NASA: ‘Planetary warming does not care about the election’


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
NASA: ‘Planetary warming does not care about the election’
A very warm October ensures 2016 will be the hottest year by far.

NASA Land and Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) for October.
Last month was the second-hottest October on record, NASA reported Tuesday. Combined with a record-smashing January through September — and a very warm November — this new data guarantee that 2016 will demolish the previous record for hottest year, set way back in 2015.

Of course, 2015 itself crushed the previous record for hottest year that was set in 2014 — a three-year run never seen in the 136 years of temperature records.

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wants everyone to know that our current man-made global warming is indifferent to politics:

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Gavin Schmidt @ClimateOfGavin

No surprise here, planetary warming does not care about the election. Now including October data.
Climatologists actually predicted this latest “jump” in global temperatures.

There is “a vast and growing body of research,” Climate Central explained in February 2015, indicating that “humanity is about to experience a historically unprecedented spike in temperatures.” One 2015 study concluded that we could even see Arctic warming rise an alarming 1°F (0.56°C) per decade by the next decade.

Speaking of the Arctic, look again at the top map from NASA. Large parts of the Arctic super-heated in October, as much 15.6 6°F (8.7°C) above the 1951–1980 mean temperature. No surprise, then, that last month saw the lowest October ice extent on record and that “as of November 1, sea ice volume is lowest on record.”

No, the climate doesn't give a flying fucking damn about human idiocy!
Do you realize that this is a drumed up political ideology in order to get rid of the gas and coal industry which they hate ? It stared in the 70's saying we were going into an Ice age.
That didn't fly so they went with Global warming.
You're right..........the planet doesn't care if we kill ourselves off, because it will continue to rotate and spin around the Sun even if we're not here.

And...........because nature abhors a vacuum, if we're no longer here, something else will come along to take our place.
NASA: ‘Planetary warming does not care about the election’
A very warm October ensures 2016 will be the hottest year by far.

NASA Land and Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) for October.
Last month was the second-hottest October on record, NASA reported Tuesday. Combined with a record-smashing January through September — and a very warm November — this new data guarantee that 2016 will demolish the previous record for hottest year, set way back in 2015.

Of course, 2015 itself crushed the previous record for hottest year that was set in 2014 — a three-year run never seen in the 136 years of temperature records.

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wants everyone to know that our current man-made global warming is indifferent to politics:

View image on Twitter

Gavin Schmidt @ClimateOfGavin

No surprise here, planetary warming does not care about the election. Now including October data.
Climatologists actually predicted this latest “jump” in global temperatures.

There is “a vast and growing body of research,” Climate Central explained in February 2015, indicating that “humanity is about to experience a historically unprecedented spike in temperatures.” One 2015 study concluded that we could even see Arctic warming rise an alarming 1°F (0.56°C) per decade by the next decade.

Speaking of the Arctic, look again at the top map from NASA. Large parts of the Arctic super-heated in October, as much 15.6 6°F (8.7°C) above the 1951–1980 mean temperature. No surprise, then, that last month saw the lowest October ice extent on record and that “as of November 1, sea ice volume is lowest on record.”

No, the climate doesn't give a flying fucking damn about human idiocy!

It also doesn't care if you waste money on windmills.
NASA: ‘Planetary warming does not care about the election’
A very warm October ensures 2016 will be the hottest year by far.

NASA Land and Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) for October.
Last month was the second-hottest October on record, NASA reported Tuesday. Combined with a record-smashing January through September — and a very warm November — this new data guarantee that 2016 will demolish the previous record for hottest year, set way back in 2015.

Of course, 2015 itself crushed the previous record for hottest year that was set in 2014 — a three-year run never seen in the 136 years of temperature records.

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wants everyone to know that our current man-made global warming is indifferent to politics:

View image on Twitter

Gavin Schmidt @ClimateOfGavin

No surprise here, planetary warming does not care about the election. Now including October data.
Climatologists actually predicted this latest “jump” in global temperatures.

There is “a vast and growing body of research,” Climate Central explained in February 2015, indicating that “humanity is about to experience a historically unprecedented spike in temperatures.” One 2015 study concluded that we could even see Arctic warming rise an alarming 1°F (0.56°C) per decade by the next decade.

