Netanyahu refuses to meet with the peanut farmer 'jimmah carter '

good to see and I imagine that mrobama will get the same treatment in the future as the peanut farmer is getting !! --- BOOM Netanyahu REFUSES to meet with Jimmy Carter The Right Scoop - ---

In addition to being a peanut farmer, Carter was an Annapolis graduate and was also a member of Admiral Rickover's nuclear team. Just a couple other of many accomplishments by this great man.

None of the repubs here seem to be able come up with an intelligent counter to what I say about Carter. Just he's an 'asshole' etc. Brilliant bunch of analysts on duty tonite.
Other then the fact that carter consistently supported Isreal 's enemies?
Do you hate America? You dislike Obama after all. A few million Israeli's voted AGAINST Bibi; do they hate Israel too?

The fact that I dislike Obozo is what makes me a patriot. There is no doubt Bibi loves his country are cares very deaply about his country's survival. There's a clear bond between Netanyahu and Israel. If you hate the man you do it despite all what he stands for, which is a strong and prospering Israel.
Your first sentence is nonsense. So I'll ignore that.

Anyways, as an American, it upsets me that he's gone to such lengths to sabotage us. And btw it's fully possible to love Israel and still be a colossal fuck up that turns the entire world against Israel. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

What the hell are you talking about? How has Netanyahu sabotaged us? We're the one's that are fucking them over by allowing Iran to be sanction free.
Well first of all we're the reason Israel is sanction free. The rest of the world doesn't like them much at the moment, *cough* Bibi *cough,* didn't you know?

So right now, this very second, Iran has nuclear ambitions. Energy? Maybe. A bomb? Maybe. We don't know. Because they've been doing whatever the hell they want. Do you know what the point of sanctions are? To trade UN inspectors and openness about their nuclear program for a suspension of sanctions. Then we'll know what they're doing and can act as necessary. Do you understand?
I understand that you have no clue. Of course they're building a bomb. They have been reports that they could have tested nuclear triggers and they have a balistics missiles program. John Kerry said a month ago Iran's breakout time from a bomb is 2 to 3 months, and that the agreed framework increases the breakout time to one year. This is your administration talking. Iran is building the bomb either way, all taking away sanctions is going to do is make Iran stronger financially, so the can continue their agression and fight more proxy wars and fund more terrorism. Do you understand?
So you think invading Iran is the only solution then?
America spies on Germany......

Go Bibi, you tend to business. Let Obama take selfies and golf, and Carter wander around looking for his nuts. You are better off without an "ally" that wants to help wipe off the map. Do what you need to do.
As long as they do it without our help, our weapons, and our money, so be it, but they won't survive under those conditions now will they? Nope, not a chance in hell.
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The fact that I dislike Obozo is what makes me a patriot. There is no doubt Bibi loves his country are cares very deaply about his country's survival. There's a clear bond between Netanyahu and Israel. If you hate the man you do it despite all what he stands for, which is a strong and prospering Israel.
Your first sentence is nonsense. So I'll ignore that.

Anyways, as an American, it upsets me that he's gone to such lengths to sabotage us. And btw it's fully possible to love Israel and still be a colossal fuck up that turns the entire world against Israel. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

What the hell are you talking about? How has Netanyahu sabotaged us? We're the one's that are fucking them over by allowing Iran to be sanction free.
Well first of all we're the reason Israel is sanction free. The rest of the world doesn't like them much at the moment, *cough* Bibi *cough,* didn't you know?

So right now, this very second, Iran has nuclear ambitions. Energy? Maybe. A bomb? Maybe. We don't know. Because they've been doing whatever the hell they want. Do you know what the point of sanctions are? To trade UN inspectors and openness about their nuclear program for a suspension of sanctions. Then we'll know what they're doing and can act as necessary. Do you understand?
I understand that you have no clue. Of course they're building a bomb. They have been reports that they could have tested nuclear triggers and they have a balistics missiles program. John Kerry said a month ago Iran's breakout time from a bomb is 2 to 3 months, and that the agreed framework increases the breakout time to one year. This is your administration talking. Iran is building the bomb either way, all taking away sanctions is going to do is make Iran stronger financially, so the can continue their agression and fight more proxy wars and fund more terrorism. Do you understand?
So you think invading Iran is the only solution then?

