New probe confirms Trump officials blocked Puerto Rico from receiving hurricane aid. The Trump administration also obstructed an investigation ...


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Red tape and indifference is one thing, but this is inexcusable. Withholding financial assistance during a declared state of emergency by making it harder if not impossible to meet the requirements to have the funds released shows the extent of the depravity of mind that some of us always knew existed, particularly as illustrated in the following excerpts
The Trump administration's OMB also insisted on overhauls to Puerto Rico’s property management records, suspension of its minimum wage on federal contracts and other prerequisites to access relief funds, according to the report. Some HUD officials worried such requirements were potentially beyond HUD’s authority to impose on grantees.​
The Office of Inspector General began the review in March 2019 after Congress asked it to look into hurricane aid delays as the island sought to recover from a storm that resulted in the deaths of 2,975 people and triggered the world's second-longest blackout.​
Seven months after the probe was launched, two top HUD officials admitted to knowingly missing the congressionally mandated deadline to issue a notice that would have unlocked billions in federal recovery funds to Puerto Rico. Carson later defended his agency's actions by echoing Trump talking points — citing concerns about corruption, fiscal irregularities and "Puerto Rico's capacity to manage these funds."
Throughout his term, Trump repeatedly opposed disaster funding for Puerto Rico while disputing and failing to acknowledge Maria's death toll. Trump had also told top White House officials "that he did not want a single dollar going to Puerto Rico," the Washington Post reported in 2019. "Instead, he wanted more of the money to go to Texas and Florida."​

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Red tape and indifference is one thing, but this is inexcusable. Withholding financial assistance during a declared state of emergency by making it harder if not impossible to meet the requirements to have the funds released shows the extent of the depravity of mind that some of us always knew existed, particularly as illustrated in the following excerpts
The Trump administration's OMB also insisted on overhauls to Puerto Rico’s property management records, suspension of its minimum wage on federal contracts and other prerequisites to access relief funds, according to the report. Some HUD officials worried such requirements were potentially beyond HUD’s authority to impose on grantees.​
The Office of Inspector General began the review in March 2019 after Congress asked it to look into hurricane aid delays as the island sought to recover from a storm that resulted in the deaths of 2,975 people and triggered the world's second-longest blackout.​
Seven months after the probe was launched, two top HUD officials admitted to knowingly missing the congressionally mandated deadline to issue a notice that would have unlocked billions in federal recovery funds to Puerto Rico. Carson later defended his agency's actions by echoing Trump talking points — citing concerns about corruption, fiscal irregularities and "Puerto Rico's capacity to manage these funds."
Throughout his term, Trump repeatedly opposed disaster funding for Puerto Rico while disputing and failing to acknowledge Maria's death toll. Trump had also told top White House officials "that he did not want a single dollar going to Puerto Rico," the Washington Post reported in 2019. "Instead, he wanted more of the money to go to Texas and Florida."​

as it turned out it saved money since the PR officials were so corrupt and kept aid from the people for personal profit,,

good move on his part,,
Puerto Rico looks the same as it did before the hurricane.

And never assume any information you glean from NBC "news" is accurate.
Red tape and indifference is one thing, but this is inexcusable. Withholding financial assistance during a declared state of emergency by making it harder if not impossible to meet the requirements to have the funds released shows the extent of the depravity of mind that some of us always knew existed, particularly as illustrated in the following excerpts
The Trump administration's OMB also insisted on overhauls to Puerto Rico’s property management records, suspension of its minimum wage on federal contracts and other prerequisites to access relief funds, according to the report. Some HUD officials worried such requirements were potentially beyond HUD’s authority to impose on grantees.​
The Office of Inspector General began the review in March 2019 after Congress asked it to look into hurricane aid delays as the island sought to recover from a storm that resulted in the deaths of 2,975 people and triggered the world's second-longest blackout.​
Seven months after the probe was launched, two top HUD officials admitted to knowingly missing the congressionally mandated deadline to issue a notice that would have unlocked billions in federal recovery funds to Puerto Rico. Carson later defended his agency's actions by echoing Trump talking points — citing concerns about corruption, fiscal irregularities and "Puerto Rico's capacity to manage these funds."
Throughout his term, Trump repeatedly opposed disaster funding for Puerto Rico while disputing and failing to acknowledge Maria's death toll. Trump had also told top White House officials "that he did not want a single dollar going to Puerto Rico," the Washington Post reported in 2019. "Instead, he wanted more of the money to go to Texas and Florida."​

Oh for fucks sake... once again it is all about optics with you people. You care not one bit about facts and realities, only virtue signaling in your faux outrage.
Investigations also revealed Trump was right - corruption and misuse of funds, accounting fraud and the fact the governor refused to allow the Feds to oversee how the funds were allocated. The governor was the one not doing the work, and just sat back demanding money even though, as pointed out, there were some existing funds she didn't use. Because she wanted to keep it.
Trump was right to withhold the money. She was just another Ray Nagin.
Thanks you Mariyam. I saw this on the news this past week.
Stellar reporting - Rump hated Puerto Rico - Brown people/ Shithole country ... UGHHH!!
But he did flip them a few paper towels and instructed them to "have a good time!" :cool-45:


Puerto Rico is a mess. No wonder DemonRats want to make it a state.

