Nancy Pelosi supports a George Kirby bill


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

So who is George Kirby you asked?

Beats the hell out of me.

Between Nancy Pelosi and blond haired legs Joe Biden, I can hardly wait for the next 4 years.

So who is George Kirby you asked?

Beats the hell out of me.

Between Nancy Pelosi and blond haired legs Joe Biden, I can hardly wait for the next 4 years.

Haunted Cosmo Topper in a movie, and later in a tv series.

So who is George Kirby you asked?

Beats the hell out of me.

Between Nancy Pelosi and blond haired legs Joe Biden, I can hardly wait for the next 4 years.

This is further proof that the left doesn't give a flying fuck about blacks, BLM, Antifa, or anyone else who believes that Democrats are on their side.

Fuck them all...

So who is George Kirby you asked?

Beats the hell out of me.

Between Nancy Pelosi and blond haired legs Joe Biden, I can hardly wait for the next 4 years.
It's only right she is head of the democrats. Her voting base is to stupid to ever be ignorant or love getting ripped off for millions, She knows nothing of morals or truth and who's brain is going the same way as their president candidate . This type of people give reason to change voting age to voter's IQ. If you live as a government dependent you lose your right to vote for the clown that promises you the most free stuff. These leaches offer nothing and waste our air. All one needs to do is look at the states and cities these crazed leftist runs. it's just a shame we have so many uneducated people unable to make the simplest of decisions like getting to high ground when a category 5 hurricane is about to hit.
Misspeaking is no big deal. Its gonna happen.
BUT its also reasonable to blame it on that old bitches age ;)

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