Yep. Iran has an intercontinental ballistic missiles program for one reason. Israel or an Arab coalition of nations will probably attack Iran. Either that or every country in the ME will want nukes and Israel will just have to live with nuclear proliferation in the ME.
Takes more than peanuts to fight Iran.

(slowly backs away)

(closes the door)

(peeks through the window)

Why does Iran need to be fought? It seems to me, Israel and the US have attacked Iran more than Iran has attacked the US or Israel.

If you had studied Iranian history, you would know how devastating the Iran/Iraq war was on them. You would know who started that war, and how the US was instrumental in orchestrating it and supplying Iraq with the weapons it needed to carry that war out.

And you foolishly believe that Iran is the evil one in this scenario. What a laugh.

This book is funny, and sad. It is a graphic novel written by the daughter of Freemasons. Yes, they have them in Iran too. She is free now and lives in the west. But she tells the unbiased truth about Iran. I suggest you read it, cover to cover, as you have been a victim of propaganda.

I'll take your book and raise you one tin foil hat. Here ya go:


Seriously, read it. Free your mind, get an education. The author is the great great grand daughter of the Qajar dynasty, before her family was ousted by the Anglo-Soviet alliance. You should read it, you might learn something.

Also, that "tin foil hat theory" is another MSM device to make you look foolish. Way to go hot shot.

BTW, that tin foil hat doesn't look like it would do shit. If you really want to protect your intellect from mind control, I suggest this. . . .
Smart and Subtle

Protect your brain from RF (radio-frequency) pollution with this handsome baseball style hat. Specially designed to shield the head from frequencies from below AM through microwave, including cellular phone frequencies. Lined with sophisticated Polyester/Cotton blended with micro-fine stainless steel fibers for excellent radiation protection. This gives this unique fabric a truly comfortable, natural feel, durability and washability, but with exceptional reflective characteristics.

Research links RF radiation with behavioral and cellular disturbances. Many people can actually sense the differences in the levels of "mind noise" from RF radiation. Provide your brain a quiet place without interference to your mental processes from RF radiation. Hand washable, Tan color. Adjustment strap means one size fits all. Union made in USA.
EMF Safety Garments Bedding Grounding Devices

Hey, made in the USA!
good to see and I imagine that mrobama will get the same treatment in the future as the peanut farmer is getting !! --- BOOM Netanyahu REFUSES to meet with Jimmy Carter The Right Scoop - ---

In addition to being a peanut farmer, Carter was an Annapolis graduate and was also a member of Admiral Rickover's nuclear team. Just a couple other of many accomplishments by this great man.

None of the repubs here seem to be able come up with an intelligent counter to what I say about Carter. Just he's an 'asshole' etc. Brilliant bunch of analysts on duty tonite.

Whatever Carter did 40-50 years ago has no bearing on him being a demented ignorant fool today.
Your first sentence is nonsense. So I'll ignore that.

Anyways, as an American, it upsets me that he's gone to such lengths to sabotage us. And btw it's fully possible to love Israel and still be a colossal fuck up that turns the entire world against Israel. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

What the hell are you talking about? How has Netanyahu sabotaged us? We're the one's that are fucking them over by allowing Iran to be sanction free.
Well first of all we're the reason Israel is sanction free. The rest of the world doesn't like them much at the moment, *cough* Bibi *cough,* didn't you know?

So right now, this very second, Iran has nuclear ambitions. Energy? Maybe. A bomb? Maybe. We don't know. Because they've been doing whatever the hell they want. Do you know what the point of sanctions are? To trade UN inspectors and openness about their nuclear program for a suspension of sanctions. Then we'll know what they're doing and can act as necessary. Do you understand?
I understand that you have no clue. Of course they're building a bomb. They have been reports that they could have tested nuclear triggers and they have a balistics missiles program. John Kerry said a month ago Iran's breakout time from a bomb is 2 to 3 months, and that the agreed framework increases the breakout time to one year. This is your administration talking. Iran is building the bomb either way, all taking away sanctions is going to do is make Iran stronger financially, so the can continue their agression and fight more proxy wars and fund more terrorism. Do you understand?
So you think invading Iran is the only solution then?

