New CNN poll shows overwhelming support for Cut, Cap, and Balance

Liberals already tried to get into the teaches retirement fund in the 1990's
So yeah they will try to get into the 401K's and any other retirement funds.
They know what is best for us Ha!
They also think that it's their money and not ours.
and you are not as some of your fellow liberals.
I am not a republican...I am a conservative who likely will vote republican....but the GOP does not get a dime from me.

What beliefs do you hold which make you say you are a "conservative"? I'm curious because many different opinions are posted by others who make that claim.

I will answer your question as it seems to be a legit question...

But I ask the following....

Feel free to criticize my thinking, but try not to spin it.

Do not tell me I am a rightwing nutjob.

Short story first...

Short stint in military....went to college....worked hard for degree...took years to poay it off.

Got a decent job out of college....but my work ethic sucked. Got fired...blamed everyone but myself. Sat on the boardwalk of long island hating the world (lived underneath the boardwalk for a stint)...met a guy...had a physical challange of some kind....maybe CP or MS...but was happy. He had just recieved his loan to open a restaurant.

I sat there and realized I was given all of the tools to create my own future....andhere was a man who was not given all the tools and did anyway

Struggled for a few years, but built a business...andnow own 2 businesses, family of four, own a home valued at 900K...have some through college....wife of 27 years my best friend. Life is great.

As a conservative I bleieve that no one is responsible for me, but me. No one cares enough about me, but me, so I am to follow my own instincts.

No one is at fault for my failures, but me.

My decisions are mine and I am to educate myself of all consequences before making a I have no one to blame but me.

Nothing can get in my way, but me. If I cant acheive what I want, I am to find a new way to acheive it as no one wants it as much as me, but me.

My fellow mans success or failure is not my business, but I will lend a hand when I am able, if such a hand is asked for.

In a business is none of your business, and your business is none of my business, but if we can work together to ahceive happiness for those we love, then lets do it. I am my own man and I am to count on no one to help me ahceive what I want. If one offers a hand and I feel it can be useful, I will accept it. But I will never expect it nor will I ever count on it.

It workd for me Wry Catcher...and it is working for my sons.

Good explanation and more insight than I should have or could have expected. I didn't follow your path exactly, but close enough. College, Navy, more college and then a career, married for 36 years come August, two sons both grown and responsibile; my wife and I are fiscally conservative - we are paygo and have always been so. Our only debt is a mortgage hundreds of K less than the value of our home.

We are both registered Democrats and liberals on other matters. We earned what we have because we had the opportunity and other born attributes allowing us to be successful. We don't begrudge the very wealthy, but we support a progressive income tax. We support universal preventative healthcare to all citizens, for to do so will protect all of us from the transmission of communicable disease and the cost of untreated but treatable illness; disease which discovered and treated early cost less in terms of treatment, loss of productivity and misery.

We reject the efforts of some to privatize all of our society. Believing as we do in a society which seeks to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number we support a non profit approch to providing public utilities: We support protecting our environment from polluters, unbaised inspectors making sure our water and air and food is clean and safe; we believe government is not a problem, per se, but has real and important duties and respnsibilites, those elected or appointed to perform such duties should do so independent of outside influence so we reject the Supreme Courts ruling in Citizens United v. FEC emphatically.

We support new technology and in particular efforts by the government and private sources to end our dependence on oil and develop renewable sources, we support the rights of gay and lesbians citizens to marry and enjoy the same rights of all of us as clearly spelled out in the Declaration of Independence.
What beliefs do you hold which make you say you are a "conservative"? I'm curious because many different opinions are posted by others who make that claim.

I will answer your question as it seems to be a legit question...

But I ask the following....

Feel free to criticize my thinking, but try not to spin it.

Do not tell me I am a rightwing nutjob.

Short story first...

Short stint in military....went to college....worked hard for degree...took years to poay it off.

