasy sunshine....
How the DREAM Act can actually lower the deficit

Trump counts on the gullibility of his voters.....he's got you pegged.
What the **** is that supposed to mean? A great non-answer for someone who doesn't stand for a god****ed thing.

Therefore, according to this support legislation that makes it more difficult for Americans to vote, because that was its intent...correct?

What legislation makes it more difficult to vote?
Republican legislation across the country has been doing just that. Seriously......this is the first you've heard of this?

Cite examples, dumbass!

You can't because there are none.
Some Republicans Acknowledge Leveraging Voter ID Laws for Political Gain

Use the google helps!

Look at your link! The New York Slime is about as reliable to report facts as a three-year old is to tell you who ate all of the cookies. You need to look at your sources. The Slime works for the DNC as a mouthpiece.
Sure goober.......the Pulitzer prize winning NY Times is less believable than Trump who has been proven to be caught in countless lie after lie. Why would you believe this?!? Because the liar is telling you to believe it.

I'd tell you how obviously pathetic that is....but, I think you actually know that already; you just don't care.
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
--------------------------------- 'repubs' aren't and never were 'conservative' going by my understanding of the word . I'm talking from the mid eighties with 'reagans amnesty' when i first really started really taking notice of the so called 'conservative republican party ' . I say , build the WALL , build USA Military and Militarize the USA Southern Border , Go TRUMP FrankT.
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".

Pick up a telephone and call a random household Las Vegas, NV. If you don't hear the word, "Bueno" when you call, you misdialed and called a business and then it is even money. The telephone voicemails are even in Spanish because it seems no one over the age of 30 speaks English. I have called homes and after talking to both parents and getting nowhere, they put what sounds like an elementary-age little girl on the phone who tells me in perfect English that the older brother or sister is not home and are at work.

You think all of the people came on guest visas? No, they didn't!
So you're basing your belief on a made up analogy of a few phone calls?!?! WTF?

Congrats....this IS the dumbest thing I've read today. Not to mention it says absolutely nothing about immigration policy.

A few phone calls? Try thousands! If I honestly could, I would turn every phone number over to ICE for investigation.

There are high schools whose student's Hispanic surnames outnumber all others by ratios of about 20:1, but you can't ask a kid for their social security number or flag their Mexican birth certificate. What do you do when a kid enrolls in school and should be in third grade but doesn't speak the first word of English?
What legislation makes it more difficult to vote?
Republican legislation across the country has been doing just that. Seriously......this is the first you've heard of this?

Cite examples, dumbass!

You can't because there are none.
Some Republicans Acknowledge Leveraging Voter ID Laws for Political Gain

Use the google helps!

Look at your link! The New York Slime is about as reliable to report facts as a three-year old is to tell you who ate all of the cookies. You need to look at your sources. The Slime works for the DNC as a mouthpiece.
Sure goober.......the Pulitzer prize winning NY Times is less believable than Trump who has been proven to be caught in countless lie after lie. Why would you believe this?!? Because the liar is telling you to believe it.

I'd tell you how obviously pathetic that is....but, I think you actually know that already; you just don't care.

The NY Slime is proven to be correct about as often as a stopped clock.
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
--------------------------------- 'repubs' aren't and never were 'conservative' going by my understanding of the word . I'm talking from the mid eighties with 'reagans amnesty' when i first really started really taking notice of the so called 'conservative republican party ' . I say , build the WALL , build USA Military and Militarize the USA Southern Border , Go TRUMP FrankT.
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".

Pick up a telephone and call a random household Las Vegas, NV. If you don't hear the word, "Bueno" when you call, you misdialed and called a business and then it is even money. The telephone voicemails are even in Spanish because it seems no one over the age of 30 speaks English. I have called homes and after talking to both parents and getting nowhere, they put what sounds like an elementary-age little girl on the phone who tells me in perfect English that the older brother or sister is not home and are at work.

