National Survival Plan: Full Jobless Benefits for Duration of Lockdown, Paid by Temporary Wealth Tax


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Hold up. So this guy Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel says on MSNBC that "a lock-down must go on for the next 18 months or more?" And the Fed says possible 32% unemployment? This is national suicide. If true, a bold program needs to be put in place that guarantees enhanced unemployment benefits, amounting to close to full paycheck, so that people are not locked inside slowly starving. But such a program is a budget buster unless revenue-producing measures are in place. The last thing we need is for the dollar to come crashing down and hyperinflation from all the new added debt.

A wealth tax could be implemented temporarily in these extraordinary times, to pay for this.

The Occupy Corona National Survival Plan: Full Jobless Benefits for Duration of Lockdown, Paid by Temporary Wealth Tax

There is a way for the US to avoid the economic and social chaos which is unfolding before us. #OccupyCorona
Food pantries are emptying, unable to keep up with need. Now grocery supply chain workers are balking at risking their lives for low wages. No grocery chain workers, no food. We are looking at disaster full in the face. And that face is ugly.

Desperation-related crime is already rising, and we are only one month into the total lock-down. Police in some cities, like St. Paul, have openly stated they are not responding to theft or some other property crimes. We are seeing the tip of law and order breaking down.


Solution, Cliff notes of the main elements:
  • Long-Term Jobless Benefits at 100% Paycheck
    - First, slam the brakes on long-term economic uncertainty and anxiety. If Dr. Emanuel says this lock-down must go on for 18 months, then workers must know that their unemployment benefits, at 100% of paycheck or close to it, will go on for the duration of the national emergency, until the day it is lifted. The $2 trillion CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act, signed by President Trump in March 2020, uses a different formula, adding $600 per week to normal unemployment benefits paid by the states' average weekly unemployment check to $985. This exceeds the median weekly earnings of $936 in the fourth quarter of 2019.
  • Essential Workers Can Enroll in Medicare - Offer workers who are deemed "essential services" workers the immediate opportunity to enroll in Medicare, regardless of their age. These are sanitation workers, grocery chain workers, food processing plant, hardware store, etc. whom the government has already ascertained are essential to keeping society running. They have earned this. They cannot get sick and then get thrown under the bus.
  • Keep the Food banks Open - Establish a $100 million dollar fund and staff to keep US food banks stocked and running, for anyone who meets the qualifications.
  • Pay for with Temporary Tax on Extreme Wealth - These budget-busting initiatives without revenue offsets would endanger the US dollar and threaten the economy with yet another nightmare: the collapse of the currency and runaway hyperinflation. The solution is to impose a temporary tax on extreme wealth. It has been estimated that a 2 percent tax on individuals with more than $50 million in assets and 3 percent on those with more than $1 billion would raise somewhat under $300 billion dollars per year. This would easily cover the cost of a full year's 100% paycheck unemployment benefits.
Hold up. So this guy Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel says on MSNBC that "a lock-down must go on for the next 18 months or more?" And the Fed says possible 32% unemployment? This is national suicide. If true, a bold program needs to be put in place that guarantees enhanced unemployment benefits, amounting to close to full paycheck, so that people are not locked inside slowly starving. But such a program is a budget buster unless revenue-producing measures are in place. The last thing we need is for the dollar to come crashing down and hyperinflation from all the new added debt.

A wealth tax could be implemented temporarily in these extraordinary times, to pay for this.

The Occupy Corona National Survival Plan: Full Jobless Benefits for Duration of Lockdown, Paid by Temporary Wealth Tax

There is a way for the US to avoid the economic and social chaos which is unfolding before us. #OccupyCorona
Food pantries are emptying, unable to keep up with need. Now grocery supply chain workers are balking at risking their lives for low wages. No grocery chain workers, no food. We are looking at disaster full in the face. And that face is ugly.

Desperation-related crime is already rising, and we are only one month into the total lock-down. Police in some cities, like St. Paul, have openly stated they are not responding to theft or some other property crimes. We are seeing the tip of law and order breaking down.


