""Nearly 100 Republican and independent leaders will endorse Democrat Joe Biden for president today..."

Blaine Sweeter

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2019

Republicans are finally waking up and growing a pair.

Exclusive: Biden garners more Republican endorsements, this time from ex-governors
"(Reuters) - Nearly 100 Republican and independent leaders will endorse Democrat Joe Biden for president on Thursday, including one-time 2020 Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld and the former Republican governors of Michigan and New Jersey, people involved in the effort told Reuters.

Called ‘Republicans and Independents for Biden’, the group is headed by Christine Todd Whitman, a former Republican governor of New Jersey who has become one of Trump’s fiercest critics and who spoke at the recent Democratic National Convention in support of Biden.""""""

They are destroying the education system to get people to vote for them
That's their blue-collar base on labor-union wages and benefits. They don't want people to be educated or manage their own money.
- Nearly 100 Republican and independent leaders will endorse Democrat Joe Biden for president on Thursday
RINOs are wolves in sheep's clothing. If you vote for a governor (in any state of the U.S.) you are voting for a Democrat, regardless of the nominal party affiliation published in the local voter's pamphlet.
It'll be interesting to see if a bunch of Republicans end up on TV ads as we get closer.

Here's hoping. They want to save the party.

Exactly. They can see it's turning into a fascist organization with Trump as a Mussolini-wannabe.

No, what they see happening is power being taken away from THEM, and given back to the people. The political class elitist swine hate it when they lose power.

Republicans are finally waking up and growing a pair.

Exclusive: Biden garners more Republican endorsements, this time from ex-governors
"(Reuters) - Nearly 100 Republican and independent leaders will endorse Democrat Joe Biden for president on Thursday, including one-time 2020 Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld and the former Republican governors of Michigan and New Jersey, people involved in the effort told Reuters.

Called ‘Republicans and Independents for Biden’, the group is headed by Christine Todd Whitman, a former Republican governor of New Jersey who has become one of Trump’s fiercest critics and who spoke at the recent Democratic National Convention in support of Biden.""""""

The democrats will have each one of them fill out 10 or more mail in ballots

Republicans are finally waking up and growing a pair.

Exclusive: Biden garners more Republican endorsements, this time from ex-governors
"(Reuters) - Nearly 100 Republican and independent leaders will endorse Democrat Joe Biden for president on Thursday, including one-time 2020 Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld and the former Republican governors of Michigan and New Jersey, people involved in the effort told Reuters.

Called ‘Republicans and Independents for Biden’, the group is headed by Christine Todd Whitman, a former Republican governor of New Jersey who has become one of Trump’s fiercest critics and who spoke at the recent Democratic National Convention in support of Biden.""""""


They are establishment douchebags who sold out their constituent. I hope they are happy in the Democrat party, because they will never hold a position in a Republican administration ever again.
It'll be interesting to see if a bunch of Republicans end up on TV ads as we get closer.

Here's hoping. They want to save the party.
The same republicans that your demi-god Barry Obolshevik accused of "driving the country into the ditch".

Now they're the saviors of the GOP....As though you honestly give fuck number one about your supposed political opponents.

Got-dammit you moonbats are hilarious!
I don't see any Republican 'leaders" mentioned. All I see are a few Rinos like Whitman., who moronically claims she is voted for Green Deal Biden because Trump has "betrayed conservative values".

Another Blainey thread fail. :iyfyus.jpg:

You really should learn how to use the internet for something besides this board.
Need help getting that foot out of your mouth????

"""Here are some of the high-profile Republicans who have endorsed Biden:
Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich
Kasich, who served for eight years as Ohio's governor and was a candidate for the GOP nomination in 2016, has turned into a prominent voice of the party's "Never Trump" movement. Among the Republicans featured at the Democratic convention, he was given the longest amount of speaking time, using the moment to call on fellow Republicans to vote for Biden.

Former New Jersey Republican Gov. Christine Todd Whitman
Whitman served as New Jersey's governor before being tapped by President George W. Bush in 2001 to head the Environmental Protection Agency. Speaking briefly during the convention on Monday, she said the election "isn't about a Republican or Democrat. It's about a person: a person decent enough, stable enough, strong enough to get our economy back on track; a person who can work with everyone, Democrats and Republicans, to get things done."
"Donald Trump isn't that person; Joe Biden is," Whitman said.

