NC up a creek

No thank you. I prefer not to have to clean up after other people's messy bathroom practices.
Then you shouldnt have an issue at all then. Public restrooms are pretty nasty. Especially the womens.

I doubt that you are an expert in Public Women's Restrooms. And the Prog agenda extends into private premises, which I've found to be generally Quite Clean.
One doesnt need to be an expert in public womens restrooms to know they are nasty. I've heard from more than a few women how disgusting they are.

That must have been after the Pre-Op Transwimmins did their thing with the seat down.
i didnt know pre-ops had periods.

Periods or knife fights? It's hard to tell them apart.

is that what you are making for your dinner tonight?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.

Two daughters

They had friends that were LGBT in school

Transgender are not "rapist or pedophiles". Blame that on heteros.

But they can be rapists and pedos. Anyone can be

Then don't use the public bathrooms if you are affaid.

Anyone can be anything criminal. What will you do hide at home for the rest of your life?

A taxi, a bus, walking down the street, in a store, at church, at school, at work...... If you are afraid, seek help.

The rest of the people will accept transgender as just people and not prejudge and accuse them of crimes they are not committing (as a group).

Are you afraid everytime you take medicine that you will have a reaction and "flip out" against others? Are you afraid others taking medicine will attack you?

You are just being unfair to transgenders by making a man with a beard walk into the girls room to pee and a woman in a dress walk into the mens room.

It might only be the last hundred years that surgery could change a man, but transgenders have been around as long as written history. Other state and countries have no problem with them going to bathrooms, why should NC?

The bill is discrimination and violates federal law.

If people want privacy, close the stall door, and stop worrying about who is in the next stall.
. Let me say this... You say don't use the public restrooms if your afraid, therefore giving up yet another right in this nation for political correctness gone rogue now ? If my grand daughter says pa-pa I need to go to the restroom, then all I can say to you is that she will be taken there, and there best not be no weird crap going on when she is trusting me to be taking her to a safe and clean place, and one that is expected to be normal. Messing with people's children is playing with pure fire if you ask me.
Since the NC law states that you must use the bathroom of the gender you are on your birth certificate, what about those who have a sex change sometime in their adult life? They might have been born as a male, but have been surgically modified to be a female.

Born as a male, with male DNA, but sexual reassignment surgery. Which bathroom should they use?

If they have had reassignment surgery, go in the rest room of who you are now.
No one is going to be standing there asking you for your fucking birth certificate.
If you now have a dick, go in the mens room, this isn't rocket surgery.
Then you shouldnt have an issue at all then. Public restrooms are pretty nasty. Especially the womens.

I doubt that you are an expert in Public Women's Restrooms. And the Prog agenda extends into private premises, which I've found to be generally Quite Clean.
One doesnt need to be an expert in public womens restrooms to know they are nasty. I've heard from more than a few women how disgusting they are.

That must have been after the Pre-Op Transwimmins did their thing with the seat down.
i didnt know pre-ops had periods.

Periods or knife fights? It's hard to tell them apart.
You bring tampons to a knife fight?
Look. We still need distinction between man and woman. Just because gays had success, transgenders issues are not the same as gay issues. Heard on Mark Levin today that Loretta Lynch compared the issue to segregation lol... And the gay movement

The Obama administration is out of its mind

is that what you are making for your dinner tonight?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.

Two daughters

They had friends that were LGBT in school

Transgender are not "rapist or pedophiles". Blame that on heteros.

But they can be rapists and pedos. Anyone can be

Then don't use the public bathrooms if you are affaid.

Anyone can be anything criminal. What will you do hide at home for the rest of your life?

A taxi, a bus, walking down the street, in a store, at church, at school, at work...... If you are afraid, seek help.

The rest of the people will accept transgender as just people and not prejudge and accuse them of crimes they are not committing (as a group).

Are you afraid everytime you take medicine that you will have a reaction and "flip out" against others? Are you afraid others taking medicine will attack you?

You are just being unfair to transgenders by making a man with a beard walk into the girls room to pee and a woman in a dress walk into the mens room.