Got a decent job out of college....but my work ethic sucked. Got fired...blamed everyone but myself. Sat on the boardwalk of long island hating the world (lived underneath the boardwalk for a stint)...met a guy...had a physical challange of some kind....maybe CP or MS...but was happy. He had just recieved his loan to open a restaurant.

I sat there and realized I was given all of the tools to create my own future....andhere was a man who was not given all the tools and did anyway

Struggled for a few years, but built a business...andnow own 2 businesses, family of four, own a home valued at 900K...have some through college....wife of 27 years my best friend. Life is great.

As a conservative I bleieve that no one is responsible for me, but me. No one cares enough about me, but me, so I am to follow my own instincts.

No one is at fault for my failures, but me.

My decisions are mine and I am to educate myself of all consequences before making a I have no one to blame but me.

Nothing can get in my way, but me. If I cant acheive what I want, I am to find a new way to acheive it as no one wants it as much as me, but me.

My fellow mans success or failure is not my business, but I will lend a hand when I am able, if such a hand is asked for.

In a business is none of your business, and your business is none of my business, but if we can work together to ahceive happiness for those we love, then lets do it. I am my own man and I am to count on no one to help me ahceive what I want. If one offers a hand and I feel it can be useful, I will accept it. But I will never expect it nor will I ever count on it.

It workd for me Wry Catcher...and it is working for my sons.

Good explanation and more insight than I should have or could have expected. I didn't follow your path exactly, but close enough. College, Navy, more college and then a career, married for 36 years come August, two sons both grown and responsibile; my wife and I are fiscally conservative - we are paygo and have always been so. Our only debt is a mortgage hundreds of K less than the value of our home.

We are both registered Democrats and liberals on other matters. We earned what we have because we had the opportunity and other born attributes allowing us to be successful. We don't begrudge the very wealthy, but we support a progressive income tax. We support universal preventative healthcare to all citizens, for to do so will protect all of us from the transmission of communicable disease and the cost of untreated but treatable illness; disease which discovered and treated early cost less in terms of treatment, loss of productivity and misery.

We reject the efforts of some to privatize all of our society. Believing as we do in a society which seeks to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number we support a non profit approch to providing public utilities: We support protecting our environment from polluters, unbaised inspectors making sure our water and air and food is clean and safe; we believe government is not a problem, per se, but has real and important duties and respnsibilites, those elected or appointed to perform such duties should do so independent of outside influence so we reject the Supreme Courts ruling in Citizens United v. FEC emphatically.

We support new technology and in particular efforts by the government and private sources to end our dependence on oil and develop renewable sources, we support the rights of gay and lesbians citizens to marry and enjoy the same rights of all of us as clearly spelled out in the Declaration of Independence.

We are not far apart.

My primary debt is my mortgage...but as is less than 1/3 the current value of my home. I have a credit line I use for business....about 20K used...but the rate they gave me, I am not so quick to pay it off.

I am not against a single payer system but with as limited governemnt control as possible.....I do not believe our politicians do not allow their desire to get votes to get in the way of sane decisions...I would like them to have as little control of most everything.

I support gay marriage although I am not gay. Equal rights to all. My wife and I have never distinguished between our gay and heterosexual friends....and we love fire island (Gay community off the south shore of long Island)

I am against abortion but support a womans right to choose. My religious beliefs are my religious beliefs...they should have no affect on others who wish to do what they wish to do....and I will support a woman's right to choose, even though I personally would advise against abortion.

I support new energy technology, but until it is truly usable, I say coal and oil. Another 20 years of drilling will not change anything for the worse...but help us ween off the international community for oil.

I am a fiscal conservastive and an open minded American as it pertains to social issues.
For some reason CNN is glossing this over. I can't imagine why.

The poll is here. (pdf)

CNN covers it here.

CNN Poll: Strong partisan divide on debt ceiling – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

13 paragraphs in we see this tidbit.

Republicans like the "cut, cap, and balance" approach to the debt ceiling, as do Democrats and independents. Most Americans support a balanced budget amendment, and most, but not as many, think an amendment is necessary to get federal spending under control. A balanced budget amendment passed the House earlier this week, but a vote in the Senate is expected to fail.
What exactly does most mean here? 52%?