Former Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman
Whitman unsuccessfully ran for governor as a Republican in California in 2010, but backed Hillary Clinton's presidential bid in 2016.
"I'm a longtime Republican and a longtime CEO," Whitman, who is the current CEO of Quibi, said during the convention. "And let me tell you, Donald Trump has no clue how to run a business, let alone an economy."

Former New York Republican Rep. Susan Molinari
Molinari, who represented New York from 1990 to 1997 before resigning her seat for a career in journalism, also spoke briefly during the convention on Monday, saying Biden is "exactly what this nation needs at this time."

Former senior Trump administration official Miles Taylor
Taylor, who served as chief of staff to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, became one of the highest-ranking former Trump administration officials to endorse Biden when he made a surprise announcement Monday afternoon in support of the former vice president.
"Given what I have experienced in the administration, I have to support Joe Biden for president and even though I am not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country and I'm confident that he won't make the same mistakes as this President," Taylor said in a video produced by the group Republican Voters Against Trump in which he also made several allegations about Trump's conduct.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
Powell, a longtime Republican who served as secretary of state under Bush, told CNN in June that he'll vote for Biden in the 2020 presidential election.
"I certainly cannot in any way support President Trump this year," Powell said, adding that he couldn't bring himself to vote for Trump four years ago either.
Powell endorsed former President Barack Obama in the 2008 election.

The Lincoln Project
The anti-Trump group is led by several high-profile Republicans, including John Weaver, Rick Wilson, Reed Galen and George Conway, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.
The group has endorsed Biden and is primarily known for a series of ads that attack Trump on a number of fronts. The President has labeled the group the "Losers Project" and called its founders Republicans in name only.

Former Pennsylvania Rep. Charlie Dent
Dent, who resigned from the House in 2018, served as chairman of the House Ethics Committee from 2015 until 2016 and chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies from 2015 until 2018.
In a CNN Op-Ed published Wednesday, Dent torches Trump as an "illiberal populist and nativist whose chaotic approach and managerial malfeasance have undermined the functioning of government."
Americans, Dent wrote, "are exhausted by the never-ending chaos and daily drama emanating from the White House. They just want stability."

Former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel
Hagel was a Republican senator from Nebraska before he was tapped by former President Barack Obama to serve as his defense secretary.
Hagel endorsed Biden for president in an interview with CNN in March, and appeared in a video during the second night of the convention alongside other national security experts touting Biden's foreign policy experience.

US veteran Edward Good
World War II and Korean War veteran Edward Good, 95, denounced Trump and called on the country to vote for Biden.
"I have been a Republican since the 1960s. I'm a member of the NRA, and I voted for Trump," Good said in a video message played on the final night of the Democratic National Convention. "I think Trump has been the worst president we've ever had. So I'll be glad to see him go."
Good said that "Biden will be a great leader for the United States."
"Like me, on the day of my jump into Germany, I think Joe Biden cares about doing his proper duty for the United States. And if elected, that's what he would do," he added.

Former Defense Secretary William Cohen
Cohen represented Maine in both the US Senate and House of Representatives as a Republican before serving as secretary of defense during the final years of the Clinton administration.
Cohen announced his support for Biden in a statement in which he blamed the US' coronavirus death toll on "poor management and failed leadership."
"I'm voting for Joe Biden because our democracy is at stake," he said in the announcement. "We are in serious need of a leader with optimism and competence who gives us hope. Joe Biden is that leader."

Former Republican national security officials for Biden
More than 70 former national security officials from multiple Republican administrations along with former Republican members of Congress announced their endorsement the day Biden officially accepted the Democratic nomination.
The group, Former Republican National Security Officials for Biden, includes former NSA and CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden, former Deputy Secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence Amb. John Negroponte, former CIA and FBI Director William Webster, and former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff under President Trump, Miles Taylor.
They penned a 10-point letter explaining the rationale behind their endorsement, saying Trump has "gravely damaged America's role as a world leader," "shown he is unfit to lead during a national crisis," and "solicited foreign influence and undermined confidence in our presidential elections."

