'Narcissist and Chief': Climate Summit Can't Get Obama to Shut up


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It appears during the Climate Summit Obama developed a case of 'Oral Diarrhea'....ONCE AGAIN embarrasses the U.S. ...

"Obama was one of 147 world leaders given a three-minute slot at the COP21 conference to outline their vision for the future of the planet. The president of the free world, however, had other ideas.

More than eight and a half minutes into Obama's address — and with no sign he was stopping soon — three beeps sounded across the auditorium, clearly audible to everyone present and watching on TV. The beeps continued every 30 seconds, but the president plowed on.

After 11 minutes, whoever was manning the "beep" button had clearly given up, and no more prompts were heard until Obama ended his epic discourse just shy of 14 minutes.

By the time he was done, he had spoken for nearly the length of time set aside for four world leaders. If all 147 speakers had taken as long as Obama, their combined addresses would have lasted more than 33 hours.

Organizers did not respond to NBC News' requests for comment on the beeps, but the punctuating sounds appeared to be the conference's not-so-subtle attempt to get Obama to wrap it up."

The 'Narcissist And Chief' sure does like to hear himself speak and clearly thinks he is the most intelligent and important man in the room....

LINK: UN Tells Obama to Stop Talking — He Doesn't Listen

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