Netflix Genius of the Modern World picks three scatterbrains to portray.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
When you think geniuses of the modern world, most people think Einstein, Tesla, Edison, or many others who have made contributions to science. Who does Netflix choose to honor as the greatest geniuses of the modern world? Do they celebrate individuals that blessed the world with the wonders of modern science or the life saving advancements of modern medicine or any of the tangible achievements in human progress during the last two centuries? No, they pick the shit for brains founder of communism, a nihilistic babbling philosopher who went insane, and a guy that spawned the field of let's try to play head games and agitate people with bullshit theories we can never prove using experiments we can't replicate.

Karl Marx

Frederick Nietzsche

Sigmund Freud
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But... But... But... I like Sigmund.



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