Yep. Iran has an intercontinental ballistic missiles program for one reason. Israel or an Arab coalition of nations will probably attack Iran. Either that or every country in the ME will want nukes and Israel will just have to live with nuclear proliferation in the ME.
Interesting. Well if you're right Bibi will have to do a MASSIVE 180 on how he handles foreign policy if he doesn't want that to happen. I know what it's like to have a President that pisses off the entire world to the detriment of his own country. Bibi is Israel's Dubya. And that's scary.
What the hell are you talking about? How has Netanyahu sabotaged us? We're the one's that are fucking them over by allowing Iran to be sanction free.
Well first of all we're the reason Israel is sanction free. The rest of the world doesn't like them much at the moment, *cough* Bibi *cough,* didn't you know?

So right now, this very second, Iran has nuclear ambitions. Energy? Maybe. A bomb? Maybe. We don't know. Because they've been doing whatever the hell they want. Do you know what the point of sanctions are? To trade UN inspectors and openness about their nuclear program for a suspension of sanctions. Then we'll know what they're doing and can act as necessary. Do you understand?
I understand that you have no clue. Of course they're building a bomb. They have been reports that they could have tested nuclear triggers and they have a balistics missiles program. John Kerry said a month ago Iran's breakout time from a bomb is 2 to 3 months, and that the agreed framework increases the breakout time to one year. This is your administration talking. Iran is building the bomb either way, all taking away sanctions is going to do is make Iran stronger financially, so the can continue their agression and fight more proxy wars and fund more terrorism. Do you understand?
So you think invading Iran is the only solution then?

Yep. Iran has an intercontinental ballistic missiles program for one reason. Israel or an Arab coalition of nations will probably attack Iran. Either that or every country in the ME will want nukes and Israel will just have to live with nuclear proliferation in the ME.
Interesting. Well if you're right Bibi will have to do a MASSIVE 180 on how he handles foreign policy if he doesn't want that to happen. I know what it's like to have a President that pisses off the entire world to the detriment of his own country. Bibi is Israel's Dubya. And that's scary.
Does the thought of mass murder of Jews get you hard? Because sooner or later Bibi is going to have to strike first to keep his people alive from Iran.
Well first of all we're the reason Israel is sanction free. The rest of the world doesn't like them much at the moment, *cough* Bibi *cough,* didn't you know?

So right now, this very second, Iran has nuclear ambitions. Energy? Maybe. A bomb? Maybe. We don't know. Because they've been doing whatever the hell they want. Do you know what the point of sanctions are? To trade UN inspectors and openness about their nuclear program for a suspension of sanctions. Then we'll know what they're doing and can act as necessary. Do you understand?
I understand that you have no clue. Of course they're building a bomb. They have been reports that they could have tested nuclear triggers and they have a balistics missiles program. John Kerry said a month ago Iran's breakout time from a bomb is 2 to 3 months, and that the agreed framework increases the breakout time to one year. This is your administration talking. Iran is building the bomb either way, all taking away sanctions is going to do is make Iran stronger financially, so the can continue their agression and fight more proxy wars and fund more terrorism. Do you understand?
So you think invading Iran is the only solution then?

Yep. Iran has an intercontinental ballistic missiles program for one reason. Israel or an Arab coalition of nations will probably attack Iran. Either that or every country in the ME will want nukes and Israel will just have to live with nuclear proliferation in the ME.
Interesting. Well if you're right Bibi will have to do a MASSIVE 180 on how he handles foreign policy if he doesn't want that to happen. I know what it's like to have a President that pisses off the entire world to the detriment of his own country. Bibi is Israel's Dubya. And that's scary.
Does the thought of mass murder of Jews get you hard? Because sooner or later Bibi is going to have to strike first to keep his people alive from Iran.
No, mass murder of Jews does not get me hard. FUCK YOU! Who the FUCK are you to say shit like that?

Takes more than peanuts to fight Iran.

(slowly backs away)

(closes the door)

(peeks through the window)

Why does Iran need to be fought? It seems to me, Israel and the US have attacked Iran more than Iran has attacked the US or Israel.

If you had studied Iranian history, you would know how devastating the Iran/Iraq war was on them. You would know who started that war, and how the US was instrumental in orchestrating it and supplying Iraq with the weapons it needed to carry that war out.

And you foolishly believe that Iran is the evil one in this scenario. What a laugh.

