Natl Security Advisor Declares Trump Info Sharing 'Wholly Appropriate' - Rips Leaks


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster on Tuesday adamantly defended President Trump’s conversations with Russian officials as “wholly appropriate,” pushing back for a second day on a news report claiming the president revealed highly classified information on an Islamic State terror threat during that meeting.

McMaster’s central contention was that the details discussed in that meeting concerned ongoing operations that were public for months and information available in “open source reporting.”

“The president in no way compromised any sources or methods in the course of this conversation,” McMaster said.

The same official publicly had refuted The Washington Post report on Monday evening, describing the claims as false."

Another Snowflake Fake News Fake Scandal bites the dust.

White House says Trump info-sharing with Russia ‘wholly appropriate,’ rips leaks

Snowflakes continue to emulate monkeys throwing their poo in hopes something will stick.

"National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster on Tuesday adamantly defended President Trump’s conversations with Russian officials as “wholly appropriate,” pushing back for a second day on a news report claiming the president revealed highly classified information on an Islamic State terror threat during that meeting.

McMaster’s central contention was that the details discussed in that meeting concerned ongoing operations that were public for months and information available in “open source reporting.”

“The president in no way compromised any sources or methods in the course of this conversation,” McMaster said.

The same official publicly had refuted The Washington Post report on Monday evening, describing the claims as false."

Another Snowflake Fake News Fake Scandal bites the dust.

White House says Trump info-sharing with Russia ‘wholly appropriate,’ rips leaks

Snowflakes continue to emulate monkeys throwing their poo in hopes something will stick.

You are fake news. I remember Pence and other officials insisting that Trump fired Comey based on recommendations from the Justice Department. That story was a lie. McMaster was hired by Trump and he is compromised.
All this leaking of information for the purpose of embarrassing Trump and his administration has got to stop. Those who release information without authority to do so are betraying a trust with their unethical behavior if not outright breaking the law if anything that is classified or sensitive is made public. Certainly there are things we should be told, but also things we shouldn't. And it is not for anyone to make that decision and take that action who is not authorized to make that call.
"National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster on Tuesday adamantly defended President Trump’s conversations with Russian officials as “wholly appropriate,”

What a shock.

The National Security Advisor supports the President.

I bet Michael Flynn will too.
What I find strange is that most Trump voters voted for Trump as the least evil. You snowflakes are doing a great job of promoting Trump and the Rs as the saner alternative. Why are you doing that?
I saw a huff headline a bit ago that said it was done to Hillary. Bet they probably failed to mention what she actually did do. Here it is. And their justification for making like hell for Trump.
This Is How Republicans Treated Hillary Clinton When She Was Accused Of Mishandling Sensitive Information | HuffPost
The president is authorized by office as able to de classify information. Hillary was not!

You are not paying attention to what Trump and the Republicans said- they didn't claim Hillary wasn't authorized- they claimed she was 'reckless'



If what has been reported in the papers is accurate- what Trump did was completely legal and reckless- and careless- and potentially harmed our Intelligence gathering capability.
What I find strange is that most Trump voters voted for Trump as the least evil. You snowflakes are doing a great job of promoting Trump and the Rs as the saner alternative. Why are you doing that?

If you snowflakes are finding Trump to be the saner alternative, then the problem is with you.
What a shock! This is the lefts vendetta against Trump and those that exposed Hillary's real actions. It has nothing to do with any facts relating to Trump. The huff even admitted it.
"National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster on Tuesday adamantly defended President Trump’s conversations with Russian officials as “wholly appropriate,”

What a shock.

The National Security Advisor supports the President.

I bet Michael Flynn will too.
"National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster on Tuesday adamantly defended President Trump’s conversations with Russian officials as “wholly appropriate,” pushing back for a second day on a news report claiming the president revealed highly classified information on an Islamic State terror threat during that meeting.

McMaster’s central contention was that the details discussed in that meeting concerned ongoing operations that were public for months and information available in “open source reporting.”

“The president in no way compromised any sources or methods in the course of this conversation,” McMaster said.

The same official publicly had refuted The Washington Post report on Monday evening, describing the claims as false."

Another Snowflake Fake News Fake Scandal bites the dust.

White House says Trump info-sharing with Russia ‘wholly appropriate,’ rips leaks

Snowflakes continue to emulate monkeys throwing their poo in hopes something will stick.

I saw a huff headline a bit ago that said it was done to Hillary. Bet they probably failed to mention what she actually did do. Here it is. And their justification for making like hell for Trump.
This Is How Republicans Treated Hillary Clinton When She Was Accused Of Mishandling Sensitive Information | HuffPost
The president is authorized by office as able to de classify information. Hillary was not!

You are not paying attention to what Trump and the Republicans said- they didn't claim Hillary wasn't authorized- they claimed she was 'reckless'

View attachment 126929

View attachment 126930

If what has been reported in the papers is accurate- what Trump did was completely legal and reckless- and careless- and potentially harmed our Intelligence gathering capability.
You are not paying attention to the law! The SOS is not authorized to de classify documents. As a matter of fact it's her job to classify all incoming documents to her office.
"If what has been reported in the papers is accurate- what Trump did was completely legal and reckless- and careless- and potentially harmed our Intelligence gathering capability."

And IF it wasn't accurate then what the papers did has also potentially harmed our intelligence gathering community by attacking the public's trust in those organizations.
It's not accurate. Plain and simple. It is, as you so aptly pointed out, a vendetta, without facts to destroy Trump.
I saw a huff headline a bit ago that said it was done to Hillary. Bet they probably failed to mention what she actually did do. Here it is. And their justification for making like hell for Trump.
This Is How Republicans Treated Hillary Clinton When She Was Accused Of Mishandling Sensitive Information | HuffPost
The president is authorized by office as able to de classify information. Hillary was not!

You are not paying attention to what Trump and the Republicans said- they didn't claim Hillary wasn't authorized- they claimed she was 'reckless'

View attachment 126929

View attachment 126930

If what has been reported in the papers is accurate- what Trump did was completely legal and reckless- and careless- and potentially harmed our Intelligence gathering capability.
"National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster on Tuesday adamantly defended President Trump’s conversations with Russian officials as “wholly appropriate,” pushing back for a second day on a news report claiming the president revealed highly classified information on an Islamic State terror threat during that meeting.

McMaster’s central contention was that the details discussed in that meeting concerned ongoing operations that were public for months and information available in “open source reporting.”

“The president in no way compromised any sources or methods in the course of this conversation,” McMaster said.

The same official publicly had refuted The Washington Post report on Monday evening, describing the claims as false."

Another Snowflake Fake News Fake Scandal bites the dust.

White House says Trump info-sharing with Russia ‘wholly appropriate,’ rips leaks

Snowflakes continue to emulate monkeys throwing their poo in hopes something will stick.

On the one hand, an eye witness who is willing to be identified vs "anonymous sources". Oh man, who to believe.
"If what has been reported in the papers is accurate -.

Based on a source who says what is being reported is NOT what he said / saw and aside from the fact that the National Security Advisor has declared what s being reported is false....

sorry - please continue...
"National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster on Tuesday adamantly defended President Trump’s conversations with Russian officials as “wholly appropriate,”

What a shock.

The National Security Advisor supports the President.

I bet Michael Flynn will too.
So HE'S lying, but "anonymous sources" are not?

I didn't say that McMaster was lying- I am saying he was being a supportive adminstration official who carefully parsed his words.

Remember just in the last week we have had repeated examples of White House officials defending something Trump has done- only to have Trump contradict them the next day.

Poor Pence has repeatedly had that happen.

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