New Discovery Found From Ancient Israel

If the sight is as old as speculated, the jewish calendar will have to be changed

Can't wait for those indigenous Palestinians of today to claim the site is theirs. Heh Heh!

More likely that the Palestinians had Caanite ancestors than people from Europe.

You guys really needto ge together in agreement on this issue. Some say the Palestinians are the direct descendents of the Sumerians. Others say Akkadians. Still others say Phoenicians or Canaanites or Philistines. So which is it? Praise be to Allah they never had the brains to claim they are the direct descendents of the lost tribes of Israel. Israel would have been doomed.
If the sight is as old as speculated, the jewish calendar will have to be changed

Can't wait for those indigenous Palestinians of today to claim the site is theirs. Heh Heh!

More likely that the Palestinians had Caanite ancestors than people from Europe.

You guys really needto ge together in agreement on this issue. Some say the Palestinians are the direct descendents of the Sumerians. Others say Akkadians. Still others say Phoenicians or Canaanites or Philistines. So which is it? Praise be to Allah they never had the brains to claim they are the direct descendents of the lost tribes of Israel. Israel would have been doomed.

It could be the other way around Marg, where did Abraham come from?
If the sight is as old as speculated, the jewish calendar will have to be changed

Can't wait for those indigenous Palestinians of today to claim the site is theirs. Heh Heh!

More likely that the Palestinians had Caanite ancestors than people from Europe.

You guys really needto ge together in agreement on this issue. Some say the Palestinians are the direct descendents of the Sumerians. Others say Akkadians. Still others say Phoenicians or Canaanites or Philistines. So which is it? Praise be to Allah they never had the brains to claim they are the direct descendents of the lost tribes of Israel. Israel would have been doomed.

Like almost anywhere else the Palestinians are, for the most part, descendants of the people that have always lived in the area, whatever the religion(s) of their forefathers.
If the sight is as old as speculated, the jewish calendar will have to be changed

Can't wait for those indigenous Palestinians of today to claim the site is theirs. Heh Heh!

More likely that the Palestinians had Caanite ancestors than people from Europe.

You guys really needto ge together in agreement on this issue. Some say the Palestinians are the direct descendents of the Sumerians. Others say Akkadians. Still others say Phoenicians or Canaanites or Philistines. So which is it? Praise be to Allah they never had the brains to claim they are the direct descendents of the lost tribes of Israel. Israel would have been doomed.

Like almost anywhere else the Palestinians are, for the most part, descendants of the people that have always lived in the area, whatever the religion(s) of their forefathers.

Jordan is the smartest player in all of the Middle East. After the 67 war when Israel offered to return the entire West Bank back to Jordan, Jordan refused so they could dump their Palestinians on Israel to deal with. And it is from Jordan where most of the Muslim Palestinians previously resided.
If the sight is as old as speculated, the jewish calendar will have to be changed

Can't wait for those indigenous Palestinians of today to claim the site is theirs. Heh Heh!

More likely that the Palestinians had Caanite ancestors than people from Europe.

You guys really needto ge together in agreement on this issue. Some say the Palestinians are the direct descendents of the Sumerians. Others say Akkadians. Still others say Phoenicians or Canaanites or Philistines. So which is it? Praise be to Allah they never had the brains to claim they are the direct descendents of the lost tribes of Israel. Israel would have been doomed.

Like almost anywhere else the Palestinians are, for the most part, descendants of the people that have always lived in the area, whatever the religion(s) of their forefathers.
From Bonzo? Interesting.
If the sight is as old as speculated, the jewish calendar will have to be changed

Can't wait for those indigenous Palestinians of today to claim the site is theirs. Heh Heh!

More likely that the Palestinians had Caanite ancestors than people from Europe.

You guys really needto ge together in agreement on this issue. Some say the Palestinians are the direct descendents of the Sumerians. Others say Akkadians. Still others say Phoenicians or Canaanites or Philistines. So which is it? Praise be to Allah they never had the brains to claim they are the direct descendents of the lost tribes of Israel. Israel would have been doomed.

Like almost anywhere else the Palestinians are, for the most part, descendants of the people that have always lived in the area, whatever the religion(s) of their forefathers.

Jordan is the smartest player in all of the Middle East. After the 67 war when Israel offered to return the entire West Bank back to Jordan, Jordan refused so they could dump their Palestinians on Israel to deal with. And it is from Jordan where most of the Muslim Palestinians previously resided.

As usual, you are full of shit:

None of the Palestinian Muslims came from Jordan. As the last UN Survey on Palestine states. Christian and Muslim population growth in Palestine was as a result of natural increase, while Jewish population growth was due to immigration. When source documents and facts contained therein are available, why do you spout propaganda.

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If the sight is as old as speculated, the jewish calendar will have to be changed

Can't wait for those indigenous Palestinians of today to claim the site is theirs. Heh Heh!