'Republicans for Biden'
On the first day of the Republican National Convention, more than 20 former Republican lawmakers announced they were supporting the former vice president. Along with Dent and Molinari, former Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake announced his support, along with the following former office-holders:
  • New Hampshire Sen. Gordon Humphrey
  • Virginia Sen. John Warner
  • Texas Rep. Steve Bartlett
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Bill Clinger
  • Missouri Rep. Tom Coleman
  • Hawaii Rep. Charles Djou
  • Oklahoma Rep. Mickey Edwards
  • Maryland Rep. Wayne Gilchrest
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Jim Greenwood
  • South Carolina Rep. Bob Inglis
  • Arizona Rep. Jim Kolbe
  • California Rep. Steve Kuykendall
  • Illinois Rep. Ray LaHood
  • Iowa Rep. Jim Leach
  • Maryland Rep. Connie Morella
  • Mississippi Rep. Mike Parker
  • New York Rep. Jack Quinn
  • Rhode Island Rep. Claudine Schneider
  • Connecticut Rep. Christopher Shays
  • Vermont Rep. Peter Smith
  • Texas Rep. Alan Steelman
  • New York Rep. Jim Walsh
  • Virginia Rep. Bill Whitehurst
  • New Jersey Rep. Dick Zimmer
43 Alumni for Biden
Launched in July by former George W. Bush administration and campaign officials, the super PAC includes more than 225 administration officials and at least 152 alumni who are backing Biden. Former Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez will serve as the group's national chairman and former Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman is also among those who publicly announced support for Biden.
Romney 4 Biden
More than 30 former staff members and state directors from Utah Sen. Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign are supporting Biden.
"With over 175,000 Americans dead from COVID-19, tens of millions unemployed, and 80 percent of voters convinced that the U.S. is heading in the wrong direction, we desperately need a president that's laser focused on putting the nation's needs ahead of his own," the group said in a statement, noting that some of them voted for Trump and others never supported the President.
Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder
Snyder, who was governor from 2011 to 2018, penned an op-ed in the Detroit Free Press endorsing Biden. He said he would continue supporting Republican candidates, just not Trump.
The former Republican governor wrote that Trump has not unified the country while Biden "has shown the desire to heal a deeply divided nation."
He also called the President a "bully" and said Trump "lacks a moral compass" and "ignores the truth," while arguing that Biden has "demonstrated strong moral character and empathy."

Here are the prominent Republicans backing Biden
Updated 7:28 AM ET, Thu September 3, 2020

Republicans are finally waking up and growing a pair.

Exclusive: Biden garners more Republican endorsements, this time from ex-governors
"(Reuters) - Nearly 100 Republican and independent leaders will endorse Democrat Joe Biden for president on Thursday, including one-time 2020 Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld and the former Republican governors of Michigan and New Jersey, people involved in the effort told Reuters.

Called ‘Republicans and Independents for Biden’, the group is headed by Christine Todd Whitman, a former Republican governor of New Jersey who has become one of Trump’s fiercest critics and who spoke at the recent Democratic National Convention in support of Biden.""""""

All the idiots the Republican Party has purged.
I don't see any Republican 'leaders" mentioned. All I see are a few Rinos like Whitman., who moronically claims she is voted for Green Deal Biden because Trump has "betrayed conservative values".

Another Blainey thread fail. :iyfyus.jpg:

You really should learn how to use the internet for something besides this board.
Need help getting that foot out of your mouth????

"""Here are some of the high-profile Republicans who have endorsed Biden:
Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich
Kasich, who served for eight years as Ohio's governor and was a candidate for the GOP nomination in 2016, has turned into a prominent voice of the party's "Never Trump" movement. Among the Republicans featured at the Democratic convention, he was given the longest amount of speaking time, using the moment to call on fellow Republicans to vote for Biden.

Former New Jersey Republican Gov. Christine Todd Whitman
Whitman served as New Jersey's governor before being tapped by President George W. Bush in 2001 to head the Environmental Protection Agency. Speaking briefly during the convention on Monday, she said the election "isn't about a Republican or Democrat. It's about a person: a person decent enough, stable enough, strong enough to get our economy back on track; a person who can work with everyone, Democrats and Republicans, to get things done."
"Donald Trump isn't that person; Joe Biden is," Whitman said.

Former Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman
Whitman unsuccessfully ran for governor as a Republican in California in 2010, but backed Hillary Clinton's presidential bid in 2016.
"I'm a longtime Republican and a longtime CEO," Whitman, who is the current CEO of Quibi, said during the convention. "And let me tell you, Donald Trump has no clue how to run a business, let alone an economy."

Former New York Republican Rep. Susan Molinari
Molinari, who represented New York from 1990 to 1997 before resigning her seat for a career in journalism, also spoke briefly during the convention on Monday, saying Biden is "exactly what this nation needs at this time."