It might only be the last hundred years that surgery could change a man, but transgenders have been around as long as written history. Other state and countries have no problem with them going to bathrooms, why should NC?

The bill is discrimination and violates federal law.

If people want privacy, close the stall door, and stop worrying about who is in the next stall.
. Let me say this... You say don't use the public restrooms if your afraid, therefore giving up yet another right in this nation for political correctness gone rogue now ? If my grand daughter says pa-pa I need to go the the restroom, then all I can say to you is that she will be taken, and there best not be no weird crap going on when she is trusting me to be taking her to a safe and clean place, and one that is expected to be normal. Messing with people's children is playing with pure fire if you ask me.

All's the left cares about is the couple percent of the population, and if they are comfortable. They could give a fuck about the rest of us.
if you're uncomfortable, that's your problem according to these people.
the left, and transgenders are fucking over the top narcicistic.
No thank you. I prefer not to have to clean up after other people's messy bathroom practices.
Then you shouldnt have an issue at all then. Public restrooms are pretty nasty. Especially the womens.

I doubt that you are an expert in Public Women's Restrooms. And the Prog agenda extends into private premises, which I've found to be generally Quite Clean.
One doesnt need to be an expert in public womens restrooms to know they are nasty. I've heard from more than a few women how disgusting they are.

That must have been after the Pre-Op Transwimmins did their thing with the seat down.
i didnt know pre-ops had periods.

Actually, as part of gender reassignment surgery, there is a period of time where the person undergoing the surgery has to live and act as a full blown female (usually when they are undergoing hormone therapy), in order to make the transition easier.

So yeah, what about those people as well?

Oh were making a joke..................but the trouble is, post op surgery participants don't have periods either (but then again, they never had ovaries).

Sorry that I stepped on your joke, but there is a group of people undergoing gender reassignment that are required to live as the sex they are becoming. Do those people have to stop using public bathrooms while going through transition? And, do post op people have to use the bathroom they were born as or the one they became?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.

Two daughters

They had friends that were LGBT in school

Transgender are not "rapist or pedophiles". Blame that on heteros.

But they can be rapists and pedos. Anyone can be

Then don't use the public bathrooms if you are affaid.

Anyone can be anything criminal. What will you do hide at home for the rest of your life?

A taxi, a bus, walking down the street, in a store, at church, at school, at work...... If you are afraid, seek help.

The rest of the people will accept transgender as just people and not prejudge and accuse them of crimes they are not committing (as a group).

Are you afraid everytime you take medicine that you will have a reaction and "flip out" against others? Are you afraid others taking medicine will attack you?

You are just being unfair to transgenders by making a man with a beard walk into the girls room to pee and a woman in a dress walk into the mens room.

It might only be the last hundred years that surgery could change a man, but transgenders have been around as long as written history. Other state and countries have no problem with them going to bathrooms, why should NC?

The bill is discrimination and violates federal law.

If people want privacy, close the stall door, and stop worrying about who is in the next stall.
. Let me say this... You say don't use the public restrooms if your afraid, therefore giving up yet another right in this nation for political correctness gone rogue now ? If my grand daughter says pa-pa I need to go the the restroom, then all I can say to you is that she will be taken, and there best not be no weird crap going on when she is trusting me to be taking her to a safe and clean place, and one that is expected to be normal. Messing with people's children is playing with pure fire if you ask me.

All's the left cares about is the couple percent of the population, and if they are comfortable. They could give a fuck about the rest of us.
if you're uncomfortable, that's your problem according to these people.
the left, and transgenders are fucking over the top narcicistic.

You should be more secure with yourself and not be uncomfortable that a woman may be in the bathroom with you. What are you trying to hide?
Then you shouldnt have an issue at all then. Public restrooms are pretty nasty. Especially the womens.

I doubt that you are an expert in Public Women's Restrooms. And the Prog agenda extends into private premises, which I've found to be generally Quite Clean.
One doesnt need to be an expert in public womens restrooms to know they are nasty. I've heard from more than a few women how disgusting they are.