Not exactly.

63% of Democrats back the CCB bill passed by the House. Even people who say they oppose the Tea Party support it 53%/47%.

That means that Obama went to the people, and they listened, to the other side.

Interesting that you skipped the part about 64% of Americans being in favor of a combination of cuts AND tax increases...

I did not skip anything, I was making a point about how CNN covered the story and glossed over the fact that 67% support the Republican CCB plan. If you want to focus on side issues start your own thread.
This bill would make it impossible to go to war.

But Republicans (and Democrats) never let a budget stop them from doing that.

You obviously have not read the bill. Come back when you have and we can discuss what it makes impossible.
As an unashamed right winger, I would accept tax increases - if they were:

1. increased for everyone, not just by demonizing other Americans, such as the 'rich'.

2. ringfenced to pay off the debt and not to provide more bullshit for special interest pork.

So... let's see... Not only do you support cutting Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid...programs that tens of millions rely on to survive and keep healthy... but then on top of it, you want people who can barely afford to survive to be taxed(if they get 100% refunds) or be taxed more(if they don't).

Nice... you want to pull a double whammy on those who LEAST can afford it, and let the people that can afford it most to be hit the least. Yep... you are an unabashed right winger.


What we are saying is we do not want the face of America changed.
Regardless of income, all are to be treated equally by legislation.

Conservatives dont see rich and poor....they see fellow Americans.

Once we strart classifying people, what we see as the premise that made America great becoems compromised.

You do not have to agree with the wayt we see things.....but it is inappropriate to spin our intentions.

FYI...I had been a pooor conservative longer than I was a "top 5%er"...and my value system never changed

And I believe it was my ideology that allowed me to rise from the ranks of "the poor" as I felt the need to do for myself.

And an FYI....I never veiwed myself as "poor" despite having no money, no job and no home. I saw myself as an American with a dream.

Interesting that you skipped the part about 64% of Americans being in favor of a combination of cuts AND tax increases...

As an unashamed right winger, I would accept tax increases - if they were:

1. increased for everyone, not just by demonizing other Americans, such as the 'rich'.

2. ringfenced to pay off the debt and not to provide more bullshit for special interest pork.

So you were in favor of letting the bush tax cuts expire?

Only if we let all of them expire. Continuing the tax cuts for most people but killing them only on the "rich" is offensive, and would have had a minimal impact on the deficit.
So... let's see... Not only do you support cutting Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid...programs that tens of millions rely on to survive and keep healthy... but then on top of it, you want people who can barely afford to survive to be taxed(if they get 100% refunds) or be taxed more(if they don't).

Nice... you want to pull a double whammy on those who LEAST can afford it, and let the people that can afford it most to be hit the least. Yep... you are an unabashed right winger.


What we are saying is we do not want the face of America changed.
Regardless of income, all are to be treated equally by legislation.

Conservatives dont see rich and poor....they see fellow Americans.

Once we strart classifying people, what we see as the premise that made America great becoems compromised.

You do not have to agree with the wayt we see things.....but it is inappropriate to spin our intentions.

FYI...I had been a pooor conservative longer than I was a "top 5%er"...and my value system never changed

And I believe it was my ideology that allowed me to rise from the ranks of "the poor" as I felt the need to do for myself.

And an FYI....I never veiwed myself as "poor" despite having no money, no job and no home. I saw myself as an American with a dream.

As an unashamed right winger, I would accept tax increases - if they were:

1. increased for everyone, not just by demonizing other Americans, such as the 'rich'.

2. ringfenced to pay off the debt and not to provide more bullshit for special interest pork.

So you were in favor of letting the bush tax cuts expire?

Only if we let all of them expire. Continuing the tax cuts for most people but killing them only on the "rich" is offensive, and would have had a minimal impact on the deficit.

The factoid always ignored is that if you confiscated EVERY $$ owned by the so called rich, it wouldn't even pay off $1 trillion of debt.