Former senior Trump administration official Miles Taylor
Taylor, who served as chief of staff to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, became one of the highest-ranking former Trump administration officials to endorse Biden when he made a surprise announcement Monday afternoon in support of the former vice president.
"Given what I have experienced in the administration, I have to support Joe Biden for president and even though I am not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country and I'm confident that he won't make the same mistakes as this President," Taylor said in a video produced by the group Republican Voters Against Trump in which he also made several allegations about Trump's conduct.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
Powell, a longtime Republican who served as secretary of state under Bush, told CNN in June that he'll vote for Biden in the 2020 presidential election.
"I certainly cannot in any way support President Trump this year," Powell said, adding that he couldn't bring himself to vote for Trump four years ago either.
Powell endorsed former President Barack Obama in the 2008 election.

The Lincoln Project
The anti-Trump group is led by several high-profile Republicans, including John Weaver, Rick Wilson, Reed Galen and George Conway, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.
The group has endorsed Biden and is primarily known for a series of ads that attack Trump on a number of fronts. The President has labeled the group the "Losers Project" and called its founders Republicans in name only.

Former Pennsylvania Rep. Charlie Dent
Dent, who resigned from the House in 2018, served as chairman of the House Ethics Committee from 2015 until 2016 and chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies from 2015 until 2018.
In a CNN Op-Ed published Wednesday, Dent torches Trump as an "illiberal populist and nativist whose chaotic approach and managerial malfeasance have undermined the functioning of government."
Americans, Dent wrote, "are exhausted by the never-ending chaos and daily drama emanating from the White House. They just want stability."

Former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel
Hagel was a Republican senator from Nebraska before he was tapped by former President Barack Obama to serve as his defense secretary.
Hagel endorsed Biden for president in an interview with CNN in March, and appeared in a video during the second night of the convention alongside other national security experts touting Biden's foreign policy experience.

US veteran Edward Good
World War II and Korean War veteran Edward Good, 95, denounced Trump and called on the country to vote for Biden.
"I have been a Republican since the 1960s. I'm a member of the NRA, and I voted for Trump," Good said in a video message played on the final night of the Democratic National Convention. "I think Trump has been the worst president we've ever had. So I'll be glad to see him go."
Good said that "Biden will be a great leader for the United States."
"Like me, on the day of my jump into Germany, I think Joe Biden cares about doing his proper duty for the United States. And if elected, that's what he would do," he added.

Former Defense Secretary William Cohen
Cohen represented Maine in both the US Senate and House of Representatives as a Republican before serving as secretary of defense during the final years of the Clinton administration.
Cohen announced his support for Biden in a statement in which he blamed the US' coronavirus death toll on "poor management and failed leadership."
"I'm voting for Joe Biden because our democracy is at stake," he said in the announcement. "We are in serious need of a leader with optimism and competence who gives us hope. Joe Biden is that leader."

Former Republican national security officials for Biden
More than 70 former national security officials from multiple Republican administrations along with former Republican members of Congress announced their endorsement the day Biden officially accepted the Democratic nomination.
The group, Former Republican National Security Officials for Biden, includes former NSA and CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden, former Deputy Secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence Amb. John Negroponte, former CIA and FBI Director William Webster, and former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff under President Trump, Miles Taylor.
They penned a 10-point letter explaining the rationale behind their endorsement, saying Trump has "gravely damaged America's role as a world leader," "shown he is unfit to lead during a national crisis," and "solicited foreign influence and undermined confidence in our presidential elections."

