Netanyahu's Chicken Little act.........I really mean it this time

Oh, give it a rest. Iran has stated it will wipe Israel from the face of the earth. If he's a little paranoid it's with good reason. And who's to say when Iran will do what? Maybe they already have nukes and are just working on a method of deployment. We should have taken out Iran back in the 80's.
Russia said the same about the USA and they had nukes.....

Yes, they did.

And we destroyed them.... Well, not 'we' per se.

scum of the earth dimocrap filth defended them for decades. But Americans, Patriotic Americans, fought them and crushed them into the dirt where they belong.

As usual, dimocrap scum are nowhere to be found when there's fighting to be done.

Nobody is surprised. Now run and hide, little dhimmi knob gobbler
Oh, give it a rest. Iran has stated it will wipe Israel from the face of the earth. If he's a little paranoid it's with good reason. And who's to say when Iran will do what? Maybe they already have nukes and are just working on a method of deployment. We should have taken out Iran back in the 80's.
Russia said the same about the USA and they had nukes.....

Yes, they did.

And we destroyed them.... Well, not 'we' per se.

scum of the earth dimocrap filth defended them for decades. But Americans, Patriotic Americans, fought them and crushed them into the dirt where they belong.

As usual, dimocrap scum are nowhere to be found when there's fighting to be done.

Nobody is surprised. Now run and hide, little dhimmi knob gobbler
The Soviets did more to hasten their downfall than any amount of money spent on defense..
What it comes down to is that right now, it is Iran who feels threatened and Iran who feels they need to develop a nuclear weapon to ballance that threat

Negotiations with the west revolve around assuring Iran that they do not need a nuclear weapon for security and that they will be protected

Sabre rattling by Netanyahu does not help

Poor little Iran - I can see why you Al Qaeda democrats rally to their defense!
Oh, give it a rest. Iran has stated it will wipe Israel from the face of the earth. If he's a little paranoid it's with good reason. And who's to say when Iran will do what? Maybe they already have nukes and are just working on a method of deployment. We should have taken out Iran back in the 80's.
Russia said the same about the USA and they had nukes.....

Yes, they did.

And we destroyed them.... Well, not 'we' per se.

scum of the earth dimocrap filth defended them for decades. But Americans, Patriotic Americans, fought them and crushed them into the dirt where they belong.

As usual, dimocrap scum are nowhere to be found when there's fighting to be done.

Nobody is surprised. Now run and hide, little dhimmi knob gobbler
That's quite a lot of butthurt. Based on the quality of your writing, I am tending to think you may be a Democratic plant sent here to make Righties look really bad. Not as if they need help with that. ...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The Soviets did more to hasten their downfall than any amount of money spent on defense..

Whatever, dewd. dimocrap filth are known for their re-writing of history.

We fought them in Korea, we fought them in Viet Nam, we fought them wherever we found them per the Truman Doctrine Truman Doctrine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But you're a dimocrap, which means you're too stupid to know that.

We fought them, we broke them and we destroyed them


Now go wipe your master's ass, I think he just took a shit
Israel has nukes....Iran doesn't

Who needs to be afraid?
Yes, we actually still have a few liberal fanatics who believe that since Iran hasn't actually nuked anybody yet, they won't. And so we shouldn't worry about them getting the Bomb. Never mind that they have fomented and financed countless acts of terror that resulted in the deaths of thousands; and have announced numerous times that they want to wipe Israel off the map.

In a related announcement, these same liberal fanatics announced to day that a child who has set numerous brush fires over the last few years, and who boasts of wanting to make a really big bang, should nonetheless be trusted with matches in the powder magazine of a giant battleship. On grounds that since he hasn't actually blown up any battleships yet, he won't. And so we shouldn't worry about that particular child having matches in a powder magazine.

Can anybody possibly be as completely blind and obtuse as little rightwinger?
Israel has nukes....Iran doesn't

Who needs to be afraid?
Yes, we actually still have a few liberal fanatics who believe that since Iran hasn't actually nuked anybody yet, they won't. And so we shouldn't worry about them getting the Bomb. Never mind that they have fomented and financed countless acts of terror that resulted in the deaths of thousands; and have announced numerous times that they want to wipe Israel off the map.

In a related announcement, these same liberal fanatics announced to day that a child who has set numerous brush fires over the last few years, and who boasts of wanting to make a really big bang, should nonetheless be trusted with matches in the powder magazine of a giant battleship. On grounds that since he hasn't actually blown up any battleships yet, he won't. And so we shouldn't worry about that particular child having matches in a powder magazine.

Can anybody possibly be as completely blind and obtuse as little rightwinger?
Not like the warrior fanatics havn't tried...
USS Cole bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Israel has nukes....Iran doesn't

Who needs to be afraid?
Yes, we actually still have a few liberal fanatics who believe that since Iran hasn't actually nuked anybody yet, they won't. And so we shouldn't worry about them getting the Bomb. Never mind that they have fomented and financed countless acts of terror that resulted in the deaths of thousands; and have announced numerous times that they want to wipe Israel off the map.

In a related announcement, these same liberal fanatics announced to day that a child who has set numerous brush fires over the last few years, and who boasts of wanting to make a really big bang, should nonetheless be trusted with matches in the powder magazine of a giant battleship. On grounds that since he hasn't actually blown up any battleships yet, he won't. And so we shouldn't worry about that particular child having matches in a powder magazine.

Can anybody possibly be as completely blind and obtuse as little rightwinger?

democrats are traitors - it's just what they are.

They sided with the Soviets for decades, until Ronald Reagan destroyed the USSR. But democrats are STILL traitors, so they now side with Al Qaeda.

democrats are friends will all enemies of America - always.
The Soviets did more to hasten their downfall than any amount of money spent on defense..

Whatever, dewd. dimocrap filth are known for their re-writing of history.

We fought them in Korea, we fought them in Viet Nam, we fought them wherever we found them per the Truman Doctrine Truman Doctrine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But you're a dimocrap, which means you're too stupid to know that.

We fought them, we broke them and we destroyed them


Now go wipe your master's ass, I think he just took a shit
Thy cup doth overflow with butthurt.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Man he went all out and spared no expense for graphics...
He totally understands how to communicate to the 5th grade level LIP ...people like you...
Why should any country limit itself to oil only?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Not 'any'

Just the ones whose founding documents pledge jihad and the destruction of a neighboring peaceful Country.

You really are stupid.... gotta be a College graduate
You seem angry. Try butthurt creme, it might help.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Ich bin sicher, dass Sie eine gesunde Versorgung , wie Sie noch bis Obamas hinten für eine lange Zeit zu haben!
Most recently, he predicted before the U.N. General Assembly (complete with a bizarre Wile E. Coyote-style bomb diagram) that Iran would have a nuke by the summer of 2013 at the latest. But Al Jazeera recently reported that this assertion was completely at odds with the contemporaneous opinion of Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence service.
It's worth noting that Netanyahu did the exact same song and dance before the Iraq War, too, testifying before Congress that "there is no question whatsoever" that Saddam Hussein was working on nuclear weapons and that he would thus pose an existential threat to Israel and world security.

Didn't fuckwad Obama and his Al Qaeda administration recently support Iran building nuclear weapons?

No. That was you simply lying.
The irony here is seeing a right-wing religious cult in the USA and a different right-wing religious cult in Israel screaming how we need to declare holy war on yet another right-wing religious cult in Iran.

Hardliner religious cultists are irrational and violent no matter where they are, and they need to be marginalized. We're working on that in the USA, while the Israeli moderates and Iranian moderates are working on their end of it. It's the moral duty of rational people to oppose these religious cultists wherever they show up.

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