That must have been after the Pre-Op Transwimmins did their thing with the seat down.
i didnt know pre-ops had periods.

Actually, as part of gender reassignment surgery, there is a period of time where the person undergoing the surgery has to live and act as a full blown female (usually when they are undergoing hormone therapy), in order to make the transition easier.

So yeah, what about those people as well?

Oh were making a joke..................but the trouble is, post op surgery participants don't have periods either (but then again, they never had ovaries).

Sorry that I stepped on your joke, but there is a group of people undergoing gender reassignment that are required to live as the sex they are becoming. Do those people have to stop using public bathrooms while going through transition? And, do post op people have to use the bathroom they were born as or the one they became?

Here's the thing. Transgender people who decide to go the surgical route are an itsy bitsy eensy beensy teeny tiny minority outlier of the human population. It's a bad idea to make big sweeping public policy decisions based on outliers. Up until now, men dressed as women in restrooms have been largely tolerated due to the fact that they just went about their business and we gals neither noticed nor bothered with them as long as they left us alone. That's what Civil Society does...smooths out the friction on its own. When the Government gets involved, we have a giant ideological conflict. Many of our problems today are because Big Government has crushed and replaced Civil Society...with the counter balance being an increase in Anarchy.

And that is the true accomplishment of Progressivism: Replacing Voluntary, Informal Civil Society with one part Big Government and the other part Anarchy.

I doubt that you are an expert in Public Women's Restrooms. And the Prog agenda extends into private premises, which I've found to be generally Quite Clean.
One doesnt need to be an expert in public womens restrooms to know they are nasty. I've heard from more than a few women how disgusting they are.

That must have been after the Pre-Op Transwimmins did their thing with the seat down.
i didnt know pre-ops had periods.

Actually, as part of gender reassignment surgery, there is a period of time where the person undergoing the surgery has to live and act as a full blown female (usually when they are undergoing hormone therapy), in order to make the transition easier.

So yeah, what about those people as well?

Oh were making a joke..................but the trouble is, post op surgery participants don't have periods either (but then again, they never had ovaries).

Sorry that I stepped on your joke, but there is a group of people undergoing gender reassignment that are required to live as the sex they are becoming. Do those people have to stop using public bathrooms while going through transition? And, do post op people have to use the bathroom they were born as or the one they became?

Here's the thing. Transgender people who decide to go the surgical route are an itsy bitsy eensy beensy teeny tiny minority outlier of the human population. It's a bad idea to make big sweeping public policy decisions based on outliers. Up until now, men dressed as women in restrooms have been largely tolerated due to the fact that they just went about their business and we gals neither noticed nor bothered with them as long as they left us alone. That's what Civil Society does...smooths out the friction on its own. When the Government gets involved, we have a giant ideological conflict. Many of our problems today are because Big Government has crushed and replaced Civil Society...with the counter balance being an increase in Anarchy.

And that is the true accomplishment of Progressivism: Replacing Voluntary, Informal Civil Society with one part Big Government and the other part Anarchy.


So, if the men were noticed, but tolerated as long as everyone left each other alone, then why is it necessary for NC to create this law?
We see now where the DOJ is headed with this. They want "MEN" only rest rooms and "WOMEN" only rest rooms compared to "WHITE" only rest rooms and "COLORED" only rest rooms from the past.
Soon it will be viewed as a civil rights violation to have gender segregated rest rooms and locker rooms.

Did you ever believe you would see something like this in your lifetime ?

I don't mind unisex bathrooms.

Of course you don't mind sitting on some strange man's piss. Not a shocker...that one.

If the seat is wet or dirty, I take a wet paper towel and soap to clean it. What is the big dead if it is a woman or a transgender that leaves a mess?

Learn to use those paper covers or lay paper towels on the seat.

How do you know who last used that seat? Might have a been a kid with or without Mom's help.

Do you know if the last woman had an STD? Infection? Worms? Maybe she had to use a catheter.

