Nelson Mandela dead

Black Confederates? Why haven’t we heard more about them? National Park Service historian, Ed Bearrs, stated, “I don’t want to call it a conspiracy to ignore the role of Blacks both above and below the Mason-Dixon line, but it was definitely a tendency that began around 1910” Historian, Erwin L. Jordan, Jr., calls it a “cover-up” which started back in 1865. He writes, “During my research, I came across instances where Black men stated they were soldiers, but you can plainly see where ‘soldier’ is crossed out and ‘body servant’ inserted, or ‘teamster’ on pension applications.” Another black historian, Roland Young, says he is not surprised that blacks fought. He explains that “…some, if not most, Black southerners would support their country” and that by doing so they were “demonstrating it’s possible to hate the system of slavery and love one’s country.” This is the very same reaction that most African Americans showed during the American Revolution, where they fought for the colonies, even though the British offered them freedom if they fought for them.

Black Confederates in the Civil War
More Lost Cause garbage.

A few, a very few black Confederates fought for the South. Something on the order of a few hundred, maybe 3 to 500. No where near the tens of thousands (and even up to 80,000 - Ha!) the Lost Causers like to push.

On your silly cite:

Do a Google search for “Black Confederates” and “Ed Bearss” and you will get 675 hits. No surprise that many of the sites have been created by SCV chapters and others who believe that significant numbers of blacks fought as soldiers in the Confederate army. Just about all of these sites utilize all or part of the following quote that is attributed to Ed Bearrs, who served as Chief Historian of the National Park Service from 1981 to 1994:
I don’t want to call it a conspiracy to ignore the role of Blacks both above and below the Mason-Dixon line, but it was definitely a tendency that began around 1910.
Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to locate the source of this quote and reliable sources have told me that Bearss has never said anything that would place him in the Black Confederate camp.

While I was not able to find a source for the above quote, I did find this 14 minute video of Bearss that was done for Black History Month. ...

In it Bearss is asked to discuss the role that blacks played in the Civil War. What is instructive is what he does not say.

At no time does he suggest that there was any kind of conspiracy surrounding the recognition of black Confederates. And when he gets to commenting on the Louisiana Native Guard Bearss emphasizes that the first units raised for the defense of Louisiana were never accepted for service in the Confederate army. Again, decide for yourself, but there is nothing in this video that would suggest that Bearss believes anything close to what these websites attribute to him.

Ed Bearss on Black Confederates
Many, many Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Steiner, the Civilian who worked for the US Sanitary Commission (a private relief agency) is also noted in the piece you offered. His report has blaring inconsistencies, and is not backed up by contemporary sources, and any devoted CW historian knows this. They also know part of what the private relief agency did was print war propaganda. Amazing, huh? That people utilized war propaganda to build sympathy and support for the war. Blows a mind, eh?

Do Lost Causers acknowledge this about Steiner? No. Because that would upset their applecart of Southern devotion.

Answer me this REB: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes."
CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.

Your reply was expect and in such away. I realize it's unpopular to mention it but fact remains blacks fought for the south just as they did for the colonies, even when England offered them freedom if they fought for England.
Yeah, like a said, a few hundred.

Embrace the glory.

Some numbnuts fought for a war whose base cause would insure the bondage of millions of their black brothers, sisters and children.

yankee doodle do.
R.C. Christian has the name CHRIST in his username.

Jesus' response...

For some unknown reason, I thought this site was better than this.

It can be, but not when Really Can't be a Christian is playing 'Psychotic Meth Addict,' BigJokenc is pretending his LARPER games somehow equate to serious history, or Asclepias is embarrassing himself with his "The ancient black man invented everything, ever" nonsense; to say nothing of the utterly ridiculous racists like tank, shitshispeedos, matthew, et. al.

But it can be.
More Lost Cause garbage.

A few, a very few black Confederates fought for the South. Something on the order of a few hundred, maybe 3 to 500. No where near the tens of thousands (and even up to 80,000 - Ha!) the Lost Causers like to push.

On your silly cite:

Many, many Historians with no 'south/north' agenda other than honesty to the facts and documentation available, have concluded the evidence just does not exist to support this recently touted meme of Black Confederates soldiers.

Steiner, the Civilian who worked for the US Sanitary Commission (a private relief agency) is also noted in the piece you offered. His report has blaring inconsistencies, and is not backed up by contemporary sources, and any devoted CW historian knows this. They also know part of what the private relief agency did was print war propaganda. Amazing, huh? That people utilized war propaganda to build sympathy and support for the war. Blows a mind, eh?

Do Lost Causers acknowledge this about Steiner? No. Because that would upset their applecart of Southern devotion.

Answer me this REB: What was the one thing Southern slaveholders feared the most?

You know the answer. A slave uprising. John Brown shook those fears heartily. Talk of it ruled the day. The slave revolts in the Caribbean were still fresh on their minds.

