NATO: Trump undoing Obama's worst Foreign Policy Nightmare


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
First things first. Obama intentionally destabilized the Middle East by abandoning Iraq and Syria to ISIS after our hard fought military victory. Instead of leaving a US presence to insure peaceful transition to a stable Iraq, Obama deserted it, "accidentally" leaving behind our best military hardware for ISIS to find. That he resupplied them through Benghazi is secondary.

By handing over all the ME real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad, Obama - under orders from Soros, created the "refugee crisis" (aka: Muslim conquest of Europe). Unless stopped, France, England and German are on a glidepath to have Muslim leaders and majority legislators by the next decade.

What's Trump's counterstroke?

Make Germany, France and GB pay more for defense and less to aid the Muslim conquest.

First things first. Obama intentionally destabilized the Middle East by abandoning Iraq and Syria to ISIS after our hard fought military victory.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Obama 'intentionally destabilized the Middle East'?

Without it, your words are just another pointless, meaningless ramble from another hate-filled Trumpbot.

BTW - I am neither Dem nor Rep.
First things first. Obama intentionally destabilized the Middle East by abandoning Iraq and Syria to ISIS after our hard fought military victory.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Obama 'intentionally destabilized the Middle East'?

Without it, your words are just another pointless, meaningless ramble from another hate-filled Trumpbot.

BTW - I am neither Dem nor Rep.

He pulled out all of our troops and threw his support to ISIS
First things first. Obama intentionally destabilized the Middle East by abandoning Iraq and Syria to ISIS after our hard fought military victory.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Obama 'intentionally destabilized the Middle East'?

Without it, your words are just another pointless, meaningless ramble from another hate-filled Trumpbot.

BTW - I am neither Dem nor Rep.

A cursory glance at recent history clearly shows Obama's bias toward Islamism. Start with his support of the overthrow of Mubarak and for the installation of the Muslim Brotherhood's Morsi in Egypt.
First things first. Obama intentionally destabilized the Middle East by abandoning Iraq and Syria to ISIS after our hard fought military victory.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Obama 'intentionally destabilized the Middle East'?

Without it, your words are just another pointless, meaningless ramble from another hate-filled Trumpbot.

BTW - I am neither Dem nor Rep.
Obama helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take ovet Egypt.

Obama helped Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, take over Libya.

Obama allowed ISIS to flow un-challenged back into Iraq to begin taking over territory our troops had already liberated.

Obama protected ISIS black market oil production, which paid for 1/2 of its terrorist operations, to include the attack on France.

Obama protected terrorist-supporting Hezbollah drug operations

For 8 years Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, supported, protected, defended, and even dragged the US into in-Constitutional wars to help terrorists...

Barry illegally invaded Syria, helping destabilize a govt in the middle of a civil war to help ISIS...

Barry attempted to oust Israel's President during their election...

Barry un-Constitutionally by-passed Congress to form his on Treaty on behalf of the US with an enemy state calling for our destruction, attempted to give them access to the US Banking system, gave them billions while knowing they were violating temporary rules regarding their nuclear program, STARTED A NUCLEAR ARMS RACE IN THE ME.

Barry released the top 5 Taliban leaders during a war with the Taliban to keep a campaign promise....

Barak Obama was a traitor and an enemy of the state.
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First things first. Obama intentionally destabilized the Middle East by abandoning Iraq and Syria to ISIS after our hard fought military victory.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Obama 'intentionally destabilized the Middle East'?

Without it, your words are just another pointless, meaningless ramble from another hate-filled Trumpbot.

BTW - I am neither Dem nor Rep.

He pulled out all of our troops and threw his support to ISIS

Do you not understand what you even typed?


You said he 'intentionally destabilized the Middle East'

  1. done with intention or on purpose; intended:'
the definition of intentionally

That means that the ONLY way you could KNOW if he did what you claim 'intentionally' would be if a) you knew what he was thinking (which you don't) or b) he publicly stated as such.

So I will ask you again...where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Obama 'intentionally destabilized the Middle East'
First things first. Obama intentionally destabilized the Middle East by abandoning Iraq and Syria to ISIS after our hard fought military victory. Instead of leaving a US presence to insure peaceful transition to a stable Iraq, Obama deserted it, "accidentally" leaving behind our best military hardware for ISIS to find. That he resupplied them through Benghazi is secondary.

By handing over all the ME real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad, Obama - under orders from Soros, created the "refugee crisis" (aka: Muslim conquest of Europe). Unless stopped, France, England and German are on a glidepath to have Muslim leaders and majority legislators by the next decade.

What's Trump's counterstroke?

Make Germany, France and GB pay more for defense and less to aid the Muslim conquest.


Obama didn't abandon Iraq and Syria was never under U.S. control. Europeans never gave money to Muslim conquest.

What in the hell are you talking about? Where do you get this stupid nonsense?
First things first. Obama intentionally destabilized the Middle East by abandoning Iraq and Syria to ISIS after our hard fought military victory.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Obama 'intentionally destabilized the Middle East'?

Without it, your words are just another pointless, meaningless ramble from another hate-filled Trumpbot.

BTW - I am neither Dem nor Rep.

A cursory glance at recent history clearly shows Obama's bias toward Islamism. Start with his support of the overthrow of Mubarak and for the installation of the Muslim Brotherhood's Morsi in Egypt.
---plus he spent his formative years in a muslim country that undoubtedly does not ''like'' the US--promotes/publishes/etc anti-US feelings
First things first. Obama intentionally destabilized the Middle East by abandoning Iraq and Syria to ISIS after our hard fought military victory. Instead of leaving a US presence to insure peaceful transition to a stable Iraq, Obama deserted it, "accidentally" leaving behind our best military hardware for ISIS to find. That he resupplied them through Benghazi is secondary.

By handing over all the ME real estate from Aleppo to Baghdad, Obama - under orders from Soros, created the "refugee crisis" (aka: Muslim conquest of Europe). Unless stopped, France, England and German are on a glidepath to have Muslim leaders and majority legislators by the next decade.

What's Trump's counterstroke?

Make Germany, France and GB pay more for defense and less to aid the Muslim conquest.

The thread premise is a perfect example of the reprehensible right in the age of Trump: contrive and propagate a lie in the hope it’s perceived to be ‘true.’
Wow . Remember when obama wanted to send a missle up Assad’s ass and all of congress, Donald Trump himself , and every conservatives here was like “nooooo, not our problem !”.

Now you claim obama abandoned Syria ?

Oh. Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt was democratically elected after the dictator was ousted . Why do you hate freedom and democracy?

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