Neither side wants to look in the mirror


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Thoughts From An Independent:

Trump supporters and Democrats can only flail away endlessly at each other, and you know why? Because it's too painful for either side to look in the mirror and admit their own misdeeds:

Democrats: Hillary Clinton was a piss - poor candidate and you know it! This lady graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email account in that way was wrong, but did she stop after a few emails? Nope, she kept on doing it. Stupid! And if you folks on the left wing don't start treating white males with more respect, you're going to get your asses kicked in the next election too. White working class males used to be the backbone of the Democratic party, but you've ignored them and pandered to every minority group on the planet, then had the gall to accuse the right wing of being exclusive, well wake up lefties, you're just as bad. You bad mouth right wing communities for their lack of education, but your left wing big cities such as Detroit, Philly, L.A. and San Fran are garbage dumps with bums and drug use run rampant.

Republicans: Your golden boy in the White House is a cowardly, draft dodging white collar criminal, who couldn't tell the truth to save his life. When is Mexico going to start paying for that border wall? Remember when Bill Clinton was shagging Ms. Lewinski? You folks demanded his head, but when Dumph jumps into the sack with every pornstar and playmate on the planet then pays them hush money, you turn a blind eye to it all. Ask yourselves...if someone named Obama or Clinton invited high ranking Russians into the oval office and gave them America's top secret intel. would you turn a blind eye to that too? NOT! If someone named Obama or Clinton walked on to a Democratic convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, what would the "fair and balanced" folks at FOX news say about that? And you sit on your asses and wonder why people call you hypocrites?? Duhhhh!

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3
bill718, you have chronic TDS. The question is, what are you going to do about seeking a cure?
Thoughts From An Independent:

Trump supporters and Democrats can only flail away endlessly at each other, and you know why? Because it's too painful for either side to look in the mirror and admit their own misdeeds:

Democrats: Hillary Clinton was a piss - poor candidate and you know it! This lady graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email account in that way was wrong, but did she stop after a few emails? Nope, she kept on doing it. Stupid! And if you folks on the left wing don't start treating white males with more respect, you're going to get your asses kicked in the next election too. White working class males used to be the backbone of the Democratic party, but you've ignored them and pandered to every minority group on the planet, then had the gall to accuse the right wing of being exclusive, well wake up lefties, you're just as bad. You bad mouth right wing communities for their lack of education, but your left wing big cities such as Detroit, Philly, L.A. and San Fran are garbage dumps with bums and drug use run rampant.

Republicans: Your golden boy in the White House is a cowardly, draft dodging white collar criminal, who couldn't tell the truth to save his life. When is Mexico going to start paying for that border wall? Remember when Bill Clinton was shagging Ms. Lewinski? You folks demanded his head, but when Dumph jumps into the sack with every pornstar and playmate on the planet then pays them hush money, you turn a blind eye to it all. Ask yourselves...if someone named Obama or Clinton invited high ranking Russians into the oval office and gave them America's top secret intel. would you turn a blind eye to that too? NOT! If someone named Obama or Clinton walked on to a Democratic convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, what would the "fair and balanced" folks at FOX news say about that? And you sit on your asses and wonder why people call you hypocrites?? Duhhhh!

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3
sorry TDS man
HUGE difference = Bill not only committed a crime-he committed a SERIOUS's on the tape
. This crime is taken very seriously because the foundation of the legal system depends on trust and credibility.
Perjury - FindLaw
Thoughts From An Independent:

Trump supporters and Democrats can only flail away endlessly at each other, and you know why? Because it's too painful for either side to look in the mirror and admit their own misdeeds:

Democrats: Hillary Clinton was a piss - poor candidate and you know it! This lady graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email account in that way was wrong, but did she stop after a few emails? Nope, she kept on doing it. Stupid! And if you folks on the left wing don't start treating white males with more respect, you're going to get your asses kicked in the next election too. White working class males used to be the backbone of the Democratic party, but you've ignored them and pandered to every minority group on the planet, then had the gall to accuse the right wing of being exclusive, well wake up lefties, you're just as bad. You bad mouth right wing communities for their lack of education, but your left wing big cities such as Detroit, Philly, L.A. and San Fran are garbage dumps with bums and drug use run rampant.