'Republicans for Biden'
On the first day of the Republican National Convention, more than 20 former Republican lawmakers announced they were supporting the former vice president. Along with Dent and Molinari, former Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake announced his support, along with the following former office-holders:
  • New Hampshire Sen. Gordon Humphrey
  • Virginia Sen. John Warner
  • Texas Rep. Steve Bartlett
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Bill Clinger
  • Missouri Rep. Tom Coleman
  • Hawaii Rep. Charles Djou
  • Oklahoma Rep. Mickey Edwards
  • Maryland Rep. Wayne Gilchrest
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Jim Greenwood
  • South Carolina Rep. Bob Inglis
  • Arizona Rep. Jim Kolbe
  • California Rep. Steve Kuykendall
  • Illinois Rep. Ray LaHood
  • Iowa Rep. Jim Leach
  • Maryland Rep. Connie Morella
  • Mississippi Rep. Mike Parker
  • New York Rep. Jack Quinn
  • Rhode Island Rep. Claudine Schneider
  • Connecticut Rep. Christopher Shays
  • Vermont Rep. Peter Smith
  • Texas Rep. Alan Steelman
  • New York Rep. Jim Walsh
  • Virginia Rep. Bill Whitehurst
  • New Jersey Rep. Dick Zimmer
43 Alumni for Biden
Launched in July by former George W. Bush administration and campaign officials, the super PAC includes more than 225 administration officials and at least 152 alumni who are backing Biden. Former Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez will serve as the group's national chairman and former Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman is also among those who publicly announced support for Biden.
Romney 4 Biden
More than 30 former staff members and state directors from Utah Sen. Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign are supporting Biden.
"With over 175,000 Americans dead from COVID-19, tens of millions unemployed, and 80 percent of voters convinced that the U.S. is heading in the wrong direction, we desperately need a president that's laser focused on putting the nation's needs ahead of his own," the group said in a statement, noting that some of them voted for Trump and others never supported the President.
Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder
Snyder, who was governor from 2011 to 2018, penned an op-ed in the Detroit Free Press endorsing Biden. He said he would continue supporting Republican candidates, just not Trump.
The former Republican governor wrote that Trump has not unified the country while Biden "has shown the desire to heal a deeply divided nation."
He also called the President a "bully" and said Trump "lacks a moral compass" and "ignores the truth," while arguing that Biden has "demonstrated strong moral character and empathy."

Here are the prominent Republicans backing Biden
CNN Profiles - Devan Cole - Breaking News Reporter, CNN Politics - CNN
Updated 7:28 AM ET, Thu September 3, 2020
They are "prominent" only for being known as traitors and backstabbers.
I don't see any Republican 'leaders" mentioned. All I see are a few Rinos like Whitman., who moronically claims she is voted for Green Deal Biden because Trump has "betrayed conservative values".

Another Blainey thread fail. :iyfyus.jpg:

You really should learn how to use the internet for something besides this board.
Need help getting that foot out of your mouth????

"""Here are some of the high-profile Republicans who have endorsed Biden:
Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich
Kasich, who served for eight years as Ohio's governor and was a candidate for the GOP nomination in 2016, has turned into a prominent voice of the party's "Never Trump" movement. Among the Republicans featured at the Democratic convention, he was given the longest amount of speaking time, using the moment to call on fellow Republicans to vote for Biden.

Former New Jersey Republican Gov. Christine Todd Whitman
Whitman served as New Jersey's governor before being tapped by President George W. Bush in 2001 to head the Environmental Protection Agency. Speaking briefly during the convention on Monday, she said the election "isn't about a Republican or Democrat. It's about a person: a person decent enough, stable enough, strong enough to get our economy back on track; a person who can work with everyone, Democrats and Republicans, to get things done."
"Donald Trump isn't that person; Joe Biden is," Whitman said.

Former Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman
Whitman unsuccessfully ran for governor as a Republican in California in 2010, but backed Hillary Clinton's presidential bid in 2016.
"I'm a longtime Republican and a longtime CEO," Whitman, who is the current CEO of Quibi, said during the convention. "And let me tell you, Donald Trump has no clue how to run a business, let alone an economy."

Former New York Republican Rep. Susan Molinari
Molinari, who represented New York from 1990 to 1997 before resigning her seat for a career in journalism, also spoke briefly during the convention on Monday, saying Biden is "exactly what this nation needs at this time."

Former senior Trump administration official Miles Taylor
Taylor, who served as chief of staff to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, became one of the highest-ranking former Trump administration officials to endorse Biden when he made a surprise announcement Monday afternoon in support of the former vice president.
"Given what I have experienced in the administration, I have to support Joe Biden for president and even though I am not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country and I'm confident that he won't make the same mistakes as this President," Taylor said in a video produced by the group Republican Voters Against Trump in which he also made several allegations about Trump's conduct.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
Powell, a longtime Republican who served as secretary of state under Bush, told CNN in June that he'll vote for Biden in the 2020 presidential election.
"I certainly cannot in any way support President Trump this year," Powell said, adding that he couldn't bring himself to vote for Trump four years ago either.
Powell endorsed former President Barack Obama in the 2008 election.

The Lincoln Project
The anti-Trump group is led by several high-profile Republicans, including John Weaver, Rick Wilson, Reed Galen and George Conway, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.
The group has endorsed Biden and is primarily known for a series of ads that attack Trump on a number of fronts. The President has labeled the group the "Losers Project" and called its founders Republicans in name only.

