New Evidence Shows George Floyd Killed Himself


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Larry C. Johnson: Yes, New Evidence Shows George Floyd Killed Himself

4 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by Larry C. Johnson
First there was the transcript. I wrote about that on 11 July (see here). Now we have the video. Floyd was complaining of not being able to breathe at least five minutes before the police were forced by Floyd to put him on the ground. The transcript I posted on the 11th shows clear evidence that George Floyd was complaining of not being able to breath. This video provides the visual proof. George Floyd was not killed by police. He was suffering respiratory distress caused by a Fentanyl overdose. His inability to breathe had nothing to do with the neck restraint applied by the Minneapolis police.
Now we know that the entire premise of the Black Lives Matter riots was based on a false claim of police abuse. Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd. George Floyd, a criminal and drug addict, killed himself by ingesting a drug that Doctors use to shutdown a patient’s respiratory system.

As I noted on July 11th, the transcript exonerates the police. This is why the Minnesota Attorney General tried to keep the public from seeing the video evidence for themselves.

I am re-posting the transcript so that you can compare it with the video. The video starts with two Minneapolis Police officers approaching Floyd’s vehicle from the driver’s side. One of the officers has his pistol drawn and pointed in Floyd’s direction. However, per standard practice, his finger is not, I REPEAT NOT, on the trigger. If the finger is not on the trigger the gun will not fire itself.
Also worth noting that the police were not physically aggressive with Floyd. They did not punch him or jerk him around. Floyd, in his drugged state, was not cooperative. It is a shame that the officers who detained Floyd lacked clairvoyance or the ability to read Floyd’s mind or mentally test the chemical content of his blood. That kind of knowledge might have given them an early clue that Floyd was a dead man walking because of the toxic brew of illegal drugs he had shoved into his system.
Here’s the link.
The incident starts with a store manager reporting that George Floyd had just given him a counterfeit bill.
The two officers (Kueng and Thomas Lane) go outside and begin the investigation by trying to get George Floyd out of his car:
Floyd was not cooperative. He was disoriented and not acting rationally. Floyd was accompanied by another black man. In contrast to Floyd, the other gentleman followed police instructions:
Floyd claims he was “hooping” earlier. According to the Urban Dictionary, “hooping” refers to smuggling/transporting something that is inserted in one’s rectum.
Pages 15-21 of transcript record the futile effort of the Officers to get Floyd into the police car and Floyd’s drug-induced frenzy and paranoia.
On page 22 of the transcript Floyd starts to claim that he cannot breathe. He has not been placed on the ground. In fact, he ASKS THE POLICE TO PUT HIM ON THE GROUND. Cops are not Docs. They do not have magical powers to diagnose whether or not someone is actually having a medical emergency or faking it. Up to this point in their interaction with George Floyd, they had little evidence to trust anything Floyd said:
The transcript and the video are damning for all arm chair prosecutors who jumped to the unwarranted and unsupported claim that the police killed George Floyd. They did not. Floyd’s respiratory crisis was caused by the Fentanyl he had ingested before the police showed up on the scene. That evidence also is reflected in the autopsy report. Those who have rushed to judgment in condemning the Minneapolis Police Department will have to do some major mea culpas.

Damn another Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist mythical disinformation news lie shot to hell.... Medical Coroners paid to lie and make false statements for political reasons...
The LSM editing out the "Stop Resisting" in tape..
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party has to cease to exist. because of it's racist past. Slave owners, KKK, Jim Crow laws and now their racist presence.
The party is going to have to change it's name to something else.
This new video evidence should not have had to be leaked by foreign media, but should have been available from the beginning. Every last one in the media and political office holders responsible for this travesty and framing of patrolman Chauvin have inflicted incalculable psychological, physical, and property damage upon our nation, and are directly responsible for the many lives lost in the aftermath of this falsehood. As a result, they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
BLM can absolutely be sued. The main organization running BLM, the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc., is a registered 501(c)(3) org sponsored by Thousand Currents/Tides Center which itself is a subsidiary of the Tides Foundation. There are also other, smaller BLM organizations like the Black Lives Matter Foundation, which is another 501(c)(3), that could be sued as well.
sorry folks ----fentanyl does not suppress respiration.
I believe that Floyd was in the process of having a myocardial Infarction-----which does affect a person by giving him a sense that he cannot breathe----a very heavy pressure on the chest

with what in my post do you disagree, doc?
sorry folks ----fentanyl does not suppress respiration.
I believe that Floyd was in the process of having a myocardial Infarction-----which does affect a person by giving him a sense that he cannot breathe----a very heavy pressure on the chest