Republicans: Your golden boy in the White House is a cowardly, draft dodging white collar criminal, who couldn't tell the truth to save his life. When is Mexico going to start paying for that border wall? Remember when Bill Clinton was shagging Ms. Lewinski? You folks demanded his head, but when Dumph jumps into the sack with every pornstar and playmate on the planet then pays them hush money, you turn a blind eye to it all. Ask yourselves...if someone named Obama or Clinton invited high ranking Russians into the oval office and gave them America's top secret intel. would you turn a blind eye to that too? NOT! If someone named Obama or Clinton walked on to a Democratic convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, what would the "fair and balanced" folks at FOX news say about that? And you sit on your asses and wonder why people call you hypocrites?? Duhhhh!

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3
men get divorced all the's not against the law
so what if a man wants some action????!!!!!!!
Obama hates America/whites/cops-- I've linked this many times on USMB
the hard truth is, we've a one party system cloaked in the guise of choice

we've the illusion of freedom symbolized in a firearm

we've no clarity and transparency in governance

our foriegn and domestic policies are so overtly corrupt , they're not even trying to hide the lies anymore

Introspection is a difficult thing for most people but it's practically a sin for a conservative.
Thoughts From An Independent:

Trump supporters and Democrats can only flail away endlessly at each other, and you know why? Because it's too painful for either side to look in the mirror and admit their own misdeeds:

Democrats: Hillary Clinton was a piss - poor candidate and you know it! This lady graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email account in that way was wrong, but did she stop after a few emails? Nope, she kept on doing it. Stupid! And if you folks on the left wing don't start treating white males with more respect, you're going to get your asses kicked in the next election too. White working class males used to be the backbone of the Democratic party, but you've ignored them and pandered to every minority group on the planet, then had the gall to accuse the right wing of being exclusive, well wake up lefties, you're just as bad. You bad mouth right wing communities for their lack of education, but your left wing big cities such as Detroit, Philly, L.A. and San Fran are garbage dumps with bums and drug use run rampant.

Republicans: Your golden boy in the White House is a cowardly, draft dodging white collar criminal, who couldn't tell the truth to save his life. When is Mexico going to start paying for that border wall? Remember when Bill Clinton was shagging Ms. Lewinski? You folks demanded his head, but when Dumph jumps into the sack with every pornstar and playmate on the planet then pays them hush money, you turn a blind eye to it all. Ask yourselves...if someone named Obama or Clinton invited high ranking Russians into the oval office and gave them America's top secret intel. would you turn a blind eye to that too? NOT! If someone named Obama or Clinton walked on to a Democratic convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, what would the "fair and balanced" folks at FOX news say about that? And you sit on your asses and wonder why people call you hypocrites?? Duhhhh!

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3

HRC isn't POTUS; Trump is POTUS.

You're welcome
Trump supporters and Democrats can only flail away endlessly at each other, and you know why? Because it's too painful for either side to look in the mirror and admit their own misdeeds:
You'll get a lot of flak for this post, but it is one of the most sensible I've seen. Well Said! Don't give up!
Republicans: Your golden boy in the White House is a cowardly, draft dodging white collar criminal, who couldn't tell the truth to save his life. When is Mexico going to start paying for that border wall? Remember when Bill Clinton was shagging Ms. Lewinski? You folks demanded his head, but when Dumph jumps into the sack with every pornstar and playmate on the planet then pays them hush money, you turn a blind eye to it all.

Whoever wrote that is a partisan hack.
One of the primary excuses each end makes is "yeah, but the OTHER guys are EVEN WORSE".

When it's coming out of both ends like water from a fire hose, it really doesn't matter which is "worse".

They choose not to see this, of course, because it would challenge them and that is inconvenient.
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Sounds like closet tardation to me. The right has some problems, but we vote out the worst, the left keeps sending them back to spread their socialist nughtmare.
Thoughts From An Independent:

Trump supporters and Democrats can only flail away endlessly at each other, and you know why? Because it's too painful for either side to look in the mirror and admit their own misdeeds:

Democrats: Hillary Clinton was a piss - poor candidate and you know it! This lady graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email account in that way was wrong, but did she stop after a few emails? Nope, she kept on doing it. Stupid! And if you folks on the left wing don't start treating white males with more respect, you're going to get your asses kicked in the next election too. White working class males used to be the backbone of the Democratic party, but you've ignored them and pandered to every minority group on the planet, then had the gall to accuse the right wing of being exclusive, well wake up lefties, you're just as bad. You bad mouth right wing communities for their lack of education, but your left wing big cities such as Detroit, Philly, L.A. and San Fran are garbage dumps with bums and drug use run rampant.