Former Pennsylvania Rep. Charlie Dent
Dent, who resigned from the House in 2018, served as chairman of the House Ethics Committee from 2015 until 2016 and chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies from 2015 until 2018.
In a CNN Op-Ed published Wednesday, Dent torches Trump as an "illiberal populist and nativist whose chaotic approach and managerial malfeasance have undermined the functioning of government."
Americans, Dent wrote, "are exhausted by the never-ending chaos and daily drama emanating from the White House. They just want stability."

Former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel
Hagel was a Republican senator from Nebraska before he was tapped by former President Barack Obama to serve as his defense secretary.
Hagel endorsed Biden for president in an interview with CNN in March, and appeared in a video during the second night of the convention alongside other national security experts touting Biden's foreign policy experience.

US veteran Edward Good
World War II and Korean War veteran Edward Good, 95, denounced Trump and called on the country to vote for Biden.
"I have been a Republican since the 1960s. I'm a member of the NRA, and I voted for Trump," Good said in a video message played on the final night of the Democratic National Convention. "I think Trump has been the worst president we've ever had. So I'll be glad to see him go."
Good said that "Biden will be a great leader for the United States."
"Like me, on the day of my jump into Germany, I think Joe Biden cares about doing his proper duty for the United States. And if elected, that's what he would do," he added.

Former Defense Secretary William Cohen
Cohen represented Maine in both the US Senate and House of Representatives as a Republican before serving as secretary of defense during the final years of the Clinton administration.
Cohen announced his support for Biden in a statement in which he blamed the US' coronavirus death toll on "poor management and failed leadership."
"I'm voting for Joe Biden because our democracy is at stake," he said in the announcement. "We are in serious need of a leader with optimism and competence who gives us hope. Joe Biden is that leader."

Former Republican national security officials for Biden
More than 70 former national security officials from multiple Republican administrations along with former Republican members of Congress announced their endorsement the day Biden officially accepted the Democratic nomination.
The group, Former Republican National Security Officials for Biden, includes former NSA and CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden, former Deputy Secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence Amb. John Negroponte, former CIA and FBI Director William Webster, and former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff under President Trump, Miles Taylor.
They penned a 10-point letter explaining the rationale behind their endorsement, saying Trump has "gravely damaged America's role as a world leader," "shown he is unfit to lead during a national crisis," and "solicited foreign influence and undermined confidence in our presidential elections."

'Republicans for Biden'
On the first day of the Republican National Convention, more than 20 former Republican lawmakers announced they were supporting the former vice president. Along with Dent and Molinari, former Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake announced his support, along with the following former office-holders:
  • New Hampshire Sen. Gordon Humphrey
  • Virginia Sen. John Warner
  • Texas Rep. Steve Bartlett
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Bill Clinger
  • Missouri Rep. Tom Coleman
  • Hawaii Rep. Charles Djou
  • Oklahoma Rep. Mickey Edwards
  • Maryland Rep. Wayne Gilchrest
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Jim Greenwood
  • South Carolina Rep. Bob Inglis
  • Arizona Rep. Jim Kolbe
  • California Rep. Steve Kuykendall
  • Illinois Rep. Ray LaHood
  • Iowa Rep. Jim Leach
  • Maryland Rep. Connie Morella
  • Mississippi Rep. Mike Parker
  • New York Rep. Jack Quinn
  • Rhode Island Rep. Claudine Schneider
  • Connecticut Rep. Christopher Shays
  • Vermont Rep. Peter Smith
  • Texas Rep. Alan Steelman
  • New York Rep. Jim Walsh
  • Virginia Rep. Bill Whitehurst
  • New Jersey Rep. Dick Zimmer
43 Alumni for Biden
Launched in July by former George W. Bush administration and campaign officials, the super PAC includes more than 225 administration officials and at least 152 alumni who are backing Biden. Former Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez will serve as the group's national chairman and former Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman is also among those who publicly announced support for Biden.
Romney 4 Biden
More than 30 former staff members and state directors from Utah Sen. Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign are supporting Biden.
"With over 175,000 Americans dead from COVID-19, tens of millions unemployed, and 80 percent of voters convinced that the U.S. is heading in the wrong direction, we desperately need a president that's laser focused on putting the nation's needs ahead of his own," the group said in a statement, noting that some of them voted for Trump and others never supported the President.
Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder
Snyder, who was governor from 2011 to 2018, penned an op-ed in the Detroit Free Press endorsing Biden. He said he would continue supporting Republican candidates, just not Trump.
The former Republican governor wrote that Trump has not unified the country while Biden "has shown the desire to heal a deeply divided nation."
He also called the President a "bully" and said Trump "lacks a moral compass" and "ignores the truth," while arguing that Biden has "demonstrated strong moral character and empathy."