This book is funny, and sad. It is a graphic novel written by the daughter of Freemasons. Yes, they have them in Iran too. She is free now and lives in the west. But she tells the unbiased truth about Iran. I suggest you read it, cover to cover, as you have been a victim of propaganda.

I'll take your book and raise you one tin foil hat. Here ya go:


Seriously, read it. Free your mind, get an education. The author is the great great grand daughter of the Qajar dynasty, before her family was ousted by the Anglo-Soviet alliance. You should read it, you might learn something.

Also, that "tin foil hat theory" is another MSM device to make you look foolish. Way to go hot shot.

BTW, that tin foil hat doesn't look like it would do shit. If you really want to protect your intellect from mind control, I suggest this. . . .
Smart and Subtle

Protect your brain from RF (radio-frequency) pollution with this handsome baseball style hat. Specially designed to shield the head from frequencies from below AM through microwave, including cellular phone frequencies. Lined with sophisticated Polyester/Cotton blended with micro-fine stainless steel fibers for excellent radiation protection. This gives this unique fabric a truly comfortable, natural feel, durability and washability, but with exceptional reflective characteristics.

Research links RF radiation with behavioral and cellular disturbances. Many people can actually sense the differences in the levels of "mind noise" from RF radiation. Provide your brain a quiet place without interference to your mental processes from RF radiation. Hand washable, Tan color. Adjustment strap means one size fits all. Union made in USA.
EMF Safety Garments Bedding Grounding Devices

Hey, made in the USA!

What is with you? I know some neo-cons down the road who are missing their idiot.
Takes more than peanuts to fight Iran.

(slowly backs away)

(closes the door)

(peeks through the window)

Why does Iran need to be fought? It seems to me, Israel and the US have attacked Iran more than Iran has attacked the US or Israel.

If you had studied Iranian history, you would know how devastating the Iran/Iraq war was on them. You would know who started that war, and how the US was instrumental in orchestrating it and supplying Iraq with the weapons it needed to carry that war out.

And you foolishly believe that Iran is the evil one in this scenario. What a laugh.

This book is funny, and sad. It is a graphic novel written by the daughter of Freemasons. Yes, they have them in Iran too. She is free now and lives in the west. But she tells the unbiased truth about Iran. I suggest you read it, cover to cover, as you have been a victim of propaganda.

I'll take your book and raise you one tin foil hat. Here ya go:


Seriously, read it. Free your mind, get an education. The author is the great great grand daughter of the Qajar dynasty, before her family was ousted by the Anglo-Soviet alliance. You should read it, you might learn something.

Also, that "tin foil hat theory" is another MSM device to make you look foolish. Way to go hot shot.

BTW, that tin foil hat doesn't look like it would do shit. If you really want to protect your intellect from mind control, I suggest this. . . .
Smart and Subtle

Protect your brain from RF (radio-frequency) pollution with this handsome baseball style hat. Specially designed to shield the head from frequencies from below AM through microwave, including cellular phone frequencies. Lined with sophisticated Polyester/Cotton blended with micro-fine stainless steel fibers for excellent radiation protection. This gives this unique fabric a truly comfortable, natural feel, durability and washability, but with exceptional reflective characteristics.

Research links RF radiation with behavioral and cellular disturbances. Many people can actually sense the differences in the levels of "mind noise" from RF radiation. Provide your brain a quiet place without interference to your mental processes from RF radiation. Hand washable, Tan color. Adjustment strap means one size fits all. Union made in USA.
EMF Safety Garments Bedding Grounding Devices

Hey, made in the USA!

What is with you? I know some neo-cons down the road who are missing their idiot.
Ha ha, calling me a "neo-con" or a "progressive," or any type of ill informed statist.

Who gives a shit if one population manipulating statist won't receive another population manipulating statist. In the end, they are both elites that only care about their respective social classes in each of their respective nations. They really don't give a shit about the little people. Not one single shit will be given. By either of these two men. That is what makes this so unusual. Carter is only worried about his legacy at this point. Someday, Bibi might care about his. But his behavior right now will blow his chance at that. The only folks that will care will be Jews. American media only cares about profit, and he won't be worth two cents. Which with the way the Fed is devaluting the dollar, will be a thing of history in a few years.

