National Archives' racism task force says own Rotunda example of 'structural racism,' knocks Founding Fathers

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The task force also called for 'trigger warnings' to accompany historical content

The National Archives' task force on racism claimed in a little-noticed report to the U.S.’s top librarian that the Archives' own Rotunda – which houses the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights – is an example of "structural racism" and that the Founding Fathers and other White, historically impactful Americans are portrayed too positively.

The report was completed in April and released this month but has so far flown under the media radar. The task force claims that structural racism "unequivocally impacts" how National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) employees interact with each other, customers and the historical records themselves.

Some examples of "structural racism" were provided in the summary of the report, including "legacy descriptions that use racial slurs and harmful language to describe BIPOC communities," which includes actual racial slurs alongside terms such as "elderly," "handicapped" and "illegal alien."

Additionally, the report categorized the National Archives' Rotunda as another example of "structural racism" as it "lauds wealthy White men in the nation's founding while marginalizing BIPOC [Black, Indigenous and other People of Color], women, and other communities."

The task force suggests ways to "reimagine the Rotunda," including staging "dance or performance art in the space that invites dialogue about the ways that the United States has mythologized the founding era."

The report also called for "trigger warnings" to be put in place with historical content to "forewarn audiences of content that may cause intense physiological and psychological symptoms."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


That report is insanity.

History is history; if it’s not accurately told, it will be repeated, since the lessons will not have been learned.

If we allow this type of BS to move forward our nation and children/grandchildren will be forever negatively impacted. This crap is dangerous and should not stand.

In the future I’m going to expect to be offered a Valium tablet every time I enter a Federal building or a museum lest I be “triggered” by a statue of James Madison or the words “In God We Trust”.
If we allow this type of BS to move forward our nation and children/grandchildren will be forever negatively impacted.
We have allowed and now there is no stopping it. The only way to stop it too scary for most.
The task force also called for 'trigger warnings' to accompany historical content

The National Archives' task force on racism claimed in a little-noticed report to the U.S.’s top librarian that the Archives' own Rotunda – which houses the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights – is an example of "structural racism" and that the Founding Fathers and other White, historically impactful Americans are portrayed too positively.

The report was completed in April and released this month but has so far flown under the media radar. The task force claims that structural racism "unequivocally impacts" how National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) employees interact with each other, customers and the historical records themselves.

Some examples of "structural racism" were provided in the summary of the report, including "legacy descriptions that use racial slurs and harmful language to describe BIPOC communities," which includes actual racial slurs alongside terms such as "elderly," "handicapped" and "illegal alien."

Additionally, the report categorized the National Archives' Rotunda as another example of "structural racism" as it "lauds wealthy White men in the nation's founding while marginalizing BIPOC [Black, Indigenous and other People of Color], women, and other communities."

The task force suggests ways to "reimagine the Rotunda," including staging "dance or performance art in the space that invites dialogue about the ways that the United States has mythologized the founding era."

The report also called for "trigger warnings" to be put in place with historical content to "forewarn audiences of content that may cause intense physiological and psychological symptoms."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


That report is insanity.

History is history; if it’s not accurately told, it will be repeated, since the lessons will not have been learned.

If we allow this type of BS to move forward our nation and children/grandchildren will be forever negatively impacted. This crap is dangerous and should not stand.

In the future I’m going to expect to be offered a Valium tablet every time I enter a Federal building or a museum lest I be “triggered” by a statue of James Madison or the words “In God We Trust”.

Trump warned of this.

If we let them tear down the Confederate Statues now, they will come for the Founding Fathers next.

I saw it coming too. THis has always been about anti-Americanism and anti-white racism.

I have said that many times, on this very site.
Who funded the National Archives Task Force? And who makes this report?
It seems criminally stupid and an enormous waste of time and effort.
Woke crap, is what this is.
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The task force also called for 'trigger warnings' to accompany historical content

The National Archives' task force on racism claimed in a little-noticed report to the U.S.’s top librarian that the Archives' own Rotunda – which houses the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights – is an example of "structural racism" and that the Founding Fathers and other White, historically impactful Americans are portrayed too positively.

The report was completed in April and released this month but has so far flown under the media radar. The task force claims that structural racism "unequivocally impacts" how National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) employees interact with each other, customers and the historical records themselves.

Some examples of "structural racism" were provided in the summary of the report, including "legacy descriptions that use racial slurs and harmful language to describe BIPOC communities," which includes actual racial slurs alongside terms such as "elderly," "handicapped" and "illegal alien."

Additionally, the report categorized the National Archives' Rotunda as another example of "structural racism" as it "lauds wealthy White men in the nation's founding while marginalizing BIPOC [Black, Indigenous and other People of Color], women, and other communities."

The task force suggests ways to "reimagine the Rotunda," including staging "dance or performance art in the space that invites dialogue about the ways that the United States has mythologized the founding era."

The report also called for "trigger warnings" to be put in place with historical content to "forewarn audiences of content that may cause intense physiological and psychological symptoms."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


That report is insanity.

History is history; if it’s not accurately told, it will be repeated, since the lessons will not have been learned.