Here are the prominent Republicans backing Biden
CNN Profiles - Devan Cole - Breaking News Reporter, CNN Politics - CNN
Updated 7:28 AM ET, Thu September 3, 2020
Yeah, yeah, yeah....We've all heard of these establishment swamp neocon assholes running the Lincon Project who are voting for Biden.

You have some news that was revealed sometime after winter's snow melted?
I don't see any Republican 'leaders" mentioned. All I see are a few Rinos like Whitman., who moronically claims she is voted for Green Deal Biden because Trump has "betrayed conservative values".

Another Blainey thread fail. :iyfyus.jpg:

You really should learn how to use the internet for something besides this board.
Need help getting that foot out of your mouth????

"""Here are some of the high-profile Republicans who have endorsed Biden:
Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich
Kasich, who served for eight years as Ohio's governor and was a candidate for the GOP nomination in 2016, has turned into a prominent voice of the party's "Never Trump" movement. Among the Republicans featured at the Democratic convention, he was given the longest amount of speaking time, using the moment to call on fellow Republicans to vote for Biden.

Former New Jersey Republican Gov. Christine Todd Whitman
Whitman served as New Jersey's governor before being tapped by President George W. Bush in 2001 to head the Environmental Protection Agency. Speaking briefly during the convention on Monday, she said the election "isn't about a Republican or Democrat. It's about a person: a person decent enough, stable enough, strong enough to get our economy back on track; a person who can work with everyone, Democrats and Republicans, to get things done."
"Donald Trump isn't that person; Joe Biden is," Whitman said.

Former Hewlett Packard CEO Meg Whitman
Whitman unsuccessfully ran for governor as a Republican in California in 2010, but backed Hillary Clinton's presidential bid in 2016.
"I'm a longtime Republican and a longtime CEO," Whitman, who is the current CEO of Quibi, said during the convention. "And let me tell you, Donald Trump has no clue how to run a business, let alone an economy."

Former New York Republican Rep. Susan Molinari
Molinari, who represented New York from 1990 to 1997 before resigning her seat for a career in journalism, also spoke briefly during the convention on Monday, saying Biden is "exactly what this nation needs at this time."

Former senior Trump administration official Miles Taylor
Taylor, who served as chief of staff to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, became one of the highest-ranking former Trump administration officials to endorse Biden when he made a surprise announcement Monday afternoon in support of the former vice president.
"Given what I have experienced in the administration, I have to support Joe Biden for president and even though I am not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country and I'm confident that he won't make the same mistakes as this President," Taylor said in a video produced by the group Republican Voters Against Trump in which he also made several allegations about Trump's conduct.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
Powell, a longtime Republican who served as secretary of state under Bush, told CNN in June that he'll vote for Biden in the 2020 presidential election.
"I certainly cannot in any way support President Trump this year," Powell said, adding that he couldn't bring himself to vote for Trump four years ago either.
Powell endorsed former President Barack Obama in the 2008 election.

The Lincoln Project
The anti-Trump group is led by several high-profile Republicans, including John Weaver, Rick Wilson, Reed Galen and George Conway, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.
The group has endorsed Biden and is primarily known for a series of ads that attack Trump on a number of fronts. The President has labeled the group the "Losers Project" and called its founders Republicans in name only.

Former Pennsylvania Rep. Charlie Dent
Dent, who resigned from the House in 2018, served as chairman of the House Ethics Committee from 2015 until 2016 and chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies from 2015 until 2018.
In a CNN Op-Ed published Wednesday, Dent torches Trump as an "illiberal populist and nativist whose chaotic approach and managerial malfeasance have undermined the functioning of government."
Americans, Dent wrote, "are exhausted by the never-ending chaos and daily drama emanating from the White House. They just want stability."

Former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel
Hagel was a Republican senator from Nebraska before he was tapped by former President Barack Obama to serve as his defense secretary.
Hagel endorsed Biden for president in an interview with CNN in March, and appeared in a video during the second night of the convention alongside other national security experts touting Biden's foreign policy experience.

