Nanny State in Free Fall

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Just wondering, has anyone else noticed that the "Liberal Utopian" dream of government coddling you from cradle to grave has fallen flat on it's ass!

In fact, now it's even worse..

Now, they surreptitiously threaten to throw old folks over cliffs and starve babies..:eusa_eh:
If the left runs a nanny state taking care of you from craddle to grave then the right runs a police state telling you what to do from cradle to grave.
If the left runs a nanny state taking care of you from craddle to grave then the right runs a police state telling you what to do from cradle to grave.

How so.. spectrumc01... ?
Yea when Mexico has a 4.5% Unemployment Rate while the U.S. has a staggering 9.4% Unemployment Rate,you know we're fucked. And they don't have the massive Debt we have either. So even Mexico is now kicking our Ass in the Economy. We very well could have the worst Economy on the North American Continent. Did you really think you would ever live to see that? So WTG Mr. President & Democrats! You've achieved the unimaginable. We suck very badly. :(
Yea when Mexico has a 4.5% Unemployment Rate while the U.S. has a staggering 9.4% Unemployment Rate,you know we're fucked. And they don't have the massive Debt we have either. So even Mexico is now kicking our Ass in the Economy. We very well could have the worst Economy on the North American Continent. Did you really think you would ever live to see that? So WTG Mr. President & Democrats! You've achieved the unimaginable. We suck very badly. :(

Did you forget to tell your cum-sucking corporations to hire Americans? Yes, the Party of "NO" and "DO WHATEVER IT TAKES" has managed to destroy America and drag it into a black hole.
Yea when Mexico has a 4.5% Unemployment Rate while the U.S. has a staggering 9.4% Unemployment Rate,you know we're fucked. And they don't have the massive Debt we have either. So even Mexico is now kicking our Ass in the Economy. We very well could have the worst Economy on the North American Continent. Did you really think you would ever live to see that? So WTG Mr. President & Democrats! You've achieved the unimaginable. We suck very badly.:(

Speak for yourself. So when are you moving to Mexico...?
If the left runs a nanny state taking care of you from craddle to grave then the right runs a police state telling you what to do from cradle to grave.

How so.. spectrumc01... ?

The right wants to control reproductive rights, contraception and abortion. They want to control your end of life issues, Terry Schivo & Jack Kevorkian for examples. They want to control your behavior such as when and where you can and cannot purchase alcohol, can't purchase alcohol on Sundays or in dry counties. They want to control who can and cannot get married, gay marriage.
Yea when Mexico has a 4.5% Unemployment Rate while the U.S. has a staggering 9.4% Unemployment Rate,you know we're fucked. And they don't have the massive Debt we have either. So even Mexico is now kicking our Ass in the Economy. We very well could have the worst Economy on the North American Continent. Did you really think you would ever live to see that? So WTG Mr. President & Democrats! You've achieved the unimaginable. We suck very badly. :(

Did you forget to tell your cum-sucking corporations to hire Americans? Yes, the Party of "NO" and "DO WHATEVER IT TAKES" has managed to destroy America and drag it into a black hole.

Why they they increase hiring only to fined at a later date?
Yea when Mexico has a 4.5% Unemployment Rate while the U.S. has a staggering 9.4% Unemployment Rate,you know we're fucked. And they don't have the massive Debt we have either. So even Mexico is now kicking our Ass in the Economy. We very well could have the worst Economy on the North American Continent. Did you really think you would ever live to see that? So WTG Mr. President & Democrats! You've achieved the unimaginable. We suck very badly. :(

Yow... the unemployment figures for July will be out August 5th...

I expect Democrats should start blaming someone else, about now..:lol:
Just wondering, has anyone else noticed that the "Liberal Utopian" dream of government coddling you from cradle to grave has fallen flat on it's ass!

In fact, now it's even worse..

Now, they surreptitiously threaten to throw old folks over cliffs and starve babies..:eusa_eh:

[ame=]‪Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Free Fallin' (live 2008) HD‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
If the left runs a nanny state taking care of you from craddle to grave then the right runs a police state telling you what to do from cradle to grave.
I don't see too many people at all on the left standing up against stupid, paternalistic shit like smoking bans, the "war" on (some) drugs, seat belt laws, motorcycle helmet laws, insanely low no-tolerance BAC laws...How many of them opposed the extensions of USAPATRIOT?...How many of them have stood up against the flagrant abuse of civilians by the TSA?...How many of them not only don't care about, but actually argue in favor of the flagrant abuse of police powers at Waco and Ruby Ridge?

The left against the police state?...I think not.

OTOH, they certainly didn't give a shit about enforcing littering, defacing public property, littering (they like littering), exceeding safe occupancy and squatting laws when they invaded the Capitol building in Madson...So I guess it all comes out in the wash, huh?
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If the left runs a nanny state taking care of you from craddle to grave then the right runs a police state telling you what to do from cradle to grave.

How so.. spectrumc01... ?

The right wants to control reproductive rights, contraception and abortion. They want to control your end of life issues, Terry Schivo & Jack Kevorkian for examples. They want to control your behavior such as when and where you can and cannot purchase alcohol, can't purchase alcohol on Sundays or in dry counties. They want to control who can and cannot get married, gay marriage.