Me? An idiot or a statist? . . . I really wish you would stop watching so much TV and listening to that talk radio. Also, you should research the possible longitudinal affects of fluoride on your IQ. :lmao:


Same shit
Do you hate America? You dislike Obama after all. A few million Israeli's voted AGAINST Bibi; do they hate Israel too?

The fact that I dislike Obozo is what makes me a patriot. There is no doubt Bibi loves his country are cares very deaply about his country's survival. There's a clear bond between Netanyahu and Israel. If you hate the man you do it despite all what he stands for, which is a strong and prospering Israel.
Made that way by US support and them standing on the backs of the rightful owners of said land...

Weirdo, nihilist, fake American says what?
Projection. I'm a liberal and only they are true Americans. The rest, like you, are Americans in name only.
You're not a liberal.
Do you hate America? You dislike Obama after all. A few million Israeli's voted AGAINST Bibi; do they hate Israel too?

The fact that I dislike Obozo is what makes me a patriot. There is no doubt Bibi loves his country are cares very deaply about his country's survival. There's a clear bond between Netanyahu and Israel. If you hate the man you do it despite all what he stands for, which is a strong and prospering Israel.
Made that way by US support and them standing on the backs of the rightful owners of said land...

Weirdo, nihilist, fake American says what?
Projection. I'm a liberal and only they are true Americans. The rest, like you, are Americans in name only.
You're not a liberal.
I'm off the charts liberal, dumbass, you just don't know what one is.
The fact that I dislike Obozo is what makes me a patriot. There is no doubt Bibi loves his country are cares very deaply about his country's survival. There's a clear bond between Netanyahu and Israel. If you hate the man you do it despite all what he stands for, which is a strong and prospering Israel.
Made that way by US support and them standing on the backs of the rightful owners of said land...

Weirdo, nihilist, fake American says what?
Projection. I'm a liberal and only they are true Americans. The rest, like you, are Americans in name only.
You're not a liberal.
I'm off the charts liberal, dumbass, you just don't know what one is.
Yes I do. You ain't it. You're a state worshipping Leftist, the exact opposite.
Made that way by US support and them standing on the backs of the rightful owners of said land...

Weirdo, nihilist, fake American says what?
Projection. I'm a liberal and only they are true Americans. The rest, like you, are Americans in name only.
You're not a liberal.
I'm off the charts liberal, dumbass, you just don't know what one is.
Yes I do. You ain't it. You're a state worshipping Leftist, the exact opposite.
You're clueless, Chief Sellout. I can't help you. Your worldview is as idiotic as your religion.
Weirdo, nihilist, fake American says what?
Projection. I'm a liberal and only they are true Americans. The rest, like you, are Americans in name only.
You're not a liberal.
I'm off the charts liberal, dumbass, you just don't know what one is.
Yes I do. You ain't it. You're a state worshipping Leftist, the exact opposite.
You're clueless, Chief Sellout. I can't help you. Your worldview is as idiotic as your religion.
State worshipping Leftist.
Projection. I'm a liberal and only they are true Americans. The rest, like you, are Americans in name only.
You're not a liberal.
I'm off the charts liberal, dumbass, you just don't know what one is.
Yes I do. You ain't it. You're a state worshipping Leftist, the exact opposite.
You're clueless, Chief Sellout. I can't help you. Your worldview is as idiotic as your religion.
State worshipping Leftist.
The state is just another necessary evil, dummy.
good to see and I imagine that mrobama will get the same treatment in the future as the peanut farmer is getting !! --- BOOM Netanyahu REFUSES to meet with Jimmy Carter The Right Scoop - ---

In addition to being a peanut farmer, Carter was an Annapolis graduate and was also a member of Admiral Rickover's nuclear team. Just a couple other of many accomplishments by this great man.

None of the repubs here seem to be able come up with an intelligent counter to what I say about Carter. Just he's an 'asshole' etc. Brilliant bunch of analysts on duty tonite.
Carter was known as the worst US president post WW2 until Obama came along. His policies were totally ineffective. He launched the disaster known as Desert One. His presidency saw record inflation and record interest rates. His post presidency work has been mainly to reveal himself as a jew-hater, and he sees Israel as the chief problem in the Middle East. He also jumped o the "opposition to Obama is racist" bandwagon.
No wonder Bibi refused to meet with that piece of shit.

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