Nationalize Med

Critics called Medicare socialized medicine. Ask seniors how much they like Medicare.

People like "free shit". Parasites like you don't mind taking free shit at the expense of others because you're indoctrinated with the idea you're entitled to shit.

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Critics called Medicare socialized medicine. Ask seniors how much they like Medicare.

People like "free shit". Parasites like you don't mind taking free shit at the expense of others because you're indoctrinated with the idea you're entitled to shit.

Is it free, or stuff people paid into? It works and is very effective.

People have to pay for it one way or the other. You either pay for it directly through companies that are ultimately accountable to their clients, their shareholders, and the public at large, or you pay for it with much higher taxes, and your care is given by people who are accountable to no one. I think you truly don't understand that government involvement in anything is an invitation to disaster.

It is not a question of if the government will screw up, but when. The NHS in the UK was able to run well for less than 30 years. The Canadian system failed even quicker to the point that they set up a two tier system so that those who can may buy their own private health insurance. The Canadian system was so ridiculous that they were offering MRI to pets to help pay for the machines because those weren't under government control for those uses.
Critics called Medicare socialized medicine. Ask seniors how much they like Medicare.

People like "free shit". Parasites like you don't mind taking free shit at the expense of others because you're indoctrinated with the idea you're entitled to shit.

Is it free, or stuff people paid into? It works and is very effective.

People have to pay for it one way or the other. You either pay for it directly through companies that are ultimately accountable to their clients, their shareholders, and the public at large, or you pay for it with much higher taxes, and your care is given by people who are accountable to no one. I think you truly don't understand that government involvement in anything is an invitation to disaster.

It is not a question of if the government will screw up, but when. The NHS in the UK was able to run well for less than 30 years. The Canadian system failed even quicker to the point that they set up a two tier system so that those who can may buy their own private health insurance. The Canadian system was so ridiculous that they were offering MRI to pets to help pay for the machines because those weren't under government control for those uses.

Many government programs and things provided by the government - Social Securuty, Medicare, Medicaid, the Highway System, they're treasured by the people in this country. A good way to keep this going is to keeping their paws off.

I say a bill ought to be passed and signed into law making it illegal to raid the Social Security system.

Every citizen in this country needs and should have healthcare. If Obamacare is repealed, rates will not go down. That I am sure of.
Critics called Medicare socialized medicine. Ask seniors how much they like Medicare.

People like "free shit". Parasites like you don't mind taking free shit at the expense of others because you're indoctrinated with the idea you're entitled to shit.

Is it free, or stuff people paid into? It works and is very effective.

People have to pay for it one way or the other. You either pay for it directly through companies that are ultimately accountable to their clients, their shareholders, and the public at large, or you pay for it with much higher taxes, and your care is given by people who are accountable to no one. I think you truly don't understand that government involvement in anything is an invitation to disaster.

It is not a question of if the government will screw up, but when. The NHS in the UK was able to run well for less than 30 years. The Canadian system failed even quicker to the point that they set up a two tier system so that those who can may buy their own private health insurance. The Canadian system was so ridiculous that they were offering MRI to pets to help pay for the machines because those weren't under government control for those uses.

Many government programs and things provided by the government - Social Securuty, Medicare, Medicaid, the Highway System, they're treasured by the people in this country. A good way to keep this going is to keeping their paws off.

I say a bill ought to be passed and signed into law making it illegal to raid the Social Security system.

Every citizen in this country needs and should have healthcare. If Obamacare is repealed, rates will not go down. That I am sure of.

They are "treasured" because the people don't know any better. Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. It is going to fail unless major changes are enacted to save it. The highway system is indeed a great thing, but like everything else it touches it is failing all over the country. I agree that a country as wealthy is this one is should be able to figure out a way to provide coverage for everyone, and in fact it does. Even when people had no health insurance they were still able to go to ANY emergency room and receive care. It was a law. Try that in Japan, another country that progressives love to trot out as a great medical system.

If you are over 70 years old you are covered, however, until you hit 70 if you have no health insurance. You die. No ER will accept you. If you have health insurance that is affiliated with a hospital away from where you were injured they will transport you to THAT hospital instead of to the closer one....and people die because of that.

No system is perfect, but the one that we had, prior to obummer fucking it up, was among the best in the world.
Social Security isn't a Ponzi Scheme. You earned it, you paid into it and you get your money.

How much longer are people going to use emergency rooms if funds are stripped?

Our system was never one of the best and countries with single payer type systems rank ahead of. I can post a study I saw later. It's not good for our country and its not about to get better as the Freedom Caucus is ironically named.
Social Security isn't a Ponzi Scheme. You earned it, you paid into it and you get your money.