You think all of the people came on guest visas? No, they didn't!
So you're basing your belief on a made up analogy of a few phone calls?!?! WTF?

Congrats....this IS the dumbest thing I've read today. Not to mention it says absolutely nothing about immigration policy.

Apparently you don't read what you type. :aargh:

A wall will pay for itself in 3 years.
What?!?!? You using a Republican calculator again?!?!
Nope. I supported Bush because the alternatives offered, and his opponents while in office were totally unacceptable. His daddy right through Obama were all globalists, as were the alternatives. It was simply a matter of degree.

Now the masks are off, and look how chummy they all are.

The Freedom Caucus is a good defensive line.
Do you support spending hundreds of billions of dollars to build a wall along the southern border?

Hundreds of billions?

You can't even come close to the correct figure! You are a joke!
Actually, when you take the amount it would take to build, add the amount it would take to maintain, the amount we would have to borrow, over the next 20 years.......yes, it winds up adding approaching $200 billion to the long term debt. Not to mention, it is a REALLY STUPID and ineffective way to stop border crossings that have been on the decrease for the last 18 years.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

Not to mention.....Trump himself claims that crossings are at "all time lows", so why the **** would we need a border wall?!?! It is a really dumb way to waste money.

Illegals cost this country how many billions per year in fraud?

Your figures are a laughable as your reasoning.
I know....math is hard. Illegal immigrants cost FAR LESS in fraud than what you're claiming. You believe in a fantasy sunshine....
How the DREAM Act can actually lower the deficit

Trump counts on the gullibility of his voters.....he's got you pegged.

Math is easy, considering I taught it for over 20 years. What's your excuse for your stupidity?
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
--------------------------------- 'repubs' aren't and never were 'conservative' going by my understanding of the word . I'm talking from the mid eighties with 'reagans amnesty' when i first really started really taking notice of the so called 'conservative republican party ' . I say , build the WALL , build USA Military and Militarize the USA Southern Border , Go TRUMP FrankT.
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".

Pick up a telephone and call a random household Las Vegas, NV. If you don't hear the word, "Bueno" when you call, you misdialed and called a business and then it is even money. The telephone voicemails are even in Spanish because it seems no one over the age of 30 speaks English. I have called homes and after talking to both parents and getting nowhere, they put what sounds like an elementary-age little girl on the phone who tells me in perfect English that the older brother or sister is not home and are at work.

You think all of the people came on guest visas? No, they didn't!
So you're basing your belief on a made up analogy of a few phone calls?!?! WTF?

Congrats....this IS the dumbest thing I've read today. Not to mention it says absolutely nothing about immigration policy.

A few phone calls? Try thousands! If I honestly could, I would turn every phone number over to ICE for investigation.

There are high schools whose student's Hispanic surnames outnumber all others by ratios of about 20:1, but you can't ask a kid for their social security number or flag their Mexican birth certificate. What do you do when a kid enrolls in school and should be in third grade but doesn't speak the first word of English?
So this is all about speaking English?!?!?!? What other things do you want the Federal Government to tell you what to do?? You folks sure become awfully authoritarian when it suits you?
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
So I guess you mean to give up your tax cut in protest ? #NotMyTaxCut.
Do you support spending hundreds of billions of dollars to build a wall along the southern border?

Hundreds of billions?

You can't even come close to the correct figure! You are a joke!
Actually, when you take the amount it would take to build, add the amount it would take to maintain, the amount we would have to borrow, over the next 20 years.......yes, it winds up adding approaching $200 billion to the long term debt. Not to mention, it is a REALLY STUPID and ineffective way to stop border crossings that have been on the decrease for the last 18 years.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

Not to mention.....Trump himself claims that crossings are at "all time lows", so why the **** would we need a border wall?!?! It is a really dumb way to waste money.

Illegals cost this country how many billions per year in fraud?

Your figures are a laughable as your reasoning.
I know....math is hard. Illegal immigrants cost FAR LESS in fraud than what you're claiming. You believe in a fantasy sunshine....
How the DREAM Act can actually lower the deficit

Trump counts on the gullibility of his voters.....he's got you pegged.