But then, it never had anything to do with the deficit, it's just class envy B.S.
For some reason CNN is glossing this over. I can't imagine why.

The poll is here. (pdf)

CNN covers it here.

CNN Poll: Strong partisan divide on debt ceiling – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

13 paragraphs in we see this tidbit.

Republicans like the "cut, cap, and balance" approach to the debt ceiling, as do Democrats and independents. Most Americans support a balanced budget amendment, and most, but not as many, think an amendment is necessary to get federal spending under control. A balanced budget amendment passed the House earlier this week, but a vote in the Senate is expected to fail.
What exactly does most mean here? 52%?

Not exactly.

63% of Democrats back the CCB bill passed by the House. Even people who say they oppose the Tea Party support it 53%/47%.

That means that Obama went to the people, and they listened, to the other side.

Some people may like the idea on an emotional basis, which is why we have a representative government - a republic - and do not make law and policy by referandum. Budgets, all budgets are a plan, and plans sometimes change. A balanced budget codified ties the hands of policy makers to change course when events require it.

This 'plan' is nothing more than demagouery. It is not a solution, it is a scheme put forward by radicals whose not so well hidden agenda is to privatize as much as possible - and that includes Medicare and Social Security.

Not some, most.

As for the rest of your rhetoric, come back after you read the bill. You will see that it is actually not what you claim it is.
I will answer your question as it seems to be a legit question...

But I ask the following....

Feel free to criticize my thinking, but try not to spin it.

Do not tell me I am a rightwing nutjob.

Short story first...

Short stint in military....went to college....worked hard for degree...took years to poay it off.

Got a decent job out of college....but my work ethic sucked. Got fired...blamed everyone but myself. Sat on the boardwalk of long island hating the world (lived underneath the boardwalk for a stint)...met a guy...had a physical challange of some kind....maybe CP or MS...but was happy. He had just recieved his loan to open a restaurant.

I sat there and realized I was given all of the tools to create my own future....andhere was a man who was not given all the tools and did anyway

Struggled for a few years, but built a business...andnow own 2 businesses, family of four, own a home valued at 900K...have some through college....wife of 27 years my best friend. Life is great.

As a conservative I bleieve that no one is responsible for me, but me. No one cares enough about me, but me, so I am to follow my own instincts.

No one is at fault for my failures, but me.

My decisions are mine and I am to educate myself of all consequences before making a I have no one to blame but me.

Nothing can get in my way, but me. If I cant acheive what I want, I am to find a new way to acheive it as no one wants it as much as me, but me.

My fellow mans success or failure is not my business, but I will lend a hand when I am able, if such a hand is asked for.

In a business is none of your business, and your business is none of my business, but if we can work together to ahceive happiness for those we love, then lets do it. I am my own man and I am to count on no one to help me ahceive what I want. If one offers a hand and I feel it can be useful, I will accept it. But I will never expect it nor will I ever count on it.

It workd for me Wry Catcher...and it is working for my sons.

Good explanation and more insight than I should have or could have expected. I didn't follow your path exactly, but close enough. College, Navy, more college and then a career, married for 36 years come August, two sons both grown and responsibile; my wife and I are fiscally conservative - we are paygo and have always been so. Our only debt is a mortgage hundreds of K less than the value of our home.

We are both registered Democrats and liberals on other matters. We earned what we have because we had the opportunity and other born attributes allowing us to be successful. We don't begrudge the very wealthy, but we support a progressive income tax. We support universal preventative healthcare to all citizens, for to do so will protect all of us from the transmission of communicable disease and the cost of untreated but treatable illness; disease which discovered and treated early cost less in terms of treatment, loss of productivity and misery.

We reject the efforts of some to privatize all of our society. Believing as we do in a society which seeks to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number we support a non profit approch to providing public utilities: We support protecting our environment from polluters, unbaised inspectors making sure our water and air and food is clean and safe; we believe government is not a problem, per se, but has real and important duties and respnsibilites, those elected or appointed to perform such duties should do so independent of outside influence so we reject the Supreme Courts ruling in Citizens United v. FEC emphatically.