Speaking of the Arctic, look again at the top map from NASA. Large parts of the Arctic super-heated in October, as much 15.6 6°F (8.7°C) above the 1951–1980 mean temperature. No surprise, then, that last month saw the lowest October ice extent on record and that “as of November 1, sea ice volume is lowest on record.”

No, the climate doesn't give a flying fucking damn about human idiocy!

It also doesn't care if you waste money on windmills.

You're right.............the planet doesn't care either way what we do.

However.............WE should care, because if we can't breathe, we can't live, unless we evolve another way of getting oxygen.
NASA: ‘Planetary warming does not care about the election’
A very warm October ensures 2016 will be the hottest year by far.

NASA Land and Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) for October.
Last month was the second-hottest October on record, NASA reported Tuesday. Combined with a record-smashing January through September — and a very warm November — this new data guarantee that 2016 will demolish the previous record for hottest year, set way back in 2015.

Of course, 2015 itself crushed the previous record for hottest year that was set in 2014 — a three-year run never seen in the 136 years of temperature records.

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wants everyone to know that our current man-made global warming is indifferent to politics:

View image on Twitter

Gavin Schmidt @ClimateOfGavin

No surprise here, planetary warming does not care about the election. Now including October data.
Climatologists actually predicted this latest “jump” in global temperatures.

There is “a vast and growing body of research,” Climate Central explained in February 2015, indicating that “humanity is about to experience a historically unprecedented spike in temperatures.” One 2015 study concluded that we could even see Arctic warming rise an alarming 1°F (0.56°C) per decade by the next decade.

Speaking of the Arctic, look again at the top map from NASA. Large parts of the Arctic super-heated in October, as much 15.6 6°F (8.7°C) above the 1951–1980 mean temperature. No surprise, then, that last month saw the lowest October ice extent on record and that “as of November 1, sea ice volume is lowest on record.”

No, the climate doesn't give a flying fucking damn about human idiocy!

This goes hand in hand with the article by Noam Chomsky this week where he classifies the Republican Party as the most dangerous institution in history. Joseph Goebbels would be in awe at the Republicans ability to lie so convincingly to a small cohort of the American public and convince them the up is down and bad is good. Conservatives en masse have been reduced to Pavlovian robots that parrot ANYTHING they are told no matter how ridiculous.
Guy doesn't get that nobody cares which is the ONLY thing that matters.

But that's ok..........once January rolls around, the nut sack grabs start becoming very real to progressives!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
How's that Muslim outreach going?
Do you realize that this is a drumed up political ideology in order to get rid of the gas and coal industry which they hate ? It stared in the 70's saying we were going into an Ice age.
That didn't fly so they went with Global warming.
Now, since this has been refuted many times right here, one can only assume that you are being willfully ignorant. And if it is a drummed up political ideology, why does every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world state that AGW is real? From all cultures and political systems. Isn't your little tin hat getting a bit tight?
NASA: ‘Planetary warming does not care about the election’
A very warm October ensures 2016 will be the hottest year by far.

NASA Land and Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) for October.
Last month was the second-hottest October on record, NASA reported Tuesday. Combined with a record-smashing January through September — and a very warm November — this new data guarantee that 2016 will demolish the previous record for hottest year, set way back in 2015.

Of course, 2015 itself crushed the previous record for hottest year that was set in 2014 — a three-year run never seen in the 136 years of temperature records.

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wants everyone to know that our current man-made global warming is indifferent to politics:

View image on Twitter

Gavin Schmidt @ClimateOfGavin

No surprise here, planetary warming does not care about the election. Now including October data.
Climatologists actually predicted this latest “jump” in global temperatures.

There is “a vast and growing body of research,” Climate Central explained in February 2015, indicating that “humanity is about to experience a historically unprecedented spike in temperatures.” One 2015 study concluded that we could even see Arctic warming rise an alarming 1°F (0.56°C) per decade by the next decade.

Speaking of the Arctic, look again at the top map from NASA. Large parts of the Arctic super-heated in October, as much 15.6 6°F (8.7°C) above the 1951–1980 mean temperature. No surprise, then, that last month saw the lowest October ice extent on record and that “as of November 1, sea ice volume is lowest on record.”

No, the climate doesn't give a flying fucking damn about human idiocy!