It should not matter, transgender should be treated as their identified gender in all ways.
One doesnt need to be an expert in public womens restrooms to know they are nasty. I've heard from more than a few women how disgusting they are.

That must have been after the Pre-Op Transwimmins did their thing with the seat down.
i didnt know pre-ops had periods.

Actually, as part of gender reassignment surgery, there is a period of time where the person undergoing the surgery has to live and act as a full blown female (usually when they are undergoing hormone therapy), in order to make the transition easier.

So yeah, what about those people as well?

Oh were making a joke..................but the trouble is, post op surgery participants don't have periods either (but then again, they never had ovaries).

Sorry that I stepped on your joke, but there is a group of people undergoing gender reassignment that are required to live as the sex they are becoming. Do those people have to stop using public bathrooms while going through transition? And, do post op people have to use the bathroom they were born as or the one they became?

Here's the thing. Transgender people who decide to go the surgical route are an itsy bitsy eensy beensy teeny tiny minority outlier of the human population. It's a bad idea to make big sweeping public policy decisions based on outliers. Up until now, men dressed as women in restrooms have been largely tolerated due to the fact that they just went about their business and we gals neither noticed nor bothered with them as long as they left us alone. That's what Civil Society does...smooths out the friction on its own. When the Government gets involved, we have a giant ideological conflict. Many of our problems today are because Big Government has crushed and replaced Civil Society...with the counter balance being an increase in Anarchy.

And that is the true accomplishment of Progressivism: Replacing Voluntary, Informal Civil Society with one part Big Government and the other part Anarchy.


So, if the men were noticed, but tolerated as long as everyone left each other alone, then why is it necessary for NC to create this law?

Because Progs around the country are busily deconstructing our social mores and values.
That must have been after the Pre-Op Transwimmins did their thing with the seat down.
i didnt know pre-ops had periods.

Actually, as part of gender reassignment surgery, there is a period of time where the person undergoing the surgery has to live and act as a full blown female (usually when they are undergoing hormone therapy), in order to make the transition easier.

So yeah, what about those people as well?

Oh were making a joke..................but the trouble is, post op surgery participants don't have periods either (but then again, they never had ovaries).

Sorry that I stepped on your joke, but there is a group of people undergoing gender reassignment that are required to live as the sex they are becoming. Do those people have to stop using public bathrooms while going through transition? And, do post op people have to use the bathroom they were born as or the one they became?

Here's the thing. Transgender people who decide to go the surgical route are an itsy bitsy eensy beensy teeny tiny minority outlier of the human population. It's a bad idea to make big sweeping public policy decisions based on outliers. Up until now, men dressed as women in restrooms have been largely tolerated due to the fact that they just went about their business and we gals neither noticed nor bothered with them as long as they left us alone. That's what Civil Society does...smooths out the friction on its own. When the Government gets involved, we have a giant ideological conflict. Many of our problems today are because Big Government has crushed and replaced Civil Society...with the counter balance being an increase in Anarchy.

And that is the true accomplishment of Progressivism: Replacing Voluntary, Informal Civil Society with one part Big Government and the other part Anarchy.


So, if the men were noticed, but tolerated as long as everyone left each other alone, then why is it necessary for NC to create this law?

Because Progs around the country are busily deconstructing our social mores and values.
How are they doing that? Dont you have the courage and fortitude to hold onto your values and beliefs?
We see now where the DOJ is headed with this. They want "MEN" only rest rooms and "WOMEN" only rest rooms compared to "WHITE" only rest rooms and "COLORED" only rest rooms from the past.
Soon it will be viewed as a civil rights violation to have gender segregated rest rooms and locker rooms.

Did you ever believe you would see something like this in your lifetime ?

I don't mind unisex bathrooms.

And we've seen from your past posts in this thread, that your feelings regarding this issue are all that matter.

Discrimination of transgender or other LGB is wrong. They have rights too.

They can go in the rest rooms according to the plumbing they have.

Short pipe, long pipe, why do you care? Same function in both types. We all have to go.
Two daughters

They had friends that were LGBT in school

Transgender are not "rapist or pedophiles". Blame that on heteros.

