"Demographically Symbolic President"...W. LaPierre


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
When NRA's "beloved" 'Wayne La Pierre openly stated that, "8 Years of a demographically symbolic presidency is Enough," my dog began howling since his ears were obviously hurting.....

I know that many right wingers on this forum go ballistic when any of us on the left label some republican comments as being rooted in racism, but I would like for one, just ONE right winger on here admit that slimy LaPierre is indeed catering to the closeted racists among his gun-toting base.
You voted for history over actual qualifications twice and look how that turned out. Now you will vote for sex organs over qualifications.
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You voted for history over actual qualifications twice and look how that turned out.

Actually, it hasn't turned out too bad......Not many body-bags coming home, OBL dead, Stock market booming, lots more folks on health care coverage, unemployment down, etc.

But, as expected, you as one of the right winger on this forum. refuse to address the original question posed......
Interesting, don't you think?
You voted for history over actual qualifications twice and look how that turned out.

Actually, it hasn't turned out too bad......Not many body-bags coming home, OBL dead, Stock market booming, lots more folks on health care coverage, unemployment down, etc.

But, as expected, you as one of the right winger on this forum. refuse to address the original question posed......
Interesting, don't you think?
More body bags came home during this administration than under Bush and he actually was in office during the invasion. Think about that. All obie had to do was maintain the results and failed.

OBL is dead yet Iran is pretty alive with the same ideology and tactics and he is trying to give them a nuke. The rest of the Middle East is falling apart fast and our allies no longer trust us. Fail.

The market is booming and the 1% you hate is raking all that quantitive easing in like it's a birthday party. In the mean time real jobs are down, lowest labor participation rate in history and the highest numbers of people on welfare. Nice boom we have going here.

The number of insured remains unchanged but the cost has risen and people no longer have control over what insurance they actually need since they are mandated to get what the government thinks they need. Losing doctors, losing healthcare plans they liked and no $2,500 savings in sight. As a matter of fact I saw a thread today where some of your ilk are now arguing it was never supposed to save you money like obie said but rather just not increasing the cost to the government is what it was for.

Unemployment is up, part time jobs are all that's available. Black unemployment is at an all time high. Teenager unemployment is at an all time high. Coincidentally the same group that is supposed to pay for obiecare to keep those costs down.

Yeah, such success to be in awe of.
You voted for history over actual qualifications twice and look how that turned out.

Actually, it hasn't turned out too bad......Not many body-bags coming home, OBL dead, Stock market booming, lots more folks on health care coverage, unemployment down, etc.

But, as expected, you as one of the right winger on this forum. refuse to address the original question posed......
Interesting, don't you think?

The problem is you asked a question that has no basis in fact. Obama could not have been elected without the majority white population voting for him as I did the first time around, The claim that white racists don't like him is patently ridiculous. We don't like the piss poor job he's doing.

You point to the stock market as proof that he's doing a great job and I look at the bubble that's about to burst as the 1 percenters get ready to fuck over the population of this country and look who they are...Soros and Bloomberg, and Buffington and all those billionaires who Obama has been paying back favors too.

Obama care is killing hospitals all over the country. Here in my state it (due to pushing the uninsured into Medicaid and claiming them as insured now, even though most doctors and dentists can't afford to accept it) the deficit is 249 million dollars.

This POTUS is long on tale telling, but real short of delivering workable solutions that help the middle class and poor. In fact everything he's been pushing has only helped the one percenters. Nice guy for them, not so much for the rest of us.

"The combination of rising costs, state cuts during the recession and the burgeoning Medicaid population under the Affordable Health Care Act has left Nevada’s hospitals with an unsustainable, unfunded burden.

Bill Welch, head of the Nevada Hospital Association, told the joint human resources money committee of the Nevada Legislature on Thursday hospitals are now being reimbursed at 2001 levels for care.

He said in Medicaid alone, 2013 reimbursements were $249 million short of costs.

“That is unsustainable,” he said."

Nevada Hospital Association says Medicaid costs unsustainable NevadaAppeal.com
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My point was and is that LaPierre is a slimy racist OR he is appealing to the racist base among his followers and for all those who blatantly hate Obama.....

All you had to do to respond to my query was to either state that you agree or not with LaPierre.......and not go to your usual diatribes about why you also hate Obama......

Why is that, really?,
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This POTUS is long on tale telling, but real short of delivering workable solutions that help the middle class and poor. In fact everything he's been pushing has only helped the one percenters. Nice guy for them, not so much for the rest of us.

Interesting, virtually all anti-Obama right wingers ran in 2010, 2012 and 2014 on a platform of "jobs, jobs, jobs,,,: Can you name ONE job bill that the republican-led House has passed?
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More body bags came home during this administration than under Bush and he actually was in office during the invasion. Think about that. All obie had to do was maintain the results and failed.

Of course, you switched from Iraq to Afghanistan (also known as the place where there is no oil.....and not of any interest to Cheney and the rest of neocons.)....but, of course, then you switch back to Iraq with your little "all that obie [sic] had to do was maintain the results..."

In other words, keep our troops there....under constant threat of lives and limbs from people who see us as INVADERS...and stay there for another 30-40 years.....
Great fucked up plan, don't you think?
When NRA's "beloved" 'Wayne La Pierre openly stated that, "8 Years of a demographically symbolic presidency is Enough," my dog began howling since his ears were obviously hurting.....