If we allow this type of BS to move forward our nation and children/grandchildren will be forever negatively impacted. This crap is dangerous and should not stand.

In the future I’m going to expect to be offered a Valium tablet every time I enter a Federal building or a museum lest I be “triggered” by a statue of James Madison or the words “In God We Trust”.
Have you been to the Rotunda, the paintings treat Washington as a god.
The task force also called for 'trigger warnings' to accompany historical content

The National Archives' task force on racism claimed in a little-noticed report to the U.S.’s top librarian that the Archives' own Rotunda – which houses the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights – is an example of "structural racism" and that the Founding Fathers and other White, historically impactful Americans are portrayed too positively.

The report was completed in April and released this month but has so far flown under the media radar. The task force claims that structural racism "unequivocally impacts" how National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) employees interact with each other, customers and the historical records themselves.

Some examples of "structural racism" were provided in the summary of the report, including "legacy descriptions that use racial slurs and harmful language to describe BIPOC communities," which includes actual racial slurs alongside terms such as "elderly," "handicapped" and "illegal alien."

Additionally, the report categorized the National Archives' Rotunda as another example of "structural racism" as it "lauds wealthy White men in the nation's founding while marginalizing BIPOC [Black, Indigenous and other People of Color], women, and other communities."

The task force suggests ways to "reimagine the Rotunda," including staging "dance or performance art in the space that invites dialogue about the ways that the United States has mythologized the founding era."

The report also called for "trigger warnings" to be put in place with historical content to "forewarn audiences of content that may cause intense physiological and psychological symptoms."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


That report is insanity.

History is history; if it’s not accurately told, it will be repeated, since the lessons will not have been learned.

If we allow this type of BS to move forward our nation and children/grandchildren will be forever negatively impacted. This crap is dangerous and should not stand.

In the future I’m going to expect to be offered a Valium tablet every time I enter a Federal building or a museum lest I be “triggered” by a statue of James Madison or the words “In God We Trust”.
Have you been to the Rotunda, the paintings treat Washington as a god.

And in your mind, that justifies the accusation of wacism?
This is mind-numbingly stupid. This crap now permeates every aspect of our lives. It is eating us from within.

The task force also called for 'trigger warnings' to accompany historical content

The National Archives' task force on racism claimed in a little-noticed report to the U.S.’s top librarian that the Archives' own Rotunda – which houses the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights – is an example of "structural racism" and that the Founding Fathers and other White, historically impactful Americans are portrayed too positively.

The report was completed in April and released this month but has so far flown under the media radar. The task force claims that structural racism "unequivocally impacts" how National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) employees interact with each other, customers and the historical records themselves.

Some examples of "structural racism" were provided in the summary of the report, including "legacy descriptions that use racial slurs and harmful language to describe BIPOC communities," which includes actual racial slurs alongside terms such as "elderly," "handicapped" and "illegal alien."

Additionally, the report categorized the National Archives' Rotunda as another example of "structural racism" as it "lauds wealthy White men in the nation's founding while marginalizing BIPOC [Black, Indigenous and other People of Color], women, and other communities."

The task force suggests ways to "reimagine the Rotunda," including staging "dance or performance art in the space that invites dialogue about the ways that the United States has mythologized the founding era."


"Providing an advisory notice to users gives us an opportunity to mitigate harm and contextualize the records," the report reads. "It creates a space to share with the public our ultimate goals for reparative description, demonstrate our commitment to the process, and address any barriers that we may face in achieving these goals (i.e., the size and scope of the Catalog and the ever-evolving knowledge we gain regarding what is harmful)."

The task force's report also calls for a change to language on — a website on American "milestone documents" such as the Constitution and Declaration of Independence — to be less celebratory of historically impactful Americans, such as former President Thomas Jefferson.

" features transcripts and historical context of ‘100 milestone documents of American history’ but often uses adulatory and excessive language to document the historical contributions of White, wealthy men," the report reads before taking aim at Jefferson.

"For example, a search of Thomas Jefferson in brings up 24 results. He is described in this sample lesson plan as a ‘visionary’ who took ‘vigorous action’ to strengthen the ‘will of the nation to expand westward,’" the report continues.


Well, of course you would rather see some African Head Hunter portrayed as YOUR savior....It really is scum like you that should be dispatched along with several dozen more in this forum....and several million others in this country!
Are these people so fucking stupid that they cannot understand that things were very different at the time these documents were created?

If anyone finds them offensive, or has a brain freeze when looking at historical items, they should just avoid looking at them. Perhaps, in time, they'll grow and mature, and be able to learn from history rather than acting like children and whining about anything they don't understand or agree with.
Fuck these commies that keep complaining about the “whiteness” of the Founding Fathers. It was a British colony for fuck’s sake, and what where they supposed to do, create a new nation for Africans and Muslims?
Are these people so fucking stupid that they cannot understand that things were very different at the time these documents were created?

If anyone finds them offensive, or has a brain freeze when looking at historical items, they should just avoid looking at them. Perhaps, in time, they'll grow and mature, and be able to learn from history rather than acting like children and whining about anything they don't understand or agree with.

Nah, they know that. THey are just talking shit, to justify their tearing down of this great nation.

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