New evidence: Zimmerman with bloody nose


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I'm sorry Trayvon lost his life, but there is no doubt that this has become a political witch hunt and prosecution.


Injuries: This photo taken by a Sanford, Florida police officer on February 26, after George Zimmerman shot dead unarmed teen Trayvon Martin, has been released by his defense team

It was among the latest batch of evidence handed over to the defense by prosecutors and was posted to Zimmerman's legal team's website,, on Monday.

The rest of the new evidence will also be posted to the blog 'as soon as we are sure it has been properly redacted', the team wrote.

New color photo shows George Zimmerman's bloody nose the night he killed Trayvon Martin | Mail Online
I wonder why this photo and other evidence wasn't released right afer the incident happened? :cool:

It is certainly suspicious that the Prosecution only released this to the Defense team just recently.

This picture certainly backs up Zimmerman's contention that he was getting a smack down laid on him.
I am not sure what the discussion here was like at the time but this photo does not change my position. Zimmerman was wrong. He followed a kid at night in the rain and created the entire situation that resulted in Trayvon losing his life. His bloody nose does not sway me one iota.
I wonder why this photo and other evidence wasn't released right afer the incident happened? :cool:

It is certainly suspicious that the Prosecution only released this to the Defense team just recently.

This picture certainly backs up Zimmerman's contention that he was getting a smack down laid on him.

if a creepy dude like zimmerman was following me around and scaring me, i'd probably punch him in the nose, too...

but he still shouldn't have followed the kid and, in fact, he was told not to.
There is no evidence whatsoever that Zimmerman continued to follow Trayvon after speaking with 911.

None. To me this is still an issue of two men in the wrong place at the wrong time choosing to act unwisely.

And it spiraled out of control with a young man losing his life.

There is so much misinformation out there it's appalling. Let alone having the media doctor tapes. Very experienced reporters sacrificed their careers attempting to portray this as a racially motivated murder.
There is no evidence whatsoever that Zimmerman continued to follow Trayvon after speaking with 911.

None. To me this is still an issue of two men in the wrong place at the wrong time choosing to act unwisely.

And it spiraled out of control with a young man losing his life.

There is so much misinformation out there it's appalling. Let alone having the media doctor tapes. Very experienced reporters sacrificed their careers attempting to portray this as a racially motivated murder.

Hopefully a trial will bring clarity and details but at this time based on what was reported I still believe Zimmerman started this whole tragedy in motion with his misguided and pigheaded behavior. TD, if I am being followed in that same situation I can assure you I will try to flee first but will fight if cornered. I believe Trayvon did just that and sadly died because the gun always wins.
There is no evidence whatsoever that Zimmerman continued to follow Trayvon after speaking with 911.

None. To me this is still an issue of two men in the wrong place at the wrong time choosing to act unwisely.

And it spiraled out of control with a young man losing his life.

There is so much misinformation out there it's appalling. Let alone having the media doctor tapes. Very experienced reporters sacrificed their careers attempting to portray this as a racially motivated murder.

Hopefully a trial will bring clarity and details but at this time based on what was reported I still believe Zimmerman started this whole tragedy in motion with his misguided and pigheaded behavior. TD, if I am being followed in that same situation I can assure you I will try to flee first but will fight if cornered. I believe Trayvon did just that and sadly died because the gun always wins.

The problem has been the reporting. Agreed. So many incorrect reports in a rush to judgement.

It's a dog's breakfast for true Dreamy. The fools at the alphabet networks were so gung ho on trying to turn this into a hate crime that they actually edited tapes and misinterpreted tapes purposefully.

NBC doctoring the 911 call. CNN having to apologize for misinterpreting a part of the call saying Zimmerman said "coons" which was completely bogus.

The media continually publishing pictures of a 12 year old Trayvon. The list is endless. I really blame the media for firing everyone up about this.

Not that there shouldn't have been an inquest. Most certainly. Trayvon's parents deserved that their son's death be investigated thoroughly.

The public needed an inquest as well. But the media drove a dog and pony show.

I've read the transcripts of the 911 call. Sadly one has to do their own investigation to discover truth.

Not sure if you knew about the CNN fiasco. So inflammatory.

