*Natural Gas*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. I live here in Texas, Fort Worth area, and have been getting ripped off by Chesapeake Drilling company, they signed up all of this county (Tarrant), an started raping all the land owners, they pay out .0000825 percent, to the land owners, so they spend or keep the rest in getting this natural gas to market, I say this with all respect, *FUCK THEM*!!!!!
2. This is how the oil producers roll, they don't pay the 20% or 24% agreed upon, they pay next to nothing, literally.
3. They can go and fuck themselves!:evil:

Let me guess what happened. You were sitting at home on day and a nice young man stopped by to explain that the gas companies were going to come in and give you all this money for use of your land. There would be a bonus up front then you would receive pro-rated payment on the gas sold.

He was such a nice guy who was looking out for you so you signed and got some percentage of the net. Now they are saying that the net is what you are saying so you are screwed.

A lot of people around me did exactly that. I am a small land owner, 10 acres, and he came to my house with the same pitch. Very nice guy was offering 15 percent royalties of the net. He was also going to give 1500 per acre up front. He was looking out for me so he said all my neighbors had already signed up but if I wanted we could get a lawyer. We did. We actually joined a group and we received 2500 per acre and 18 percent of the GROSS. Now it may not work out that we get anything as it has apparently worked out for you. Now they are offering 3500 an acre.

When I told the first man that I would sign with him for 2000 and 18 percent. He didn't care about the 18 percent but said I would never get 2000 for just 10 acres. He was wrong. But apparently the royalites may not pan out as you have found.

Since then they came and wanted to run a water line over our properties to a holding pond. I asked if there was money invovled, he said yes but didn't say how much. He asked me to sign a paper saying what they wanted to do, I did but put on it that I knew they wanted to do it but they couldn't. I wanted to talk to the lawyer and my neighbors, anything is negotiable. My neighbor said he was such a nice guy when I told them we should stick together, I said they are all nice guys.
Sorry bout that,

1. I live here in Texas, Fort Worth area, and have been getting ripped off by Chesapeake Drilling company, they signed up all of this county (Tarrant), an started raping all the land owners, they pay out .0000825 percent, to the land owners, so they spend or keep the rest in getting this natural gas to market, I say this with all respect, *FUCK THEM*!!!!!
2. This is how the oil producers roll, they don't pay the 20% or 24% agreed upon, they pay next to nothing, literally.
3. They can go and fuck themselves!:evil:


It's not Chesapeake's fault that you didn't know what you were signing.
Sorry bout that,

Let me guess what happened. You were sitting at home on day and a nice young man stopped by to explain that the gas companies were going to come in and give you all this money for use of your land. There would be a bonus up front then you would receive pro-rated payment on the gas sold.

He was such a nice guy who was looking out for you so you signed and got some percentage of the net. Now they are saying that the net is what you are saying so you are screwed.

A lot of people around me did exactly that. I am a small land owner, 10 acres, and he came to my house with the same pitch. Very nice guy was offering 15 percent royalties of the net. He was also going to give 1500 per acre up front. He was looking out for me so he said all my neighbors had already signed up but if I wanted we could get a lawyer. We did. We actually joined a group and we received 2500 per acre and 18 percent of the GROSS. Now it may not work out that we get anything as it has apparently worked out for you. Now they are offering 3500 an acre.

When I told the first man that I would sign with him for 2000 and 18 percent. He didn't care about the 18 percent but said I would never get 2000 for just 10 acres. He was wrong. But apparently the royalites may not pan out as you have found.

Since then they came and wanted to run a water line over our properties to a holding pond. I asked if there was money invovled, he said yes but didn't say how much. He asked me to sign a paper saying what they wanted to do, I did but put on it that I knew they wanted to do it but they couldn't. I wanted to talk to the lawyer and my neighbors, anything is negotiable. My neighbor said he was such a nice guy when I told them we should stick together, I said they are all nice guys.

1. Some of my property we got a signing bonus of 25k an acre, the gas company pretty much thinks the own the minerals now.
2. And they spend money like drunk sailors in order to make sure we get *nothing*.
3. They make billions, while we make 20.00 and acre every six months.
4. It doesn't take a genius to figure out they are getting the gold, while we are getting the shaft.

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Sorry bout that,

1. ^^^ Works for *Big Oil* or *GAS*.
2. They make sure they pay millions upon millions to get these sites drilled, to fellow workers, pad site makers, water suppliers, fence builders, pipe providers, special equipment, list goes on and on, then retro-actively make the land owners pay all the costs including all expenses after the well is producing.
3. So all and all they own the gas, while we own the wells and everything it takes to get the gas from the ground.
4. They make sure they can't lose, they suck the life out of the land resources and make all the land owners bend over, no offense Oldguy, but,....*FUCK YOU*!!!

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Sorry bout that,

1. ^^^ Works for *Big Oil* or *GAS*.
2. They make sure they pay millions upon millions to get these sites drilled, to fellow workers, pad site makers, water suppliers, fence builders, pipe providers, special equipment, list goes on and on, then retro-actively make the land owners pay all the costs including all expenses after the well is producing.
3. So all and all they own the gas, while we own the wells and everything it takes to get the gas from the ground.
4. They make sure they can't lose, they suck the life out of the land resources and make all the land owners bend over, no offense Oldguy, but,....*FUCK YOU*!!!


That is American corporatism at it's best.
Sorry bout that,

1. No its corruption, we were promised 24% of the profits, we are not getting .000082 percent, they are fucking us hard *all day long* while we just take it.
2. This is wrong and I will uncover these fucking bastards!
3. I know that 20.00 for six months isn't 24% of the value coming out of these wells.
4. They lie!!!

Sorry bout that,

It is the corporate way.
Where is the corruption?
You agreed to the deal didn't you?

1. I agreed to get screwed you're saying?:eusa_hand:
2. I agreed to nothing of the sort.
3. I agreed to 24% of the price of the gas coming from the ground.
4. What I'm getting to cover their costs is, .000082 percentile of the profits of the gas, you do understand the math here right? here lemme spell it out to you 24% verses .000082 percent, 000082 percentage is not even 1%, get it now???????? you're not really this fucking stupid now are you????
5. No offense but were you fucking dropped on your fucking head as a child?:eusa_shhh:

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So sorry you did not understand what you signed, but that is not unexpected considering...

Not sorry bout that.

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