I know that many right wingers on this forum go ballistic when any of us on the left label some republican comments as being rooted in racism, but I would like for one, just ONE right winger on here admit that slimy LaPierre is indeed catering to the closeted racists among his gun-toting base.

The same way someone's race shouldn't affect their leadership and management in govt, why can't someone's racism or phobic biases be what they are, and not have to affect the policies made through that office.

Shouldn't laws be based on Constitutional principles and agreement anyway?

Ideally, it should make a difference what biases someone has personally, whether you like your humor or your coffee light or dark, public policy should reflect the consent of the people. It shouldn't have to rely on the agenda or biases of the people in office.

Math answers don't change just because the professor of a class or author of a book is rightwing, leftwing, gay, straight or whatever. Why can't we hold officials to standards based on what represents the people, not on the politics that got them into office.
You voted for history over actual qualifications twice and look how that turned out.

Actually, it hasn't turned out too bad......Not many body-bags coming home, OBL dead, Stock market booming, lots more folks on health care coverage, unemployment down, etc.

But, as expected, you as one of the right winger on this forum. refuse to address the original question posed......
Interesting, don't you think?
More body bags came home during this administration than under Bush and he actually was in office during the invasion. Think about that. All obie had to do was maintain the results and failed.
Plain lie... check your facts
When NRA's "beloved" 'Wayne La Pierre openly stated that, "8 Years of a demographically symbolic presidency is Enough," my dog began howling since his ears were obviously hurting.....

I know that many right wingers on this forum go ballistic when any of us on the left label some republican comments as being rooted in racism, but I would like for one, just ONE right winger on here admit that slimy LaPierre is indeed catering to the closeted racists among his gun-toting base.

First, you are aware that many liberals and democrats are members of the NRA, right? And just a note, I've never been a member of the NRA, but I have contributed to the 2nd Amendment Foundation thought I'm not a member.

Second, how do you know he isn't referring to the far left demographic such as yourself?
This POTUS is long on tale telling, but real short of delivering workable solutions that help the middle class and poor. In fact everything he's been pushing has only helped the one percenters. Nice guy for them, not so much for the rest of us.

Interesting, virtually all anti-Obama right wingers ran in 2010, 2012 and 2014 on a platform of "jobs, jobs, jobs,,,: Can you name ONE job bill that the republican-led House has passed?

Can you name one that Harry Reid let out of the Senate? Extreme left wing silliness is just as bad as extreme right wing silliness. Take an un-biased look at what Obama has done. Go ahead. I dare you.
Can you name one that Harry Reid let out of the Senate? Extreme left wing silliness is just as bad as extreme right wing silliness. Take an un-biased look at what Obama has done. Go ahead. I dare you.

Go back and ask a grown up to tell you how a bill is passed.....and then come back and tell us if Boehner or Reid had the better chance of passing a job creation bill for Obama to sign.....
Second, how do you know he isn't referring to the far left demographic such as yourself?

Sure........and Hitler loved his dogs....

So you can't say, good to know, you know what you get when you make assumptions? BTW why didn't you provide a link so we could see the full context, did it not support your assumptions?
Can you name one that Harry Reid let out of the Senate? Extreme left wing silliness is just as bad as extreme right wing silliness. Take an un-biased look at what Obama has done. Go ahead. I dare you.

Go back and ask a grown up to tell you how a bill is passed.....and then come back and tell us if Boehner or Reid had the better chance of passing a job creation bill for Obama to sign.....

Resorting to insults is a proven loser. Just sayin.
Second, how do you know he isn't referring to the far left demographic such as yourself?

Sure........and Hitler loved his dogs....

So you can't say, good to know, you know what you get when you make assumptions? BTW why didn't you provide a link so we could see the full context, did it not support your assumptions?

Here's a link (there are many others) ....and after reading what Lapierre said, access FOX to tell you how to spin it.
NRA s LaPierre Obama Clinton demographically-symbolic - CNN.com
Second, how do you know he isn't referring to the far left demographic such as yourself?

Sure........and Hitler loved his dogs....

So you can't say, good to know, you know what you get when you make assumptions? BTW why didn't you provide a link so we could see the full context, did it not support your assumptions?

Here's a link (there are many others) ....and after reading what Lapierre said, access FOX to tell you how to spin it.
NRA s LaPierre Obama Clinton demographically-symbolic - CNN.com

Funny how you only insinuated he was just talking about the black guy in your OP when in fact he included the white gal in the mix, so not only did it not support your assumptions, it damn sure didn't support your lie of omission, did it?

You're a great example of the intellectually dishonest leftist around here. Good job.
This POTUS is long on tale telling, but real short of delivering workable solutions that help the middle class and poor. In fact everything he's been pushing has only helped the one percenters. Nice guy for them, not so much for the rest of us.

Interesting, virtually all anti-Obama right wingers ran in 2010, 2012 and 2014 on a platform of "jobs, jobs, jobs,,,: Can you name ONE job bill that the republican-led House has passed?

"The Hire More Heroes Act passed unanimously out of the chamber just hours after new House members were sworn into office. Republican leaders touted the effort as the start of their 2015 job-creation efforts."

Veterans jobs bill advances future is uncertain
You voted for history over actual qualifications twice and look how that turned out. Now you will vote for sex organs over qualifications.

Are you suggesting that Romney was more qualified to be president than the sitting US president was?

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