Solution, Cliff notes of the main elements:
  • Long-Term Jobless Benefits at 100% Paycheck
    - First, slam the brakes on long-term economic uncertainty and anxiety. If Dr. Emanuel says this lock-down must go on for 18 months, then workers must know that their unemployment benefits, at 100% of paycheck or close to it, will go on for the duration of the national emergency, until the day it is lifted. The $2 trillion CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act, signed by President Trump in March 2020, uses a different formula, adding $600 per week to normal unemployment benefits paid by the states' average weekly unemployment check to $985. This exceeds the median weekly earnings of $936 in the fourth quarter of 2019.
  • Essential Workers Can Enroll in Medicare - Offer workers who are deemed "essential services" workers the immediate opportunity to enroll in Medicare, regardless of their age. These are sanitation workers, grocery chain workers, food processing plant, hardware store, etc. whom the government has already ascertained are essential to keeping society running. They have earned this. They cannot get sick and then get thrown under the bus.
  • Keep the Food banks Open - Establish a $100 million dollar fund and staff to keep US food banks stocked and running, for anyone who meets the qualifications.
  • Pay for with Temporary Tax on Extreme Wealth - These budget-busting initiatives without revenue offsets would endanger the US dollar and threaten the economy with yet another nightmare: the collapse of the currency and runaway hyperinflation. The solution is to impose a temporary tax on extreme wealth. It has been estimated that a 2 percent tax on individuals with more than $50 million in assets and 3 percent on those with more than $1 billion would raise somewhat under $300 billion dollars per year. This would easily cover the cost of a full year's 100% paycheck unemployment benefits.

Long-Term Jobless Benefits at 100% Paycheck - First, slam the brakes on long-term economic uncertainty and anxiety. If Dr. Emanuel says this lock-down must go on for 18 months, then workers must know that their unemployment benefits, at 100% of paycheck or close to it, will go on for the duration of the national emergency, until the day it is lifted.

That's hilarious!!!!
How much would that be?
Give me your best estimate...…..

a 2 percent tax on individuals with more than $50 million in assets and 3 percent on those with more than $1 billion would raise somewhat under $300 billion dollars per year. This would easily cover the cost of a full year's 100% paycheck unemployment benefits.

So incredibly not even in the ballpark.

About 150 million workers, before this disaster.
$300 billion per year is about $2000 per worker.
For the entire year.
You know, with Trump bragging about the bill he got passed through that gives employers and small business owners loans that can be forgiven if they keep their employees and continue to keep them on the payroll.

If Trump's plan is so great and going to help so many, then why are the unemployment numbers so high? Trump told them to not lay off their workers as he said there would be money to keep them afloat temporarily.

Oh wait..................that's right.......................the banks STILL aren't ready or able to comply with it yet, and the funds aren't being distributed.
that's what I heard Trump say he would do today to ensure he loses the election.
Well they got donny’s keys
And they pushed through a federal plan now
Seems they forgot about the deficits
Like their campaign grandstands now
And with the Fed’s printers blasting
T bills just as fast as they can now

And they'll have fun fun fun
Til donny takes the t-bills away

(Fun fun fun til donny takes the t-bills away)

Well the bankers can’t stand it
Cause everyones gotta hand in their face now

(hand in their face now, hand in their face now)
It makes the last crash seem like a roman chariot race now

(hand in their face now, hand in their face now)
The small biz try and catch it
But they lead ‘em on a wild goose chase now(a wild goose chase now , a wild goose chase now) And they'll have fun fun fun
Til donny takes the t-bills away

(Fun fun fun til donny takes the t-bills away)

Well we knew all along
That the Fed prints as fast as they can now

(as fast as they can now, as fast as they can now)
And since they do as they please
Without a thought of our insolvency now

(as fast as they can now, as fast as they can now)

But you can come along and see
All the special interest things that got greased now

(things that got greased now, things that got greased now)

And they'll have fun fun fun
Til donny takes the T-bills away

(Fun fun fun til donny takes the t-bills away)

(Fun fun fun til donny takes the t-bills away)

(Fun fun fun til donny takes the t-bills away)

Oh whheeeeeeee Oh wheeeeeeeeOOooohhhh

(fun fun…..)