Republicans: Your golden boy in the White House is a cowardly, draft dodging white collar criminal, who couldn't tell the truth to save his life. When is Mexico going to start paying for that border wall? Remember when Bill Clinton was shagging Ms. Lewinski? You folks demanded his head, but when Dumph jumps into the sack with every pornstar and playmate on the planet then pays them hush money, you turn a blind eye to it all. Ask yourselves...if someone named Obama or Clinton invited high ranking Russians into the oval office and gave them America's top secret intel. would you turn a blind eye to that too? NOT! If someone named Obama or Clinton walked on to a Democratic convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, what would the "fair and balanced" folks at FOX news say about that? And you sit on your asses and wonder why people call you hypocrites?? Duhhhh!

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3
HRC lost.
DJT is a Russian spunk puppet.
The coup has passed us all by.
Nuf said.
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3
This goes far beyond Trump or Hillary. It applies to virtually any issue at this point.

It's like they're afraid to upset their tribe. They desperately want to belong.

It does. Secession of states will be the only way to solve it.
Thoughts From An Independent:

Trump supporters and Democrats can only flail away endlessly at each other, and you know why? Because it's too painful for either side to look in the mirror and admit their own misdeeds:

Democrats: Hillary Clinton was a piss - poor candidate and you know it! This lady graduated from one of the best law schools in America, she had to know using her private email account in that way was wrong, but did she stop after a few emails? Nope, she kept on doing it. Stupid! And if you folks on the left wing don't start treating white males with more respect, you're going to get your asses kicked in the next election too. White working class males used to be the backbone of the Democratic party, but you've ignored them and pandered to every minority group on the planet, then had the gall to accuse the right wing of being exclusive, well wake up lefties, you're just as bad. You bad mouth right wing communities for their lack of education, but your left wing big cities such as Detroit, Philly, L.A. and San Fran are garbage dumps with bums and drug use run rampant.

Republicans: Your golden boy in the White House is a cowardly, draft dodging white collar criminal, who couldn't tell the truth to save his life. When is Mexico going to start paying for that border wall? Remember when Bill Clinton was shagging Ms. Lewinski? You folks demanded his head, but when Dumph jumps into the sack with every pornstar and playmate on the planet then pays them hush money, you turn a blind eye to it all. Ask yourselves...if someone named Obama or Clinton invited high ranking Russians into the oval office and gave them America's top secret intel. would you turn a blind eye to that too? NOT! If someone named Obama or Clinton walked on to a Democratic convention stage with 5 of their children by 3 different women, what would the "fair and balanced" folks at FOX news say about that? And you sit on your asses and wonder why people call you hypocrites?? Duhhhh!

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3
Yeah, every time I look in the mirror I see a guy who entered the Military to keep the people of the United States free. When I look at a liberal I see someone who has joined sides with the Commies and wants to turn this country into a 3rd world nation like Venezuela. When I see a moderate(a person too ashamed to call themselves a spineless liberal) I see people who from 2009 to 2017 had joined sides with the liberals to fuck this nation over, then when it got too deep, those cowards of the middle jumped ship and sided with the right and voted for President Trump to save the day, knowing full well who and what Donald J. Trump was(ornery businessman, with a shady past), but now to save face, the moderates are howling that President Trump is too radical, so he either changes or those moronic middle will vote for a Socialist who once again will turn the US into a shithole. Do I have that correct, or you have other plans you spineless fuckers in the middle?

When the government reaches across the aisle and comes to a "supposed" agreement, the US gets fucked. The government isnt the answer, the government is the fucking problem....
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? - Matthew 7:3
This goes far beyond Trump or Hillary. It applies to virtually any issue at this point.

It's like they're afraid to upset their tribe. They desperately want to belong.

It does. Secession of states will be the only way to solve it.
Constitutional Convention, disband Congress, put the rights back into each individual state until they can vote on getting better representatives... Or we do like the French did in their revolution and start taking out the Socialists who want to turn this country into a 3rd world nation. Easy as that.


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