FBI makes arrests in Puerto Rico corruption scandal, prompting calls for governor’s ouster and concerns about billions in storm aid
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Red tape and indifference is one thing, but this is inexcusable. Withholding financial assistance during a declared state of emergency by making it harder if not impossible to meet the requirements to have the funds released shows the extent of the depravity of mind that some of us always knew existed, particularly as illustrated in the following excerpts
The Trump administration's OMB also insisted on overhauls to Puerto Rico’s property management records, suspension of its minimum wage on federal contracts and other prerequisites to access relief funds, according to the report. Some HUD officials worried such requirements were potentially beyond HUD’s authority to impose on grantees.​
The Office of Inspector General began the review in March 2019 after Congress asked it to look into hurricane aid delays as the island sought to recover from a storm that resulted in the deaths of 2,975 people and triggered the world's second-longest blackout.​
Seven months after the probe was launched, two top HUD officials admitted to knowingly missing the congressionally mandated deadline to issue a notice that would have unlocked billions in federal recovery funds to Puerto Rico. Carson later defended his agency's actions by echoing Trump talking points — citing concerns about corruption, fiscal irregularities and "Puerto Rico's capacity to manage these funds."
Throughout his term, Trump repeatedly opposed disaster funding for Puerto Rico while disputing and failing to acknowledge Maria's death toll. Trump had also told top White House officials "that he did not want a single dollar going to Puerto Rico," the Washington Post reported in 2019. "Instead, he wanted more of the money to go to Texas and Florida."​

Says...the Biden administration? Yeah, they wouldn't
Red tape and indifference is one thing, but this is inexcusable. Withholding financial assistance during a declared state of emergency by making it harder if not impossible to meet the requirements to have the funds released shows the extent of the depravity of mind that some of us always knew existed, particularly as illustrated in the following excerpts
The Trump administration's OMB also insisted on overhauls to Puerto Rico’s property management records, suspension of its minimum wage on federal contracts and other prerequisites to access relief funds, according to the report. Some HUD officials worried such requirements were potentially beyond HUD’s authority to impose on grantees.​
The Office of Inspector General began the review in March 2019 after Congress asked it to look into hurricane aid delays as the island sought to recover from a storm that resulted in the deaths of 2,975 people and triggered the world's second-longest blackout.​
Seven months after the probe was launched, two top HUD officials admitted to knowingly missing the congressionally mandated deadline to issue a notice that would have unlocked billions in federal recovery funds to Puerto Rico. Carson later defended his agency's actions by echoing Trump talking points — citing concerns about corruption, fiscal irregularities and "Puerto Rico's capacity to manage these funds."
Throughout his term, Trump repeatedly opposed disaster funding for Puerto Rico while disputing and failing to acknowledge Maria's death toll. Trump had also told top White House officials "that he did not want a single dollar going to Puerto Rico," the Washington Post reported in 2019. "Instead, he wanted more of the money to go to Texas and Florida."​

Trump hates brown people
Red tape and indifference is one thing, but this is inexcusable. Withholding financial assistance during a declared state of emergency by making it harder if not impossible to meet the requirements to have the funds released shows the extent of the depravity of mind that some of us always knew existed, particularly as illustrated in the following excerpts
The Trump administration's OMB also insisted on overhauls to Puerto Rico’s property management records, suspension of its minimum wage on federal contracts and other prerequisites to access relief funds, according to the report. Some HUD officials worried such requirements were potentially beyond HUD’s authority to impose on grantees.​
The Office of Inspector General began the review in March 2019 after Congress asked it to look into hurricane aid delays as the island sought to recover from a storm that resulted in the deaths of 2,975 people and triggered the world's second-longest blackout.​
Seven months after the probe was launched, two top HUD officials admitted to knowingly missing the congressionally mandated deadline to issue a notice that would have unlocked billions in federal recovery funds to Puerto Rico. Carson later defended his agency's actions by echoing Trump talking points — citing concerns about corruption, fiscal irregularities and "Puerto Rico's capacity to manage these funds."
Throughout his term, Trump repeatedly opposed disaster funding for Puerto Rico while disputing and failing to acknowledge Maria's death toll. Trump had also told top White House officials "that he did not want a single dollar going to Puerto Rico," the Washington Post reported in 2019. "Instead, he wanted more of the money to go to Texas and Florida."​

It will take a long time to discover the depth of depravity to which trump and his cronies have stooped. All this while the survivors of this disaster were living in hunger and squalor and the trump criminals were simultaneously funneling money to Texas and Florida, two of the most corrupt states in the U.S.