More likely that the Palestinians had Caanite ancestors than people from Europe.

You guys really needto ge together in agreement on this issue. Some say the Palestinians are the direct descendents of the Sumerians. Others say Akkadians. Still others say Phoenicians or Canaanites or Philistines. So which is it? Praise be to Allah they never had the brains to claim they are the direct descendents of the lost tribes of Israel. Israel would have been doomed.

It could be the other way around Marg, where did Abraham come from?

How do ya like that. "None of the Palestinian Muslims came from Jordan." And who said the West Bank was Jordan's? Amazing what we can learn from Monte.

Demographics of Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Half of Jordan's population are of Palestinian origin

Mass immigration to Jordon when the Jews came.

not refugees in Jordan, jordanians who were palestinian. Palestinians who lived in trans-jordan when it was created.....and their descendants.

Refugees were offered citizenship before the coup. Those who became citizens later had it revoked
If the sight is as old as speculated, the jewish calendar will have to be changed

Can't wait for those indigenous Palestinians of today to claim the site is theirs. Heh Heh!

More likely that the Palestinians had Caanite ancestors than people from Europe.

You guys really needto ge together in agreement on this issue. Some say the Palestinians are the direct descendents of the Sumerians. Others say Akkadians. Still others say Phoenicians or Canaanites or Philistines. So which is it? Praise be to Allah they never had the brains to claim they are the direct descendents of the lost tribes of Israel. Israel would have been doomed.

It could be the other way around Marg, where did Abraham come from?


Never heard of Mitanni, so looked it up and yes, pretty much the same as the Land of Ur and N. Mesopotamia
How do ya like that. "None of the Palestinian Muslims came from Jordan." And who said the West Bank was Jordan's? Amazing what we can learn from Monte.

Demographics of Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Half of Jordan's population are of Palestinian origin

Mass immigration to Jordon when the Jews came.

not refugees in Jordan, jordanians who were palestinian. Palestinians who lived in trans-jordan when it was created.....and their descendants.

Refugees were offered citizenship before the coup. Those who became citizens later had it revoked

Palestinians lived in Palestine not Trans-Jordan. In the 1920s Trans-Jordan had a population of 350,000 of whom none were Palestinian. The people of Trans-Jordan made up of Christian and Muslim Arab tribes were indigenous to the area and had been there for thousands of years:

"1.1.1 The Muslim and Christian Arab tribes of Transjordan

Thus, the preponderance of the desert and the remoteness from urban areas brought the Transjordan people to share the same distinctive cultural dimension, commonly called ‘tribal’ .The element that distinguished Transjordan public life was the culture of hospitality , which took shape in the provision of free refreshment and lodgings for travellers –
madaah or rmanzil in each settlement. The culture of hospitality was the most evident demonstration of the spread of tribal culture within Transjordanian districts...."

The Hashemite Emirate of Transjordan. Politics and Tribal Culture Paolo Maria Leo Cesare Maggiolini -
Can't wait for those indigenous Palestinians of today to claim the site is theirs. Heh Heh!

More likely that the Palestinians had Caanite ancestors than people from Europe.

You guys really needto ge together in agreement on this issue. Some say the Palestinians are the direct descendents of the Sumerians. Others say Akkadians. Still others say Phoenicians or Canaanites or Philistines. So which is it? Praise be to Allah they never had the brains to claim they are the direct descendents of the lost tribes of Israel. Israel would have been doomed.

It could be the other way around Marg, where did Abraham come from?


Never heard of Mitanni, so looked it up and yes, pretty much the same as the Land of Ur and N. Mesopotamia

Ur/Urfa is close to Haran

You are funny. I provide a scholarly paper that demonstrates that the Trans-Jordanians were various indigenous Muslim and Christian tribes, and were not Palestinians and you link to a propaganda piece published in Jerusalem called "Dangers of a Palestinian State". Unbelievable. Do you think before you post, or is Zionist propaganda so entrenched that you lot can't tell it's propaganda?

You are funny. I provide a scholarly paper that demonstrates that the Trans-Jordanians were various indigenous Muslim and Christian tribes, and were not Palestinians and you link to a propaganda piece published in Jerusalem called "Dangers of a Palestinian State". Unbelievable. Do you think before you post, or is Zionist propaganda so entrenched that you lot can't tell it's propaganda?

I wouldn't be too hard on Mr Riebenfeld, although he was a Chairman of the Louis D. Brandeis Society of Zionist Lawyers and the cited essay, an advocacy piece for the benefit of the US Congress, Mr Riebenfeld agreed with you that Palestinians were in fact original native inhabitants of the area that converted from Judaism to Islam, and given enough time would all return to Judaism and so "re-unite" with their European bretheren. In a roundabout way he supports your argument. :D

Israel, the West Bank and International Law
By Allan Gerson


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