We support new technology and in particular efforts by the government and private sources to end our dependence on oil and develop renewable sources, we support the rights of gay and lesbians citizens to marry and enjoy the same rights of all of us as clearly spelled out in the Declaration of Independence.

We are not far apart.

My primary debt is my mortgage...but as is less than 1/3 the current value of my home. I have a credit line I use for business....about 20K used...but the rate they gave me, I am not so quick to pay it off.

I am not against a single payer system but with as limited governemnt control as possible.....I do not believe our politicians do not allow their desire to get votes to get in the way of sane decisions...I would like them to have as little control of most everything.

I support gay marriage although I am not gay. Equal rights to all. My wife and I have never distinguished between our gay and heterosexual friends....and we love fire island (Gay community off the south shore of long Island)

I am against abortion but support a womans right to choose. My religious beliefs are my religious beliefs...they should have no affect on others who wish to do what they wish to do....and I will support a woman's right to choose, even though I personally would advise against abortion.

I support new energy technology, but until it is truly usable, I say coal and oil. Another 20 years of drilling will not change anything for the worse...but help us ween off the international community for oil.

I am a fiscal conservastive and an open minded American as it pertains to social issues.

I am close to each of you philosophically. Closer to WryCatcher... but close enough to both of you. Once again, I apologize to Jarhead for earlier today... I just get angry when I see fellow Americans hate others because of their politics. I don't hate anyone, let alone my fellow countrymen. This whole vitriolic cycle we find ourselves in will eventually destroy our country unless it gets under control. Let's hope that this type of dialogue catches fire..

Thanks to both of you.
What a crock of shit... Lest you forget... WE PAY INTO SOCIAL SECURITY FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF IT BEING THERE WHEN WE GET OLD!!! ok... did you get that... it's not "OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY..... IT'S OUR OWN!!!"

moron.... If you want to turn this country into a slave labor nation where we work till we die for the profits of our "betters", I will fight you with my last breath.

retirees take out considerably more than they put in within their working lifetime. I think you ignore that.

What we are saying is we do not want the face of America changed.
Regardless of income, all are to be treated equally by legislation.

Conservatives dont see rich and poor....they see fellow Americans.

Once we strart classifying people, what we see as the premise that made America great becoems compromised.

You do not have to agree with the wayt we see things.....but it is inappropriate to spin our intentions.

FYI...I had been a pooor conservative longer than I was a "top 5%er"...and my value system never changed

And I believe it was my ideology that allowed me to rise from the ranks of "the poor" as I felt the need to do for myself.

And an FYI....I never veiwed myself as "poor" despite having no money, no job and no home. I saw myself as an American with a dream.

So you were in favor of letting the bush tax cuts expire?

Only if we let all of them expire. Continuing the tax cuts for most people but killing them only on the "rich" is offensive, and would have had a minimal impact on the deficit.

The factoid always ignored is that if you confiscated EVERY $$ owned by the so called rich, it wouldn't even pay off $1 trillion of debt.

But then, it never had anything to do with the deficit, it's just class envy B.S.

Right, just like if you were so concerned about spending and the deficit you would be supportive of cutting our military expenditures.
The House passed it, but Democrats stopped it in the Senate. Like I've said before, this is a problem Democrats will own if a default takes place.
So you were in favor of letting the bush tax cuts expire?

Across the board?
Yes....if it will help.
But I am not convicned it is in the best interest of America to enact legislation that includes "income" as a criteria.

Now...I may be wrong.

That is what debate is about.

But as long as the dems continue to say the GOP only cares about the rich, we will never have an honest debate.

The debate should be...."are we ready to make America a country based on classes and enact legislation based on classes"

But look at it from a dem perspective. The only thing that never seems to be on the table is tax increases for the rich and closing corporate tax loopholes. Any talk of raising taxes and conservatives point to the "51%" who don't pay anything and ask to have taxes raises on the poor/middle class as well. This is on top of cons insisting that we cut assistance programs that the middle class/poor really heavily on. Step back and look at that and it's hard to not reach the conclusion that the GOP's top priority is protecting the rich.