It also doesn't care if you waste money on windmills.
Since it is utilities, for profit organizations, that are making the decisions, based on economics, to build the windmills. And that great ultra-liberal state of Texas is leading the way in building them. LOL
How's that Muslim outreach going?
Do you realize that this is a drumed up political ideology in order to get rid of the gas and coal industry which they hate ? It stared in the 70's saying we were going into an Ice age.
That didn't fly so they went with Global warming.
Now, since this has been refuted many times right here, one can only assume that you are being willfully ignorant. And if it is a drummed up political ideology, why does every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world state that AGW is real? From all cultures and political systems. Isn't your little tin hat getting a bit tight?

What part of the Earth does it naturally don't you get?
Man is not causing it.
All of those mentioned get government funding, so in order to get it every year their research is going to go with what they want in the studies.
The real scientists disagree with it because they dont get the money from their governments.
The real scientists say there is still more to study before any real conclusions can be made.
NASA: ‘Planetary warming does not care about the election’
A very warm October ensures 2016 will be the hottest year by far.

NASA Land and Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) for October.
Last month was the second-hottest October on record, NASA reported Tuesday. Combined with a record-smashing January through September — and a very warm November — this new data guarantee that 2016 will demolish the previous record for hottest year, set way back in 2015.

Of course, 2015 itself crushed the previous record for hottest year that was set in 2014 — a three-year run never seen in the 136 years of temperature records.

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wants everyone to know that our current man-made global warming is indifferent to politics:

View image on Twitter

Gavin Schmidt @ClimateOfGavin

No surprise here, planetary warming does not care about the election. Now including October data.
Climatologists actually predicted this latest “jump” in global temperatures.

There is “a vast and growing body of research,” Climate Central explained in February 2015, indicating that “humanity is about to experience a historically unprecedented spike in temperatures.” One 2015 study concluded that we could even see Arctic warming rise an alarming 1°F (0.56°C) per decade by the next decade.

Speaking of the Arctic, look again at the top map from NASA. Large parts of the Arctic super-heated in October, as much 15.6 6°F (8.7°C) above the 1951–1980 mean temperature. No surprise, then, that last month saw the lowest October ice extent on record and that “as of November 1, sea ice volume is lowest on record.”

No, the climate doesn't give a flying fucking damn about human idiocy!

Graph wouldn't look quite as scary if NASA used it's OWN SATELLITES instead of 10,000 thermometers. And what the hell happened to the "Pause" in their version of reality? Must have been that 19th Century practice that NASA likes of going back to measuring ocean temps with ship intake readings. Now they've turned "the Pause" into some of the fastest warming in that version of reality.. Lord knows, you don't need a high tech bouy system to lie like they do.

Any SMART lefty who worships technology and the govt's role in it knows thermometers and ships ---- that's FAR more accurate than satellites. MATTHEW --- WHY THE FUCK isn't NASA using their satellites? Are they troglodyte "losertarians" or something? :biggrin:

They're right --- Politics needs to get the fuck out of Dodge here !!!!!!
NASA: ‘Planetary warming does not care about the election’
A very warm October ensures 2016 will be the hottest year by far.

NASA Land and Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) for October.
Last month was the second-hottest October on record, NASA reported Tuesday. Combined with a record-smashing January through September — and a very warm November — this new data guarantee that 2016 will demolish the previous record for hottest year, set way back in 2015.

Of course, 2015 itself crushed the previous record for hottest year that was set in 2014 — a three-year run never seen in the 136 years of temperature records.

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wants everyone to know that our current man-made global warming is indifferent to politics:

View image on Twitter

Gavin Schmidt @ClimateOfGavin

No surprise here, planetary warming does not care about the election. Now including October data.
Climatologists actually predicted this latest “jump” in global temperatures.

There is “a vast and growing body of research,” Climate Central explained in February 2015, indicating that “humanity is about to experience a historically unprecedented spike in temperatures.” One 2015 study concluded that we could even see Arctic warming rise an alarming 1°F (0.56°C) per decade by the next decade.

Speaking of the Arctic, look again at the top map from NASA. Large parts of the Arctic super-heated in October, as much 15.6 6°F (8.7°C) above the 1951–1980 mean temperature. No surprise, then, that last month saw the lowest October ice extent on record and that “as of November 1, sea ice volume is lowest on record.”

No, the climate doesn't give a flying fucking damn about human idiocy!

