'Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste' - Leftists Use EMOTION / False Narratives To 'Fuel The Fire' Instead of Using Sciences /Facts To Put It Out


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Riots? What Riots? Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

“There is no epidemic of racist police shootings. It is a racial group’s rate of violent crime that determines police shootings, not the race of the officer…In fact, if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.” Her argument is supported by a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and by another 2015 Justice Department study of the Philadelphia Police Department—legitimate studies which “demolish[ ] the Democratic narrative regarding race and police shootings.”

"Such truths are passed over as inconsequential. Indeed, whites tend to be relatively passive in reacting to violence perpetrated against them. The fact that Mohamed Noor, a Somali police officer, killed a white woman without cause in Minneapolis, Ground Zero of the present turmoil, ignited no riots. As The Intercept reports, some activists believed that Noor “was unfairly targeted because he is a black man who killed a white woman…Nekima Levy Armstrong, a civil rights lawyer and local racial justice leader, said Noor’s conviction reveals how the court system treats white people differently compared to everyone else.”

The question is obvious: What is wrong with this picture?
The answer is: everything."

"With African-Americans convincingly represented in the halls of power, as mayors, governors, members of Congress, including an American President and two Attorneys General, it should be clear that Jim Crow is pretty well dead and buried. Race has become a huckster’s source of power and profit. Let it be said once and for all: The United States is not a racist nation, but in fact bends over backwards to appease the bearers of the slander and the advocates of anachronistic reparations."

"It needs also to be said that the fires burning across the country are nothing less than a national insurrection, brewing for years and exploited by the hawkers of racist dissension and programmatically by the Democratic Party. What is taking place is an emeute, a war against the Constitution, a plot to unravel the fabric of the Republic, in short, a coup against the State and a sitting President. It is a condition of civil war in everything but name, long simmering and now breaking out into the open."

'Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich hopes President Donald Trump’s designation of Antifa as a terrorist organization will reveal who is funding it. “Who is paying for these people?” Gingrich is right. What we are witnessing is “war against America…These are not riots in a traditional sense…You have a nationwide group, Antifa is part of it, but there are other elements involved…who is organizing it?…we have to do whatever it takes to put down the people who would destroy our country.”

The Justice Department must be immediately tasked with seeking out and identifying those who sponsor and finance this 'army of commandos, mercenaries and terrorist groups that have declared war on the nation'. The identities of some of these shadowy bankers are already well-known and have been known for many years, yet nothing has been done to investigate or arraign or even extradite these fiscal malefactors.

In 2015 it was proven that Antifa, BLM, and The Black Fist took money from the Russians to spread racial division and violence. Evidence also exists that George Soros is funding some of these 'enemies of the US' who are attempting to bring about Marx's prediction that the US would not be defeated from an enemy outside the US but from within.

The last 4 years the Democrats succeeded in dividing this nation more than the Russians ever hoped they could, but our enemies are exploiting the cracks and the division the Democrats helped create and continue to create.

'One Nation Under God'...UNITY....has never been more important for this nation than it is now.

We are AT WAR, pitted against one another by both external and internal enemies that seek the self-destruction of the United States.

People just need to wake the FU before its too late.....


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