Netanyahu's unwelcome visit to the U.S.

Madeleine Albright Netanyahu Should Deal With Problems In His Neighborhood Instead Of Speaking To Congress

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said she thinks Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should not travel to the United States to give a speech to a joint session of Congress next month.

"He is interfering in our internal affairs, and I don't want to interfere in Israeli internal affairs, but it strikes me that there's an awful lot going on in his neighborhood in the Middle East, and that's where he should be," Albright told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Wednesday.

She is allowed her opinion, just as anyone else is. But as soon as race, religion and culture are used in an inappropriate manner then it becomes racism and should be removed
Madeleine Albright Netanyahu Should Deal With Problems In His Neighborhood Instead Of Speaking To Congress

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said she thinks Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should not travel to the United States to give a speech to a joint session of Congress next month.

"He is interfering in our internal affairs, and I don't want to interfere in Israeli internal affairs, but it strikes me that there's an awful lot going on in his neighborhood in the Middle East, and that's where he should be," Albright told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Wednesday.

She is allowed her opinion, just as anyone else is. But as soon as race, religion and culture are used in an inappropriate manner then it becomes racism and should be removed
Phoney all the smart powerful people in the world and their countries, do not agree with the current Government of Israel, which has broken all international norms against Land Expropriation by force and War Crimes...

Netanyahu is the Poster boy of powerful thugs who claim phantom fears of attacks by Arab Armies that have no chance of defeating her...

They are playing the world for fools, and we know it!

A two State solution will be forced on Israel by the UN and World Powers...

Mark my words!
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It will be nice that this visit will give Netanyahu a chance to clear up all the confusion about what Mossad has been up to recently.
You mean their relationship with ISIS and Al Nousra?
What?! Is there a relationship between Mossad and ISIS and Al Nousra? There could not possibly be Mossad agents assisting ISIS and Al Nousra. That would be crazy for Mossad to be working with ISIS and Al Noursa. We will definitely have to clear this up with Netanyahu when he gets here next month. (These are going to some very long weeks. ;) )
You mean their relationship with ISIS and Al Nousra?
What?! Is there a relationship between Mossad and ISIS and Al Nousra? There could not possibly be Mossad agents assisting ISIS and Al Nousra. That would be crazy for Mossad to be working with ISIS and Al Noursa. We will definitely have to clear this up with Netanyahu when he gets here next month. (These are going to some very long weeks. ;) )

Infiltrating and reporting on, much like they do to hezbullah which led to the prevention of an assassination on Olmert recently. Often it is not mossad but someone willing to help prevent certain attacks, locals within the groups.
You mean their relationship with ISIS and Al Nousra?
What?! Is there a relationship between Mossad and ISIS and Al Nousra? There could not possibly be Mossad agents assisting ISIS and Al Nousra. That would be crazy for Mossad to be working with ISIS and Al Noursa. We will definitely have to clear this up with Netanyahu when he gets here next month. (These are going to some very long weeks. ;) )

Infiltrating and reporting on, much like they do to hezbullah which led to the prevention of an assassination on Olmert recently. Often it is not mossad but someone willing to help prevent certain attacks, locals within the groups.
Why would someone need to infiltrate an organization they funded and trained?
Madeleine Albright Netanyahu Should Deal With Problems In His Neighborhood Instead Of Speaking To Congress

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said she thinks Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should not travel to the United States to give a speech to a joint session of Congress next month.

"He is interfering in our internal affairs, and I don't want to interfere in Israeli internal affairs, but it strikes me that there's an awful lot going on in his neighborhood in the Middle East, and that's where he should be," Albright told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Wednesday.

She is allowed her opinion, just as anyone else is. But as soon as race, religion and culture are used in an inappropriate manner then it becomes racism and should be removed
Phoney all the smart powerful people in the world and their countries, do not agree with the current Government of Israel, which has broken all international norms against Land Expropriation by force and War Crimes...

Netanyahu is the Poster boy of powerful thugs who claim phantom fears of attacks by Arab Armies that have no chance of defeating her...

They are playing the world for fools, and we know it!

A two State solution will be forced on Israel by the UN and World Powers...

Mark my words!

IMPOSSIBLE because that would mean tearing up the UN charter and making a new one based on Islamic principles. Do you think for one second the west would allow that to happen, the US would close the UN down and arrest all the muslim representatives before allowing that to happen.

So your fantasy has been destroyed again and you will now crawl into your corner and cry till you can think of another one.
This released moments ago:
ISIS claims to have captured Israeli Arab from Jerusalem working with Mossad - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post
The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed Thursday that it had captured an Israeli Arab from Jerusalem who was recruited by the Israeli Mossad. The story could not be corroborated and verified with other sources.
Honestly, who thinks this stuff up?

Do you believe Mossad takes proactive measures to protect Israel?
This released moments ago:
ISIS claims to have captured Israeli Arab from Jerusalem working with Mossad - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post
The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed Thursday that it had captured an Israeli Arab from Jerusalem who was recruited by the Israeli Mossad. The story could not be corroborated and verified with other sources.
Honestly, who thinks this stuff up?

Do you believe Mossad takes proactive measures to protect Israel?

Not being a Mossad agent I am not briefed on these things, do you believe the CIA takes proactive measures to protect the USA ?
This released moments ago:
ISIS claims to have captured Israeli Arab from Jerusalem working with Mossad - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post
The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed Thursday that it had captured an Israeli Arab from Jerusalem who was recruited by the Israeli Mossad. The story could not be corroborated and verified with other sources.
Honestly, who thinks this stuff up?

Do you believe Mossad takes proactive measures to protect Israel?

Not being a Mossad agent I am not briefed on these things, do you believe the CIA takes proactive measures to protect the USA ?
So you're briefed by the CIA? :eusa_shifty: I've done a fair amount of reading since that post Feb. 12th. Some things just seem odd with some of the dynamics of ISIS but I am not going to obsess over it.
He came.
He spoke.
He lashed Obama's ass.
Iran poured salt into the wounds
and Bibi left peacefully.

That last word is really chapping the left's (failed) Messiah's but just now.
Some quotes from the State Department's spokesperson. Nice to see the State Department has as much political and professional refinement as Obama.

State Dept. Slams Netanyahu Overstated Oversimplification Scary CNS News
Patrick Goodenough. March 4, 2015 - 4:27 AM
Some of her comments directed at Netanyahu during the department’s daily press briefing were:

--“really all rhetoric and nothing more.”

-- “a little overstated and just not accurate.”

--“He didn’t get into specifics about what his ideas were …”

--“We need to be very clear about what we’re trying to achieve and what the alternatives look like – not in a fantasy world, not in a world without specifics, but in the real world.”

--“He criticizes one-year [nuclear] breakout time as not being long enough. Well, then what is? What is long enough?”

--“‘Gobbled up.’ That’s not a technical term I would probably use” (in response to Netanyahu’s view that Iran was “gobbling up” nations in the region, already dominating Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and Syria.)

--“I think that’s a gross oversimplification” (in response to Netanyahu’s characterization of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and Iran as two evil entities “competing for the crown of militant Islam.”)

--“I’m happy to check with our technical experts, but last time I checked, Prime Minister Netanyahu was not one of them” (in response to Netanyahu’s comparisons of Iranian and North Korean nuclear ambitions, and his claim – based on new expert analysis – that the latter could have up to 100 nuclear weapons in five years’ time.)

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