And when a hypocrite like Cali-Girl starts suggesting that we should raise taxes on everyone and not just the rich, I think to myself....gee, didn't Obama try and do that by letting the Bush tax cuts expire? Maybe she was in favor of letting them expire at the time, but I have serious doubts.

What is not on the table is tax increases only for one group of people. As for the loopholes, I would love to see them closed, but once we start the (D)s will be howling louder than the (R)s when we cut off loopholes that progressives support.

As for Obama, he wanted to extend the Bush tax cuts on everyone making less than $250,000 a year, even though the CBO says that increases the deficit by $2 trillion over 10 years if we follow the backwards logic of having to pay for tax cuts. The cuts that Republicans refused to go along with only increased it by $600 billion.

This is your chance to show you are able to think.
What a crock of shit... Lest you forget... WE PAY INTO SOCIAL SECURITY FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF IT BEING THERE WHEN WE GET OLD!!! ok... did you get that... it's not "OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY..... IT'S OUR OWN!!!"

moron.... If you want to turn this country into a slave labor nation where we work till we die for the profits of our "betters", I will fight you with my last breath.

retirees take out considerably more than they put in within their working lifetime. I think you ignore that.

Imagine that... they earn interest over the 30-50 years they spend working.
The poll did not support the GOP's cut/cap/balance bill. Period. The poll supported a combination of tax hikes and spending cuts to balance the budget. the GOP CCB does no such thing.

Nice of you to focus on the part of the poll you like and ignore the fact that most Democrats support the CCB. Does it really feel so bad to realize that you are so far out of touch with America, and that you are actually the left wing moonbat everyone has been saying you are? Maybe some of us have a better idea where the center is than you do.
The poll did not support the GOP's cut/cap/balance bill. Period. The poll supported a combination of tax hikes and spending cuts to balance the budget. the GOP CCB does no such thing.

Nice of you to focus on the part of the poll you like and ignore the fact that most Democrats support the CCB. Does it really feel so bad to realize that you are so far out of touch with America, and that you are actually the left wing moonbat everyone has been saying you are? Maybe some of us have a better idea where the center is than you do.

If you could read you'd know that I've always supported balancing the budget. That has nothing to do with supporting the GOP's crackpot plan.
The poll did not support the GOP's cut/cap/balance bill. Period. The poll supported a combination of tax hikes and spending cuts to balance the budget. the GOP CCB does no such thing.

Nice of you to focus on the part of the poll you like and ignore the fact that most Democrats support the CCB. Does it really feel so bad to realize that you are so far out of touch with America, and that you are actually the left wing moonbat everyone has been saying you are? Maybe some of us have a better idea where the center is than you do.

You lied about the poll. That's your problem, not mine.
For some reason CNN is glossing this over. I can't imagine why.

The poll is here. (pdf)

CNN covers it here.

CNN Poll: Strong partisan divide on debt ceiling – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

13 paragraphs in we see this tidbit.

What exactly does most mean here? 52%?

Not exactly.

63% of Democrats back the CCB bill passed by the House. Even people who say they oppose the Tea Party support it 53%/47%.

That means that Obama went to the people, and they listened, to the other side.

Interesting that you skipped the part about 64% of Americans being in favor of a combination of cuts AND tax increases...

As an unashamed right winger, I would accept tax increases - if they were:

1. increased for everyone, not just by demonizing other Americans, such as the 'rich'.

2. ringfenced to pay off the debt and not to provide more bullshit for special interest pork.

Well, I've seen a lot of reason and logic in several of your post (not all :razz:) and this is another example. Good post.
There is a huge difference between being Conservative (or Liberal) and being extreme. It usually just comes down to a "Party / Ideology before Country" mentality. I haven't seen you cross that line.

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