Myocardial Infarction does produce the effects you describe. Additionally, using Fentanyl while taking central nervous system depressants, such as sedatives, hypnotics, alcohol, and other opioids, including amphetamines can cause abnormally low blood pressure, profound sedation, coma, respiratory depression, and death. Commonly called O.D....

sorry folks ----fentanyl does not suppress respiration.
I believe that Floyd was in the process of having a myocardial Infarction-----which does affect a person by giving him a sense that he cannot breathe----a very heavy pressure on the chest

The coroner report said he died from a heart attack.

' An autopsy released by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Wednesday showed that George Floyd officially died from a heart attack. The autopsy report also indicated he was positive for the coronavirus based on a postmortem nasal swab collected after his death. '
sorry folks ----fentanyl does not suppress respiration.
I believe that Floyd was in the process of having a myocardial Infarction-----which does affect a person by giving him a sense that he cannot breathe----a very heavy pressure on the chest

The coroner report said he died from a heart attack.

yes-----such an event does SHOW UP on autopsy on microscopic exam of the cardiac muscle----and also blockage of a coronary artery---and sometimes some
blood studies
sorry folks ----fentanyl does not suppress respiration.
I believe that Floyd was in the process of having a myocardial Infarction-----which does affect a person by giving him a sense that he cannot breathe----a very heavy pressure on the chest

Myocardial Infarction does produce the effects you describe. Additionally, using Fentanyl while taking central nervous system depressants, such as sedatives, hypnotics, alcohol, and other opioids, including amphetamines can cause abnormally low blood pressure, profound sedation, coma, respiratory depression, and death. Commonly called O.D....


YES----the fentanyl probably did not KILL HIM---but it helped-----it may have made him agitated too---
it is an hallucinogenic. ----do not be mislead ---one can OD on fentanyl----It seems to me that floyd did nt
sorry folks ----fentanyl does not suppress respiration.
I believe that Floyd was in the process of having a myocardial Infarction-----which does affect a person by giving him a sense that he cannot breathe----a very heavy pressure on the chest
This ******'s death is not the police' fault.
Maybe Fentanyl trafficking and abuse should be a election issue.
It is killing tens of thousand of Americans every year.
It killed Prince and Tom Petty.
It is coming here from China, so of course the Dems don't want it to be an issue.
Fentanly is very dangerous.

Due to its chemical structure, fentanyl has rapid and potent effects on the brain and body, and even very small amounts can be extremely dangerous. “It only takes a tiny amount of the drug to cause a deadly reaction,” Richter says. “Fentanyl can depress breathing and lead to death. The risk of overdose is high with fentanyl.”
Fentanyl: What You Should Know…
You mean he warned the police he was in respiratory distress long before the four of them pinned him down and choked him out?

You know the coroner still declared it homicide. He wouldn't have died that day if not for the choking knee on his neck.
Larry C. Johnson: Yes, New Evidence Shows George Floyd Killed Himself

4 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Guest post by Larry C. Johnson
First there was the transcript. I wrote about that on 11 July (see here). Now we have the video. Floyd was complaining of not being able to breathe at least five minutes before the police were forced by Floyd to put him on the ground. The transcript I posted on the 11th shows clear evidence that George Floyd was complaining of not being able to breath. This video provides the visual proof. George Floyd was not killed by police. He was suffering respiratory distress caused by a Fentanyl overdose. His inability to breathe had nothing to do with the neck restraint applied by the Minneapolis police.
Now we know that the entire premise of the Black Lives Matter riots was based on a false claim of police abuse. Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd. George Floyd, a criminal and drug addict, killed himself by ingesting a drug that Doctors use to shutdown a patient’s respiratory system.

As I noted on July 11th, the transcript exonerates the police. This is why the Minnesota Attorney General tried to keep the public from seeing the video evidence for themselves.

