Nation-building here at home


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
Okolona, KY
Granny says, "Glory be to Jesus - Obama finally seein' the light...
Obama: Time for nation-building at home
July 14 (UPI) -- President Obama spent a second day campaigning in the swing state of Virginia Saturday, telling supporters it's time for nation-building at home.
After returning to Washington Friday night, Obama flew to Richmond Saturday morning. The Democratic incumbent, who is expected to face Republican Mitt Romney in the November general election, visited a produce market in Mechanicsville on his way to a campaign event in Glen Allen. Speaking to an audience of about 900 people at the Walkerton Tavern & Gardens, Obama emphasized economic fairness and creating conditions that allow the middle class to grow and prosper.

"All we ask for as Americans is that hard work pays off," he said. "All we ask is our hard work is rewarded. ... That's what made us the greatest nation on Earth. That's what made us an economic superpower." Later, during a stop at Centreville High School in Clifton, Va., before returning to the White House, the president reiterated his stump speech that what's wrong with the Republicans' approach to repairing the economy is that it's a top-down strategy that focuses on tax breaks for the wealthy and loosening regulations on the energy industry. That approach, he said, was tried for the better part of a decade under his Republican predecessor, George W. Bush, and it resulted in deep recession.

"And so our mission now is the same mission that we had in 2008," he said. "Yes, it's to get people back to work right away and to solve some of these housing problems right away, but it's also, how do we build an economy that lasts and works for everybody? How do we build an economy where hard work pays off -- whether you're starting a business or punching a clock, you know that if you put in the effort, you'll get ahead? "That's what this campaign is about. That's what my presidency has been about.

"Let's rebuild our infrastructure. Let's rebuild our roads and our bridges ... . Let's build broadband lines and high speed rail. Let's expand our ports and improve our airports. That's what's going to keep us at the cutting-edge of a 21st century economy. And we've got tens of thousands of construction workers ready to be put back to work. Why wouldn't we do some nation-building here at home? Now, this is a disagreement I've got with the guy who's leading the other party. That's the choice that we've got to make." Obama carried Virginia in 2008, the first Democrat to do so since President Lyndon Johnson in 1964. He spent Friday in the state with campaign stops in Virginia Beach, Hampton and Roanoke.

Read more: Obama: Time for nation-building at home -
Sounds like He's campaigning for Romney. ;).......:lmao:

Either that, or reading Romney's E-Mails, and trying to beat him to the punch. :D
The Senate (Including Rand Paul) Vote to Extend $9 Billion in Loan Guarantees for the Benefit of Israel
The U.S. Senate passed their version on Friday June 29, 2012. Known in the Senate as S.2165, the measure guaranteed an astonishing $9 billion dollars in loans to Israel (plus all fees and interest!) in addition to giving "military assistance- stockpiles of defense articles" valued at $200 million for 2013 and $200 million for 2014.

Boxer praised passage of the bill, stating "I am so pleased that the Senate moved quickly to pass this important bill, which reaffirms the important bond between the United States and Israel and helps ensure that Israel has the necessary tools to defend itself in this time of dynamic change in the Middle East."

Initially seeking documentation of which way turncoat Rand Paul voted on this treasonous bill, I tried to find the roll call votes. But as Harry Reid pointed out during the session, "THE NEXT ROLL CALL VOTE WILL BE AT NOON ON TUESDAY, JULY 10". The Senators passed this bill anonymously, in a so-called "voice vote"!...

After tracking down the actual video of this travesty, which was no easy task- (they seem to make these things hard to find on purpose)- it was like watching something straight out of the twilight zone. Two old guys in suits mumbling under their breath in a strange monotone fashion, with the entire U.S. Senate taking literally less than six seconds total to squander 9 BILLION DOLLARS from the American people. A true outrage. They did not even call out each Senators name so that their constituents can hear whether they voted yea or nay. The Senate (Including Rand Paul) Vote to Extend $9 Billion in Loan Guarantees for the Benefit of Israel








Funny that yet another RP line "building bridges overseas while our bridges are falling down here at home" is getting aped by losers.
When Romney said we need to invest in other countries economies and their schools, Republicans cheered.

When Romney said we need to cut back on Police, Firemen and Teachers here in this country, Republicans cheered.

Course, they cheered Santorum, too.

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When Romney said we need to invest in other countries economies and their schools, Republicans cheered.

When Romney said we need to cut back on Police, Firemen and Teachers here in this country, Republicans cheered.

Course, they cheered Santorum, too.

Unless you are living in a Hot-Tub-Time-Machine, Romney is history; and Obamas' fiscal cliff is now and the debt ceiling is reached on Monday.
Just bringing ya' up to the here and now.
Please resume your normal partisan rants.
When Romney said we need to invest in other countries economies and their schools, Republicans cheered.

When Romney said we need to cut back on Police, Firemen and Teachers here in this country, Republicans cheered.

Course, they cheered Santorum, too.

Unless you are living in a Hot-Tub-Time-Machine, Romney is history; and Obamas' fiscal cliff is now and the debt ceiling is reached on Monday.
Just bringing ya' up to the here and now.
Please resume your normal partisan rants.

dean is the slowest liberal here and thats really really low down!!
Another hundred posts of drivel by Ed yesterday. Another hundred today. Does someone doubt that he is a paid con tool?????
Another hundred posts of drivel by Ed yesterday. Another hundred today. Does someone doubt that he is a paid con tool?????

If the Republican conservative libertarian philosophy of Aristotle, Jefferson, and Friedman is drivel you would not be so afriad to present your best example for the whole world to see.

What does your fear tell us about the liberal IQ and character?????
Another hundred posts of drivel by Ed yesterday. Another hundred today. Does someone doubt that he is a paid con tool?????

If the Republican conservative libertarian philosophy of Aristotle, Jefferson, and Friedman is drivel you would not be so afriad to present your best example for the whole world to see.

What does your fear tell us about the liberal IQ and character?????
I rest my case.
Another hundred posts of drivel by Ed yesterday. Another hundred today. Does someone doubt that he is a paid con tool?????

If the Republican conservative libertarian philosophy of Aristotle, Jefferson, and Friedman is drivel you would not be so afriad to present your best example for the whole world to see.

What does your fear tell us about the liberal IQ and character?????
I rest my case.

If the Republican conservative libertarian philosophy of Aristotle, Jefferson, and Friedman is drivel you would not be so afriad to present your best example for the whole world to see.

What does your fear tell us about the liberal IQ and character?????

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