US veteran Edward Good
World War II and Korean War veteran Edward Good, 95, denounced Trump and called on the country to vote for Biden.
"I have been a Republican since the 1960s. I'm a member of the NRA, and I voted for Trump," Good said in a video message played on the final night of the Democratic National Convention. "I think Trump has been the worst president we've ever had. So I'll be glad to see him go."
Good said that "Biden will be a great leader for the United States."
"Like me, on the day of my jump into Germany, I think Joe Biden cares about doing his proper duty for the United States. And if elected, that's what he would do," he added.

Former Defense Secretary William Cohen
Cohen represented Maine in both the US Senate and House of Representatives as a Republican before serving as secretary of defense during the final years of the Clinton administration.
Cohen announced his support for Biden in a statement in which he blamed the US' coronavirus death toll on "poor management and failed leadership."
"I'm voting for Joe Biden because our democracy is at stake," he said in the announcement. "We are in serious need of a leader with optimism and competence who gives us hope. Joe Biden is that leader."

Former Republican national security officials for Biden
More than 70 former national security officials from multiple Republican administrations along with former Republican members of Congress announced their endorsement the day Biden officially accepted the Democratic nomination.
The group, Former Republican National Security Officials for Biden, includes former NSA and CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden, former Deputy Secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence Amb. John Negroponte, former CIA and FBI Director William Webster, and former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff under President Trump, Miles Taylor.
They penned a 10-point letter explaining the rationale behind their endorsement, saying Trump has "gravely damaged America's role as a world leader," "shown he is unfit to lead during a national crisis," and "solicited foreign influence and undermined confidence in our presidential elections."

'Republicans for Biden'
On the first day of the Republican National Convention, more than 20 former Republican lawmakers announced they were supporting the former vice president. Along with Dent and Molinari, former Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake announced his support, along with the following former office-holders:
  • New Hampshire Sen. Gordon Humphrey
  • Virginia Sen. John Warner
  • Texas Rep. Steve Bartlett
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Bill Clinger
  • Missouri Rep. Tom Coleman
  • Hawaii Rep. Charles Djou
  • Oklahoma Rep. Mickey Edwards
  • Maryland Rep. Wayne Gilchrest
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Jim Greenwood
  • South Carolina Rep. Bob Inglis
  • Arizona Rep. Jim Kolbe
  • California Rep. Steve Kuykendall
  • Illinois Rep. Ray LaHood
  • Iowa Rep. Jim Leach
  • Maryland Rep. Connie Morella
  • Mississippi Rep. Mike Parker
  • New York Rep. Jack Quinn
  • Rhode Island Rep. Claudine Schneider
  • Connecticut Rep. Christopher Shays
  • Vermont Rep. Peter Smith
  • Texas Rep. Alan Steelman
  • New York Rep. Jim Walsh
  • Virginia Rep. Bill Whitehurst
  • New Jersey Rep. Dick Zimmer
43 Alumni for Biden
Launched in July by former George W. Bush administration and campaign officials, the super PAC includes more than 225 administration officials and at least 152 alumni who are backing Biden. Former Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez will serve as the group's national chairman and former Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman is also among those who publicly announced support for Biden.
Romney 4 Biden
More than 30 former staff members and state directors from Utah Sen. Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign are supporting Biden.
"With over 175,000 Americans dead from COVID-19, tens of millions unemployed, and 80 percent of voters convinced that the U.S. is heading in the wrong direction, we desperately need a president that's laser focused on putting the nation's needs ahead of his own," the group said in a statement, noting that some of them voted for Trump and others never supported the President.
Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder
Snyder, who was governor from 2011 to 2018, penned an op-ed in the Detroit Free Press endorsing Biden. He said he would continue supporting Republican candidates, just not Trump.
The former Republican governor wrote that Trump has not unified the country while Biden "has shown the desire to heal a deeply divided nation."
He also called the President a "bully" and said Trump "lacks a moral compass" and "ignores the truth," while arguing that Biden has "demonstrated strong moral character and empathy."

Here are the prominent Republicans backing Biden
CNN Profiles - Devan Cole - Breaking News Reporter, CNN Politics - CNN
Updated 7:28 AM ET, Thu September 3, 2020

Yeah, ALL political class elitist swine who care about the power they are losing. They don't give a shit about the country, or the people of this country. All they care about is how they can LOOT this country.

Fuck 'em.

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