New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

Progressivism is largely rooted in Marxism, which functions as a religion as well.
A religion or more like an ideology, a dogma, an ideal, a theory, a misplaced thought process, and last but maybe not the least a demonic cult ?
I remember that. I also remember being surprised that there were religious statues on state capital grounds.

But I applaud their ability to include all faiths. Judge Roy Moore might have kept his 10 Commandments monument in the Alabama Supreme Court building if he had done that.
I'm for equal treatment when it comes to religion, but I include certain ideologies in that. So either allow everything or nothing.
I could ask you why it's so important for drag queens to dance in front of children, for pre-op biological males to share locker rooms with biological females or compete with them in sports, etc.

I was supportive of gay marriage back in the day, but it turns out that the evangelicals were right about the slippery slope.

The only drag queens "performing" in front of kids that I know of is them reading to them.

And you might try to find out if I support "pre-op biological males to share locker rooms with biological females or compete with them in sports" before you accuse me of it.
The only drag queens "performing" in front of kids that I know of is them reading to them.

And you might try to find out if I support "pre-op biological males to share locker rooms with biological females or compete with them in sports" before you accuse me of it.
The MSM rarely covers it, but there has been more than just reading involved for some events.

As for your second part, I was using "you" in the generic sense. You may disagree with those things, but the activists clearly push it.
I gave several examples, like the locker room, sports, and drag queen storytime stuff. Then you also have issues like allowing kids to use hormone blockers and the grooming of kids by teachers.

I do not believe any surgery or hormone blockers should be used on a child. After they are an adult, fine.

I don't want kids groomed by anyone. That includes teachers, clergy, or neighbors.
Not lies at all. She said everything I listed.
Taken out of context probably or maybe she was just feeding your parties need for stupidity in everything you all will consume, just like a beggar being thrown a bag of potato chip crumbs in which paints the picture quite well for this..
How is One Nation under God anti American when it's right there in our pledge of allegiance
It runs contrary to the fact that America is a secular nation, it runs contrary to the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate, and it runs contrary to the fact that many Americans are free from religion and acknowledge the fact that there is no ‘god’ to be ‘under.’

As correctly noted: ‘under god’ was added for purely partisan reasons, in response to an unwarranted fear of ‘communism.’
I gave several examples, like the locker room, sports, and drag queen storytime stuff. Then you also have issues like allowing kids to use hormone blockers and the grooming of kids by teachers.
So basically if you don't like it it's a religion?

And say stupid stuff like "teachers grooming kids", It blows your already shaky credibility all to hell when you repeat republican hate speech..
It runs contrary to the fact that America is a secular nation, it runs contrary to the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate, and it runs contrary to the fact that many Americans are free from religion and acknowledge the fact that there is no ‘god’ to be ‘under.’

As correctly noted: ‘under god’ was added for purely partisan reasons, in response to an unwarranted fear of ‘communism.’
You can question the wisdom of adding "under God", but communism was feared for a good reason.
Taken out of context probably or maybe she was just feeding your parties need for stupidity in everything you all will consume, just like a beggar being thrown a bag of potato chip crumbs in which paints the picture quite well for this..

First things first. I don't have a party. I am a devoted independent.

Second of all, the comments I quoted are all well documented.
So basically if you don't like it it's a religion?

And say stupid stuff like "teachers grooming kids", It blows your already shaky credibility all to hell when you repeat republican hate speech..
What else should I call it when countless teachers express jubilantly on social media and other videos that they explicitly are pushing gender ideology and LGBT propaganda on children? If me calling that out is "hate speech", I'd rather be called a bigot than an enabler of child predators.

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