But they can be rapists and pedos. Anyone can be

Then don't use the public bathrooms if you are affaid.

Anyone can be anything criminal. What will you do hide at home for the rest of your life?

A taxi, a bus, walking down the street, in a store, at church, at school, at work...... If you are afraid, seek help.

The rest of the people will accept transgender as just people and not prejudge and accuse them of crimes they are not committing (as a group).

Are you afraid everytime you take medicine that you will have a reaction and "flip out" against others? Are you afraid others taking medicine will attack you?

You are just being unfair to transgenders by making a man with a beard walk into the girls room to pee and a woman in a dress walk into the mens room.

It might only be the last hundred years that surgery could change a man, but transgenders have been around as long as written history. Other state and countries have no problem with them going to bathrooms, why should NC?

The bill is discrimination and violates federal law.

If people want privacy, close the stall door, and stop worrying about who is in the next stall.
. Let me say this... You say don't use the public restrooms if your afraid, therefore giving up yet another right in this nation for political correctness gone rogue now ? If my grand daughter says pa-pa I need to go the the restroom, then all I can say to you is that she will be taken, and there best not be no weird crap going on when she is trusting me to be taking her to a safe and clean place, and one that is expected to be normal. Messing with people's children is playing with pure fire if you ask me.

All's the left cares about is the couple percent of the population, and if they are comfortable. They could give a fuck about the rest of us.
if you're uncomfortable, that's your problem according to these people.
the left, and transgenders are fucking over the top narcicistic.

You should be more secure with yourself and not be uncomfortable that a woman may be in the bathroom with you. What are you trying to hide?

Actually that would be fine with me personally, I would love to wave my cock around in the face of a woman who barged in.
I'm thinking more of people who are uncomfortable, the elderly, the people who simply want some privacy from the opposite sex.
We see now where the DOJ is headed with this. They want "MEN" only rest rooms and "WOMEN" only rest rooms compared to "WHITE" only rest rooms and "COLORED" only rest rooms from the past.
Soon it will be viewed as a civil rights violation to have gender segregated rest rooms and locker rooms.

Did you ever believe you would see something like this in your lifetime ?

I don't mind unisex bathrooms.

And we've seen from your past posts in this thread, that your feelings regarding this issue are all that matter.

Discrimination of transgender or other LGB is wrong. They have rights too.

They can go in the rest rooms according to the plumbing they have.

Short pipe, long pipe, why do you care? Same function in both types. We all have to go.

Again, you only care about what you think.
is that what you are making for your dinner tonight?
Do you have a daughter? A true XX chromosome female? Do you want her sharing a bathroom with a rapist who likes to wear dresses as a disguise? Sounds like you would be DElighted.

Two daughters

They had friends that were LGBT in school

Transgender are not "rapist or pedophiles". Blame that on heteros.

But they can be rapists and pedos. Anyone can be

Then don't use the public bathrooms if you are affaid.

Anyone can be anything criminal. What will you do hide at home for the rest of your life?

A taxi, a bus, walking down the street, in a store, at church, at school, at work...... If you are afraid, seek help.

The rest of the people will accept transgender as just people and not prejudge and accuse them of crimes they are not committing (as a group).

Are you afraid everytime you take medicine that you will have a reaction and "flip out" against others? Are you afraid others taking medicine will attack you?

You are just being unfair to transgenders by making a man with a beard walk into the girls room to pee and a woman in a dress walk into the mens room.

It might only be the last hundred years that surgery could change a man, but transgenders have been around as long as written history. Other state and countries have no problem with them going to bathrooms, why should NC?

The bill is discrimination and violates federal law.

If people want privacy, close the stall door, and stop worrying about who is in the next stall.
. Let me say this... You say don't use the public restrooms if your afraid, therefore giving up yet another right in this nation for political correctness gone rogue now ? If my grand daughter says pa-pa I need to go to the restroom, then all I can say to you is that she will be taken there, and there best not be no weird crap going on when she is trusting me to be taking her to a safe and clean place, and one that is expected to be normal. Messing with people's children is playing with pure fire if you ask me.