It's so ironic that the most corrupt president in U.S. history claimed to be routing out corruption. Pitiful.
Trump hates brown people. You’re preaching to the choir
babble shit from you
Mr Trump is not racist/etc
but, Obama hates white people

named 2 BLACK AGs in a row, even though blacks are less qualified

sent his BLACK AG to comfort the family of a black criminal that attacked a white cop

thinks whites are not good enough

etc etc
Red tape and indifference is one thing, but this is inexcusable. Withholding financial assistance during a declared state of emergency by making it harder if not impossible to meet the requirements to have the funds released shows the extent of the depravity of mind that some of us always knew existed, particularly as illustrated in the following excerpts
The Trump administration's OMB also insisted on overhauls to Puerto Rico’s property management records, suspension of its minimum wage on federal contracts and other prerequisites to access relief funds, according to the report. Some HUD officials worried such requirements were potentially beyond HUD’s authority to impose on grantees.​
The Office of Inspector General began the review in March 2019 after Congress asked it to look into hurricane aid delays as the island sought to recover from a storm that resulted in the deaths of 2,975 people and triggered the world's second-longest blackout.​
Seven months after the probe was launched, two top HUD officials admitted to knowingly missing the congressionally mandated deadline to issue a notice that would have unlocked billions in federal recovery funds to Puerto Rico. Carson later defended his agency's actions by echoing Trump talking points — citing concerns about corruption, fiscal irregularities and "Puerto Rico's capacity to manage these funds."
Throughout his term, Trump repeatedly opposed disaster funding for Puerto Rico while disputing and failing to acknowledge Maria's death toll. Trump had also told top White House officials "that he did not want a single dollar going to Puerto Rico," the Washington Post reported in 2019. "Instead, he wanted more of the money to go to Texas and Florida."​

It will take a long time to discover the depth of depravity to which trump and his cronies have stooped. All this while the survivors of this disaster were living in hunger and squalor and the trump criminals were simultaneously funneling money to Texas and Florida, two of the most corrupt states in the U.S.

It's so ironic that the most corrupt president in U.S. history claimed to be routing out corruption. Pitiful.
It will take a long time to discover the depth of depravity to which Biden and his cronies have stooped. All this while the survivors of this disaster were living in hunger and squalor
Hilarious... look at all of the curb squirrels ignore all of the reports/video/results of investigations that showed the deep corruption, squandering resources, hiding resources from people because officials were wanting to sell it.
Puerto Rico is a den of corruption. And look at all of these faux outragers bitch about what Trump did or didn't do - while ignoring the criminal corruption done by local officials.
EXACTLY like Ray Nagin in Louisiana. Only he finally went to jail for it
Red tape and indifference is one thing, but this is inexcusable. Withholding financial assistance during a declared state of emergency by making it harder if not impossible to meet the requirements to have the funds released shows the extent of the depravity of mind that some of us always knew existed, particularly as illustrated in the following excerpts
The Trump administration's OMB also insisted on overhauls to Puerto Rico’s property management records, suspension of its minimum wage on federal contracts and other prerequisites to access relief funds, according to the report. Some HUD officials worried such requirements were potentially beyond HUD’s authority to impose on grantees.​
The Office of Inspector General began the review in March 2019 after Congress asked it to look into hurricane aid delays as the island sought to recover from a storm that resulted in the deaths of 2,975 people and triggered the world's second-longest blackout.​
Seven months after the probe was launched, two top HUD officials admitted to knowingly missing the congressionally mandated deadline to issue a notice that would have unlocked billions in federal recovery funds to Puerto Rico. Carson later defended his agency's actions by echoing Trump talking points — citing concerns about corruption, fiscal irregularities and "Puerto Rico's capacity to manage these funds."
Throughout his term, Trump repeatedly opposed disaster funding for Puerto Rico while disputing and failing to acknowledge Maria's death toll. Trump had also told top White House officials "that he did not want a single dollar going to Puerto Rico," the Washington Post reported in 2019. "Instead, he wanted more of the money to go to Texas and Florida."​

more anti-Trump bullshit

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