They were petrified of slaves getting enough courage to break their chains and leave for the natural state of man: an aching desire for freedom.
Now pretend you're a slaveowner - do you give your slaves guns? Hell no you don't.

They thought it, in their words, a "suicidal policy."

That's why the confederacy forbade it.

"Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes."
CSA Secretary of War James A. SeddonLINK: The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records

...and why they were arguing as late as 1865 - near the very, very end - if they should allow the negroes to fight. This is a matter of record.

It was only when the south was beat to a bloody pulp, with not much more to lose, they considered doing so. And even then many would not hear of it. Even then.

So take your Lost Cause Jarbage and stuff it in your rebel cap while you march around whistling Dixie pretending you know dick all about it.

Your reply was expect and in such away. I realize it's unpopular to mention it but fact remains blacks fought for the south just as they did for the colonies, even when England offered them freedom if they fought for England.
Yeah, like a said, a few hundred.

Embrace the glory.

Some numbnuts fought for a war whose base cause would insure the bondage of millions of their black brothers, sisters and children.

yankee doodle do.

A few hundred? I'm sure there was a mistake when the word soldier was marked out and replace with something else. Way back when they knew this would be a big issue and discussion. So they made the changes.

I'm not saying millions fought for the south, but more fought than what you would suggest.

How about those southern blacks who had slaves?
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Your reply was expect and in such away. I realize it's unpopular to mention it but fact remains blacks fought for the south just as they did for the colonies, even when England offered them freedom if they fought for England.
Yeah, like a said, a few hundred.

Embrace the glory.

Some numbnuts fought for a war whose base cause would insure the bondage of millions of their black brothers, sisters and children.

yankee doodle do.

A few hundred? I'm sure there was a mistake when the word soldier was marked out and replace with something else. Way back when they knew this would be a big issue and discussion. So they made the changes.

I'm not saying millions fought for the south, but more fought than what you would suggest.
You're wrong. And there is nothing in the records to make what Lost Causers like you and other reb whistling dixies come true.

It's a falsehood perpetuated by Southerners to assuage guilt over a war that was fought to own human beings to imagine those same human beings, not allowed citizenship or representation, would fight to the death to remain enslaved.
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Yeah, like a said, a few hundred.

Embrace the glory.

Some numbnuts fought for a war whose base cause would insure the bondage of millions of their black brothers, sisters and children.

yankee doodle do.

A few hundred? I'm sure there was a mistake when the word soldier was marked out and replace with something else. Way back when they knew this would be a big issue and discussion. So they made the changes.

I'm not saying millions fought for the south, but more fought than what you would suggest.

How about those southern blacks who had slaves?
You're wrong. And there is nothing in the records to make what Lost Causers like you and other reb whistling dixies come true.

It's a falsehood perpetuated by Southerners to assuage guilt over a war that was fought to own human beings to imagine those same human beings, not allowed citizenship or representation, would fight to the death to remain enslaved.

I can see the bitterness you have through your words. Bitterness can cause you to lie.
To the victors go the history. So tell me why did slaves fight for the colonies? Why did slaves fight for Texas republic during the Texas Revolution against Mexico?
You can go throw yourself off a cliff Ukawhore. Non of your drivel will change the fact that your dead hero killed women and children indiscriminately.

From inside a heavily guarded prison cell on an island stuck out in the middle of bay for 27 years?
You can go throw yourself off a cliff Ukawhore. Non of your drivel will change the fact that your dead hero killed women and children indiscriminately.

From inside a heavily guarded prison cell on an island stuck out in the middle of bay for 27 years?

You know exactly what I'm talking about. By the same reasoning, Charles Manson never killed anyone either.
A few hundred? I'm sure there was a mistake when the word soldier was marked out and replace with something else. Way back when they knew this would be a big issue and discussion. So they made the changes.

I'm not saying millions fought for the south, but more fought than what you would suggest.

How about those southern blacks who had slaves?
You're wrong. And there is nothing in the records to make what Lost Causers like you and other reb whistling dixies come true.

It's a falsehood perpetuated by Southerners to assuage guilt over a war that was fought to own human beings to imagine those same human beings, not allowed citizenship or representation, would fight to the death to remain enslaved.

I can see the bitterness you have through your words. Bitterness can cause you to lie.
To the victors go the history.

There's no bitterness, your ass is being whooped and it quite delights me to prove how wrong you are, once again, and show the one perpetuating falsehoods here is a neo-confederate with his head too tiny for his dime-store grays parading around as a "bigreb" at Lost Cause graveyards and messageboards.

Yes, plenty of slaves served in the CW. They served as teamsters, cooks. laborers, personal body servants, etc as slaves. Not as armed soldiers.

Get this nugget to sink in:

It was illegal for blacks, slave and free, to own a gun in all the confederate states.
So what?

He was a radical communist who terrorized people for years - regardless of their race. His heroes were Stalin, Lenin, and Castro.