How much longer are people going to use emergency rooms if funds are stripped?

Our system was never one of the best and countries with single payer type systems rank ahead of. I can post a study I saw later. It's not good for our country and its not about to get better as the Freedom Caucus is ironically named.

Then take your dumb ass to Europe you fuckin parasite.

Why you leftist assholes can't just leave us with one country that you don't run into the ground with your regressive tyranny is beyond me.

Social Security isn't a Ponzi Scheme. You earned it, you paid into it and you get your money.

How much longer are people going to use emergency rooms if funds are stripped?

Our system was never one of the best and countries with single payer type systems rank ahead of. I can post a study I saw later. It's not good for our country and its not about to get better as the Freedom Caucus is ironically named.

Then take your dumb ass to Europe you fuckin parasite.

Why you leftist assholes can't just leave us with one country that you don't run into the ground with your regressive tyranny is beyond me.

You're the dumb ass. If someone pays into to social security most of their life they will never live to see all they paid in. You don't want into the system don't work or get paid under the table and don't report it, don't pay your taxes. But you'll be screaming if you become disabled for your monthly ssdi checks.

Now this will piss you off, I'm still working, drawing full social security, va disability and on Medicare and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOve it.
Social Security isn't a Ponzi Scheme. You earned it, you paid into it and you get your money.

How much longer are people going to use emergency rooms if funds are stripped?

Our system was never one of the best and countries with single payer type systems rank ahead of. I can post a study I saw later. It's not good for our country and its not about to get better as the Freedom Caucus is ironically named.

Then take your dumb ass to Europe you fuckin parasite.

Why you leftist assholes can't just leave us with one country that you don't run into the ground with your regressive tyranny is beyond me.

You're the dumb ass. If someone pays into to social security most of their life they will never live to see all they paid in. You don't want into the system don't work or get paid under the table and don't report it, don't pay your taxes. But you'll be screaming if you become disabled for your monthly ssdi checks.

Now this will piss you off, I'm still working, drawing full social security, va disability and on Medicare and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOve it.

Get fucked you stupid bitch.

I didn't mention SS.

What an intelligent eunuch, you add so much to the conversation.
Medicare or Medicaid? Medicare does not cover dental unless there is an accident to your mouth.

Now if you have a Medicare Advantage you may have what insurance companies call the little extra's for you to purchase it and include minimal dental.

Medicare for old people. Hell it's hard to find a GP up here who will accept it. They get paid so little that most here won't accept it. That's the problem with obummer care. The deductibles have risen to 6500 but even after you reach your deductible you are still on the hook for 30% of the cost of whatever operation you need. Guess what, that is going to be 20,000 to 30,000 for the average operation. Care to guess how many middle class folks can cough that up?

You certainly have some good points. As long as you are saying you are in favor of a Nationalized Medical Plan.

I have lived and worked in too any countries with socialized medicine to want it here. Socialized medicine sucks. Full stop.

So have I. You would rather have it like it trying to be presented in the US where only the well off gets anything other than Emergency room care?

No, you haven't. You claim to have served in the USAF which means you used on base medical facilities which means you have no clue what I am talking about. In New Zealand I was skiing with a friend when they crashed and injured their leg. The medical facility at the ski resort was better than the largest hospital in Christchurch. Why you may ask? Because they had tourist money to pay for it. And that is New Zealand, a completely modern country.

If I were within 40 miles of a military base, I would use that. But I am at least 250 miles from any military base.
If you believe you have a right to services provided by other people you are a parasite and should be thrown out of a helicopter.

And who makes the decision of whom is thrown from that Chopper? Exactly where is the line drawn?

It's supposed to be the Constitution. But that only works if we remember what it's for. We've largely lost that and will largely lose freedom as a result.
And who makes the decision of whom is thrown from that Chopper? Exactly where is the line drawn?


When you demand the government through the use of force steals my shit so that you can get free birth control pills. I should have the right to demand the government throws you out of a helicopter.

That would actually be the cheaper way to go as well.

You didn't start at the beginning of this thread, did you?

You came in and gave me shit about something I never mentioned and I'm supposed to care where you set the bar for "intellectual discourse"?

If it wasn't for child proof lids you would have over dosed on Flintstones vitamins and died.

Medicare for old people. Hell it's hard to find a GP up here who will accept it. They get paid so little that most here won't accept it. That's the problem with obummer care. The deductibles have risen to 6500 but even after you reach your deductible you are still on the hook for 30% of the cost of whatever operation you need. Guess what, that is going to be 20,000 to 30,000 for the average operation. Care to guess how many middle class folks can cough that up?