Why deny transgender their rights?
i didnt know pre-ops had periods.

Actually, as part of gender reassignment surgery, there is a period of time where the person undergoing the surgery has to live and act as a full blown female (usually when they are undergoing hormone therapy), in order to make the transition easier.

So yeah, what about those people as well?

Oh were making a joke..................but the trouble is, post op surgery participants don't have periods either (but then again, they never had ovaries).

Sorry that I stepped on your joke, but there is a group of people undergoing gender reassignment that are required to live as the sex they are becoming. Do those people have to stop using public bathrooms while going through transition? And, do post op people have to use the bathroom they were born as or the one they became?

Here's the thing. Transgender people who decide to go the surgical route are an itsy bitsy eensy beensy teeny tiny minority outlier of the human population. It's a bad idea to make big sweeping public policy decisions based on outliers. Up until now, men dressed as women in restrooms have been largely tolerated due to the fact that they just went about their business and we gals neither noticed nor bothered with them as long as they left us alone. That's what Civil Society does...smooths out the friction on its own. When the Government gets involved, we have a giant ideological conflict. Many of our problems today are because Big Government has crushed and replaced Civil Society...with the counter balance being an increase in Anarchy.

And that is the true accomplishment of Progressivism: Replacing Voluntary, Informal Civil Society with one part Big Government and the other part Anarchy.


So, if the men were noticed, but tolerated as long as everyone left each other alone, then why is it necessary for NC to create this law?

Because Progs around the country are busily deconstructing our social mores and values.
How are they doing that? Dont you have the courage and fortitude to hold onto your values and beliefs?

They are doing it via laws, regulations, and social bullying. Just ask the Bakers who refused to make a gay wedding cake. You all are all for long as everyone thinks, says, and does what you want.
One doesnt need to be an expert in public womens restrooms to know they are nasty. I've heard from more than a few women how disgusting they are.

That must have been after the Pre-Op Transwimmins did their thing with the seat down.
i didnt know pre-ops had periods.

Actually, as part of gender reassignment surgery, there is a period of time where the person undergoing the surgery has to live and act as a full blown female (usually when they are undergoing hormone therapy), in order to make the transition easier.

So yeah, what about those people as well?

Oh were making a joke..................but the trouble is, post op surgery participants don't have periods either (but then again, they never had ovaries).

Sorry that I stepped on your joke, but there is a group of people undergoing gender reassignment that are required to live as the sex they are becoming. Do those people have to stop using public bathrooms while going through transition? And, do post op people have to use the bathroom they were born as or the one they became?

Here's the thing. Transgender people who decide to go the surgical route are an itsy bitsy eensy beensy teeny tiny minority outlier of the human population. It's a bad idea to make big sweeping public policy decisions based on outliers. Up until now, men dressed as women in restrooms have been largely tolerated due to the fact that they just went about their business and we gals neither noticed nor bothered with them as long as they left us alone. That's what Civil Society does...smooths out the friction on its own. When the Government gets involved, we have a giant ideological conflict. Many of our problems today are because Big Government has crushed and replaced Civil Society...with the counter balance being an increase in Anarchy.

And that is the true accomplishment of Progressivism: Replacing Voluntary, Informal Civil Society with one part Big Government and the other part Anarchy.


So, if the men were noticed, but tolerated as long as everyone left each other alone, then why is it necessary for NC to create this law?

They were simply taking offensive action, and trying to head off the new civil rights flavor of the week before they end up in a defensive posture.
I don't mind unisex bathrooms.

And we've seen from your past posts in this thread, that your feelings regarding this issue are all that matter.

Discrimination of transgender or other LGB is wrong. They have rights too.

They can go in the rest rooms according to the plumbing they have.

Short pipe, long pipe, why do you care? Same function in both types. We all have to go.

Again, you only care about what you think.

We both pee, we both poop. What of animals that have learned to use the toilet?
When you are at someone's home, do ask if and man, woman, child or animal last used the toilet?

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