Oh whheeeeeeee Oh wheeeeeeeeOOooohhhh

(fun fun…..)

~S~ w/apologies to the Beach Boys
You know, with Trump bragging about the bill he got passed through that gives employers and small business owners loans that can be forgiven if they keep their employees and continue to keep them on the payroll.

If Trump's plan is so great and going to help so many, then why are the unemployment numbers so high? Trump told them to not lay off their workers as he said there would be money to keep them afloat temporarily.

Oh wait..................that's right.......................the banks STILL aren't ready or able to comply with it yet, and the funds aren't being distributed.

Maybe if that bitch Nazi Pelosi hadn't held up the bill they'd have the money by now.
You know, with Trump bragging about the bill he got passed through that gives employers and small business owners loans that can be forgiven if they keep their employees and continue to keep them on the payroll.

If Trump's plan is so great and going to help so many, then why are the unemployment numbers so high? Trump told them to not lay off their workers as he said there would be money to keep them afloat temporarily.

Oh wait..................that's right.......................the banks STILL aren't ready or able to comply with it yet, and the funds aren't being distributed.

Not to mention Trump doesn't want the program to have any accountability or oversight until after the election.
You know, with Trump bragging about the bill he got passed through that gives employers and small business owners loans that can be forgiven if they keep their employees and continue to keep them on the payroll.

If Trump's plan is so great and going to help so many, then why are the unemployment numbers so high? Trump told them to not lay off their workers as he said there would be money to keep them afloat temporarily.

Oh wait..................that's right.......................the banks STILL aren't ready or able to comply with it yet, and the funds aren't being distributed.

Maybe if that bitch Nazi Pelosi hadn't held up the bill they'd have the money by now.

If that smart woman, Nancy Pelosi hadn't stuck to her guns, people would be getting NOTHING. It would have all gone to the corporations, with no oversight.
You know, with Trump bragging about the bill he got passed through that gives employers and small business owners loans that can be forgiven if they keep their employees and continue to keep them on the payroll.

If Trump's plan is so great and going to help so many, then why are the unemployment numbers so high? Trump told them to not lay off their workers as he said there would be money to keep them afloat temporarily.

Oh wait..................that's right.......................the banks STILL aren't ready or able to comply with it yet, and the funds aren't being distributed.
Dianne Feinstein is trying to stop that law and send the money to Iran instead.
You know, with Trump bragging about the bill he got passed through that gives employers and small business owners loans that can be forgiven if they keep their employees and continue to keep them on the payroll.

If Trump's plan is so great and going to help so many, then why are the unemployment numbers so high? Trump told them to not lay off their workers as he said there would be money to keep them afloat temporarily.

Oh wait..................that's right.......................the banks STILL aren't ready or able to comply with it yet, and the funds aren't being distributed.
The dems slammed the breaks on loans to small biz...they had e m rollin out

Ya know the party of the working man
You know, with Trump bragging about the bill he got passed through that gives employers and small business owners loans that can be forgiven if they keep their employees and continue to keep them on the payroll.

If Trump's plan is so great and going to help so many, then why are the unemployment numbers so high? Trump told them to not lay off their workers as he said there would be money to keep them afloat temporarily.

Oh wait..................that's right.......................the banks STILL aren't ready or able to comply with it yet, and the funds aren't being distributed.

Maybe if that bitch Nazi Pelosi hadn't held up the bill they'd have the money by now.

If that smart woman, Nancy Pelosi hadn't stuck to her guns, people would be getting NOTHING. It would have all gone to the corporations, with no oversight.

You mean like the Kennedy Center. Ya, that's some serious bullshit right there.
Re-instating the draft will provide jobs and food for our youth, along with injecting some cement in their spines!

As well as exposing multiple more individuals to the coronavirus...ahh..jeez, even I couldn't finish the line without breaking down.
"Are you dumb?..or just stupid?".

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