You certainly have some good points. As long as you are saying you are in favor of a Nationalized Medical Plan.

I have lived and worked in too any countries with socialized medicine to want it here. Socialized medicine sucks. Full stop.

So have I. You would rather have it like it trying to be presented in the US where only the well off gets anything other than Emergency room care?

No, you haven't. You claim to have served in the USAF which means you used on base medical facilities which means you have no clue what I am talking about. In New Zealand I was skiing with a friend when they crashed and injured their leg. The medical facility at the ski resort was better than the largest hospital in Christchurch. Why you may ask? Because they had tourist money to pay for it. And that is New Zealand, a completely modern country.

If I were within 40 miles of a military base, I would use that. But I am at least 250 miles from any military base.

I can think of very few places on this planet where that is possible.
Time to pick a fight.

The US is the ONLY western democracy without nationalized medicine. The other countries realize that medical care is a right, not a privilege.

Many people are moving towards National Medical. One of the groups that have voiced this is the Doctors. Imagine the billions saved by getting rid of the HMOs and Insurance Companies dealing in Medical benefits that do absolutely nothing except raking in the cash. We are talking billions.

Doctors are having trouble affording their medical offices, equipment, etc.. And it keeps going up. Meanwhile, the HMOs and Insurance Companies are taking a bigger chunk each year.

Nationalize Medicine means that Doctors don't have to afford the office space and equipment. It's paid for by the Billions saved by sending the HMOs and Insurance Companies packing.

One of the worst is the Malpractice law suits. Nationalizing gets rid of that.

It also gets rid of the deductables that are eating many of us alive.

Tag, yer it.

I think if doctors ever unionized they could change the entire system to one-payer very quickly which is what needs to happen. Just looking at doctors, anyone that has been to a few doctors in the last ten years knows they are entirely controlled by insurance companies now. Many of them actually do harm to their patients because they lower their assessment of what is wrong with someone and what they need. I've talked to a number of doctors that have said this behind closed doors. A couple doctors I talked to have actually been ruined by an insurance company taking them to court because the doctor refused to redo their assessment in favor of the carrier paying a lot less money.

These few wealthy vampires who run these insurance companies have to be broken. Their lobby right now dumps too much into the hand of people in Congress who are all too eager to ignore constituents in favor of cash. The buzz to change this is growing, people are really fed up with this crap. Other countries actually value all human life and many of them are mostly atheist. This country which depending on which poll you look at is between 75% - 85% 'Christian' views human beings as a burden.
Time to pick a fight.

The US is the ONLY western democracy without nationalized medicine. The other countries realize that medical care is a right, not a privilege.

Many people are moving towards National Medical. One of the groups that have voiced this is the Doctors. Imagine the billions saved by getting rid of the HMOs and Insurance Companies dealing in Medical benefits that do absolutely nothing except raking in the cash. We are talking billions.

Doctors are having trouble affording their medical offices, equipment, etc.. And it keeps going up. Meanwhile, the HMOs and Insurance Companies are taking a bigger chunk each year.

Nationalize Medicine means that Doctors don't have to afford the office space and equipment. It's paid for by the Billions saved by sending the HMOs and Insurance Companies packing.

One of the worst is the Malpractice law suits. Nationalizing gets rid of that.

It also gets rid of the deductables that are eating many of us alive.

Tag, yer it.

I think if doctors ever unionized they could change the entire system to one-payer very quickly which is what needs to happen. Just looking at doctors, anyone that has been to a few doctors in the last ten years knows they are entirely controlled by insurance companies now. Many of them actually do harm to their patients because they lower their assessment of what is wrong with someone and what they need. I've talked to a number of doctors that have said this behind closed doors. A couple doctors I talked to have actually been ruined by an insurance company taking them to court because the doctor refused to redo their assessment in favor of the carrier paying a lot less money.

These few wealthy vampires who run these insurance companies have to be broken. Their lobby right now dumps too much into the hand of people in Congress who are all too eager to ignore constituents in favor of cash. The buzz to change this is growing, people are really fed up with this crap. Other countries actually value all human life and many of them are mostly atheist. This country which depending on which poll you look at is between 75% - 85% 'Christian' views human beings as a burden.

You must not know too many doctors. They for the most part hate single payer systems. Why bother spending a decade of your life becoming a doctor if you will only be paid what your average electrician can make. In fact in nations with single payer it is the doctors who are striking AGAINST the system.

Junior doctors strike: why are they taking action and how will it affect you?
Junior doctors strike: why are they taking action and how will it affect you?
Instead of laughing how about you address the reality of the poor pay that doctors make under the NHS, and the fact that they are rebelling against it. Or it that too difficult for your tiny little mind?

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