Nor does it seem to be happening. That map is cute, and fraudulent as hell.
NASA: ‘Planetary warming does not care about the election’
A very warm October ensures 2016 will be the hottest year by far.

NASA Land and Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) for October.
Last month was the second-hottest October on record, NASA reported Tuesday. Combined with a record-smashing January through September — and a very warm November — this new data guarantee that 2016 will demolish the previous record for hottest year, set way back in 2015.

Of course, 2015 itself crushed the previous record for hottest year that was set in 2014 — a three-year run never seen in the 136 years of temperature records.

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wants everyone to know that our current man-made global warming is indifferent to politics:

View image on Twitter

Gavin Schmidt @ClimateOfGavin

No surprise here, planetary warming does not care about the election. Now including October data.
Climatologists actually predicted this latest “jump” in global temperatures.

There is “a vast and growing body of research,” Climate Central explained in February 2015, indicating that “humanity is about to experience a historically unprecedented spike in temperatures.” One 2015 study concluded that we could even see Arctic warming rise an alarming 1°F (0.56°C) per decade by the next decade.

Speaking of the Arctic, look again at the top map from NASA. Large parts of the Arctic super-heated in October, as much 15.6 6°F (8.7°C) above the 1951–1980 mean temperature. No surprise, then, that last month saw the lowest October ice extent on record and that “as of November 1, sea ice volume is lowest on record.”

No, the climate doesn't give a flying fucking damn about human idiocy!

It also doesn't care if you waste money on windmills.

You're right.............the planet doesn't care either way what we do.

However.............WE should care, because if we can't breathe, we can't live, unless we evolve another way of getting oxygen.

.............WE should care, because if we can't breathe, we can't live, unless we evolve another way of getting oxygen.

You're worried that we won't have enough oxygen?
You have an estimate on when oxygen will drop to a dangerous level?
NASA: ‘Planetary warming does not care about the election’
A very warm October ensures 2016 will be the hottest year by far.

NASA Land and Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) for October.
Last month was the second-hottest October on record, NASA reported Tuesday. Combined with a record-smashing January through September — and a very warm November — this new data guarantee that 2016 will demolish the previous record for hottest year, set way back in 2015.

Of course, 2015 itself crushed the previous record for hottest year that was set in 2014 — a three-year run never seen in the 136 years of temperature records.

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wants everyone to know that our current man-made global warming is indifferent to politics:

View image on Twitter

Gavin Schmidt @ClimateOfGavin

No surprise here, planetary warming does not care about the election. Now including October data.
Climatologists actually predicted this latest “jump” in global temperatures.

There is “a vast and growing body of research,” Climate Central explained in February 2015, indicating that “humanity is about to experience a historically unprecedented spike in temperatures.” One 2015 study concluded that we could even see Arctic warming rise an alarming 1°F (0.56°C) per decade by the next decade.

Speaking of the Arctic, look again at the top map from NASA. Large parts of the Arctic super-heated in October, as much 15.6 6°F (8.7°C) above the 1951–1980 mean temperature. No surprise, then, that last month saw the lowest October ice extent on record and that “as of November 1, sea ice volume is lowest on record.”

No, the climate doesn't give a flying fucking damn about human idiocy!

It also doesn't care if you waste money on windmills.
Since it is utilities, for profit organizations, that are making the decisions, based on economics, to build the windmills. And that great ultra-liberal state of Texas is leading the way in building them. LOL

Since it is utilities, for profit organizations, that are making the decisions, based on economics

Waste enough subsidies on otherwise uneconomic things, lots of bad decisions get made.
End the subsidies and the green mandates and you'd quickly see these are uneconomical.
NASA: ‘Planetary warming does not care about the election’
A very warm October ensures 2016 will be the hottest year by far.

NASA Land and Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) for October.
Last month was the second-hottest October on record, NASA reported Tuesday. Combined with a record-smashing January through September — and a very warm November — this new data guarantee that 2016 will demolish the previous record for hottest year, set way back in 2015.

Of course, 2015 itself crushed the previous record for hottest year that was set in 2014 — a three-year run never seen in the 136 years of temperature records.

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wants everyone to know that our current man-made global warming is indifferent to politics:

View image on Twitter

Gavin Schmidt @ClimateOfGavin

No surprise here, planetary warming does not care about the election. Now including October data.
Climatologists actually predicted this latest “jump” in global temperatures.