You've heard of Obamacare right...the bend over for government plan...:lol:

The gay marriage issue is another thread...and it doesn't effect us financially..
If the left runs a nanny state taking care of you from craddle to grave then the right runs a police state telling you what to do from cradle to grave.
I don't see too many people at all on the left standing up against stupid, paternalistic shit like smoking bans, the "war" on (some) drugs, seat belt laws, motorcycle helmet laws, insanely low no-tolerance BAC laws...How many of them opposed the extensions of USAPATRIOT?...How many of them have stood up against the flagrant abuse of civilians by the TSA?...How many of them not only don't care about, but actually argue in favor of the flagrant abuse of police powers at Waco and Ruby Ridge?

The left against the police state?...I think not.

OTOH, they certainly didn't give a shit about enforcing littering, defacing public property, littering (they like littering), exceeding safe occupancy and squatting laws when they invaded the Capitol building in Madson...So I guess it all comes out in the wash, huh?

I guess it does work both ways, such like the right standing tight lipped while cigarette companies get regulated into non existance. The left does seem to back most totalitarian legislation the right introduces as long as it is a part of their agenda.

The right takes my money and gives it to the rich and the left takes my money and gives it to the poor. Either way I'm screwed.
Just wondering, has anyone else noticed that the "Liberal Utopian" dream of government coddling you from cradle to grave has fallen flat on it's ass!

In fact, now it's even worse..

Now, they surreptitiously threaten to throw old folks over cliffs and starve babies..:eusa_eh:

That's why liberals are a cancer to this nation. They sit in liberal university, idealistically thinking about utopia's and never once daring to venture out into the real world or understand it. They are idealists that refuse to accept reality.
Yea when Mexico has a 4.5% Unemployment Rate while the U.S. has a staggering 9.4% Unemployment Rate,you know we're fucked. And they don't have the massive Debt we have either. So even Mexico is now kicking our Ass in the Economy. We very well could have the worst Economy on the North American Continent. Did you really think you would ever live to see that? So WTG Mr. President & Democrats! You've achieved the unimaginable. We suck very badly. :(

Yep, it's aaaaallll Obama's fault, right? Except for the 10 trillion in debt that Bush left us with, it's all Obama's fault. Except for the two unfunded wars, tax cuts for the rich and unfunded Medicare prescription bill, it's all Obama's fault. But that Bush and his Republicans sure are fiscal hawks. Except for the fact that Bush never vetoed even one spending bill. Yep, Republicans are completely beyond reproach.
Yea when Mexico has a 4.5% Unemployment Rate while the U.S. has a staggering 9.4% Unemployment Rate,you know we're fucked. And they don't have the massive Debt we have either. So even Mexico is now kicking our Ass in the Economy. We very well could have the worst Economy on the North American Continent. Did you really think you would ever live to see that? So WTG Mr. President & Democrats! You've achieved the unimaginable. We suck very badly. :(

Yep, it's aaaaallll Obama's fault, right? Except for the 10 trillion in debt that Bush left us with, it's all Obama's fault. Except for the two unfunded wars, tax cuts for the rich and unfunded Medicare prescription bill, it's all Obama's fault. But that Bush and his Republicans sure are fiscal hawks. Except for the fact that Bush never vetoed even one spending bill. Yep, Republicans are completely beyond reproach.

Cry me a damn river.

Before obumble leaves he will have left us with 17 trillion.
If the left runs a nanny state taking care of you from craddle to grave then the right runs a police state telling you what to do from cradle to grave.
I don't see too many people at all on the left standing up against stupid, paternalistic shit like smoking bans, the "war" on (some) drugs, seat belt laws, motorcycle helmet laws, insanely low no-tolerance BAC laws...How many of them opposed the extensions of USAPATRIOT?...How many of them have stood up against the flagrant abuse of civilians by the TSA?...How many of them not only don't care about, but actually argue in favor of the flagrant abuse of police powers at Waco and Ruby Ridge?

The left against the police state?...I think not.

OTOH, they certainly didn't give a shit about enforcing littering, defacing public property, littering (they like littering), exceeding safe occupancy and squatting laws when they invaded the Capitol building in Madson...So I guess it all comes out in the wash, huh?

I guess it does work both ways, such like the right standing tight lipped while cigarette companies get regulated into non existance. The left does seem to back most totalitarian legislation the right introduces as long as it is a part of their agenda.

The right takes my money and gives it to the rich and the left takes my money and gives it to the poor. Either way I'm screwed.

Like fucking hell the left takes money and gives it to the fucking poor....They give it to the bureaucrats, who feed first and let the sainted poooooorrrr live off the crumbs.

Of course, then we have Jeff Immelt and his cozy dealings with the WH...Dianne Frankenstein using her position on Senate Armed Services to funnel defense contract to her husband's firm...

Dude, get over this bullshit contrived image that the left gives a flying fuck about anybody but themselves.
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If the left runs a nanny state taking care of you from craddle to grave then the right runs a police state telling you what to do from cradle to grave.

That's funny - it's the fascist liberals who are telling us we must have Obamacare. It's the fascist liberals who are telling us how much salt we can consume. It's the fascist liberals who are telling us how much interest private banks are allowed to charge consumers. It's the fascist liberals who are telling us they need to take control of the internet with "Net Neutrality" and provide Barack Hussein with a "kill switch".

Name one thing conservatives are "telling you what to do". Conservatives have fought the big government Marxist administration in the White House for less restrictions and more choice & freedom for the American people. I never cease being amazed at how confused and uninformed liberals are - I guess it's because of the propaganda of the left. It confuses the dim witted.

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