Math is easy, considering I taught it for over 20 years. What's your excuse for your stupidity?
I doubt that.....given you don't seem to understand basic economics.

Being a teacher myself.....I find it profoundly sad that you (who claim to be a teacher) support a moron who doesn't believe in math or science. He definitely doesn't believe in the country's system of checks and balances.
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Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
So I guess you mean to give up your tax cut in protest ? #NotMyTaxCut.
Stupid argument that again, dodges the point that giving blind tax cuts to uber wealthy people is really expensive and dumb macroeconomic policy.
--------------------------------- 'repubs' aren't and never were 'conservative' going by my understanding of the word . I'm talking from the mid eighties with 'reagans amnesty' when i first really started really taking notice of the so called 'conservative republican party ' . I say , build the WALL , build USA Military and Militarize the USA Southern Border , Go TRUMP FrankT.
The wall, does almost nothing for illegal immigration. Given the vast majority of 'illegal immigrants' are those who overstay their visas. The wall is a gigantic, ungodly expensive symbol that people want to pay for because they don't like illegal immigration.

This is ironic that Trump is pushing this when he routinely, in business, would ship immigrants in to work in his businesses.
3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.

This is increasingly bizarre that Trump would make this an issue, then tell his Republican majorities in Congress to "not bother with a bill".

Pick up a telephone and call a random household Las Vegas, NV. If you don't hear the word, "Bueno" when you call, you misdialed and called a business and then it is even money. The telephone voicemails are even in Spanish because it seems no one over the age of 30 speaks English. I have called homes and after talking to both parents and getting nowhere, they put what sounds like an elementary-age little girl on the phone who tells me in perfect English that the older brother or sister is not home and are at work.

You think all of the people came on guest visas? No, they didn't!
So you're basing your belief on a made up analogy of a few phone calls?!?! WTF?

Congrats....this IS the dumbest thing I've read today. Not to mention it says absolutely nothing about immigration policy.

A few phone calls? Try thousands! If I honestly could, I would turn every phone number over to ICE for investigation.

There are high schools whose student's Hispanic surnames outnumber all others by ratios of about 20:1, but you can't ask a kid for their social security number or flag their Mexican birth certificate. What do you do when a kid enrolls in school and should be in third grade but doesn't speak the first word of English?
So this is all about speaking English?!?!?!? What other things do you want the Federal Government to tell you what to do?? You folks sure become awfully authoritarian when it suits you?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news and break up your idiocy, but the ability to communicate in English is required for citizenship.
Donald Trump has roughly a 90% approval rating among Republican voters in this country. This AFTER he, and Republicans in Congress, passed a gigantic TAX CUT and windfall of cash targeted to Trump himself and the uber rich that crashed the economy 10 years ago. To do this, they INCREASED THE BUDGET DEFICIT to $1 trillion after we worked under the Obama Presidency to reduce it by over $1 trillion.
Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

In addition......they want to increase military spending AND build a stupid wall along the southern border that will not only cost billions to maintain, but, will have almost no effect on illegal immigration.

So, question is......are new Republicans the OPPOSITE of conservatives? When all is said and done, are the new Republicans not the party of 'tax and spend'.....but, 'borrow and spend and crash'? Is this what we can expect from Republicans moving forward?

It must be given almost the entire party has signed off on what they just did as a party. Remember, when we were recovering from the financial crisis they presided over (remember, a Republican was in office at the time of the crash)......every bit of stimulus had to be budget neutral for Obama?! Now......borrow......spend.....borrow.....spend. That is the new Republican Party; they truly are 'conservatives in name only'.
So I guess you mean to give up your tax cut in protest ? #NotMyTaxCut.
Stupid argument that again, dodges the point that giving blind tax cuts to uber wealthy people is really expensive and dumb macroeconomic policy.

Are you Guno?

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