new lib amoungst you

so hello

im joining you guys for several reasons, to learn, to hone my own arguing abilities, to test my own ideas, and to smash absurdities, i think itll all be fun

though i do carry many liberal opinions i think conservatives do have it right on a couple issues, gun control and fiscal responsibility (though thatdoesnt mean i TOTALLY support capitalism, id say 50/50), id say deep down im pro-life but govt isnt in the business of making choices like that for us. and i dont feel like going into other issues right now (im alittle buzzed). just ask

hey lets get down.

p.s. whats the conservative to lib ratio around here? from what i see its mostly tight ass conservative

p.p.s. i like to joke. i really think all of us love this country and want it to be strong but the environment of playful competition for the best idea is always here and now so i joke when i feel it will not be taken personally. unless youre a racist bigot which conservatives tend to house a few more of.

You obviously did not get the talking point about claiming you are a moderate and NEVER admitting you are a Liberal.
p.s. whats the conservative to lib ratio around here? from what i see its mostly tight ass conservative

The board leans WAAAAAAY to the left. Feel free to start bashing Conservatives...

oh great.

Well, you've already met one of the weird little freaks we try to keep in the basement.

This particular one leads a very rich fantasy life. Its best to just nod and back slowly away. Whatever you do, never ever mention "homa-sacks-shuls" to him.

Oh yeah, and welcome.
so hello

im joining you guys for several reasons, to learn, to hone my own arguing abilities, to test my own ideas, and to smash absurdities, i think itll all be fun

though i do carry many liberal opinions i think conservatives do have it right on a couple issues, gun control and fiscal responsibility (though thatdoesnt mean i TOTALLY support capitalism, id say 50/50), id say deep down im pro-life but govt isnt in the business of making choices like that for us. and i dont feel like going into other issues right now (im alittle buzzed). just ask

hey lets get down.

p.s. whats the conservative to lib ratio around here? from what i see its mostly tight ass conservative

p.p.s. i like to joke. i really think all of us love this country and want it to be strong but the environment of playful competition for the best idea is always here and now so i joke when i feel it will not be taken personally. unless youre a racist bigot which conservatives tend to house a few more of.

so hello

im joining you guys for several reasons, to learn, to hone my own arguing abilities, to test my own ideas, and to smash absurdities, i think itll all be fun

though i do carry many liberal opinions i think conservatives do have it right on a couple issues, gun control and fiscal responsibility (though thatdoesnt mean i TOTALLY support capitalism, id say 50/50), id say deep down im pro-life but govt isnt in the business of making choices like that for us. and i dont feel like going into other issues right now (im alittle buzzed). just ask

hey lets get down.

p.s. whats the conservative to lib ratio around here? from what i see its mostly tight ass conservative

p.p.s. i like to joke. i really think all of us love this country and want it to be strong but the environment of playful competition for the best idea is always here and now so i joke when i feel it will not be taken personally. unless youre a racist bigot which conservatives tend to house a few more of.

It's weird:

I'm for strong but small gov't, strong free enterprise, strong military, pro 2nd amendment, I don't like abortion but can see the need if a woman is raped or something. But the instant I say I'm not against gay marriage or I'm big on the environment the Limbaugh hounds point & say, "LIBERAL!!!"

Naturally, I realize I don't have a yellow swastika on my sleeve & realize hey....all it takes to find out if people are genuine is to tell them where you stand on issues. If they respect your opinion, great. If they blow you off, then what did ya lose?...besides a chance to blow off steam :lol:

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