NASA cuts live feed from space station as mysterious object appears


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

NASA ‘cuts live feed from space station’ as mysterious object appears…

Well it is definitely weird looking and as it disappears makes yah wonder
The military industrial complex is at least 100 years ahead of what we have now in technology...including Tesla technology of self-generating free energy.I am definitely of the opinion that there is a breakaway civilization developed out of Lockheed Skunkworks and Groom Lake in Nevada that could take "E.T home" . The world's serfs have been so fucking "dumbed down" and programmed to believe so much bullshit while they are being robbed that I simply shake my head in wonder sometimes. Tell-lies-vision is the greatest propaganda tool ever created.
So, we have this huge conspiracy to seed the clouds with chemicals. Yet no one can show us base where these planes are coming out of, and they cannot round up some of the many tens of thousands of men that would be needed to do that. LOL This shit belongs in the conspiracy section.
LOL Chem trails, little green men, hollow moons, ect. LOL
I personally took these pics, Old Fuck.......
View attachment 108930

Isn't it incredible how all this stuff is right in front of their fkn faces and they are so fkn indoctrinated they can't see the truth/facts staring right back at them.
How people can be so gawd damn fkn stupid is beyond me honest to gawd.
There is authentic science sites that tell about this geoengineering bs. and they still deny it.
LOL Chem trails, little green men, hollow moons, ect. LOL
I personally took these pics, Old Fuck.......
View attachment 108930
So, there is a place where a number of standard paths for the airlines cross. BFD

One factor that’s commonly overlooked when it comes to talking about human health and environmental degradation is geo-engineering and Solar Radiation Management (SRM), also known as “chemtrails.” The name seems to come from the fact that various geo-engineering and SRM programs use stratospheric aresols like barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, polymer fibers and more.

Below is a video of multiple scientists, doctors and pilots telling the truth about “chemtrails.” It’s a very serious issue that’s often ridiculed and thrown into the conspiracy realm. As a result I attached information from an article I recently wrote about the subject......................

Very Brief History of Weather Modification
“Weather modification is generally considered to be the deliberate effort to improve atmospheric conditions for beneficial human purposes . Not all weather modification activities, however, have been designed to benefit everyone, and have been used for purposes of war” (1)

“The US Navy launched a weapon capable of inducing a powerful earthquake on Haiti. This time it was only a drill, and the final part of it is destroying and taking over Iran.” -Hugo Chavez, (then) president of Venezuela

Pilots, Doctors, & Scientists Tell The Truth About Chemtrails/Geo-Engineering
LOL Chem trails, little green men, hollow moons, ect. LOL
I personally took these pics, Old Fuck.......
View attachment 108930
So, there is a place where a number of standard paths for the airlines cross. BFD


Most of these programs are backed by the CIA and NASA, who are supporting the National Academy of Sciences with regards to geoengineering projects.(source)(source) Again, geo-engineering projects are any attempt to alter the way the planet or its weather systems operate, and as you can see, have been happening for a long time now.(source)(source)(source)(source) The weather was even modified in China for the 2008 Olympics.(source)
LOL Mindwars, you are too funny to be believed. Hugo Chavez is now an expert on induced earthquakes? LOL God, no wonder you lap up the orange clown's shit.

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