What makes him such a big deal?

Of course Barry Hussein and Moochele will be there! A fellow African has gone to his just reward. Hopefully hotter than where he lived.
I can see the bitterness you have through your words. Bitterness can cause you to lie.
To the victors go the history.

There's no bitterness, your ass is being whooped and it quite delights me to prove how wrong you are, once again, and show the one perpetuating falsehoods here is a neo-confederate with his head too tiny for his dime-store grays parading around as a "bigreb" at Lost Cause graveyards and messageboards.

Yes, plenty of slaves served in the CW. They served as teamsters, cooks. laborers, personal body servants, etc as slaves. Not as armed soldiers.

Get this nugget to sink in:

It was illegal for blacks, slave and free, to own a gun in all the confederate states.

Like I said the word soldier was marked out and replaced with something less combative.

Less combative. lol

Like the slave the slaver was terrified to give a gun to. Less combative that way.

As to your cappy crap: This thread has already been diverted enough, your attempts to add more war stories has been denied.
But you didn't answer the question and none of this little side show has anything to do with Mandela and the fact that he organized terrorists that went out and blew up shit, not all of whom were bad guys.
There's no bitterness, your ass is being whooped and it quite delights me to prove how wrong you are, once again, and show the one perpetuating falsehoods here is a neo-confederate with his head too tiny for his dime-store grays parading around as a "bigreb" at Lost Cause graveyards and messageboards.

Yes, plenty of slaves served in the CW. They served as teamsters, cooks. laborers, personal body servants, etc as slaves. Not as armed soldiers.

Get this nugget to sink in:

It was illegal for blacks, slave and free, to own a gun in all the confederate states.

Like I said the word soldier was marked out and replaced with something less combative.

Less combative. lol

Like the slave the slaver was terrified to give a gun to. Less combative that way.

As to your cappy crap: This thread has already been diverted enough, your attempts to add more war stories has been denied.
less combative.
teamsters, cooks. laborers, personal body servants
Their role in the war was changed at the stroke of a pen.

I wasn't the one who started diverting this thread. I may have played a part in it, but that is how these threads go

No before you run what about those slaves who fought for the colonies and republic of Texas, even with the promise of freedom from England and Mexico?
South Africa today;

Corruption in South Africa has reached staggering proportions?
Daily newspapers are rife with reports of widespread corruption?
South Africa currently occupies 64th position out of the 189 countries that participated in the Transparency International Corruption Index?

BBC NEWS | Africa | South Africa poverty 'emergency'


A former Anglican archbishop of Cape Town has described poverty in South Africa as being worse than ever.

Having met communities affected by poverty across the country, Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane said South Africa was in "a state of emergency".

"The anger, the frustration and the feeling of hopelessness especially among young people is a recipe for possible disaster," he said.

Official figures suggest around 25% of South Africans are unemployed.
"Never before in the history of South Africa have such large gatherings of people consistently said 'we have no food,'" said the archbishop.


Malema, according to the Sowetan, led students at the University of Johannesburg in a song with the words: "Shoot the boere [farmers], they are rapists".

AfriForum Youth chairperson Ernst Roets said the organisation would submit a complaint to the Equality Court in Johannesburg.

Roets said it was not the first time Malema sang the song reminiscent of the late Peter Mokaba, a former ANC Youth League leader known for chanting the slogan, "kill the boer, kill the farmer" during the struggle against apartheid.

Malema sang it at his birthday celebrations in Polokwane last week, in a province where six farmers were murdered in the past month, Roets said.


Hmmm, farmers grow food?
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I said that Civil War soldiers ended up helping to end slavery.

NOT that they all fought to end slavery.

Although there were thousands of black Civil War soldiers who certainly did want slavery to end, and fought toward that goal. As did many whites. Long before The Civil War was even fought, AND during it.

What about those soldiers in the south?
They lost their lives fighting for their cause, which is one of the most despicable causes ever fought for.

History lesson for you.

The soldiers on both sides were mostly conscripts who fought for no cause at all. They fought so they wouldn't be shot as a deserter. On both sides.
So what?

He was a radical communist who terrorized people for years - regardless of their race. His heroes were Stalin, Lenin, and Castro.

What makes him such a big deal?

Of course Barry Hussein and Moochele will be there! A fellow African has gone to his just reward. Hopefully hotter than where he lived.

He terrorized people for 27 years just by sitting in a prison cell

Worst nightmare for the apartheid government
So what?

He was a radical communist who terrorized people for years - regardless of their race. His heroes were Stalin, Lenin, and Castro.

What makes him such a big deal?

Of course Barry Hussein and Moochele will be there! A fellow African has gone to his just reward. Hopefully hotter than where he lived.

He terrorized people for 27 years just by sitting in a prison cell

Worst nightmare for the apartheid government

If Tookie Williams could run a criminal enterprise from death row, Mandela could direct terrorist operations from a prison cell.

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