Media Bias 101


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Media Bias 101

The Capitol Riots

9 Jun 2022 ~~ By Mark Hyman

Allow me to make this absolutely clear. Anyone who commits a misdemeanor or felony criminal act should be held accountable. This is how rule-of-law works. The individual’s political leanings should not be considered on whether to uphold the law.
This essay does not declare the legal guilt or innocence of anyone involved in the various melees that are spotlighted.

Introduction. This is a tutorial on media bias. Three events that occurred in 2011, 2020, and 2021, and the coverage of them, illustrate how major media organizations treat similar events dissimilarly based on the political leanings of the groups involved, and if those groups are aligned with the political positions favored by the media outlets.
Three media companies that are often cited as authoritative and representative of mainstream media are analyzed. These are the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN. The events examined are the invasion and weeks-long occupation of the Wisconsin Capitol building in February and March 2011, the Black Lives Matter rioting in Washington, DC in May and June 2020, and the invasion of the US Capitol building on January 6, 2021.
943.14 Criminal trespass to dwellings. Whoever intentionally enters the dwelling of another without the consent of some person lawfully upon the premises, under circumstances tending to create or provoke a breach of the peace, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
The New York Times reported “protesters, scores deep, crushed into a corridor leading to the governor’s office here on Wednesday, their screams echoing through the Capitol: ‘Come out, come out, wherever you are!’”
Conclusion. The New York Times, Washington Post and CNN avoided placing any blame on the thousands who invaded the Wisconsin Capitol Building for weeks and conducted violent and destructive protests in Washington, DC. In the case of Wisconsin, it was Governor Scott Walker who was solely at fault. This raises eyebrows since the New York Times reported Democratic Party operatives in Washington, DC were among those organizing the protests.
All three media organizations used innocuous terms to describe the 2011 and 2020 events. The New York Times even called the 2011 protests of at least 70,000 demonstrators a “rally.” Obviously, these three outlets do not take their journalistic responsibilities seriously.
On the other hand, the sensational term “insurrection” was freely used because of its connotation, and not because of the actions of the January 6th protesters. Otherwise, the Justice Department would have charged the lot of them with insurrection, a violation of 18 U.S. Code § 2383. But it did not.
For those three media organizations to pretend tens of thousands of protesters including those who looted businesses, set buildings ablaze, overturned cars, vandalized public and private property, and left tens of millions of dollars in damage in their wake were peaceful is patently dishonest.
This is what media bias looks like.

The author Mark Kyman presents a balanced, objective and rational viewpoint mark. high quality comment as always...
Obviously, the Quisling Media left out the part where all the Democrat congressmen left the state of Wisconsin.
PM/DSA Dem Liberals camped out in the state capital and left their feces in the halls. It lasted for weeks. I believe it was the start of everything we see today. Wisconsin was their ‘Test’.
The damages to the state Capitol amounted to $8 million.
It all depends on your ideology, and politics of the Quisling disinformation media as to how individuals view insurrection in Madison Wisconsin, Portland Oregon, or Washington D.C..
The majority of Americans view the media as biased.
It appears that there will be no “reverse Watergate” happening, no matter how damning or obvious the evidence. For the Right to win, it will take the use of lawful and moral power and perhaps physical force. We are not going to tax cut our way out of this. Vote and live accordingly.
The media is going to turn on Biden, because he is weak, and they have no other choice. He has faithfully implemented all of their Progressive Maoist/Marxist policies. While it will be fun to watch them attack each other, it will not be due to change in them.
There were no Special Congressional Investigations regarding the Insurrection that occurred in Madison Wisconsin, In fact Nancy Pelosi praised the Insurrection and destruction.
Does marc hyman question republic pols who fled their states to prevent Democratic actions or passage of laws.

Also, the WI protests against wanker's Act 10 were peaceful and no one chanted hang mike pence to stop the transfer of power after an election loss.

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