New Housing In California To Be “ev Capable”


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
New Housing In California To Be “EV Capable”

California is swiftly advancing, with one EV-charging-friendly bill after another. The latest is via the California Building Code (CBC2016), which looks set to require that all recently constructed parking lots or housing must be ready for electric charging infrastructure. The information is from draft building code documents and written in legal terms.

“The new building code requirements don’t specify charging station installation, just the conduit and electrical system calculations required to prepare for charging stations,” The Long Tail Pipe reports.

Big step in getting homes ready for it.
Oh goody! More things to make houses even more expensive in CA!
Was watching an interesting video today about how electric cars will be very common in the relatively near future. Ignorant whiners can complain about how it will make houses more expensive but the smart people will do some investing in the technology before its too late. Think where you would be today if you had bought Amazon, for example, in the mid-90s. I won't live to see it but the point of the video was that it would leave very real wealth to one's descendents.
EV cars are just not very popular. Not even in California. Most EV cars are owned by very rich people who keep those status symbols in the garage. One would think that the Volt, with a gasoline engine that kicks in when the very low driving area electric engine quits would be somewhat popular but it isn't either.
Oh goody! More things to make houses even more expensive in CA!

You are not required to have a charging station, just the electrical capacity to eventually accomodate it

Why would you oppose it?

Drill baby, drill?
Oh goody! More things to make houses even more expensive in CA!

You are not required to have a charging station, just the electrical capacity to eventually accomodate it

Why would you oppose it?

Drill baby, drill?

Absolutely. CA has tons of oil reserves. It's appalling that we don't develop them. Most people, especially lower working classes, have older cars and cannot afford to pay for an expensive new EV version. High gasoline prices (which include the soon to be increased CA gas tax) are regressive. One would think a Prog such as yourself would want cheaper gas prices for The Poor.

And one more thing: we have an aging and thoroughly inadequate electrical grid in CA. Where is all the 'Lectricity to power EVs supposed to come from? We need to expand and upgrade transmission capacity as well as build nuclear plants. Solar and Wind won't handle it.
Oh goody! More things to make houses even more expensive in CA!

You are not required to have a charging station, just the electrical capacity to eventually accomodate it

Why would you oppose it?

Drill baby, drill?

Absolutely. CA has tons of oil reserves. It's appalling that we don't develop them. Most people, especially lower working classes, have older cars and cannot afford to pay for an expensive new EV version. High gasoline prices (which include the soon to be increased CA gas tax) are regressive. One would think a Prog such as yourself would want cheaper gas prices for The Poor.

And one more thing: we have an aging and thoroughly inadequate electrical grid in CA. Where is all the 'Lectricity to power EVs supposed to come from? We need to expand and upgrade transmission capacity as well as build nuclear plants. Solar and Wind won't handle it.

Your response has nothing to do with what I posted

Please try again
EV cars are just not very popular.
Define popular. We've got 2 Leafs in my neighborhood, and me and the other Volt drivers around the high school are always waving to each other. I imagine "popular" might mean different things, if you live in rural Kansas, versus suburban Denver.

Katzndogz said:
Most EV cars are owned by very rich people who keep those status symbols in the garage.

Garages are certainly helpful, but I get free fuel from the local department store, as well as nearby government offices. And when the price is equal to or even less than the median new car price in america...if you can afford a new car, odds are you can afford an EV of some sort.

Katzndogz said:
One would think that the Volt, with a gasoline engine that kicks in when the very low driving area electric engine quits would be somewhat popular but it isn't either.

THOSE I do see on Kansas interstates...don't ask me why. But sure, they aren't Camry's, which is, in part, why the wife let me get it. Everyone has a Camry and everyone thinks it is okay to make regular trips down to the liquid fuel extortion might like giving your hard earned money to foreigners, I do not. Use locally produced and distributed fuels, throw in the free juice from the panels on the rooftop, and stride boldly into the future of transport!!

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