I am re-posting the transcript so that you can compare it with the video. The video starts with two Minneapolis Police officers approaching Floyd’s vehicle from the driver’s side. One of the officers has his pistol drawn and pointed in Floyd’s direction. However, per standard practice, his finger is not, I REPEAT NOT, on the trigger. If the finger is not on the trigger the gun will not fire itself.
Also worth noting that the police were not physically aggressive with Floyd. They did not punch him or jerk him around. Floyd, in his drugged state, was not cooperative. It is a shame that the officers who detained Floyd lacked clairvoyance or the ability to read Floyd’s mind or mentally test the chemical content of his blood. That kind of knowledge might have given them an early clue that Floyd was a dead man walking because of the toxic brew of illegal drugs he had shoved into his system.
Here’s the link.
The incident starts with a store manager reporting that George Floyd had just given him a counterfeit bill.
The two officers (Kueng and Thomas Lane) go outside and begin the investigation by trying to get George Floyd out of his car:
Floyd was not cooperative. He was disoriented and not acting rationally. Floyd was accompanied by another black man. In contrast to Floyd, the other gentleman followed police instructions:
Floyd claims he was “hooping” earlier. According to the Urban Dictionary, “hooping” refers to smuggling/transporting something that is inserted in one’s rectum.
Pages 15-21 of transcript record the futile effort of the Officers to get Floyd into the police car and Floyd’s drug-induced frenzy and paranoia.
On page 22 of the transcript Floyd starts to claim that he cannot breathe. He has not been placed on the ground. In fact, he ASKS THE POLICE TO PUT HIM ON THE GROUND. Cops are not Docs. They do not have magical powers to diagnose whether or not someone is actually having a medical emergency or faking it. Up to this point in their interaction with George Floyd, they had little evidence to trust anything Floyd said:
The transcript and the video are damning for all arm chair prosecutors who jumped to the unwarranted and unsupported claim that the police killed George Floyd. They did not. Floyd’s respiratory crisis was caused by the Fentanyl he had ingested before the police showed up on the scene. That evidence also is reflected in the autopsy report. Those who have rushed to judgment in condemning the Minneapolis Police Department will have to do some major mea culpas.

Damn another Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist mythical disinformation news lie shot to hell.... Medical Coroners paid to lie and make false statements for political reasons...
The LSM editing out the "Stop Resisting" in tape..
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party has to cease to exist. because of it's racist past. Slave owners, KKK, Jim Crow laws and now their racist presence.
The party is going to have to change it's name to something else.
This new video evidence should not have had to be leaked by foreign media, but should have been available from the beginning. Every last one in the media and political office holders responsible for this travesty and framing of patrolman Chauvin have inflicted incalculable psychological, physical, and property damage upon our nation, and are directly responsible for the many lives lost in the aftermath of this falsehood. As a result, they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
BLM can absolutely be sued. The main organization running BLM, the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc., is a registered 501(c)(3) org sponsored by Thousand Currents/Tides Center which itself is a subsidiary of the Tides Foundation. There are also other, smaller BLM organizations like the Black Lives Matter Foundation, which is another 501(c)(3), that could be sued as well.

The Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner agrees with the autopsy findings and the cause of death certification of George Floyd as determined by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office. His death was caused by the police subdual and restraint in the setting of severe hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and methamphetamine and fentanyl intoxication. The subdual and restraint had elements of positional and mechanical asphyxiation. The presence of sickle cell trait is a significant finding in this context.

We concur with the reported manner of death of homicide.
sorry folks ----fentanyl does not suppress respiration.

In fact, all opiods can suppress respiration. It's a very common side effect of overdose.

Having 400lbs on your back and neck for almost 9 minutes might not be good for respiration either. Just saying.

Having 400lbs on your back and neck for almost 9 minutes might not be good for respiration either.

Rosie O'Donnell was the officer?
sorry folks ----fentanyl does not suppress respiration.
I believe that Floyd was in the process of having a myocardial Infarction-----which does affect a person by giving him a sense that he cannot breathe----a very heavy pressure on the chest

You are full of Bovine Scat... Opioids do suppress respiration and Fentanyl is a powerful opioid derivative.
Read the following::
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