There is “a vast and growing body of research,” Climate Central explained in February 2015, indicating that “humanity is about to experience a historically unprecedented spike in temperatures.” One 2015 study concluded that we could even see Arctic warming rise an alarming 1°F (0.56°C) per decade by the next decade.

Speaking of the Arctic, look again at the top map from NASA. Large parts of the Arctic super-heated in October, as much 15.6 6°F (8.7°C) above the 1951–1980 mean temperature. No surprise, then, that last month saw the lowest October ice extent on record and that “as of November 1, sea ice volume is lowest on record.”

No, the climate doesn't give a flying fucking damn about human idiocy!

It also doesn't care if you waste money on windmills.

You're right.............the planet doesn't care either way what we do.

However.............WE should care, because if we can't breathe, we can't live, unless we evolve another way of getting oxygen.

.............WE should care, because if we can't breathe, we can't live, unless we evolve another way of getting oxygen.

You're worried that we won't have enough oxygen?
You have an estimate on when oxygen will drop to a dangerous level?

Not so much worried that oxygen levels wil go down as much as I'm worried that the levels of other gases will go up. Up in Alaska, where the permafrost is melting, it's releasing lots of methane gas into the atmosphere.

And..............if the mix of gases that we currently breathe is changed by much, it could cause lots of problems.
NASA: ‘Planetary warming does not care about the election’
A very warm October ensures 2016 will be the hottest year by far.

NASA Land and Ocean Temperature Index (LOTI) for October.
Last month was the second-hottest October on record, NASA reported Tuesday. Combined with a record-smashing January through September — and a very warm November — this new data guarantee that 2016 will demolish the previous record for hottest year, set way back in 2015.

Of course, 2015 itself crushed the previous record for hottest year that was set in 2014 — a three-year run never seen in the 136 years of temperature records.

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wants everyone to know that our current man-made global warming is indifferent to politics:

View image on Twitter

Gavin Schmidt @ClimateOfGavin

No surprise here, planetary warming does not care about the election. Now including October data.
Climatologists actually predicted this latest “jump” in global temperatures.

There is “a vast and growing body of research,” Climate Central explained in February 2015, indicating that “humanity is about to experience a historically unprecedented spike in temperatures.” One 2015 study concluded that we could even see Arctic warming rise an alarming 1°F (0.56°C) per decade by the next decade.

Speaking of the Arctic, look again at the top map from NASA. Large parts of the Arctic super-heated in October, as much 15.6 6°F (8.7°C) above the 1951–1980 mean temperature. No surprise, then, that last month saw the lowest October ice extent on record and that “as of November 1, sea ice volume is lowest on record.”

No, the climate doesn't give a flying fucking damn about human idiocy!

It also doesn't care if you waste money on windmills.

You're right.............the planet doesn't care either way what we do.

However.............WE should care, because if we can't breathe, we can't live, unless we evolve another way of getting oxygen.

.............WE should care, because if we can't breathe, we can't live, unless we evolve another way of getting oxygen.

You're worried that we won't have enough oxygen?
You have an estimate on when oxygen will drop to a dangerous level?

Not so much worried that oxygen levels wil go down as much as I'm worried that the levels of other gases will go up. Up in Alaska, where the permafrost is melting, it's releasing lots of methane gas into the atmosphere.

And..............if the mix of gases that we currently breathe is changed by much, it could cause lots of problems.

Not so much worried that oxygen levels will go down

So why mention oxygen?

Up in Alaska, where the permafrost is melting, it's releasing lots of methane gas into the atmosphere.

In Alaska, what's the PPM? What level would be dangerous for us to breath?

..........if the mix of gases that we currently breathe is changed by much, it could cause lots of problems.

What change would cause what problems? Any specifics?
This goes hand in hand with the article by Noam Chomsky this week where he classifies the Republican Party as the most dangerous institution in history. Joseph Goebbels would be in awe at the Republicans ability to lie so convincingly to a small cohort of the American public and convince them the up is down and bad is good. Conservatives en masse have been reduced to Pavlovian robots that parrot ANYTHING they are told no matter how ridiculous.
I wouldn't say it's all the Republicans, but Congress should be convening and discussing how it's possible that Trump is putting total madmen in his cabinet and what should be done about it. They have a bunch of sticks of dynamite with the fuse lit and are doing nothing.

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