CNN Backtracks, Now Thinks George Zimmerman Didn't Call Trayvon Martin A 'Coon'

CNN Backtracks, Now Thinks George Zimmerman Didn't Call Trayvon Martin A 'Coon' - Business Insider

On Wednesday, the network took a different tone when it released "new enhanced 911 audio." Zimmerman's attorneys told CNN that the word in question was "punks," not the racial slur. CNN checked this out with forensic audio expert Tom Owen, who agreed with Zimmerman's lawyers.

Later on Wednesday, Tuchman checked it out again for himself, working this time with one of CNN's "senior audio engineers."

"Some are accusing George Zimmerman of using the racial slur 'coons' in his 911 call," Tuchman says in his report. This is absurd, because CNN pretty much started the controversy in the first place.

In the end, Tuchman, the audio expert and special guest host Wolf Blitzer — who was filling in for Anderson Cooper — all agreed that the word in question was "cold," not the racial slur.

There is no evidence whatsoever that Zimmerman continued to follow Trayvon after speaking with 911.

None. To me this is still an issue of two men in the wrong place at the wrong time choosing to act unwisely.

And it spiraled out of control with a young man losing his life.

There is so much misinformation out there it's appalling. Let alone having the media doctor tapes. Very experienced reporters sacrificed their careers attempting to portray this as a racially motivated murder.

Hopefully a trial will bring clarity and details but at this time based on what was reported I still believe Zimmerman started this whole tragedy in motion with his misguided and pigheaded behavior. TD, if I am being followed in that same situation I can assure you I will try to flee first but will fight if cornered. I believe Trayvon did just that and sadly died because the gun always wins.

The evidence and timeline show that if Trayvon had wanted to, he would have been in the house when the attack took place. Eye witness testimony shows that Trayvon not Zimmerman was on top and pounding his head into the ground. The tape from the 911 call proves that Zimmerman turned around and headed back to his truck after being ADVISED ( no order was given, as the 911 operator has no authority to order anyone) to not follow him. The location of the fight backs up this time line and supports Zimmerman's account of what happened.

Since we now know Zimmerman told the truth on all that I see no reason to doubt him when he stated he only used the weapon after Trayvon threatened to take it and shoot Zimmerman.
I wonder why this photo and other evidence wasn't released right afer the incident happened? :cool:

It is certainly suspicious that the Prosecution only released this to the Defense team just recently.

This picture certainly backs up Zimmerman's contention that he was getting a smack down laid on him.

No, it doesn't. He could have received that injury while Trayvon was trying to fight him off.
Bloody nose?

Martin deserved to be shot

Zimmerman stated that Trayvon told him he was going to take the pistol and kill him. Since everything else Zimmerman said appears to be accurate I suspect the Jury will agree that it was self defense.

It's not that easy

Zimmerman was armed and provoked the confrontation

Have to see how the Jury looks at it
Bloody nose?

Martin deserved to be shot

Zimmerman stated that Trayvon told him he was going to take the pistol and kill him. Since everything else Zimmerman said appears to be accurate I suspect the Jury will agree that it was self defense.

It's not that easy

Zimmerman was armed and provoked the confrontation

Have to see how the Jury looks at it

The time line, the two phone calls and statements backed by physical evidence indicate that Trayvon could have gone IN HIS HOUSE, further it indicates he not Zimmerman was the aggressor. Trayvon CHOSE to go back and attack Zimmerman, all supported by what is known.
My son had a bloody nose and it kinda looked like that.

Between this picture and the other pictures showing the lacerations on the back of Zimmerman's head, he was getting a smack down.

Its certainly true that Trayvon had every right to defend himself but, obviously, it did no good. There was no way he could defend himself against a gun.

Zimmerman bit off more than he could chew. He thought he could play big man with a gun and the kid fought back.

Really doesn't matter if it was racially motivated (and, yes, of course it was. Zimmerman said so). It was stupid of Zimmerman and now several lives are ruined because of his behavior.

Zimmerman is a dead man walking now. If he gets sent to prison for the murder, he'll likely be killed there. If he's set free, its likely he'll be killed on the street. I would imagine he wishes he never went out to play 'pretend cop' that night.

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